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- Sergio Javier Mayén UFOs - Colonia Torre Blanca, Mexico City
- MUFON Chaos: Filer Endorses Meier Evidence
- Fortean / Oddball News: Air Force Wiccans, 1st Spaceport and Interplanetary Exploration
- Black Panther Scare in Western Germany
Sergio Javier Mayén UFOs - Colonia Torre Blanca, Mexico City Posted: 25 Oct 2010 01:34 PM PDT Here's a post from Scott Corrales of Inexplicata Ana Luisa Cid Date: 10.24.2010 Mexico: Youth Videotapes Extraordinary UFO Evidence By Ana Luisa Cid The following vidcaps belong to the extraordinary recording made by young Sergio Javier Mayén, who managed to capture two unidentified flying objects with his video camera as they flew over Colonia Torre Blanca, Mexico City, on October 21, 2005 at 18:26 hrs. Given the importance of the images, I visited the witness at his home to interview him and conduct an on-site investigation. Interview with Sergio Javier Mayén, 11 December 2005 Ana Luisa: Hello Sergio. How old are you and what do you do? Sergio: I'm 16 years old and study at a vo-tech. I want to be an architectural engineer. AL: Could you please tell me about your October 21st experience? Sergio: Well, that afternoon I went up to the roof with my sister Melissa, who was playing there. It was she who told me that there was a UFO in the sky. We both watched a reddish-hued orb, and I went downstairs quickly for the camcorder. AL: Did you manage to record the red orb? Sergio: No, it wasn't possible, because when I went back to the roof, the red orb wasn't there anymore. Then I turned to the right to look for it and came across another UFO, with a brilliant spherical object at low altitude, static in the heavens. Since my camera was ready, I was indeed able to record it. AL: So what happened later? Sergio: After recording the orb and taking some photos of it, I realized that a plane was about to fly over and I decided to widen the shot to show the reference. During the first moments of the video, only one UFO can be seen. Shortly after, another appeared in motion. AL: How did this object move? Sergio: It moved very slowly and rising toward the zenith. For that reason I was sure that it couldn't be an airplane or any known object. AL: Can you describe it? Sergio: Sure. We could see that it was a black, round object surrounded by smaller, really bright orbs. AL: How long did the sighting last? Sergio: About three and a half minutes, I think, approximately, since the UFO was rising really fast into the sky. It was faster than an airplane. It's also important to tell you that some things appeared in the original video that crossed the path of the UFO. Some white orbs can be seen, and another longer black-colored object, passing at great speed, and it can only be seen when we put the camera in slow-mo. AL: Is this the first time you've seen a UFO? Sergio: No, because I've seen them before and even managed to record one with my cellphone, but I don't have that video anymore because my sister erased it. I remember that I was talking to a friend about the sighting I had in Guanajuato and I lifted my arm to point how high the UFO was. Then we both looked at the sky and found a luminous sphere. AL: Do you engage in routine sky watches? Sergio: Sure, since I was little I've been looking at the sky, and when I see something weird, I focus to determine if it's a UFO or something known. AL: What are UFOs, in your opinion? Sergio: I don't know, but maybe they could be humans from another dimension with more advanced technology that can travel through dimensional doorways to get here, to research. For example, I saw a documentary about helicopters being reported during the First World War, and that's unusual, because they didn't exist back then, so we can't think that those helicopters were aliens, right? So that's what makes me say that maybe we're the UFOs, but from another time, although I think there can be life somewhere else in the universe. It wouldn't be logical for us to be the only ones. UFOs are something we don't know very well, but we know they exist. AL: Thanks, Sergio. A remark by Mr. Javier Mayén, father of the witnesses "I think it's important to highlight that my children had their sighting the same day that Hurricane Wilma hit Mexican territory on October 21, 2005...I'm not sure if there's any relation between these events, but it's relevant to researchers who study the possible connection between UFOs and natural disasters."
The video has an approximate duration of 3 minutes and was taken with a digital Sony Handycam, Mini-DV format, model DCR-HC15. The evidence was recorded with a manual focus and using the 10x optical zoom. The audio is clear and the conversation between brother and sister can be heard, showing great excitement between both witnesses. After carefully reviewing the images frame by frame, I verified that the second UFO was not present during the first moments of the recording, considering that it appeared suddenly within a time period estimated at a 30th of a second. The UFO presents well-defined outlines, according to the filters applied with the Corel Photo-Paint 10 program. The object's morphology, illumination and movement correspond to the description given by young Sergio Mayén. Reviewing the final part of the video, and using an electronic zoom, I noticed that the UFO modified its shape at a great height, transforming into two red lights that subsequently became one. This information coincides with Sergio's narration, who states having first seen a red flash as the orb went away from his visual field. Final Remarks From the foregoing, I believe that the material analyzed is genuine and represents solid evidence regarding the presence of UFOs in Mexico. Without question, Sergio Javier Mayén has developed the sensitivity and skill needed to record the enigmatic videos that plow the skies of our country on video, and he will surely continue to surprise us with their extraordinary sightings. ********** Triangular UFO Over Mexico These vidcaps are from the video taken by Sergio Javier Mayén Cigarroa, whose camera recorded the passing of a triangular UFO over the Torre Blanca district of the Mexican capital. The images were taken on December 16, 2005 and the 16 year old witness was in the company of his younger sister Melissa engaged in a routine skywatch from the roof of his house. He was recording a static flying object when he noticed that another UFO was crossing his field of vision, clearly identifying it as a triangular object. The evidence was captured on a Sony Handycam, model DCR-HC15, at approximately 8:15 p.m. It is important to note that on that same evening various sightings were reported over Mexico City and that the "Hechos" news program on Televisión Azteca transmitted the image of four luminous spheres flying over southern Mexico City in real time. Ana Luisa Cid | ||
MUFON Chaos: Filer Endorses Meier Evidence Posted: 25 Oct 2010 01:04 PM PDT Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) October 25, 2010 - In an unexpected development pertaining to the evidence rich, but widely censored, Billy Meier UFO contact case in Switzerland, a prominent long time director for MUFON, the most well known international UFO investigation organization, broke ranks with official policy and expressed his support for the Meier case. George A. Filer, MUFON's Eastern Region Director and a retired Major in the USAF, prominently displayed one of Meier's UFO photographs from the pre-computer 1970s, along with information about high level scientific support for the case. He also endorsed the assessment of authenticity by another trusted military man, the late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, who was the lead independent investigator in the case. According to Michael Horn, the U.S. media representative for the Swiss contactee, "Recent revelations called into question MUFON's failure to ever investigate the almost 70 year-long, still ongoing UFO case. So when a widely respected investigator like Major Flier shows himself to be a maverick in search of the truth, it's certain to encourage broader scientific examination into Meier's evidence. There are many 'regulars' in the so-called 'UFO community' who have been content to recycle and rehash unprovable, anecdotal information and make a career out of it. Fortunately we have a notable exception here." "The whole UFO phenomenon has been, often deservedly, viewed as a fringe topic. But suddenly even the major networks are covering reported sightings of UFOs, though most are really only secret military craft. The one taboo, of course continues to be the Meier case; it's verifiably extraterrestrial evidence and content are viewed as threatening to our political and religious systems by those that want to maintain complete societal control. But that fear has resulted in very important information being withheld from the public. And, ironically, various investigative organizations, like MUFON, have been as suppressive as the mainstream media," according to Horn. "With the simultaneous crumbling facade of the not-so-expert experts, the documented prophetic accuracy of Meier's scientific information and the ever increasing occurrence of long warned about events, it is hoped that a large enough number of people will indeed wake up in time to try to help us avert whatever crises we still can...and help us to survive that which can no longer be prevented. We do thank Major Filer for his unexpected contribution to this effort." said Horn. The Disclosure Project interview - Testimony of USAF Major George A. Filer III | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Air Force Wiccans, 1st Spaceport and Interplanetary Exploration Posted: 25 Oct 2010 12:12 PM PDT wired - Just a few years ago, the Air Force Academy was considered such an evangelical hothouse that the place got sued for its alleged discrimination against non-Christians. Today, the Academy is boasting of its thriving pagan community — and its friendliness towards spell-casters. In a press release issued Thursday, the Academy features Tech. Sgt. Brandon Longcrier, "the lay leader for the Academy's Earth-Centered Spirituality community, which includes Wiccans and Pagans from various traditions." (It's part of a larger effort by the school to promote an image of tolerance.) During an inter-faith discussion group, the release notes, one cadet asked Longcrier "whether Wiccans or Pagans practiced 'black magic.'" Sergeant Longcrier responded by citing the Wiccan credo, or Rede: "An it harm none, do what ye will." That would seem to preclude harmful spellcraft. However, the Rede "would not apply to a battlefield," according to the Academy release. Which gives new meaning to the term "magic missile." Two other unnamed pagan cadets offered a spirited defense of the power of magic. "If I put out a healing spell — say, I wanted to heal you from pizza poisoning — if it doesn't work for you, but it works for somebody else, does that mean it didn't work?" one cadet asked. "But also keep in mind that magic doesn't necessarily mean miracles," another said. "Say you have cancer, and someone does a healing spell for you. It doesn't mean the cancer disappears overnight. It could mean your doctor thinks up a different treatment." This would be an unusual conversation at any military institution. But considering the Academy had "55 complaints of religious discrimination" against non-Christians between 2001 and 2005, it's close to miraculous — er, magical. According to according to CNN, all "9,000 cadets and faculty and staff members are now required to take a 50-minute course on religious sensitivity." But apparently, the pagan-Christian tension hasn't been completely deflated at the Academy. Earlier this year, the Academy set aside an area for a "pagan circle" in the woods nearby campus. But before it could be officially dedicated, a large wooden cross was planted in the middle. Longcrier called it a "hate crime." NOTE: Interesting...I was accepted at two military academies, one being Air Force. The strict religious traditions was the ultimate reason why I decided not to go there...Lon ********** Steven Spielberg to Direct 'Robopocalypse' blastr - Steven Spielberg has committed to directing an adaptation of Daniel H. Wilson's robot uprising novel as his next movie. Finally, the genre mastermind is back in the sci-fi saddle. Spielberg sparked to the material last March, long before the novel was even completed—but as Wilson was turning in pages of the book, Drew Goddard (Cloverfield) was processing them into the screenplay and storyboards were being drawn. The finished product must've jazzed Spielberg, since he just decided to shoot Robopocalypse next January, aiming for a 2013 release. As for the book itself, it'll be published in June 2011—while Wilson finishes his follow-up: Amp, which is set in a world where the technology to make the disabled whole turns them into supermen. Steven Spielberg doing epic science fiction? All is right with the world. ********** First Commercial Spaceport Now Open pcmag - Virgin Galactic is the arm of Virgin Group that is intended to develop commercial space travel. This week, the company's chief, Sir Richard Branson celebrated the completion of Spaceport America, the first commercial purpose-built space port in Upham, N.M. The spaceport includes a two-mile long runway called the "Governor BIll Richardson Spaceway." It's 42 inches thick and can support every existing type of space craft currently in existence. "New Mexico is not only helping to launch the commercial spaceflight industry, but we are launching new jobs and opportunities for the people of southern N.M.," Gov. Richardson said in a press release. The runway was dedicated in a celebration that included Branson, Richardson, about 30 of 380 Virgin Galactic future astronauts who got to see Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo jet carry the SpaceShip Two in a landing and flyover. The future astronauts are those who have already paid or put down a deposit for the $200,00 trip, a Reuters report said. The company already has deposits for more than $50 million. "The last few weeks have been some of the most exciting in Virgin Galactic's development," Branson said in the release. "Our spaceship is flying beautifully and will soon be making powered flights, propelled by our new hybrid rocket motor, which is also making excellent progress in its own test program." Branson said that he plans to be taking passengers into space in nine to 18 months. President Barack Obama recently signed the NASA Authorization Act of 2010 into effect. It's a bill that appropriates $58.4 billion for NASA programs over the next three years and gives an additional flight to the space shuttle fleet. ********** NASA official: Interplanetary Spacecraft on the Way - A senior NASA official has promised to deliver a spaceship that will travel between alien worlds "within a few years". Speaking at a conference in San Francisco on Saturday, NASA Ames director Simon Worden said his division had started a project with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency called the "Hundred Year Starship". The project was kicked off recently with $1 million funding from DARPA and $100K from NASA and hopes to utilise new propulsion ideas being explored by NASA. Star Trek fans, prepare to get excited - electric propulsion is here, according to Mr Worden. "Anybody that watches the (Star Trek) Enterprise, you know you don't see huge plumes of fire," he said. "Within a few years we will see the first true prototype of a spaceship that will take us between worlds." Mr Worden said the space program was "now really aimed at settling other worlds". "You heard it here," he told the crowd at the "Long Conversation". "Twenty years ago you had to whisper that in dark bars and get fired." Mr Worden said he hoped to "inveigle some billionaires" such as Google founder Larry Page to help with further funding for the project. Another possible source of propulsion being funded by NASA was by using microwave power from a planetary base to heat hydrogen propellants on board an orbiting spaceship. "You don't have to carry all the fuel," he said. "You use that energy from a laser or microwave power to heat a propellant; it gets you a pretty big factor of improvement. I think that's one way of getting off the world." Mr Worden had an interesting take on how we would settle other worlds when we found them, suggesting it would be easier to adapt humans to an alien planet than changing the planet to suit humans. "How do you live in another world? I don't have the slightest idea," he said. "If you're a conservative, you worry about it killing us; if you're a liberal, you worry about us killing it." Despite his ambitious vision to push further out into the galaxy, Mr Worden said there was still plenty of work to do in our own backyard first. First stop, he said, was the moons of Mars, from where the planet itself can be explored using telerobotics. "I think we'll be on the moons of Mars by 2030 or so," he said. "Larry (Page) asked me a couple weeks ago how much it would cost to send people one way to Mars and I told him $10 billion, and his response was, 'Can you get it down to 1 or 2 billion?' "So now we're starting to get a little argument over the price." ********** Viking Artifacts Uncovered From Continued Thaw reuters - Climate change is exposing reindeer hunting gear used by the Vikings' ancestors faster than archaeologists can collect it from ice thawing in northern Europe's highest mountains. "It's like a time machine...the ice has not been this small for many, many centuries," said Lars Piloe, a Danish scientist heading a team of "snow patch archaeologists" on newly bare ground 1,850 meters (6,070 ft) above sea level in mid-Norway. Specialized hunting sticks, bows and arrows and even a 3,400-year-old leather shoe have been among finds since 2006 from a melt in the Jotunheimen mountains, the home of the "Ice Giants" of Norse mythology. As water streams off the Juvfonna ice field, Piloe and two other archaeologists -- working in a science opening up due to climate change -- collect "scare sticks" they reckon were set up 1,500 years ago in rows to drive reindeer toward archers. But time is short as the Ice Giants' stronghold shrinks. "Our main focus is the rescue part," Piloe said on newly exposed rocks by the ice. "There are many ice patches. We can only cover a few...We know we are losing artefacts everywhere." Freed from an ancient freeze, wood rots in a few years. And rarer feathers used on arrows, wool or leather crumble to dust in days unless taken to a laboratory and stored in a freezer. Jotunheimen is unusual because so many finds are turning up at the same time -- 600 artefacts at Juvfonna alone. Other finds have been made in glaciers or permafrost from Alaska to Siberia. Italy's iceman "Otzi," killed by an arrow wound 5,000 years ago, was found in an Alpine glacier in 1991. "Ice Mummies" have been discovered in the Andes. RESCUE Patrick Hunt, of Stanford University in California who is trying to discover where Carthaginian general Hannibal invaded Italy in 218 BC with an army and elephants, said there was an "alarming rate" of thaw in the Alps. "This is the first summer since 1994 when we began our Alpine field excavations above 8,000 ft that we have not been inundated by even one day of rain, sleet and snow flurries," he said. "I expect we will see more 'ice patch archaeology discoveries'," he said. Hannibal found snow on the Alpine pass he crossed in autumn, according to ancient writers. Glaciers are in retreat from the Andes to the Alps, as a likely side-effect of global warming caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases, the U.N. panel of climate experts says. The panel's credibility has suffered since its 2007 report exaggerated a thaw by saying Himalayan glaciers might vanish by 2035. It has stuck to its main conclusion that it is "very likely" that human activities are to blame for global warming. "Over the past 150 years we have had a worldwide trend of glacial retreat," said Michael Zemp, director of the Swiss-based World Glacier Monitoring Service. While many factors were at play, he said "the main driver is global warming." In Norway, "some ice fields are at their minimum for at least 3,000 years," said Rune Strand Oedegaard, a glacier and permafrost expert from Norway's Gjoevik University College. The front edge of Jovfunna has retreated about 18 meters (60 ft) over the past year, exposing a band of artefacts probably from the Iron Age 1,500 years ago, according to radiocarbon dating. Others may be from Viking times 1,000 years ago. Juvfonna, about 1 km across on the flank of Norway's highest peak, Galdhoepiggen, at 2,469 meters, also went through a less drastic shrinking period in the 1930s, Oedegaard said. REINDEER Inside the Juvfonna ice, experts have carved a cave to expose layers of ice dating back 6,000 years. Some dark patches turned out to be ancient reindeer droppings -- giving off a pungent smell when thawed out. Ice fields like Juvfonna differ from glaciers in that they do not slide much downhill. That means artefacts may be where they were left, giving an insight into hunting techniques. On Juvfonna, most finds are "scare sticks" about a meter long. Each has a separate, flapping piece of wood some 30 cm long that was originally tied at the top. The connecting thread is rarely found since it disintegrates within days of exposure. "It's a strange feeling to be tying a string around this stick just as someone else did maybe 1,500 years ago," said Elling Utvik Wammer, a archaeologist on Piloe's team knotting a tag to a stick before storing it in a box for later study. All the finds are also logged with a GPS satellite marker before being taken to the lab for examination. The archaeologists reckon they were set up about two meters apart to drive reindeer toward hunters. In summer, reindeer often go onto snow patches to escape parasitic flies. Such a hunt would require 15 to 20 people, Piloe said, indicating that Norway had an organized society around the start of the Dark Ages, 1,500 years ago. Hunters probably needed to get within 20 meters of a reindeer to use an iron-tipped arrow. "You can nearly feel the hunter here," Piloe said, standing by a makeshift wall of rocks exposed in recent weeks and probably built by an ancient archer as a hideaway. | ||
Black Panther Scare in Western Germany Posted: 25 Oct 2010 08:36 AM PDT BILD - (translated) - Mushroom collector Jean-Claude Gabriel (49): "At first I thought it was a great dog. But then I realized it was the big cat. It is about 90 centimeters high, 30 cm long tail." Gabriel remained calm, whipped out his cell phone and filmed it. The photo of the German black panther is being published in the country's newspapers this week. Due to concern and worry, officials in the western German state of Rhineland-Palatinate on October 20, 2010, gave hunters permission to shoot the black panther that has been sighted near the Belgian border for almost a year. "We're looking into if and how we can find the animal," said Nicole Scherer, spokesperson for the license agency. Reportedly, the government officials believe the animal is a black panther that escaped from a French animal park some time ago. No specific source, incident, or background is given for this theory. A "large black creature" has been sighted along the Belgian border near Trier four times just since August 2010. Tranquilizing the animal is reported to not be a good option, officials said, because "it could flee in the seven minutes it takes for the drugs to take hold." The black creature was first seen in the Belgian Ardennes region, just on the other side of the German border, about one year ago. Later similar sightings were reported in other parts of Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany's Eifel region near Trier. "According to the number of sightings we must take the situation seriously," said Thomas Müller, spokesperson for the Trier-Saarburg county administration, told The Local, an English-language German newspaper. There is a long history of sightings of melanistic mystery cats in Germany, and, in context, this report fits well into those accounts without the need to "explain" it as an escapee. The excuse motif is worldwide, for in America, "black panther" reports have been "explained away" as circus train wreck and traveling zoo escapees for almost two centuries. Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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