Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 4
- Human Body With 'Very Long Fingers' Washes Up On Plum Island
- The Ghost of Tug Hill Annie
- More UFO Sightings In Barron County, Wisconsin
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 4 Posted: 18 Jan 2010 02:16 PM PST ![]() THE 'WICOMICO CATMAN' Wicomico County, Maryland - Autumn 1980 - Late night This particular area around Maryland's eastern shore is reputed to be the home of a bizarre entity dubbed the "Cat Man". Four people parked near a landfill witnessed two yellow eyes looking in the car window. Extremely frightened, they quickly left the area but got curious and decided to return. They returned in two cars this time and parked at angles so they could direct the headlights and be able to see more area. After an hour or so they noticed something crouched down and moving towards them. The creature slowly moved over to them on all fours. It was black with coarse hair, and had very long claws or nails on each hand. The face was human-like but with feline features and covered in hair. There was a long thin tail that whipped back and forth slowly. After remaining motionless for a few seconds, it moved to one car and hooked it's claws into the driver side door. It's yellow eyes glowed in the dark as it peered inside. Again terrified, the witnesses started the car causing the creature to fall away from the car as it cried out a high-pitched scream as it ran away. Deep scratch marks were on the car according to the owner. The witnesses reported the sighting to the local authorities who conducted an investigation. Nothing was reportedly found though this was not the first or last time this creature was seen in the area. Source: local county authorities NOTE: similar sightings have be reported since the area was inhabited by native people. Several half-eaten sika deer carcasses with large claw and teeth marks have been found in the past, usually in areas near the Wicomico River and other waterways. ______________________ 'TOADMAN' ENCOUNTER San Luis Potosi, Mexico - October 1965 - Afternoon Francisco Estrada Acosta had gone out on a small game hunting expedition near a local mining area. He followed the Santiago River and arrived at the San Jose dam. There while bending down collecting rocks for his slingshot he felt the presence of someone standing next to him. Standing up he was startled to see a tall figure with a large oval-shaped head, huge reddish phosphorescent eyes and a large toad-like mouth. The strange humanoid extended a 'flipper-like' hand to Acosta and touched one of Acosta's hands on his palm. The touch felt cold and scaly like that of a reptile or an amphibian. Terrified, Acosta stepped back and ran from the area. Glancing back he noticed that the creature had membrane wing-like protrusions on its back and was apparently preparing to leave also. Source: Contacto Mexico ____________________ ABDUCTION AND APPENDIX REMOVAL Silver Spring, Maryland - February, 22, 2003 - Near midnight The witness (a teacher) was at home grading some papers when all of the sudden she noticed a bright light outside her apartment. She stepped outside to see what it could be when she suddenly felt a warm sensation come over her body. Her next memory was being alone, lying on a cold hard table with figures wearing doctor-like masks standing around her. The figures were at least 8 ft tall. They appeared to be "slimy" since the witness was touched in several private places by the humanoids. They stuck a needle in the witness, but she felt no pain. In the background there were more figures that appeared to be the female version of the other ones. The humanoids spoke in an unknown language that could not be understood. The speech resembled a series of clicks and mumbled speech. The room grew cold and she felt "something" being pulled out of her. (She believes it was her appendix). She lost consciousness again at this point. She woke up later and found a scar on her side. Source: NUFORC NOTE: This location is the site of the Madelaine Rodeiffer UFO film taken in 1965. Well-known 'experiencer' George Adamski was supposedly staying with her at the time. ______________________ BLOODSUCKER Columbia, Missouri - November 2000 - 10:30 PM A local bow-hunter had recently found 3 deer carcasses completely drained of blood and was out on another night hunting expedition when he again found a dead deer with two bleeding wounds abut 2 inches apart in the neck area. As he began his trek back to the truck he heard a sound in the brush behind him. As he continued to walk, he soon realized that whatever it was it was following him. He turned around to see the brush move on the hillside and he was able to make out a dark shape moving quickly against the snow. The witness turned the flashlight and witnessed a creature about 3 ft tall with dark thick and matted hair. It's face was baboon-like and the eyes were a little larger than those of a human being. The creature ran up the hill as the witness moved rapidly towards his truck. He could make out its shape about 15 yards away from him. The witness fired his bow and thought he had it, but the creature continued to run away. He found no arrow or blood. Source: Unknown |
Human Body With 'Very Long Fingers' Washes Up On Plum Island Posted: 18 Jan 2010 10:24 AM PST ![]() wpix - An alleged mutated human body washed ashore on Plum Island, a small island where the U.S. Government typically studies dangerous animal diseases. A security guard on foot patrol reportedly discovered the clothed decomposing body Thursday afternoon on the southwest beach area of the island, where access is restricted, police said. The body was described as that of a white male about 6-feet tall with a large build and "very long" fingers. According to authorities, there were no obvious signs of trauma. An autopsy will be conducted by the Suffolk County medical examiner in order to determine an exact cause of death. Plum Island, which is located about 100 miles northeast of New York City in the Long Island Sound, has been called a potential target for terrorists because of its stock of vaccines and diseases. |
Posted: 18 Jan 2010 10:00 AM PST ![]() They felt it was time to debunk the stories and put the legend of Tug Hill Annie to rest. But at the end of their project, it wasn't only the legend they felt was put to rest. The specter of Tug Hill Annie herself was finally allowed to rest, they believe, as her spirit was lifted from the area around Sears Pond Road, where she was killed June 14, 1954. The Andaloras are not the sort of folks most people would associate with paranormal investigations. The two have master's degrees and work as special-education teachers — Mr. Andalora for the South Jefferson Central School District and Mrs. Andalora for the Board of Cooperative Educational Services in the Lowville Central School District. "I never thought I'd do anything like this," Mrs. Andalora said late one afternoon a few weeks ago at their McDonald Road home. The two became paranormal investigators and head researchers at the Lewis County-based Northern Paranormal Society in 2008 when founder Heather A. Sliter decided to leave the group. "She asked if we were interested in taking over," Mr. Andalora said. Since then, the Andaloras have tackled 15 cases. They volunteer their time, about 80 hours a month. "It's the helping-people aspect we enjoy," Mr. Andalora said. "Almost always, after an investigation, people feel relieved." "If we find something, a lot of reaction is, 'Oh, that's good, you saw it too. We're not crazy,'" Mrs. Andalora said. But the Andaloras say they don't approach their work with hopes of finding something paranormal. They take a skeptical approach. If noises turn out to have plumbing or electrical causes, they share those findings. If an apparition appears in a photo, Mr. Andalora will attempt to re-create the effect to find a logical explanation. They expected to find nothing when the took on the Tug Hill Annie project. "It just goes to show you," Mrs. Andalora said, "never prejudge what you think you're going to find." A FATEFUL TRIP Anna J. Machowski Tebidor was killed June 14, 1954, when a 1949 Studebaker truck she was driving flipped on Sears Pond Road in Montague, just east of the intersection with Liberty Road. Mrs. Tebidor was decapitated. A Times report said she and a passenger, her neighbor, were coming back from Barnes Corners, where they had purchased wine. Shortly after the crash, stories began of a female ghost wandering the crash area. "By 1960, Anna was already being referred to as Tug Hill Annie," Mr. Andalora said. "Over the years, the stories got wilder." Mr. Andalora said stories of the Tebidor crash and legend became mistakenly commingled over the years with other road fatalities that happened along the Route 177 corridor. Mr. Andalora said the paranormal society decided to get involved in the Tug Hill Annie case in the fall of 2008 to discover the truth about the legend and to give some closure to Anna's family members. "I wouldn't want my mother or grandmother to be this legendary ghost by the side of the road," Mr. Andalora said. "I decided to do something about it and put it to rest for the family." He added, "A lot of our investigations are based on debunking things. Our initial belief was to go there and find nothing." SOUNDS AND LIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Andalora and two other Northern Paranormal Society investigators — Thomas Hineline of Chaumont and Sherry Kloster of Croghan — arrived at 9 p.m. June 14 at the crash site. An audio recorder was set up on a boulder about 25 feet from the curve at the site. Another recorder was carried by an investigator. They also took photos with a digital camera. "The team had quite a few odd occurrences," Mr. Andalora said. They reported seeing lights in the fields and trees. Mr. Andalora has a picture taken that night of a light in a field. "If it was a lighting bug, it had to be as big as a peach," Mr. Andalora said. "We had no idea what that was. That's typical of the lights we saw. It was almost like someone was carrying a lantern." One investigator reported hearing someone walking along the road on the gravel, even though no other investigator was there. More surprises were in store when digital photographs of the investigation were uploaded. There were unusual mist shapes. In one, a shape appears near Mr. Andalora. The investigators ruled out ground mist. Mr. and Mrs. Andalora say that in two of the pictures they can make out features that resemble Anna's facial features in the mist. When the investigators studied the audio recordings, they heard a female voice. Mr. Andalora said someone was saying his wife's name. In another, they could make out someone saying, "Anna — wake up." "People are going to say what they want, but we know what we saw and heard," Mr. Andalora said. The results of the investigation troubled the Andaloras, who believed their findings would prolong the family's distress. Throughout the project, they worked with family contact Pamela Greenfield of Lowville. Mrs. Greenfield is not a direct relation to Anna J. Tebidor; she is the daughter of Anna's husband, Alfred, and his second wife. But she gave updates to Anna's four sons and daughters, who live outside of Northern New York. "It felt like we were giving her a 50-pound knapsack," Mr. Andalora said. 'CROSSING OVER' In July, the Andaloras, through another project, met a medium, Danyelle Barrett of Amsterdam, who helped them to decide what to do next. They held a candlelight sunrise "crossing over" ceremony Sept. 20 with some members of the Tebidor family. It was designed to lift the spirit of Anna from the crash site. Ms. Barrett, who said she has done eight such "releases," felt a presence at the site. "Every living thing is made up of energy," she said. "So just as a person might know that someone was standing next to him or her in a crowd, I was able to feel Anna's energy in front of me." But the Andaloras wanted to make sure the ceremony worked. They decided to do a second investigation. "We couldn't leave it there," Mrs. Andalora said. That investigation was held Oct. 3. "The contrast between the two investigations was amazing," Mr. Andalora said. "Our opinion is that it worked. She went over to the other side." The Andaloras feel relieved. "No one is an expert on this," Mrs. Andalora said. "But what if Annie was there for 55 years and couldn't wake up? And here we come along, the first people in 55 years, who try to communicate with her." She said there may be a deeper meaning to the case. "People have all different religious values and beliefs," she said. "But I feel all people deserve heaven." NOTE: The history of the accident and an account of the investigation of the area where Annie died can be found here ...Lon |
More UFO Sightings In Barron County, Wisconsin Posted: 18 Jan 2010 09:28 AM PST ![]() zwire - Two nights in a row last week, dispatchers at the Barron County Sheriff's Department took calls about strange lights in the skies. Although some maintain they observed a UFO, authorities are characterizing the incident as nothing unusual. At 8:30 p.m. Jan. 4, a call came in regarding something in the sky approximately 1 mile south of Prairie Farm with flashing red, blue and green lights but no sound. After watching the lights for about 15 minutes, the object appeared to have moved very little and seemed to be hovering in the same area. Two deputies responded minutes before 9 p.m. and reported seeing something from Cty. Hwy. A. Then a third officer said that two objects could be observed. One of the officers deemed the objects to be satellites or airplanes. Then the next night at 8:22 p.m., dispatchers received another call about the same "UFO type item" as before. Lois Johnvin of the town of Prairie Farm reported that this time the lights were situated 4 miles west and 1 mile south of Prairie Farm. The lights were described as being blue/green and white and were bouncing up and down in the sky, remaining in the same general vicinity. Within the next hour, the sheriff's department received more calls about the lights in different parts of the county. One sighting was southeast of Rice Lake of an object with red, green and white lights. Another sighting west of Cameron came from an officer. Authorities again deemed the object in the sky to be a satellite. Johnvin said what she saw those two nights was quite large-at least the size of the moon in the sky. She said her neighbor also witnessed the lights and said they were "beautiful." The object would flash different colors, move all directions in the sky, seem to explode like fireworks, then continue to move around. The first night, she jokingly said she was too frightened to go fetch the binoculars out of her car because she didn't want to "get beamed up." The second night, she grabbed a camcorder and documented the lights, though they were farther away. Johnvin said she later asked if law enforcement wanted to see the video footage she had taken, but they didn't take her seriously and downplayed the incident as a satellite. While she doesn't totally rule out the possibility that the object was manmade, Johnvin is convinced that someone would be able to account for a satellite's whereabouts. Jason Hickok is a patrol officer with the Barron County Sheriff's Department who responded to the UFO reports both nights. He characterized the lights as very small in the sky and nothing out of the ordinary-most likely a satellite or an airplane. When asked what evidence brought him to that conclusion, Hickok declined to comment further. ____________________ April 17, 2008 Mass UFO Sightings in Barron County, Wisconsin ![]() Kristina Hauser, 20, of Chetek, was traveling with her family near the Rice Lake airport at about 9:40 p.m. when they saw the object. Hauser explained that the object, which initially appeared yellow, was flying toward Rice Lake and was dipping very low and moved very fast, heading back and forth across the road. She stated the object was hovering around their car for about a mile before it headed back to the airport. Hauser also reported that after she was dropped off in Rice Lake, her family witnessed the object again on the way back to Chetek, hovering about 20 feet above their vehicle. They described it to her as a triangular or teardrop-shaped object with purple and blue lights. They could hear no sound coming from the object, and a red laser like light was shining on one end of it to the ground. The object followed their vehicle another four miles before it just disappeared. Hauser's father, Glen, also spoke with various local police officers who had gotten calls on the object as well. While working at Wal-Mart, Kristina also spoke with a Rice Lake police officer who had talked with local hospitals and the Federal Aviation Administration. All confirmed helicopters were grounded and there did not appear to be any air traffic in the area. "By the way it moved, having no sound, and the way it looked, I knew it was not from this planet," said Julie Hauser, Kristina's mother. "It was the scariest thing." In a brief interview, Rice Lake Air Center Manager Jerry Stites explained that there were employees of the airport in the Rice Lake area who observed what appeared to be aircraft landing between 9-9:30 p.m., but no employees were at the airport when the sightings were reported. After reviewing security tapes, Stites added that to their knowledge, no planes landed at the air center Monday night. The helicopter at the airport also remained grounded until about 3 a.m. He added that he monitored the aviation radio until abut 9 p.m., and there was no activity in the vicinity, but explained that did not mean there were no aircraft landing. Calls to Cumberland Memorial Hospital and Sacred Heart in Eau Claire confirmed there were no airport runs to the Barron or Rice Lake area. Information on helicopter runs from Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake, Luther Hospital in Eau Claire, and Luther Midlefort Northland were not available at press time. ____________________ April 19, 2008 Wisconsin Family Claims Encounter With UFO ![]() But Rice Lake airport manager Jerry Stites said he reviewed the survelliance tapes from the airport, which could have recorded activity along Hwy. 53, and found nothing unusual. He did say, however, that the tape showed an aircraft doing touch-and-go landings at the airport from about 9:20-10:35 p.m. The family that reported the incident was Julie Hauser and her children, Christina, 20, Mariah, 16, and Josh, 13, all of Chetek. They first saw the object when they were driving northbound on Hwy. 53, taking Christina to her job at Wal-Mart. "Christina said 'What is that?'" said Julie. "I thought it might be some new-fangled helicopter, then it turned on all those lights," she said. Julie said the UFO, which was larger than a semi, seemed to come directly to their pickup truck from the area of the airport. She said it hovered above the truck, only about 15-20 feet away. She said there was also a semi and another car on the road, and that the semi was swerving, possibly trying to get a look at what was going on. "It was just the scariest thing" she said. She said the object looked like a "sideways teardrop," and had blue, green and white lights, and had a purple flashing light at the pointed end. Stites said airport runway lights will cause strange sightings, particularly in cloudy or hazy weather, but Hauser said the UFO was definitely not a result of airport lights. "There were lights on it that were lit. They were on the thing. I don't know anything that has purple lights on it," she said. She said the object quickly darted off. "It turned and switched directions so fast," she said. Christina said she always has a cell phone, with a camera, with her, but that night she was in a hurry and left her phone at home, which she never does. Julie said they dropped Christina off at Wal-Mart, and that they had another encounter on the way back home. She said the object again launched from the airport and came toward their truck. Josh said for a bit it looked like the craft landed, and that it had a red laserlike light when it went near the airport. "It just sat there in midair, about 5 feet off the ground," he said. Julie said it followed the truck for about 4 miles, then suddenly disappeared. Julie said although brightly lit, the object made no noise at all. "It was nothing from this planet," she said. "This is a real sighting. This is the real thing," she said. Spooner's Highway Patrol district had no log entries about UFOs, nor were there any entries in the Polk County sheriff's log. But the Barron County Sheriff's Department log had an entry at 10:19 that stated "Three officers saw it too. Cameron, Chetek and Vince Graf." Graf is a county deputy. Cameron police officer Ryan Hulback was on duty Monday evening. He said he saw something in the air near the intersection of Hwy. 8 and 53. He said it wasn't unusual. "What I saw appeared to be a helicopter," he said. Medical transport helicopters are based at the Rice Lake airport, but Stites said there was no record of helicopter flights during that time period. Chetek's police log notes that at 10:28 p.m. all units were asked to look for a UFO between Cameron and Rice Lake. Reported was an object with four evenly spaced lights changing color from purple to orange to blue. The object was there for about 30 minutes and then disappeared. Sheriff Tom Richie said Graf saw "some strange type of lighting, unusual lighting that he hadn't seen before, but it certainly could have been some type of aircraft, some type of military training, who knows what it could be." Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? 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