Phantoms and Monsters |
- Mailbag: Are There Hobbits Among Us?
- El Chupacabras Fear In El Paso County, Texas
- Videos: Blue Blinking / Morphing UFO Sightings Over Tracy, CA
- The Death of Earth by the Hand of Man
Mailbag: Are There Hobbits Among Us? Posted: 15 Jan 2010 03:20 PM PST ![]() Hello, Sir. My name is Dee and I would like to confide in you an experience I had in 1990 when I lived near Cooperstown, NY. It was mid Spring and a girlfriend and I decided to take a walk in the surrounding countryside. While we were taking a rest near a large outcropping of rocks, there was a 'humming' sound coming from one of the nooks. My girlfriend stood and started walking toward the noise. Though it was late afternoon and we were in heavy tree cover, there was enough light to see into the rocks. As she got closer, she said that the sound was coming from inside one of the large boulders. I began to walk toward her and the boulder to listen for myself. We stood there for about 5 minutes when we noticed the boulder seemed to 'shimmer' like water. We quickly stepped back as the shimmer grew and change to a greenish hue. Then suddenly, two small beings emerged from the shimmering portal. The beings walked towards us as we tried to move away but were paralyzed and unable to talk. These beings were about 3 foot in height and had green colored clothes that looked like work overalls. The faces and body features were human-like though I'd have to say more like human children but with some adult features. They also had long blonde hair and very dark, large round eyes. Their hands had four distinct fingers and were very rough textured. (This incident occurred much earlier than the film, but these beings remind me of the Hobbits in 'The Lord of the Rings' - sounds nuts, right?) They took each of us by the hand and started pulling us toward the rock. We both quickly regained our ability to move and broke away from their grasp. As we ran down the hill, we could hear them running behind us. A minute or so into the chase, I felt something hit me on the back and realized one of the beings had thrown a stone at me. I stopped and looked back, but they were gone though I could hear voices from a distance that sounded like there were more of these beings and the sounds were getting louder. We continued to run until we reached the car, got in and sped off. We had driven about a half mile when a piece of tree branch came flying out of the woods and hit the side of the car. I looked up into the woods but neither of us could see any sign of the beings. We were both shaking when we arrived home. We agreed not to tell anyone about the incident though I think she may have mentioned it to a friend (years after we went separate ways) because there was talk about little people in the surrounding woods. I never had another encounter with these beings but I feel that they knew where I lived. One morning, I found a small pile of stones on my patio picnic table with a small four-fingered muddy hand print beside it. I recently moved out of the area, but I still have a feeling they know where I am. Last week, I was leaving for work and walking to my car. When I got into the car, I noticed a reddish colored four-fingered hand print on the windshield. I took a closer look and realized that the hand print was made in blood. That evening, while sitting in my office at home, I heard voices outside. I looked out the office window and caught a quick glance of something darting into the bushes next door. I continued to watch, but didn't notice anything further. I have no idea what is happening though I do know that I am not imagining any of this. Is there a possibility of little beings (ex. Hobbits, elves) living among us? I've never seen or read about any of this. It just seems so crazy. Any ideas? |
El Chupacabras Fear In El Paso County, Texas Posted: 15 Jan 2010 09:33 AM PST ![]() Click for video elpasotimes - The legend may be back, just as mysterious and dark, to stalk the unsuspecting. Until last weekend, Cesar Garcia and brother-in-law Juan Miranda saw their life near Horizon City as secluded and peaceful. They moved to the area from Chicago three years ago, but have suddenly been beset by strange and unexplained occurrences. Their rabbits went into hiding, their cat spent the weekend on the roof of their house, their roosters didn't crow, and their dogs didn't bark. And at least 30 of their chickens were killed by an unknown interloper. The brothers are hesitant to say what they think spooked their animals or killed their chickens. But when pressed, they said it: El Chupacabras. The legend of El Chupacabras has been part of border folklore since stories of the creature's existence in Puerto Rico emerged in the early '90s. The creature has rarely, if ever, been seen, but it leaves dead animals behind. Its name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. But El Chupacabras is very real to Cesar Garcia, who came out of his house Saturday morning and found 20 dead chickens. "I saw the chickens were dead, but there was no blood around the sheet metal" in the coop, Garcia said. "All of them were just dead in one big pile. But, really, I don't know what it was because there was no blood. "If it had been a dog, there would have been blood everywhere because a dog tears them apart." Garcia was puzzled by the wounds on some of the chickens, which he described as "two pokes." "We looked it up on the Internet -- the Chupacabras," he said. On Sunday morning, Garcia's brother-in-law, Miranda, found 10 more dead chickens in a different coop. Sheriff's deputies responded both mornings to investigate, Miranda said. El Paso County sheriff's spokeswoman Chris Acosta confirmed that deputies went to the house in the 15600 block of Slippery Rock. Miranda said he could not figure out why the family's three dogs did not bark either night. "Nobody heard anything. Nobody saw anything," he said. Miranda said whatever got the chickens left tracks that included a paw and a heel, and looked like Chupacabras tracks they found on the Internet. "We followed them all the way past the trailer over there, then over the fence. We walked about four blocks and then the footprints vanished." Henry Flores, director of the Paso Del Norte Paranormal Society, said his group in the past has searched for El Chupacabras in far Northeast El Paso and in Chaparral. The group may now expand the search to the Horizon City area. "Chupacabras ranks right up there as one of the creatures that has supposedly been seen," Flores said. "It's something we want to try to hunt down when we get a chance." On their past hunts, Flores said, the group has never glimpsed El Chupacabras, but has found fresh carcasses drained of blood. "We do see some trails of remains that we think could be the Chupacabras, but we just don't know," he said. Tony Zavaleta, a professor of anthropology at the University of Texas-Brownsville and an expert in border folklore, said the story of El Chupacabras is kept alive by Spanish-speaking media. "The Chupacabra is a mythical creature," Zavaleta said. "I reserve the right to say that until someone produces one." Zavaleta said belief in El Chupacabras has become something of a game to people. Belief is widespread in Latin America and the American Southwest because any mention of the creature quickly gets picked up in the Spanish-speaking media and feeds the craze. "I don't like to use the word 'hysteria,' but I'll use it with a small 'h.' " Zavaleta said. "Usually, the stories start when a small mammal is killed by a possum, coyote, mountain lion or something. Suddenly, people create an association with the Chupacabras." The Chupacabras craze was biggest in El Paso in 1995, when T-shirts with images of the goat-sucker, based on "witness accounts," were hot items. Chupacabras stories made the rounds in El Paso-Juárez that year, but one story stood out. A woman in the Juárez area told reporters that she was bitten by the creature on her neck. Her claim was debunked later as a ploy to divert attention from a lover's hickey and her supposed marital infidelity. El Chupacabras even stumped TV FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in a 1997 episode of the "X-Files" that starred Ruben Blades. But Garcia was left to wonder whether his trouble is over and whether it could have been worse: Until three weeks ago, there was still a herd of goats -- allegedly El Chupacabras' favorite food -- on his property. "Now I'm left with no chickens. Thirty chickens -- gone," Garcia said. "Imagine if we still had the goats." |
Videos: Blue Blinking / Morphing UFO Sightings Over Tracy, CA Posted: 15 Jan 2010 11:34 AM PST ![]() Click for video news10 - No one in Tracy is quite sure what to make of the sight, but the appearance of strange blue light in the skies over the town prompted several calls to News10 as well as the Tracy Police Department Thursday night. The sight of the blue light, which seemed to rise and fall and blink off and on over Tracy Thursday generated plenty of calls to the Tracy Police Department after it first appeared around 7:30 p.m. Thursday, according to Tracy police Sgt. Tony Sheneman. News10 viewer Jeff Ruth said he and his family were driving home when they first noticed the light around 7:30 p.m. As his daughter captured the image on cell phone video, Ruth said they continued to follow the light near the Tracy Defense Depot about 1 miles southwest of Tracy. "The lights appeared to travel high in the sky and turn off and then quickly appear close to the ground," Ruth said. Ruth said during the nearly 90 minutes they watched the light, it also seemed to blink on and off intermittently, but irregularly. It disappeared around 9 p.m. Ruth said considering the number of lights and the length of time in the air, he doubted the lights were any type of remote-controlled plane or other flying device. Adding to the mystery, Sheneman said the sighting, which was reported by several callers to police dispatchers Thursday, wasn't the first time the strange light lit up the Tracy police switchboard. Sheneman said the agency has received several calls about blue lights spotted over Tracy within the past few months. NOTE: this video was taken over Ridgecrest, CA on the night before or the night after the supposed UFO landing in Barstow, CA on 12/12/09. There was also a similar sighting reported over Tracy, CA the same night. If I come up with any other information, I'll update here...Lon Here are 2 videos of a similar sighting over Tracy, CA on 11/23/09: Click for video Click for video Click for video |
The Death of Earth by the Hand of Man Posted: 15 Jan 2010 07:42 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - Most days I am a happy calm person who rarely becomes annoyed much less very angry. Something has to push me to my limits before I lose my cool. With that said let me make it clear that the subjects I am going to write about in this article have pushed me to that point. I am not only angry I am outraged at what I have found out during my searching out what facts I could to write this article. If I seem to become sharp, harsh or upset while I try to report to you my opinion in this piece please know it is because it is being written with great control. If I let my true feeling run wild about the these subjects I would simply let loose a stream for four letter words with lots of arm waving, finger flipping and disgust. Of course that would not do a thing for anyone other then release my own anger so let me try to concentrate and explain why I am so upset. Over the years I have heard a bit here and there about HAARP or the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This monster of a machine or program is located in the town of Gakona, which is in a remote part of Alaska. The purpose of it is supposed to be a program to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere, which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionosphere research facility. The Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, supposedly jointly manage this Killing machine program. If you ask the HAARP Research team what they are working on they will tell you a bunch of typical muck that sounds completely harmless and practical on every level. What HAARP is and what it does in truth will never be told to the public. It falls into the area of disclosure on the honesty level of UFO's, known life forms, plus just about every other paranormal subject you can think of. We will be told everything is fine, nothing is known and nothing exists. It is up to you to decide how long your going to accept that kind of insult and drivel as answers for so many things we should be told. I for one do not believe one word of it. It sure looks to me that the HAARP machine is being used for weather manipulation. It is a huge monster covering about 35 acres of land consisting of huge antennas that are used to manipulate our atmosphere for who knows what purpose. I know that is a simplistic description but this is not a science report it is a warning! I have been reading the opinions of those who work in science concerning this machine and I have found that everything from weather control to mind control have been suggested as a possible use for this awful thing. It has been suggested that it could be used as a weapon and one day may have the ability to cause large populations to become extremely aggressive or docile or confused. I have a very good friend who is a physicist and asked for an honest opinion of this machine or project. His reaction was that it most likely is used for weather manipulation but does not think it yet has the capability for mind control or a weapon of mass control. Of course it can be used I am sure to modify or change that which fly's or orbits the earth. I often wonder if it could have been the reason we had a flurry of planes pan caking to the ground about a year or so ago. More worrisome is the idea others have similar machines that surely may be directed at us. Those who keep us blinded on subjects like this HAARP machine will tell you that all I am writing is foolish and not true. Of course that is the easy way to deal with it, just brush it away and do not think of it. My thinking is that this horrid machine is in my country and it is simply a monster. I do not care if this machine or project or whatever you want to call this beast is used for projects that they claim are harmless the fact remains it can manipulate the weather and that alone is far too dangerous for every living creature on this earth. Now add to this thought these facts. China openly manipulates and changes the weather. Cuba has the ability too and does not hide it, so does Russia and Venezuela. I am sure other places or even terrorists have or are aiming to join in on this madness. Last year China produced two large snowstorms to end a drought. It was all over the news. Venezuela who admits to obtaining the ability to do so from Cuba also caused the weather to change due to a dry spell in that country. The fact that weather manipulation is going on all over the world is not news. The fact that we are being kept out in the cold is just another slap in the face to society as we are left ignorant and vulnerable to circumstances that could be our doom. The fact is this machine and all others like it on this earth are extremely dangerous. The fact they will if not already are a weapon of mass destruction is what is so upsetting. How can the world sit silently and willingly numb to the fact that we are in the middle of a weather war and not notice it? Without any other ability then weather manipulation this killing machine is a terrorizing horror. Thinking about the increase ability to interrupt communications, air travel, be used in mind control or in any way against large populations is so very disturbing. When are we going to learn that this exact thing is why we are most likely ostracized from more advanced universal civilizations? I realize many will be convinced that we may need machines like this one to protect from other universal civilizations. I think that is a cover, as the main use seems to attack our own planet by changing and interfering with the cycles of Mother Nature. As I sit typing wrapped in blankets with my furnace blasting and fireplace smoking I cannot wonder if the deep freeze of this winter has not been a gift by way of such manipulation. How can we sit and listen to all this non stop on going attack about going green, global warming making each one of us a bad human because we will not reuse our grocery bags or want to drive a four wheel vehicle when major countries have the ability to manipulate the climate and do it? How can I take anything seriously on the subject of climate or the atmosphere when we have a beast of a machine like HAARP hidden deep inside the state of Alaska? I realize that it is only a matter of time when Mother Nature decides to kick up in fury in this matter and beat us about the head as well. Who do we think we are to simply step in and decide what the cycles of the planet will be because we do not like what the earth is doing naturally? I can barely stand to think about the revenge this earth will take upon us for trying to destroy the planet by way of forcing a fake weather system to over rule the planets natural cycles. I dread to think of what this manipulation will or is doing to our atmosphere. I dread to think about the illness and disease that this manipulation will cause in the long run all over this earth. And to this and more I become angry, very angry. I have written a few times about my feelings on Chem-trails that are seen all over the world. I believe at least 14 countries are seeing and questioning what is being done via this worldwide spraying. We are long past the point of laughing off the long lasting huge cloud covering multi colored cloud like vast spraying effect of what is being spread over our skies. The difference of contrails and chem.-trails is obvious unless you are both dumb and blind. The question of what and why this is being done still remains unanswered and to my disbelief simply shrugged off by the public. At times I shake my head and consider the fact that large amounts of dummy juice is being spread above us as I watch the people on earth ignore this dramatic display of who knows what dumped all over us. I have read dozens of ideas about what the spraying is from aliens to government plans to kill its own populations. I read that by spraying certain chemicals in mass in our skies we can counter act global warming or shield the planet from other harmful events coming at us. I also am aware that laying down certain components into the atmosphere could help both control or defend against weather manipulation. There are many reasons that this is being done. The real problem is that we are not privy to any of it other then being told we are crazy and those huge spraying events where always there. I do not know what they are doing or who is doing it. I just know we have become so blind and docile we do not care. I have to consider some type of element of mass control in this spraying, as I cannot grasp why so many of us simply do not care. Don't you remember the sky of your childhood? It was nothing like what you see today. Doesn't that upset or concern you? I do not know what to do or what to think about HAARP or the Chem-trail issues. I know they exist. I know we have no idea what they are doing and I know it is not good or we would have some idea what is going on. I do not want weather control manipulation of any sort on this earth. It can only come to a bad end. If we are entering into weather wars we will see only death and destruction. If we are messing with the natural cycles of the earth we can only end with disaster after disaster. If we are spraying our skies for artificial effects for any of these purposes we will be doomed. If we are spraying for defense we need to know. What ever is going on we are being played as the fools and our very existence is the gamble or stake they are betting. I can honestly say I am beside myself with situations like HAARP and Chem-trails. The reason I am so upset is that no one cares, no one wants to hear it and so nothing will be done about them. I have now had my say and will leave it to you to decide what you want to do if anything about it. I do know we are walking off a cliff and everyone seems to be willing to just jump off. Maybe we have just inhaled way too much dummy juice! Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? 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