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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 24
- Fortean / Oddball News: Kidnapped by Genie, Titanic Firsthand Account and Medical Oddity
- Reader Mail: Landing Area, Dealing With Aliens and Avoiding Demons
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 24 Posted: 02 Oct 2010 01:10 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: TEXAS BIRDMAN Location/Date: Near Harlingen, Texas - January 1, 1976 - afternoon Tracey Lawson, eleven, and her cousin Jackie Davies fourteen, were playing in Tracey's backyard in an area in the Rio Grande Valley. As they looked out on a plowed field beyond the yard they noticed an unusual object standing some 100 yards away, near a borrow pit bordering an irrigation canal. Tracey went inside her house to get field glasses, through which she observed a "horrible looking" black bird of extraordinary size, over five feet tall. Its wings were folded around its body, and the bird was staring at the girls through large, dark red eyes attached to a gray "gorilla-like" face. Its head was bald, and it had a beak at least six inches long, it made a loud, shrill "eeee" sound. The bird or whatever it was lost to view for a few moments, reappearing on the northeast corner of the property, its head poking above a small clump of trees. The girls fled inside and told Tracey's mother and father, who did not believe them. The next day Jackie's stepfather, Tom Waldon, found strange tracks, three-toed, eight inches across, and square at the head, pressed an inch and a half into the hard ground. Stan Lawson also noted how oddly the family dog was behaving. It cowered inside the doghouse all day, leaving it only at suppertime, when it bolted into the house and had to be dragged out. That night Lawson thought he heard large wings scraping across the bedroom window, but whatever caused the sound left no trace of its passing. Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained! ********** PETER IS COMING... Location/Date: Mount Misery, Long Island, New York - May 18, 1967 - 10:30 am The day after being instructed by a metallic sounding voice in her phone to go to the small local public library, Jane Paro did as she was instructed. The library was deserted except for the librarian, who struck Jane as being unusual. The woman was "dressed in an old fashioned something out of the 1940's with a long skirt, broad shoulders, and flat old looking shoes." She had a dark complexion, with a fine bone structure, and very black eyes and hair. When Jane entered, the woman seemed to be expecting her and produced a book instantly from under the desk. Jane sat down at a table and began to riffle through the book, pausing on page 42. The metallic voice had told her to read that page. Suddenly the print became smaller and smaller, then larger and larger. It changed into a message about contact with earthlings. The print became very small again, and then the normal text reappeared. As soon as Jane left the library she became quite ill. In early June she began to see the "librarian" wherever she went. Unable to sleep one night, Jane got up at the crack of dawn the following morning and went for a walk on an impulse. The dark skinned woman stepped out of an alley and approached her shyly. "Peter is coming," she announced. Jane asked her a question and she repeated, "Peter is coming very soon." Next a large black Cadillac came down the street and stopped next to them. It was brand new, very shiny, and polished. The driver was an olive skinned man wearing wraparound sunglasses and dressed in a neat gray suit, apparently of the same material as the woman's clothes. The rear door opened and a man climbed out with a big grin on his face. He was about five-feet 8 inches tall, with dark skin and Oriental eyes. He had an air of someone very important and was dressed in a well-cut, expensive looking suit of the same gray material that was shiny like silk but was not silk. The stranger said his name was "Apol." Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies ********** ROCKY AND JELLYFISH Location/Date: Tucson, Arizona - March 2005 - 3:00 am After an argument with her boyfriend and after he angrily left the house the witness saw flashing blue lights outside of her house. She then walked into the living room and saw one large creature about 7 to 8 ft tall and three smaller creatures about 5 ft tall. All of the creatures had very large heads that she described as "rocky". The tall creature was wearing a jump type suit and had a "jellyfish" type textured skin. She said that the creatures were humanoid-like (two eyes, two ears, bipedal etc, etc). She wasn't too alarmed at first because she couldn't believe her eyes and thought her two older boys (aged 19 and 21) were playing a joke on her. (Her boys were not living with her.) However, she soon realized that these were not "ordinary" people as they seemed to be blending in with the wall paneling and could actually walk through walls. Two other people were in the house at the time. (Her sister in law was sleeping on one of the couches in the living room and her 10-year old son was sleeping on the other couch in the living room.) Neither was awakened by the intrusion. She attempted several times to awake her sister-in-law to no avail. The tall creature shot at her with a device that shot out a liquid substance that solidified upon contact. She was not injured by this. The creatures were there for nearly two hours, but took no other hostile action. She was understandably terrified by the experience and is undergoing treatment by a psychiatrist due to the resulting trauma. She attempted to report the incident to the University of Arizona, but they wouldn't return her phone calls. She has not told her psychiatrist details about the incident. Her boyfriend is also somewhat traumatized but does not recall any details after he left the house that morning. She said that one of the trees in the front yard had sustained some damage. She noticed this right after the incident. Source: UFOs Northwest ********** INTO THE SMOKE Location/Date: Near Deming, New Mexico - April 12 1992 - 11:20 pm The witness was driving on US 180 along the desert and was listening to his CB radio when the radio suddenly went silent and he vaguely noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a voice in his head telling him to "watch out for the smoke." Thinking it had been the CB radio he replied but there was no answer. Suddenly what looked like a huge luminous cloud of smoke began stretching across the highway ahead, it formed a solid curtain across the road. The witness drove into the grayish-white vapor for an hour. He stopped his vehicle and walked across the road and into a ditch but was still unable to see anything. He suddenly went into a state of paralysis and sensed the approach of two persons. Each person got on either side of the witness and placed a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. He was then led to a shiny metallic object, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rectangular opening appeared on the side of the craft. Next he remembers sitting back on a chair inside the object feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly alone then two beings entered the room. One being was a male with a round oval face with two large oval black eyes. He was five-foot tall with a thin torso and limbs. The second being was a female, similar to the male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room and placed in a reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing stimulating sensation on his facial area and felt as if a small object was being introduced into his nose. He was then released and let outside and floated horizontally towards his vehicle. He resumed the drive and the vapor-like fog quickly dissipated. Source: Richard J Boylan PhD, Les K Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 24 | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Kidnapped by Genie, Titanic Firsthand Account and Medical Oddity Posted: 02 Oct 2010 11:50 AM PDT Father Tells Saudi Police Daughter Kidnapped By Genie emirates247 - Saudi police backed by a civil defence aircraft and hundreds of town residents have launched an extensive operation in search of a teenage girl whose father says she has been kidnapped by a jinn (genie). The 16-year-old Saudi girl disappeared from her house in the central town of Alkharj a month ago but was found later in Riyadh, Shams daily reported. She vanished again three days ago, triggering a massive search campaign by the police, civil defence and residents of the town, the paper said. "Her father believes she is possessed by a jinn, who threatened to take her to Riyadh last month and carried out his threat," the daily said. "He says this jinn speaks out through her and told them that he would take her to Riyadh…and that is what happened as they later found her in Batiha neighourhood in Riyadh…he then threatened that he would take her away and make her disappear forever…he said he would take her outside the country." But the paper said the unidentified father's theory has been refuted by Moslem scholars on the grounds jinns can not transport humans. It quoted Sheikh Ahmed al Aseeri, preacher at Alkharj state prison, as saying the girl could be suffering from mental problems. "This story about a jinn taking the girl away can not be believed because jinns are not able to carry humans or make them disappear…they can control minds but not bodies so this theory is not correct," he said. According to the newspaper, the girl is short and lean and was wearing a white shirt when she disappeared from her house before dawn three days ago. "She was in her room at around 2.00 am before she vanished…..her mother said her daughter cheated her when she gave her the wrong key for her room…the next day, they found out that she was not in her room," the paper said. **********
First-class passenger Laura Francatelli wrote of hearing an 'awful rumbling' after the world-famous liner hit an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912 - then the 'screams and cries' of the 1,500 drowning passengers. Miss Francatelli worked as a secretary for wealthy baronet Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon and his wife Lady Lucy Christiana and travelled with them on the ill-fated ship, which sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. She told how the three of them boarded one of the last lifeboats - containing just five passengers and seven crew - and admitted they didn't consider going back to try to rescue more survivors. 'I noticed the sea seemed nearer to us than during the day, and I said to Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon: "We are sinking" and he said: "Nonsense"' The account adds to a lingering controversy among Titanic historians as it describes how Sir Cosmo later paid the crew members £5 each, about £300 in today's money, a gesture interpreted by some as blood money for giving the aristocrat a place on a lifeboat. There were rumours that the Duff-Gordons has bribed the crew not to rescue people in the water, but the British Board of Trade's Inquiry into the disaster cleared them of any wrongdoing. Miss Francatelli wrote her account in a signed affidavit presented to the official British enquiry into the 1912 disaster, which claimed 1,517 lives in total. The historic document has now been made public for the first time and is being tipped to sell for £15,000. The secretary, who was aged 31 at the time, told how she woke her employers when water seeped into her cabin after the Titanic hit the iceberg. She wrote: 'A man came to me and put a life preserver on me, assuring me it was only taking precautions and not to be alarmed. 'When we got on the top deck...I noticed the sea seemed nearer to us than during the day, and I said to Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon: "We are sinking" and he said: "Nonsense".' The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. The party initially refused to go into a lifeboat because Sir Cosmo was not allowed on as only women and children were permitted, but they were then offered places on a smaller rowing boat. Miss Francatelli said: 'The officer saw us and ordered us in, and we said we would go if Sir Cosmo could come also. 'The officer said to Sir Cosmo: "I should be pleased if you would go." We were dropped into this boat and lowered into the sea. 'The officers gave orders to us to row away from the ship. 'We kept on rowing and stopping and rowing again. I heard some talk going on about the suction if the ship went down. 'We were a long way off when we saw the Titanic go right up at the back and plunge down. There was an awful rumbling when she went. Then came screams and cries. I do not know how long they lasted. 'When the ship had gone all was darkness. I did not hear any discussion or proposal about going back nor did I say anything about it. 'We had hardly any talk. The men spoke about God and prayers and wives.' She recalled how Lady Duff-Gordon was 'deadly sick' but was unable to reach the side of the boat due to some oars that were in the way. She also told how a crewmember kept putting his hand on her knee while he was rowing for her to rub to keep it warm. She wrote how the survivors huddled in the bottom of the boat to keep warm until they were rescued by the ship Carpathia two hours after the sinking. Miss Francatelli said: 'Later on I heard the men speaking about losing their kits. Sir C Duff-Gordon said he would make it all right for them...he would give them £5 each. 'A day or two after we had got on board Carpathia Sir Cosmo told me to write out cheques for £5 each for the seven men in the boat.' Andrew Aldridge, of auctioneers Henry Aldridge and Son of Devizes, Wiltshire, which is selling the document, said: 'So many books and articles have been written about Titanic but this is an original firsthand eye-witness account written shortly after the disaster. 'In hindsight the lifeboat the party boarded was rather controversial. As she confirms in her own words, there were more crew on board than passengers and room for potentially 40 or 50 more people who could have been saved. 'There was also great controversy surrounding Sir Cosmo because when they arrived in New York he gave the seven crew members £5 each. 'There was one train of thought that he was being very kind and generous and was compensating the men for the items they lost in the sinking. Certainly that is what Miss Francatelli thought. 'But the payment was also interpreted as blood money at the time. Was he paying the men for a place in the lifeboat and his own life?' Miss Francatelli, from London, died in 1967. The document remained in her family until after her death and has been since been owned by two private collectors. The auction takes place on October 16. ********** 17-yo Girl Must Process Brain Fluid Inside Her Belly to Survive gizmodo - 17-yo Melissa Peacock is not a zombie. Or at least she looks like a pretty healthy zombie. To survive, Melissa must process her own brain fluid inside her belly. A tube connects her brain to her peritoneal cavity, carrying the fluid through her body. Yes, the tube itself is permanently embedded inside her because, she says, a previous external tube left her with huge blisters on her back. Before that, eight operations had failed to find the correct solution. Once in her abdomen, the body processes the liquid, absorbing it through the lymph and vascular systems. While absorbing your own brain fluid sounds gross, migraines, blurred vision, and sure death sound a lot worse. That's why she doesn't care: My friends think the fact that I digest fluid from my brain is a bit weird—but my quality of life is so much better since I had the shunt put in place, I don't care. It felt like I was constantly trying to see through a steamed-up window. Sometimes I'd have almost no vision at all.Melissa has suffered from intracranial hypertension since she was nine. The hypertension is caused when the body can't drain spinal fluid out of the skull, which results in a pressure build up that crushes your own brain. The condition can be fatal if not treated. ********** Couple Allowed to Sue Morgue for Retaining Son's Brain The New York City Medical Examiner's Office's failure to inform a Staten Island couple that the office had removed and retained their late son's brain violated the couple's right of sepulcher, Brooklyn's New York Appellate Division, 2nd Department has ruled. "[W]hile the medical examiner has the statutory authority…to remove and retain bodily organs for further examination and testing in connection therewith, he or she also has the mandated obligation…to turn over the decedent's remains to the next of kin for preservation and proper burial once the legitimate purposes for the retention of those remains have been fulfilled," Justice William F. Mastro wrote for a unanimous panel in Shipley v. City of New York, 2009-03226. Jesse Shipley, a 17-year-old Port Richmond High School student, was killed on Jan. 9, 2005, when the car in which he was riding collided with another vehicle. The following day, Jesse's father, Andre, consented to an autopsy. An examiner completed the autopsy, and funeral home personnel picked up the remains that same day. The family held a funeral three days later. Two months later, classmates of the Shipleys' daughter, Shannon, who was also injured in the accident, took a field trip to the Richmond County Mortuary. Several students noticed a jar holding a human brain suspended in formaldehyde. "In what can only be described as a surreal coincidence," Mastro wrote, "the label on the jar indicated that the brain was that of Jesse Shipley, a circumstance which evoked strong emotional reactions from some of the students who were present." News of the macabre discovery soon spread to Shannon Shipley, who told her parents. The office had retained the brain to perform further "neuropathologic examination and reporting." The tests took place two months after the accident -- a day or two after the field trip -- because, as the acting deputy chief medical examiner later testified, "I wait months, until I have six brains, and then it's kind of worth [the examiner's] while to make the trip to Staten Island to examine six brains. It doesn't make sense for him to come and do one." The Shipleys obtained a temporary restraining order barring any further testing of the brain, which was returned to the family. The Shipleys then conducted a second funeral for their son. In March 2006, the Shipleys sued the city and its Medical Examiner's Office, seeking to recover damages for the mishandling of and interference with the proper disposition of Jesse's remains. The defendants moved for summary judgment, citing the expansive discretion afforded to the Medical Examiner's Office under the state's Public Health Law. In March 2009, Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Thomas P. Aliotta denied the defendants' motion. Aliotta ruled that questions of fact existed regarding whether the brain had been lawfully retained for scientific purposes, as well as whether the defendants violated the Shipleys' right of sepulcher by failing to advise them when the body was released that the brain had been removed. The 2nd Department agreed with the latter conclusion -- that questions remained regarding whether the defendants violated the Shipley's right of sepulcher by failing to inform them regarding the brain's removal -- and allowed the action to proceed. Mastro wrote that the medical examiner's duty to turn over the remains may have been "satisfied in the present context by the simple act of notifying the next of kin that, while the body is available for burial, one or more organs have been removed for further examination." The judge added, "This requirement, hardly onerous in nature, strikes an appropriate balance between the fulfillment of the legitimate scientific and investigative duties of the Medical Examiner's Office and the recognition of the long-established rights of next of kin to receive and provide final repose to the remains of their loved ones." Justices Anita R. Florio, Ariel E. Belen and Sheri S. Roman joined the opinion. Marvin Ben-Aron of Ameduri, Galante & Friscia in Staten Island represented the Shipleys. Ben-Aron said he agreed with the panel's conclusion, though not all of its findings, "I disagree with the [finding] that in a situation in which it is obvious that the cause of death can be [and has been] determined that [the medical examiners] have the unfettered right to retain the organ," Ben-Aron said. Although Aliotta dismissed Jesse's sister Shannon as a plaintiff because she did not qualify as "next of kin" under the city's Health Code, Shannon has settled a separate personal injury case against the drivers, according to Ben-Aron. In that case, Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Joseph J. Maltese ruled that a sister constitutes an 'immediate family' member who may pursue a claim for psychological injuries suffered when in the "zone of danger" of a relative's death. Ronald E. Sternberg and Leonard Koerner appeared on behalf of the Corporation Counsel. "We are evaluating our legal options in light of the decision. We note that the court correctly recognized that it was within the medical examiner's discretion to perform the autopsy," said Sternberg, a senior counsel in the office's appeals division. Fortean / Oddball News: Kidnapped by Genie, Titanic Firsthand Account and Medical Oddity | ||
Reader Mail: Landing Area, Dealing With Aliens and Avoiding Demons Posted: 02 Oct 2010 09:56 AM PDT I was working on a job near Springfield, Missouri. On the 15 Sept. 2010, the burnt circle on the top on the grass showed up in the water. Where this grass was burnt, is in about three feet of water with grass growing out of the water. There was no tracts in the grass leading to the circle, the tops of the grass were burnt so badly they had turned charcoal white. Something quite large that was putting out a lot of heat is the only possible way the grass could have been burnt. I am sure some kind of craft made the circle. William Stavricos ********** Hi Lon - This experience is absolutely real and occurred 4 years ago. I posted the experience on a forum but never received any serious response. On that day I rode my bicycle into town for exercise and to check out some stores for clothes. I stopped at a local clothing store not far from my residence. I chained my bicycle to a tree and went inside the store. I looked around for a few minutes before buying a shirt I liked. I then walked back to my bike to go home. My new shirt was in a plastic bag so I tied the bag to one of my bike handles and then proceeded to unchain my bike from the tree. As I am unchaining my bike I noticed someone in a red SUV heading straight in my direction. I ignored it because I am right next to a parking lot. The person driving the SUV then stops adjacent to me just a few feet away. I look over and I see this woman who is observing me and smiling. When I first looked at the woman I thought she was someone I knew from the past because she kept staring at me but I didn't recognize her face. Now that I think back on it, her face disturbed me somehow. I don't know how to explain it but this woman's face had a haunting quality to it like looking at an old antique portrait. After a few seconds had passed the woman spoke to me. "Can you do me a favor?" she said. Being courteous I walked over to her car. At the time I thought maybe she was from out of town and just wanted directions. When I walked over to her I widened my eyes as if to say "repeat the question please." Again, the woman said "can you do me a favor?" I don't know what came over me but I begin to become terrified and I don't scare easily. I don't know why but I just wanted to run away at that point. The woman's presence begin to scare me. I looked at her and in response to her question I mumbled in fear "It depends". I don't think she could hear me because she then asked me if I spoke English. I nodded my head as if to say "yes". She then told me "Ok, I am going to park and I want you to come over to me and help me out with something". I then observed the woman drive her car to the nearest parking lot. Suddenly something inside of me said "GET AWAY!". I ran to my bike, unchained it, and took off. I was so scared that I took off in the wrong direction. As I was leaving I could hear the woman screaming at me. Her screams scared me more and I just started to pedal as fast as I could and didn't look back. I remember in that moment even though I was several feet away I just wanted to go into a building and hide because something inside of me said I was in great danger. There is no doubt in my mind that this woman was trying to harm me and I think it was my 'higher self' that saved me. I know it sounds crazy but I personally think she was trying to kidnap me. For what reason I do not know. As I think back on that situation I can't forget this woman's eyes. Her eyes were innocent, child-like, but something was severely demonic about them. I also remember these red circles she had around her eyes. These red circles were very apparent because of her very pale skin. The scariest thing about her appearance is that she looked so young and innocent yet so evil. There is no doubt in my mind that I encountered something demonic that day. Everyday since this has occurred I think about that woman and what would have happened to me if I did her a "favor". I know for sure that this woman was pure evil. Ive never been so scared in my entire life. I was literally shaking after this event and I get nervous just talking about. Any thoughts? KS ********** NOTE: the following email is a bit 'out there'...I'd be interested in your comments...Lon Thanks for reading my email. This information is important and needs to be read by the masses. We are not alone and never will be. Humans must learn to adjust to their presence. I had an experience recently with a human who shapeshifted into alien form. He had a large head and huge eyes that glowed yellow with long slit-like pupils. It appeared that he had telepathic abilities but did not communicate much. Treated me as if I was a lab rat. Used human form to "cloak" himself. He was holographic and had the ability to reappear then disappear. Also had the ability to change colors. It would chant at times - seemingly a form of communication to others of his kind. It showed no emotion - militant and serious. I sense that aliens do fear humans to some extent and they are neither evil or good. Like humans, they are here to learn more about different species and to find answers how to live among us. They are curious to know more about us. We spent quite a lot of time together - bonded somehow. It sometimes seemed scared of me and would not open it's eyes while talking to me. Advice: the key is to avoid letting the aliens penetrate into your mind and soul. Remain strong, show no fear, act curious, ask questions, reveal who they are, let them know that you are your own God and creator of your soul. Balance yourself, use logic, intellect, stare at them with power, befriend them. Show emotion, empathy, meditate and empty your mind. Do this and they cannot control you. There is so much more to tell - possibly at a later date. - Orlando ********** Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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