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- Reader Submitted Cryptid Encounters
- The Legacy of Brutality Haunts Derby Gaol
- NASA Disputes Russian Future Asteroid Impact Calculation
- Square Shaped UFO - Johnston County, NC - 12/30/09
Reader Submitted Cryptid Encounters Posted: 05 Jan 2010 04:37 PM PST ![]() BEAR-LIKE CREATURE IN ILLINOIS Long time reader, first time writer…I want to firstly say how much I appreciate everything you do/have done with the site. It's a great blog and I check it everyday, usually more than 3 times a day. A few years ago, my now ex-wife and I were coming home from a trip to Vincennes, IN. It was around 10:00pm and in the late Spring. We were traveling north on ILRR 33 towards Palestine, we lived in Robinson, IL. Somewhere just South of the "Fuller Cemetery" I spotted a wild turkey or some other large bird on the right-hand side of the road. As we past it, she started to scream. She worked herself up to nearly tears and I was laughing (I'm so mean), but I could tell she was honestly distraught. As I pulled over into the cemetery drive, I told her to calm down, it was just a turkey that we saw. I asked her why she got so scared. She said, "I didn't see a turkey!" I asked her what she saw and her response gave me goose-bumps. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up now, years later, re-telling the story. "What do you mean!? What did I see? You didn't see that?" I had no idea what she was talking about, but she told me just as we came around a small curve (where I had seen the turkey that she didn't see), that she saw a large animal running along side our car. "All I could see was dark fur and red eyes. It was running along side the car. Its head was at the top of the window. It was humongous!" I started going through animals that were big and near that height. The only half-way logical one I could think of was a bear. So when we got home I photoshopped a picture of a bear illuminated as she would have seen it and reddened the eyes just a bit. She was frantic again, "that's what I saw…that's what I saw!" Crawford County is not known for its bear population, in fact, other than this story, I've never heard from anyone else who has encountered one. They just aren't here. She would probably swear today that it was what she saw. Jason _______________________ UNKNOWN FLYING ENTITY Thanks for the daily email updates. I had an encounter that I did make a report on but have never received any inquiries. Since your readers send you their experiences maybe there is a chance someone has seen something similar. The encounter occurred on July 6, 2005 at about 11:30 pm. I had a long day in San Diego then afterward going to the beach at Del Mar, CA for some surf fishing. I arrived at my home in San Marcos about 11:00 pm. After cleaning my fish and showering, I was very tired. I went out to my carport for a smoke and a look at the night sky. I looked north, thinking about a recent UFO sighting and wondering what it's all about. In the distance, at a couple hundred feet, I saw a faintly visible moving object that flitted from side to side. Whatever it was, it reflected light from the streetlights. It's side to side movement was so quick, I couldn't tell if it was one object or two. The object then zipped directly over my neighbors house across the street. By this time, I was certain I'd never seen anything like it. It continued to move side to side, in a space of approximately 50 feet. It then stopped and I observed it more clearly. It may have had big "eyes" and wing-like appendages, and was probably 2 to 3 feet in width. It remained still and I could see wavering reflections from it's "wings" which were not beating like a birds, but showed shimmering reflections from the streetlights. I felt the hair on my head rise all the way down my back to my ankles! It appeared to be looking at me, as I smoked my cigarette. I felt threatened, and said out loud, "I see you!" Then it went from stationary to out of sight, right over my head in an instant. I came out from under my covered carport, and turned to follow it's movement. Immediately, it zipped into view directly above my head, obviously studying me! I could see really weird large and intensely dark "eyes". It seemed surprised by my looking right at it. It didn't like being seen. My apprehension rose even higher. It turned away and disappeared like a shot. It had a birdlike shape, but was thicker. My impression was of reflections of the streetlights on wing-like appendages, and big dark eyes! It wasn't a bird, bat or any familiar nocturnal creature. It's movements did not seem explicable in comparison to any creature that fly's by beating it's wings. The hills and mountains are so rugged and inaccessible near my home, that anything could remain hidden and make night time forays at will. I read about "thunderbirds" but I'm not sure if this was one of these. Thanks for the help! NOTE: I searched for this sighting and found it was originally reported to Brian Vike at HBCC UFO Research. The witness acknowledged that it was the same incident...Lon THIEVES! XNEWSNOW.COM and GETXNOW.COM are hotlinking paranormal sites and stealing bandwidth! These are dangerous viral us stop this now! Thanks...Lon |
The Legacy of Brutality Haunts Derby Gaol Posted: 05 Jan 2010 01:59 PM PST ![]() One former prison that sees a lot of paranormal activity is the former Derby Gaol, now owned by ghost expert and historian Richard Felix. It was built in the 1750s on a traditional and very busy execution site. As a result, death and suffering were associated with the building right from the start. England at this time was experiencing a massive crimewave caused by terrible poverty and cheap gin which large numbers of the population were addicted to. The gap between rich and poor was immense and the ruling classes were not about to let the peasants get their grubby hands on the family silver. If you were poor and committed a crime you could definitely expect brutal punishment. More than 260 crimes carried the death penalty. A 12 year-old who stole a handkerchief was just as likely to hang as a highwayman who committed murder. Therefore, the vast majority of the poor souls who entered Derby Gaol had a rather unpleasant appointment with the hangman. As if the prospect of the gallows was not terrible enough, condemned inmates had an additional fear which caused them great anguish. Their bodies were often handed to the surgeons to be dissected and examined (and then put on public display as a warning to others). In these more religious times it was firmly believed that your soul could not enter heaven if your body had been dismembered. This belief could be a contributing factor as to why some spirits stay on the earthly plane and refuse to "cross over". Today, Derby Gaol is regularly visited by paranormal investigators and interested members of the public. Many have witnessed unusual and sometimes quite scary activity within the building. Even an experienced investigator like Richard Felix has been frightened by close encounters of the paranormal kind. He was once confronted by a grey haze in the shape of a man, who glided straight past him before disappearing at the end of a corridor. A builder was once working in one cell when the heavy door slowly closed by itself, locking him in. He also experienced feelings of nausea – a common experience in haunted locations. No rational explanation could be found. In fact, many people visiting Derby Gaol begin to feel sick and have to leave. Some feel that they are being suffocated or strangled. Hanging People also claim to have seen two young men hanging from a beam, their bodies slowly rotating. A similar vision has been witnessed in the Day Room where a visitor noticed a man hanging from a doorway. He thought that this was a very convincing stunt by an actor but was shocked to discover that nobody else had seen the hanging man. Could these frightening visions be somehow conjured up by the building's long association with death by hanging? One particular scary figure has been encountered lurking in a doorway of Derby Gaol. He has been described as an evil-looking bald man wearing a kind of leather garment or apron. I remember reading that when prisoners were flogged, the jailer would wear a leather apron because it was easier to wipe off blood. This leather-clad bald man has also been seen to walk through a wall. Another strangely dressed figure, a woman in a large fancy hat, was seen to walk down a corridor and through a door to the outside. The witnesses followed her outside to be confronted by freshly fallen snow – and no footprints! Derby Gaol seems to be full of strange ghostly people. A man in a long scarlet coat is sometimes seen acting as if he is looking for someone. A "terrified-looking" blonde woman was witnessed lying on a bed, a dark figure seeming to menace her. Derby Gaol also has more than its fair share of poltergeist activity. Cups, glasses and various ornaments have all moved by themselves – sometimes flying past the heads of shocked visitors and staff. ____________________________ THE DERBY GAOL The term Derby Gaol historically refers to the five gaols in Derby, England. Today, the term usually refers to one of two tourist attractions, the gaol which stood on Friar Gate from 1756 to 1846 and the cells of which still exist and are open to the public as a museum, and the 1843 to 1929 Vernon Street Prison whose impressive frontage can still be seen today. Allegedly haunted, the building was visited in 2002 by Living TV's Most Haunted. The site is today maintained by Richard Felix formerly of Derby Heritage Centre. The gaol is now run by his son Edward and there are plans to knock through the building next door to open up more cells to the public. The Derby ghostwalks are now run from the gaol following Richard's sale of the heritage centre. Between 1730 and 1832 there were in excess of 260 crimes which carried the death penalty. This was known as the "Bloody Code" and offences ranged from being seen in the street with a sooty face, stealing anything valued in excess of 4s 6d (twenty two and a half pence), damaging fishponds, writing a threatening letter etc; right through to Murder, Treason, Piracy and Arson in His Majesty's Ship's Dockyard. Needless to say, everyday life for most people was hard and unrelenting. Employment was difficult to obtain and the pay very meagre. Therefore, to subsidise their existence, resorting to theft was the last, desperate option open to many to provide food for themselves and their families. Of course there were hard and fast villains who resorted to crime as a way of making a living and murder was an all too common occurrence. The law was enforced rigidly and, when deemed necessary, the Justices would be seen to make "an example" of certain individuals as was the case with the men from Pentrich, Jeremiah Brandreth, Isaac Ludlam and William Turner. Accused of High Treason, these men were sentenced to be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered. It was not, however, the last time the awful sentence was handed down. That was in 1820 in London when the Cato Street Conspirators, Arthur Thistlewood (who knew Brandreth), John Thomas Brunt, Richard Tidd, James Ings and William Davidson were accused of High Treason. Similarly, the Prince Regent granted clemency and commuted the sentence to Hanging and Beheading only. The difference being the Pentrich men were decapitated with an axe (the last time it was ever used) whilst a knife was used, by a surgeon, on the Cato Street men. The identity of the executioner of the Pentrich men remains a mystery and the only details were that he was a "strong, muscular collier from Derby". The man who hanged the Cato Street men was Thomas "Old Cheesy" Cheshire (incidentally, observed by one William Calcraft, later to become our longest serving hangsman!) For the "run-of-the-mill" capitally convicted criminals, hanging was seen to be sufficient, however, in 1752 the "Horrid Act of Murder" was approved where those convicted of murder were not only hanged but had an additional 'punishment' inflicted. After hanging, "the body shall be given over to the surgeons for dissection and a body shall not be suffered to be buried until it has been dissected or anatomised." This was particularly gruesome in that the crowd consisting of men women and children, who had just witnessed the execution were entitled to follow the cart carrying the remains of the victim back to the Shire Hall (built 1659) in St. Mary's Gate. There they could actually watch the body being taken asunder by the surgeons! After this had taken place, the mutilated body then had to be exposed to full public view on the steps outside of the Hall for two full days in order that those who were unable to attend the execution and dissection could satisfy their morbid curiosity. This punishment was decided on in an effort to dissuade would-be murderers from carrying out their deeds. The belief at the time was that after death, one had only to wait for the Day of Judgement when all souls would be resurrected for life everlasting. The fear was that if a body had been dismembered, there would be no resurrection as the body parts had been dispersed far and wide and people had visions of odd limbs, heads and torso's wandering aimlessly for all time in search of the rest of the body! The punishment was handed down to several victims, both male and female, in Derby Gaol. Interestingly, it was not usual practice for "Irons" or "Fetters" to be placed on the arms and legs of prisoners in the Gaol unless there was a particular risk of escape. Certainly, those due for execution were "Ironed" but all other inmates remained relatively free to wander the corridors and yards. This would be infinitely more welcome than being confined within the filthy prison cells which, until a visit to Derby Gaol by the prison reformer John Howard in October 1787, were never cleaned out. John Howard had made it his personal crusade to inspect and report on the state of the prisons in the whole of Great Britain as he was appalled at the amount of mortality suffered by the inmates. Gaol fever raged through the prisons on a regular basis and it was believed to be caused by the bad air. It was in fact, a virulent form of Typhus spread by body lice. Following Howard's intervention the law decreed that scraping and lime-washing the cell walls once a year should be sufficient! ![]() Sources: |
NASA Disputes Russian Future Asteroid Impact Calculation Posted: 05 Jan 2010 11:48 AM PST ![]() The Russian space agency says it is working to prevent a large asteroid from colliding with Earth. Voice of Russia radio reported the agency's head, Anatoly Perminov, made the announcement Wednesday. Without giving many details, Perminov said his agency is working on a way to divert the path of the asteroid, named Apophis, without destroying it. Voice of Russia says he invited scientists and experts from U.S. Space Agency NASA, the European and Chinese space agencies to join the project. NASA research scientist Dr. Paul Chodas specializes in the study of near-Earth objects, or asteroids that may one day threaten civilization. He says that while there are hazardous asteroids in our universe, NASA's latest calculations put Apophis at having only a one in 250,000 chance of hitting Earth by, or during, the 2030s as Perminov predicted. He says that with more research, he expects the probability of the collision to drop to zero. However, he says that other asteroids, including those that have not yet been discovered, could pose more of a risk and call for more research. "The odds are very small that we will have a huge collision with the Earth, but it's certainly worth keeping an eye on these objects and ensuring that one is not going to hit any time soon. If one is headed for the Earth, then we feel, if we have enough warning time, we have the technology to divert the object. And that's what this proposal to develop this technology is all about," he said. Chodas also noted that an asteroid hitting Earth would affect people from all parts of the globe, and praised Russia for suggesting international collaboration on how to avoid such a collision. THIEVES! XNEWSNOW.COM is hotlinking paranormal sites and stealing bandwidth! Help us stop this now! Thanks...Lon |
Square Shaped UFO - Johnston County, NC - 12/30/09 Posted: 05 Jan 2010 11:46 AM PST ![]() MUFON witness statement (unedited): Traveling southeast on Lassiter Road in Johnston County at 6:25pm on Dec. 30, 2009. Two eyewitnesses saw a small, square craft slowly float by. The craft was very dark, and the evening light made it difficult to determine an exact shape. It seemed to be square, dark, about 25ft. square base and maybe 5ft tall. We were first caught off guard that a plane would be flying so low at night with no ground lights, but then noticed how slowly the craft was moving. The craft traveled exactly due west (we returned later that night with a compass) about 50-60ft off the ground and 40 yards to our left over a field at about 30mph. The craft had two dim lights, one was definitely red. I thought the other light was a dim green, but the other eyewitness remembered it as a dim white light. I pulled over, rolled down my window and noticed no sound coming from the low flying craft. I turned around and followed the craft for a few minutes, but it was traveling too low to the tree tops that I soon lost sight of it through the trees. Also, it was headed due west, and Lassiter Road runs northwest by southeast. So the craft was traveling further away from me the further I traveled up Lassiter Road. It could have been a plane. But... it was flying very low, extremely slowly, and made no noise. A cessna flying that low at night would have had ground lights on and been remarkably loud and fast. NOTE: the number of triangle and square shaped UFO sightings are steadily increasing worldwide. I receive several reports of these sightings daily, let alone those reports sent to UFO watch entities. Here is a link to another report I received today Huge triangular UFO seen on Christmas night, 12/25/2009!...Lon THIEVES! XNEWSNOW.COM is hotlinking paranormal sites and stealing content! Help us stop this now! Thanks...Lon Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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