Phantoms and Monsters |
- Badge Of The Winged Serpent: The Herbert Schirmer Abduction
- Beware! Invisible Sorcerers Carry 'Witch Guns'
- The 'Great North' Sasquatch
- Photo: The Girl at Barwon Park Mansion
Badge Of The Winged Serpent: The Herbert Schirmer Abduction Posted: 09 Jan 2010 11:43 AM PST ![]() ![]() Schirmer then got out of the police car and, with a flashlight in hand, inspected the surface of the road where the object had hovered so low to the ground. After this he drove to the police station and wrote in the log book, "Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!" He was puzzled to notice that it was now 3 a.m., as the sighting seemingly lasted no more than ten minutes. As the morning wore on, Schirmer was to suffer a headache, a "weird buzzing" in his head, and would discover that he had a "red welt" on his neck. It was about two inches long and approx. half an inch wide, and was located on the "nerve cord" below one of his ears. A few hours later, Chief Bill Wlaskin would visit the alleged encounter site and find a small metallic artifact. Chemical analysis revealed it was composed of iron and silicon. Investigators from the Condon project out of the University of Colorado speculated that it was probably "ordinary corroded earthly waste." Later, under hypnosis, Schirmer would recall for investigators how humanoid beings, between 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall, escorted him from his car and into the ship, where the "leader" gave him a tour and explained various things about themselves and their mission on earth. The entities had slightly slanted "catlike" eyes (that didn't blink), gray-white skin, long and thin heads, with flat noses and slitlike mouths. They wore silver-gray uniforms, gloves, and helmets (which had a small antenna on the left side around their ear), and at the left breast of each suit they had the emblem of a winged serpent. Schirmer had the impression that the small antennas were somehow a part of their communication process with him - that part of their contact with him was mental and part of it was physical. A few years back, I discussed this case with noted UFO author Brad Steiger, who was involved in the initial hypnotic regression work with patrolman Schirmer. He recalled: "He was describing, 'Well I'm walking here,' 'Well I'm walking there.' We asked him to make certain sketches and so forth, and then all of a sudden the control seemed to slip away instantly. I guess I shouldn't say slip away. It was an abrupt kind of thing, and he began to speak as though he were one of the occupants and said he would be, from time to time, returning in one way or another to keep tabs on Herb." What did Brad make of this? "Either it's a case of extreme identification or some sign of hypnotic contact that we seem to uncover as we probe deeper and deeper into the unconscious," he replied. Psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle of Wyoming, had also been involved in hypnotic regression work with patrolman Schirmer at the University of Colorado. He offered, "In a few cases (e.g., Herb Schirmer) the UFO witness claimed to experience 'mental communication' with UFO occupants at the moment of the interview. I have no way of knowing whether the claim is 'true' or whether the observer had been 'programmed' to experience such a feeling when hypnotic time regression procedures were followed; however, to the person, the experience was 'real.'" So what did Dr. Sprinkle think? "I believe that each person is 'monitored' by spiritual guides, but in regard to the UFO contactee, the monitoring process seems to be unusually intense," he stated. "Perhaps someday, we will learn if the prophecies about "good" vs "evil" and predictions of earth changes....are related to this monitoring process." Click for video 1 Click for video 2 Click for video 3 Click for video 4 ____________________________ ![]() ![]() ![]() Type of Case/Report: Major Case Hynek Classification: CE4 Number of Witnesses: Single Special Features/Characteristics: Abduction, Police, Missing Time, Contact, Physiological Effects, Artifact, Polygraph Test, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT - The Herbert Schirmer Case By James Spears, Vancouver Province (BC, Canada) The Province - Saturday, March 20, 1976 Most scientists believe that it is inconceivable that homo sapiens is alone in the universe ... the lord of creation. Attempts are now being made with space probes displaying clever universal symbols, to contact intelligent life in the light-year immensity of our galaxy. But what if our infantile hands, groping into the vastness of space, have already been superceded by visitors from space-time itself; by observers who reach us through the 'wormholes' that scientists believe, may provide corridors through space and time. Periodically we hear of people who claim contact with the crew of a UFO and the great global controversy of truth or fiction intensifies. Such a claim is made by former police chief Herb Schirmer, formerly of Nebraska, whose story was uncovered in a deep-trance hypnotic state by UCLA scientists. While in this state of altered consciousness, Schirmer made several drawings of the vehicle into which he was taken. Whether you believe or not, his story is a fascinating one. Perhaps one day the governments of the world will tell us what they know... if they know. "On the left side of his head was a small antenna. The skin on his face was of a grey color. His nose was long and flat and his mouth was narrow and slit like. His eyes looked like cat's eyes... "Then he spoke, saying: Are you the watchman of this town? I said: Yes sir, I am. He spoke again, saying: Watchman, come with me." So began the UFO experience of Herb Schirmer, now 30, who was a policeman, and later police chief, at the town of Ashland, Nebraska. The date: Dec. 2, 1967. It was not a pleasant experience, especially after he wrote on his police log. "Saw a flying saucer at State Junction 6 and 63. Believe it or not." Some townspeople hanged Schirmer in effigy as an expression that they didn't believe him. Tires were slashed and a windshield broken on his car. "I would give somebody a traffic ticket and they would look at me and laugh, and tear up the ticket. What could I do?, said Schirmer in an interview at his home in Point Roberts. He didn't last long as police chief, and quit. He has held other law enforcement jobs, including a job in a private security force in Oregon. When word reached his employers of his UFO experience, he was told to move on. Despite ridicule, Schirmer has stuck with his story since 1967, and feels he is ready to begin telling it to the public. "There might be a lot of people who have similar experiences who are afraid to admit it," he said. The UFO encounter was brief in Schirmer's memory, but it was later found there was a 25-minute gap in his radio log. U.S. Air Force investigators in Boulder, Colorado, interviewed Schirmer and discovered he had no memory of events between the takeoff and landing of the UFO. He was later hypnotized, and the memory of the 25 minutes returned. He has since been hypnotized a number of times, mostly by a group of UFO scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles. It was under hypnosis that Schirmer drew scale diagrams of the interior of the space ship he saw, and the grey-skinned being who spoke with him. With friends, he has attempted to duplicate the sounds the spacecraft made through the use of a sound synthesizer. And he is putting his memories on tape at an inexpensive homebuilt sound studio in Point Roberts. In 1967 he was working the midnight shift in the small town and a little after midnight noticed a bull had broken loose from an auction barn. The patrolman got the bull back in the pen, and then checked on two gas stations nearby. "I made a radio check with Wahoo Sheriff's office and informed them that all was secure," said Schirmer in a report he wrote after the hypnotic sessions. "The time was 2:20 a.m. I pulled on to State Highway 6 going west." Then he saw the UFO, first as flashing red lights, then as a football-shaped object. He tried to call the sheriff's office but his radio was dead. "The craft was moving over the highway north about 40 feet in the air. It seemed that some great force was pulling the patrol car up the embankment towards where the craft was beginning to land." Schirmer saw a red-orange glow on the bottom of the craft, and saw a hatch open. "It was then that a shape of a man came out and walked over to the front of the patrol car. Then a second man came out of the craft and walked over to the car. The first man stood in front of the patrol car and, holding a small box-like object, pressed something. A green mist came out, spraying all over the patrol car. "The other man walked over to the driver's side of the patrol car and reaching inside, pressed a silver object against my neck, directly under my left ear. I felt a tingling sensation go through my whole body." It was then that the grey-skinned man addressed Schirmer as "watchman of the town." The grey-skinned man told Schirmer how the craft operated, showed him the power source and computers, and answered questions on the purpose of the craft's visit. Among the answers: The craft landed to extract power from a nearby hydro transmission line. 'He said: Look watchman. And I saw a blue bolt of light. through a port hole. It was like a beam and it hit the transformer on a power pole approximately 200 feet from the craft. There was a bright flash of fire and the blue bolt came back to the craft. "Then the man said that one of the reasons they landed was to extract electricity from power stations. He also said that they have been observing us for a long time." One of the men also told the patrolman that spacecraft would visit him again twice in his lifetime. "If I were some kind of kook I would be saying that I had a visit last week, but it isn't true. I never saw anything again." Under hypnosis, Schirmer has drawn detailed sketches of the power plant of the craft, which the spaceman said was based on "reversible electromagnetism." He saw a room circled with cannister-shaped objects, with wires connecting them. In the middle of the room was an object, glowing red, like a spinning football. Schirmer said he was conveyed, by a glass elevator, to another level of the craft and saw a TV-like screen which the spaceman manipulated. He showed Schirmer what his own solar system "in a galaxy next to yours," looked like, and saw pictures of the craft's mother ship on the screen. By the screen, he said, was a map of a sun with six planets "with writing beside each planet. The language was one that I could not read." Schirmer says he is not a church-goer, but looks to a Bible quote as a source of comfort that he is not going crazy. It's from Ezekiel, Chap. 1. "And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it ... out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man." Schirmer saw four men and talked to two of them, and hopes that others who have seen similar creatures will not be afraid to talk about them. In early 1968, shortly after his UFO experience, Herb Schirmer was interviewed by members of the Condon Committee, a research project at the University of Colorado funded by the U.S. Air Force. Among those who spoke with Schirmer was Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, currently director of counselling and testing at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Sprinkle told The Province that during the interviews Schirmer appeared "sincere and telling the truth as he saw it." "He was aware of a loss-of-time experience (the missing 25 minutes in his radio log) and said he sensed someone coming toward him. At that time he didn't have any memory of being taken aboard." Later, Schirmer was put under hypnosis to delve into the missing 25 minutes. Dr. Ron Katz, of the University of California (Los Angeles) department of anesthesiology, told The Province that Schirmer had submitted to a number of hypnotic trances and drew sketches of what he saw while in a trance. The drawings were made in 1974. Dr. Katz said that although he could confirm the trance sessions took place he could not speak about them because it was a doctor-patient relationship. Generally, he said, subjects under hypnosis do not attempt to fabricate stories. The one exception, said Dr. Katz, might occur if a subject had been previously hypnotized to "remember" a series of events under subsequent trances. Schirmer said that he believes he was put in some sort of trance, perhaps with the aid of the silver object placed beside his neck. NOTE: there is an interesting website at Condon Report - The Winged Serpent that goes into historical perspectives of dragons and winged serpents and the possible relationship with the Schirmer abduction...Lon Sources: |
Beware! Invisible Sorcerers Carry 'Witch Guns' Posted: 09 Jan 2010 10:24 AM PST ![]() Dr. Kabba also said that formerly witch guns were used by members of secret societies to punish what he called law breakers. He opined that "today people have turned this gun into an instrument to make money. In fact some use as low as three or five thousand Leones to kill their brothers, friends and other family members." He further stated that "most witch gun killings are borne out of malicious jealousy, for positions in offices, for political reasons and a host of other related reasons." The Traditional Healer President continued to categorize the different types of witch guns and their deadly effects. "The earliest and deadliest type of witch gun is made out of the husk from rice, but today's witch guns are made out of gun powder while others are made out of lead. In fact the type of witch gun bullet that is most frequently removed when people are shot is the lead." He maintained that it was impossible for a traditional healer to remove more than four witch gun bullets from someone's body. "A lot of healers use means to inject more witch gun bullets into people's body. This is normally done with the intention of making money." He further revealed that "a victim of witch gun attack initially feels feverish, experiences weakness of the joints and loss of health as early symptoms. He said anyone who had experienced the symptoms and had tried English medicine without success needs to see a native doctor urgently. Dr. Kabba revealed that he had arrested many people with witch guns with the intention of destroying innocent lives. He said it was with that view that they established the union, adding that they were calling on the government to give them a backing in carrying out their work. ______________________ 'SHOT BY A WITCH GUN' theallisoncross - There aren't many medical mysteries in Sierra Leone. If a medical doctor can't diagnose an ailment or if a patient can't afford to see a doctor, he or she usually comes to one conclusion about the cause of the pain and suffering: they must have been shot by a witch gun. The illness could be typhoid or schizophrenia, but the symptoms are often attributed to some form of black magic. A belief in witchcraft and the powers of traditional healers prevails in the culture of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leoneans make casual references in conversation to the truth of witchcraft, whether they are an uneducated person living in a small, rural village or a university-educated researcher living in Freetown. One reporter, Esther, who worked with my colleague Chris, warned him not to shake the hands of too many people in a large crowd. She said people might try and give him some black magic. One of my reporters in Bo, named Peter, told me wives casts spells on their husbands, often to keep them from straying from the marriage. Another woman told me it's possible to have someone killed through witchcraft. Strange behaviour or crippling illnesses, everyone tells me, usually means someone has been shot by a witch gun, which can't be seen by the naked eye. Mental illness is most often attributed to witchcraft, because its symptoms are so difficult to understand. A traditional healer claims to be able cure people of their ailments and charges a hefty fee for his services. Patients pay with money, chickens or palm oil and are usually given herbs as treatment. But treating an infectious disease as a curse or spell has fatal consequences for many. A reporter working with my colleague, Sulakshana, died in June from typhoid after she saw a traditional healer instead of a medical doctor. She left behind two young children. Of course, Sierra Leoneans looking for conventional medical treatment are largely out of luck. Eighty or so government doctors treat a country with a population of six million people. Unlicensed doctors abound, but their prices are higher and their qualifications not exactly verifiable. Traditional healers are easier to access. Villagers are often afraid to visit hospitals if they've never been before, concerned they won't be coming back. There's also the issue of paying for gas or a vehicle to get to the hospital. But an established belief in witchcraft has only led to devastating discrimination in countries like Nigeria. A belief in the practice has led many Nigerian communities to abandon small children, claiming they are witches sent by the devil. The children, sometimes as young as two or three, are accused of bringing misfortune upon a village, after crops die or food goes bad. They're beaten, tied to trees and left to die. Preachers make money off these circumstances, offering to remove the curse from the children for large sums of money collected from the desperate parents. Charities in Nigeria that take in children abandoned are overwhelmed with the demand for their services. I don't disagree with people when they tell me about witchcraft. Instead I ask questions so that I can understand it better. But I asked one woman if someone could put black magic on me. She laughed for three or four minutes. "No," she said. "You're white. They can't get you." |
Posted: 09 Jan 2010 09:49 AM PST ![]() Image provided by Click for video The 'creature' appears in the film at the 9:20 mark in the video. Matt Moneymaker makes an excellent synopsis at In Search of 'Great North' Camera Crew. The introduction is posted below: The film explores the natural history of two regions -- Northern Quebec and Northern Scandinavia -- with a focus on caribou/reindeer herds. This particular clip of caribou migration was obtained at a remote location in either Quebec or Labrador (the film doesn't specify). The clip was shot from a great distance with a telescopic lens. It shows droves of caribou crossing an unnamed body of water (either a river, or a lake arm, or a fjord arm). As a pack of caribou exits the water, an upright figure pops up out of a ditch and scrambles toward the moving herd, then quickly hunkers down again out of view. The darting figure is visible only for a few seconds. For the sake of simplicity, and objectivity, we'll call this dark figure the "Great North Figure" or "GNF". We first heard about the GNF a few weeks ago, after some eagle-eyed person noticed it while watching Great North on HULU. That person re-watched the clip a few times and became more intrigued. Subsequently he/she posted something about it on an Internet message board. That board posting encouraged a few other people to send us emails about it. Then we watched the film on HULU ourselves. You may think it's too quick and too small to distinguish conclusively from a human form -- one of many "maybe" clips out there obtained from a distance. ... But there's an interesting twist here: This dark figure was filmed with an IMAX camera. Normally it doesn't take long to determine how much detail there might be on a distant figure when enlarged. But we're not looking at the original IMAX images here. We're looking at images with a much lower resolution than the original IMAX images. Even in the best scans of the original IMAX images, the facial features of this figure may not be defined, but undoubtedly more details of the body will be discernable. The figure may appear more sasquatch-like, and less human-like, when enlarged in the highest possible resolution. ... Or it may appear more human-like, and less sasquatch-like. It's certainly sasquatch-like enough right now to justify a re-scan of those frames, whereever they may be. NOTE: My theory is that this was a photographer attempting to get still shots during the filming. I have witnessed documentaries being filmed and there are usually photographers positioned in various areas. I really don't think this was a deliberate hoax but simply someone caught during the filming of the sequence...Lon |
Photo: The Girl at Barwon Park Mansion Posted: 09 Jan 2010 12:33 PM PST ![]() ![]() Media Release 8th January 2010 - Australian Ghost Adventures MEDIA RELEASE Photo of Ghost at Mansion During a Public Ghost Tour of Victorias, Barwon Park Mansion (near Geelong) a photo of a ghost was revealed. On the night of Saturday the 8th August 2009 a ghost tour group from Australian Ghost Adventures were exploring Barwon Park Mansion, Winchelsea Victoria. At 11.20pm the group were in the Mansions stables upstairs loft when a patron sensed a presence in the corner of the Bluestone building. Another patron used a digital thermometer to measure the temperature in the area the other person sensed something and got a reading of 22 'C with the cold winter night readings at 5'C everywhere else in the building ![]() Gary Sullivan, lead investigator and paranormal researcher from Australian Ghost Adventures said: "At the time the temperature rose to 22 degrees I put it down to one of the bluestone bricks being warm, but was not" and could not explain the temperature change on the digital thermometer. With the photo" he could not explain what the image was". Ron Dorre the Sceptic from AGA was also present. "I too witnessed the events including Adam taking the photos, I couldn't believe it when he checked them and it had a slight image of a girl in one of the frames" We took the photo to Anthony Kilner a Photographer and photo journalist to investigate. The photo data showed no flash was used and to have such a clear photo in low light without a tripod was unusual. The mystery is still not solved. The ghost tours continue and tour guides are encouraging photographers to take as many photos as they can in the Stables. NOTE: if this is an actually photo of an apparition then it will be the most amazing ever captured. I'll reserve judgment until an independent examination of the image is made. Thanks to 'bellfleur' for the heads up..Lon UPDATE: Our spiritual consultant 'SW' contacted me and said that she concentrated on the image of the 'girl ghost' and picked up the name 'Liz'. Below is a sketch of Elizabeth the 2 images and tell me what you think. Is the 'ghost girl' actually the spirit of Elizabeth Austin? ![]() ______________________ THE HISTORY OF BARWON PARK MANSION ![]() On 30 June 1871 a grand ball was held at Barwon Park Mansion to celebrate the completion of the building.The imposing 42 room bluestone mansion was built for Thomas and Elizabeth Austin who had lived in the Western District at Barwon Park since their marriage in 1845. Barwon Park, a combination of three original runs, was recognised for sheep, horses and many game species now considered vermin. As a member of the Acclimatisation Society, Thomas imported numerous species and is best remembered for his success in breeding rabbits. At the time, the rabbits and other game he bred were much acclaimed: today the praise has turned to blame. Unfortunately Thomas Austin passed away just a few months after the magnificent housewarming ball and so the Mansion never fulfilled its potential as a leading entertaining seat in the colony. Elizabeth Austin was already established as an important hostess of the Western District (and had entertained royalty), and the Mansion was built accordingly. The mansion hosted the wedding of her last unmarried daughter, Ellen, in 1876 but Elizabeth devoted her energies to continuing the philanthropic work begun with her husband. However, most of her contributions were given anonymously as society did not accept such a role for a woman. The property has been owned by only two families, the Austins and the Batsons, and was left to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) by Sidney Batson. It is gradually being restored and has benefitted from the outstanding efforts of the Barwon Park Promoters and local volunteers over more than 30 years. Barwon Park also features a room devoted to locally born dramatic soprano Marjorie Lawrence. Source: Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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