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- Paranormal / Spiritual News: PAST Update, Calling Spirits and Jennifer Lopez Upsets Ghost
- Fortean / Oddball News: UFO Landing, John Paul II Sainthood and Book-Burning Vampires
- Russia’s Twilight Zone
Paranormal / Spiritual News: PAST Update, Calling Spirits and Jennifer Lopez Upsets Ghost Posted: 17 Oct 2010 09:38 AM PDT Paranormal Anomaly Search Team (PAST) Update This week, I received the following information from Kevin Ford of the Paranormal Anomaly Search Team from suburban Chicago, Illinois: We just finished up a second investigation surrounding a missing person case. Back in February we went to Mendota, Illinois to help with a very sad unsolved case. Veronica Jill Blumhorst left her job on 9/20/1990 and has never been seen since. Her car was found in the family garage the next morning, but there was no evidence to what happened to her. There have been claims or paranormal activity near her disappearance and at other locations in town. When we were contacted earlier this year for the first case we explained we do not normally search for missing people. We are not psychics that help police when the leads run cold. As we spoke to the brother of the missing woman, we felt we may be able to gain evidence that may help, or dispel the rumors of the activity. When we did the investigation, we covered many different areas around town. We did collect some good EVPs, but nothing definitive of what happened. We always said we would return as we felt we just touched the tip of the iceberg. Her brother set up a memorial for her on the 20th anniversary of her disappearance on 9/19/10. They had an expo during the day with law enforcement and other agencies that help with missing persons. In the evening they had the memorial. We thought this was a unique opportunity to investigate with all the energy of her family and friends present. The emotional ties, love, and sorrow may help us communicate with Veronica. We hit a few spots we visited the first time, but we spent the majority of the investigation in the wooded area we got the most evidence from the first time. Within 3 minutes of beginning to ask questions we heard the response from a female that said "He hurt me". This was just the beginning. We caught multiple clear EVPS both male and female and even a clear name when we asked. What we can say is we were amazed at the things we caught. We hope the evidence may spark conversation to help bring answers and closure to this case. We may even need to go back at some point. Click for video ********** Jennifer Lopez 'Upsets Ghost on TV Set' musicrooms - The singer-and-actress was announced as one of the new judges on the US talent contest last month, alongside Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler. During the big reveal host Ryan Seacrest's microphone stopped working and mysterious smoke swamped the stage, causing some to worry dark forces could be at work. In 2009, it was claimed an angry poltergeist was haunting the house where the American Idol contestants were living. The spirit was named Phyllis, and was said to be angry she wasn't getting a shot at the spotlight. Those familiar with the time are convinced Phyllis is back, and as irritable as ever. "Many staffer think it's Phyllis – and that she's jealous of Jennifer," a source told National Enquirer. "There's no good explanation for what happened, and we all think it's really, really creepy." Staff have vowed to keep a close eye out backstage, and make a note of any unexplained happenings so they can try to establish a pattern. ********** Paranormal Investigators to Help Animal Shelter wayneindependent - Mark and Lauren Keyes of Lackawanna County take their paranormal seriously. They're team leaders for the Pennsylvania Paranormal Association (PPA), featured on the Animal Planet TV show "The Haunted." Your chance to meet the members of the PPA team is Saturday at the "Spirit of Dessin" fundraiser being held at the Historic White Mills Fire Hall in White Mills, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. The cost is $5 per person with all proceeds benefiting the Dessin Animal Shelter's Spay and Neuter Program. Event organizer Toni Lehutsky says it's lining up to be an exciting evening. There will be demonstrations of ghost hunting equipment, talks about paranormal investigations, and a chance to meet Ben the PPA's K-9 Police trained mascot and ghost hunter. A personal friend of her husband's, Lehutsky said Mr. Keyes takes a scientific approach to researching the paranormal. "Mark is into quantum physics," she said. "They don't charge the clients," she said. "They go into houses and debunk things." Though sometimes a noise might be attributed to a loose pipe, etc., Lehutsky said the Keyes have come across the paranormal. In Delaware County, they went to a home where something went flying across the room. "You hear this thing and it was a quarter that went flying and no one was in the house," Lehutsky said. "So they do have stuff like that that happens, but it doesn't happen in every home." As for Ben, the ghost hunter, Lehutsky says, "A dog is more sensitive, in-tune to things. He'll see things they don't; he'll hear things they don't." Psychic readings and photos with Ben are available for an additional charge. Lehutsky says the psychic will also check the historic fire hall to see if any old firemen are hanging around. Saturday's event is a way to get the word out about the PPA and raise money for the Dessin Animal Shelter's Spay & Neuter Program, Lehutsky said. Marlene Metzger, PA Humane Society Police Officer for Dessin, says the Spay/Neuter program has been around for years and has helped hundreds of people. "The spay and neuter fund is strictly for the community ... It helps them spay and neuter their animals and that in turns helps the Dessin to prevent pet overpopulation. The less animals we get in the less animals that are homeless or eventually euthanized. There's always far more animals than there are homes." Lehutsky says public response to the upcoming event has been incredible, with people stopping her on the street, saying, "I'm so exiting about your fundraising (event). I'm bringing a bunch of people." "It's really been a group effort. We're all very passionate and caring people who just want to help people," Lehutsky said. Lehutsky thanked Todd Stephens and the Dorflinger Suydam Wildlife Sanctuary for the use of the Historic White Mills Fire Hall. "I'd like people to keep any open mind ...Check out the show and help the Dessin," Lehutsky said. ********** Ghost Hunt Brings Closure For Family journalstar - The ghosts of Nebraska Wesleyan University didn't materialize Friday but a call to spirits eased one survivor's guilt. Carol Ready of Scribner has carried guilt since two sisters died more than three years ago in a rollover. The 18-year-old frets over little things -- why didn't she play with them when they'd asked? Days before the accident, Carol told her tomboy sister Beth, 11, she'd teach her how to put on makeup "later." Well, later was too late, Carol said. The girls died April 14, 2007, en route to Concordia University for its "Gathering of Talents." Beth and Erin, 7, were to sing solos at the festival. "I felt like they died because I pushed them away," Carol said. "I thought it was God's punishment." Carol's mother, Ruth Ready, carries guilt for losing control of the Suburban that flipped twice on Nebraska 79 near North Bend. Closure has been hard for the family. Carol said there's a void that can't be filled. But those who say they spoke with Beth and Erin Friday have this message -- the girls are happy on the other side and want their mortal family happy too. Carol was able to "talk" to her two sisters with the help of paranormal expert Chris Moon, who was at Nebraska Wesleyan University Friday night. Moon claims to have the ability to talk to the dead through a spirit phone, a device he says uses sound waves to convey messages between worlds. He travels the United States going into historically haunted houses to talk to ghosts. It's rumored that Wesleyan's Old Main building and Johnson Hall are haunted. Multiple people say they've seen, heard or felt paranormal activity there throughout the years. And it just so happens that Carol lives in Johnson Hall. She didn't really believe in ghosts until Friday, when Moon used the spirit phone to talk to ghosts on her floor. Moon asked people to start asking questions. Carol asked if Beth and Erin were there. Through the phone they said, "Yes, here." "Is there a girl that's 7?" "Yes." "Is there another girl that's 11?" "Yes. We are at home. Safe." "Beth? Beth Ready?" "Me. Hi. This is odd. We're cool," she giggled. Carol started shaking; tears streamed down her face. "That was Beth's voice and giggle. I will never forget that sweet voice," Carol said. "I remember one morning I woke her up by putting my hand on hers and she said, 'Hi!' That was the same hi I heard that morning." Ten minutes later, the sisters asked for Carol. Carol hadn't said her name to the spirit phone, but a girl's voice asked to talk to Carol. Carol asked, "Are you mad at me for not spending time with you?" "No, we understand." "Are you mad at Mom?" "A little, because she is blaming herself and holding guilt." "Every day Mom thinks about you girls." Carol cried harder. Other students crowded around. Chris Moon teared up too. Carol grabbed her cell phone and called her parents, who aren't big into ghost tales. But Carol didn't care, she needed to tell her mom to stop feeling guilty. "It feels so good to know that they weren't blaming me for not spending time with them before they died," Carol said. The idea that the dead can communicate with humans is weird until you've experienced for yourself, said Joe Pritchard, a Wesleyan student who stayed overnight in Old Main on Friday with about 30 people waiting for the ghost of Clara Mills to appear. Brittany Gunther, another Wesleyan student, claimed she talked to her cousin and aunt through the spirit telephone. "She recognized her cousin's voice right away, Pritchard said. "You have to be there to understand what we heard and saw." ********** Ghost Hunters Investigate Eatery Paranormal Uncovered at Landmark Are These Pictures of Ghosts? Trapped in a Nightmare or Seeking Them Out Haunting Evidence: Tracking Spirits From the Past A Very English Haunting | ||||||||
Fortean / Oddball News: UFO Landing, John Paul II Sainthood and Book-Burning Vampires Posted: 17 Oct 2010 08:58 AM PDT UFO Pacing Missouri Highway...Alien Craft Landing in Louisiana MUFON CMS - near St.Louis, Missouri - Thursday October 14th, 2010, driving home from Des Peres to St. Louis, after interchanging from I-270 S to I-44 E, I rounded a bend after about a half-mile and saw what seemed like an extremely bright star low in the horizon, but a bit bigger than stars. I realized that it seemed to be slowly moving alongside westbound I-44 similar in height and distance off the highway as a traffic helicopter might be. I knew it wasn't a star but had never seen a light on a helicopter so bright before. It was moving much too slowly to be a plane, I thought it might be about 300' off the ground and 300' to the opposite side of the westbound lanes, I now slowed down and rolled my window down in the eastbound lanes. As it got close the light appeared to be more elliptical in shape, longer horizontally. I started to notice a small red light just to the right of the big white light as it got closer. I am driving on a 4 lane interstate highway, but I get into one of the rightmost lanes and slow down to about 50, glancing at it while I'm realizing I want to try to take note of what I see. When it was exactly perpendicular to me it definitely had three sets of three balls of light. Each set emitted a particular color. Two of the sets stayed the same color and never change intensity, one set white with green balls and the other red with red balls. The trailing set as regularly changing. They would go off for a second or two and come back on, usually red with red balls, but sometimes white with white balls. I couldn't keep looking as I passed it, and lost it that way. I saw it for a least a minute, and a good 15 seconds where the three sets of three balls were quite distinct, and fascinating. The balls where solid circles of their color, although the green circles in the front where very light green inside and light green at the circumference, but strangely emanating a white shimmering light. The green balls were a bit smaller and set further apart from the other sets. The other sets were solid circles emanating shimmering light. I was fascinated with the lighting configuration where it was similar to lights seen in the sky at night on conventional craft, but distinctly different. I am quite sure of these details as I have never seen anything like this in my 50 years, seeing lights in they sky, at least what I remember. I've never seen pictures of anything conventional like it at all. Anyone, please contact MUFON and reference this case if you can send them a picture of a craft that this could have been, with this lighting capability. I could not hear a helicopter, but there was highway noise, but it didn't appear to be far away, and was moving far too slow to be a plane. Please see the attached created image for the lighting configuration and pattern. When I had been on I-270 approaching the interchange, I did notice a bright star. It was a few times brighter than any other star I could see in the sky, about 30 degrees off the horizon but just a pinpoint of twinkling bright white light, not seeming to move. So, after the, whatever it was, flew by me I started to tremble uncontrollably a little, it was obviously something very different than usual, and was a bit disconcerting to me. "It" seemed like it was wanting my attention, that it wanted to make sure that I saw it, but maybe it was just coincidence. It was definitely going slower than the traffic on the westbound side of the road that it was on. There were others on the road and someone looking up on that side at that time could have seen even more detail than I did, but would have come up to it and passed by it. Based on how fast the traffic was passing it going in the same direction it was, it was going perhaps 30 mph. It would have been almost the length of my thumb in relative size if I had stuck it out while driving and glancing at it, but glancing at it more than several times while still driving safely. So, I exit I-44 about 5 minutes later at Laclede Sta. Rd. and take a few turns and about 2 minutes later I enter one end of the River Des Peres parkway at the Shrewsbury Metro Link station. As soon as I take a right on to it there almost straight ahead at treetop level I see a very bright white elliptical shimmering light, about the relative size of a thumbtack head. The parkway is a bit curvey and has some trees though sparse in places. The light seemed to be getting closer as I drove on, but I'd loose it it the tree tops. When I'd loose it in a group of trees it would sometimes come out the other side than I expected, and this happened a few times. By the time I had reached a longer straight stretch of road, it was just to my right, slowing moving right at about 15 high, still a a clearly elliptical shimmering white light but having moved off a distance, about half a thumbnail size from the half a thumb size when it was getting closer while I was winding through the parkway. I noticed that I had started to shake at that point, but I had calmed down when I saw it further away. As I was nearing the end of the straight, it passed behind a large tree in the distance. I expected it to come back out from the right having entered from the left, but a small red light with a while strobbing light came back out from the left where the elliptical light had entered. It continued at the same pace, like a helicopter about 1 mile away at 500' feet, moving left. Small white lights seemed to become apparent as it moved, similar to seeing the lights turned on in an airliner cabin close to the ground at night. I turned left onto Gravois from the parkway and glanced two more times to my right at the object as it seemed to be going in a northeast direction, moving diagonally away from me. I glanced two times and each time it seemed to strobe a red light that created a red "halo" around it. I lost site of it in the trees and buildings. Last, then went to the supermarket and was walking back out to my car about 8 minutes later, about 100 yards from where I'd last seen the object, if it was the same object I'd been seeing along the parkway anyway - a helicopter flew directly over my head, perhaps 200' feet, and was far quieter than the helicopters I hear land at the hospital facility where I work. The helicopter had one red steady light and a strobbing white light that seemed to be on top that was perhaps reflecting off the rotating rotors. The helicopter was in the process of slowing down, and was heading exactly towards where I'd seen the object leaving. The helicopter seemed to be slowing down as it continued on that direction when I got in my car and left for my house. ALIEN CRAFT LANDING MUFON CMS - Louisiana - 10/16/2010: I have never believed in UFO's. I've always thought it was nonsense. The other night though,when I got home, becuase it was is the weekend, I decided to bring out my telescope and do a little star gazing. I had been observing for about probably 30 minutes or so when I noticed something in the sky that appeared to be an orange egg shaped object making no noice maybe about a quarter of a mile away. It was extremely low. It got closer and closer and I begin to freak out. I ran in my house and looked for my camera but could not find it. When I returned out, the object was actually hovering above my yard about 30 feet in the air. I have no idea how it was able to fly. It then proceeded to hover into my back yard and land. I thought maybe I should dial 911 but did not due to the fact that I may have not been believed. I ran into my backyard after debating whether I should approach the object or not. I went into the back and stood crouched down by a large bush for the next five minutes or so. The object did not move. It had no windows on it, but had two orange lights on it. One light on either side of the spacecraft. The object had four (metal Im assuming) legs that it had used to land on. It was about 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. After watching it for 5 minutes it slowly lifted of the ground. I watched it take off and then go down in a nearby field. I assumed it had landed again, so I went back inside to search for my camera which I still could not find so I got my cell phone out of my truck, but by the time I got to the field, the object was no where in sight. There is no evidence that the craft landed. It was just a very odd, surreal experience. I'm just very shocked. ********** John Paul II on 'Fast Track' to Sainthood afp - The process leading to sainthood for late Polish pope John Paul II has recently been accelerated, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said on Saturday after talks with Pope Benedict XVI. "We expressed our hope for a continuation of the process and the latest signals show that this process has been recently speeded up," Komorowski told reporters after the talks on the 32nd anniversary of John Paul II's election. Komorowski also attended a mass in honour of John Paul II in the Vatican. Italian daily Il Giornale this week reported that initial medical confirmation of John Paul II's first miracle -- a vital step towards beatification and eventual canonisation -- could come "in the next few weeks." A spokesman for the Vatican declined to comment on the report. There had been speculation in Poland earlier this year that Saturday's anniversary could see the beatification of John Paul II -- the first step toward formal recognition as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. The procedure leading up to sainthood usually takes many years. Benedict also congratulated Komorowski ahead of the canonisation of Stanislaw Soltys, a 15th-century Polish priest who is to be recognised as saint at a ceremony on Sunday with five others including Australia's first saint. "Tomorrow Poland will have a new saint," Benedict told the president. Komorowski is set to attend the ceremony on Sunday on the square in front of Saint Peter's basilica where around 50,000 faithful are expected. The two leaders also discussed collaboration between church and state "for the common good," as well as European affairs, the Vatican said. Komorowski said he also informed Benedict about Poland's reconciliation with Germany and about the "dialogue to bring about reconciliation with Russia too." He said the dialogue with Russia "will be long and difficult but possible and the Holy See is obviously looking on it with favour." ********** Ten People Killed During Goat Sacrifice oneindia - At least ten persons were killed and several others injured in a stampede that broke out at Tildiha village of Bihar's Banka District on the occasion of 'Navratri' festival. It has been reported that the stampede took place inside the jam-packed temple premises on Saturday after a portion of the sacrificed body of the goat fell on some devotees, which created a scare further leading to a mad rush among the people present. "More than 45,000 devotees had thronged the temple at Tildiha village under Sambhuganj police station area for offering prayers and sacrificing goats when the stampede occurred," said Director General of Police (DGP) Neelmani, while addressing the media persons in Patna. The injured are being treated at hospitals in Tarapur and Banka. "Ten deaths have been confirmed so far, while four are stated to be in critical condition," said District Magistrate Aadesh Chitarmare. Eyewitnesses here said that the temple was over-crowded when the stampede took place. "Yes, it was very much over-crowded. The people died due to the stampede," said Usha Rani, an eyewitness who also got injured and is admitted to a hospital. ********** 'Twilight' Book Burning by Vampires katu - Saturday night on the commons of the Portland Memorial Coliseum, a group calling themselves Bloodsuckers Against Twilight (B.A.T.) say they'll hold a book burning of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" book series. The 8:30 p.m. event, held in the Rose Quarter Exhibit Hall, is the brainchild of the FrightTown chain of West Coast haunted houses. "But soon they'll be known for something else: taking a stand against the unfair stereotyping of vampires," reports a news release on Saturday's book burning distributed by Rose Quarter PR. There is a FrightTown going on now at the Rose Quarter, co-produced and performed by 1031 Community Theatre. "[The 'Twilight' author] ... is creating a destructive stereotype," said FrightTown spokesman Baron Von Goolo in a prepared statement Saturday. "Even before Bram Stoker was born, vampires were feared as demonic beasts of the night, preying on unwary milkmaids and causing entire duchies and fiefdoms to tremble at sundown. Now, thanks to the runaway popularity of the 'Twilight' books and films, when people think of vampires they think of a klatch of sullen poster-boys that look like they should be opening for 'Depeche Mode.'" Von Goolo claims B.A.T. was created "out of necessity," to "reverse Stephenie Meyer's blasphemous opportunism and restore the image of vampires to what it should be: that of savage, unrelenting monsters." "Real vampires would fall in love with an annoying high school girl no sooner than you or I would fall in love with a ham sandwich," Von Goolo said. "...Personally, I just hope the books sparkle when they burn." Information on FrightTown's "Twilight" book burning declares it is "open to the public." ********** Car Vandals Manhunt Turns 'Nutty' swns - A man-hunt was launched after seven cars had their ABS brake cables cut or damaged and several homes had their phone cables severed. Officers issued a public appeal on October 1 and made house-to-house enquiries urging residents to report anyone seen "acting suspiciously" in a bid to capture the sabotuers. But they were forced to abandon the operation after 'fur-ensic' tests revealed the culprits were in fact – mischievous squirrels. Police today admitted the crime was more "whodun-nut" than a "whodunit". yesterday. A force spokesman said: "It is now apparent that the damage to the ABS cables and the domestic telephone wires was caused by squirrels and not as the result of deliberate criminal damage. "High visibility police patrols were carried out, and many local residents spoken to, and those residents have confirmed a recent increase in squirrel activity in those areas." Officers were also forced to urge angry car drivers not to take matters into their own hands against the ravenous rodents. Insp Pete Chamberlain, from Swindon Police, said: "We are looking to work with Swindon Borough Council's Pest Control officers to try and deal with this issue. "It is not only ABS cables that the Rodents have attacked but several telephone wires in the area so people's lives have been affected in many ways." A spokesman for the RSPCA added: "Squirrels do have a tendency to chew through wires of all sorts. "It is important however that members of the public do not try to catch the squirrels and take the law into their own hands. "Squirrels may well bite if cornered which may result in a hospital visit or at least a tetanus jab." | ||||||||
Posted: 17 Oct 2010 07:33 AM PDT
My Trip to the Anomalous Zone, August 2010 Without troubling the reader with an account of my journey from Bahrain to Russia, as all travels by air present pretty much the same features which have been so frequently and so well described by others, I will just give a simple account of my actual holiday and amazing experiences in a country where still, very little is known by the West. Russia lies at the back, an undiscovered country, with fresh and original people. Far from the concrete cities, in small villages in forest clearings and half-forgotten river valleys, where Western clothes and culture never really seem to penetrate, lives a lost family of our brothers and sisters. It was amongst them that I went to stay for two weeks, to experience and understand a small part of the true Russian life , in a remote area where Western Europeans rarely venture. Sadly, there still exists a great ignorance of Russia and, as always is the result of great misunderstanding, making the popular notions about this country not only imperfect but absurd. These ideas partly derive from a distorted legends of past wars, partly from sympathy with nationalities or causes which the Russian Government has treated badly and very largely from fiction. The last is the fiction of many writers/reporters who remain wholly ignorant of the country, so we've ended up with the Russian spy, the Russian conspirator, who are popularly conceived as figures of melodrama or comic opera, but not of actual life! To these novel writers, Russia has been the happy hunting ground, where they've been able to lay on the colours as they choose and make up fantastic scenes worthy of Arabian Nights. It's actually an impossible task to give anyone an idea of the immensity of this great country which rolls away eastwards from Germany for nearly two thousand miles before the Rural Mountains rear their jagged peaks between Europe and Asia, but this was our destination. The country is a plains country, a bit like the American prairies in some parts, but different in being for great stretches covered with forests of birch, the Russian national tree, pines or oak and appearing wonderfully green and fresh in those parts. After a two hour car ride from the city airport, along the one and only dirt road full of holes and ruts which lent a lot of excitement to the our journey, we finally arrived at our destination, this New World that had aroused so much expectation in me and perhaps not a little fear of the unexpected as well. But now I was really there in Molebka, a fact of which I had to constantly to reassure myself, so unreal and impossible did it seem. Here at last was a place that did not disappoint one's expectations, but even far surpasses one's wildest dreams. Situated on the left bank of the River Sylva, a foreground of meadow land and small log cabins with forest masses either side, this sparsely populated village of maybe a few hundred people at most, bordering the Perm territory and Sverdlovsk Region is truly remarkable for the salubrity of its pristine environment, beguiling forests, mountain and river views. Strange and old in every feature, old log cabins, new people and customs, and above all, a richness of coloring that quite defies description, which was the most impressive feature of the scene. The village and the anomalous zone, occupy about 44 square miles and has often been called the favourite UFO village, famous for abnormal events, myths and the fabulous kingdom of Shambala, a place of happiness, tranquility and peace. The area still attracts many tourists, especially at the time of the annual festivals, for instance the festival called "Energy of Life – Atmosphere of Love" , beckoning many Russians, UFO researchers, psychotherapists and astrologists. I hardly need to emphasize that after the above narrative, the wonderful hospitality that we received on every hand in that village, not least from our host Valery, who accommodated us throughout our stay in a quaint traditional log cabin that stood at the top of a hill. We had a wonderful view of the surrounding area and countryside. It was almost humiliating to see the way we were greeted on every side and everyone showed the liveliest interest in making us comfortable and at home. It was fantastic and a good start to our trip. Over the next two weeks, daily we'd wake up to a glorious morning of sun and clear blue skies, which was inspiriting and inspiring. We'd tumble out and troop off down to the river Sylva where we could take a dip or simply sit back and inhale the amazing magnificent panorama which surrounded us, range after range of level topped, interminable forest and tree clad hills with here and there peaks rising. During those hot days lasting the entire holiday, many times we'd venture off down the steep dirt track deep in dust, down to the sun-baked hills that bordered the river, to search for stones and fossils. Several hours were whiled away before we ever thought of returning to the cabin and were not sorry to find in the village shop a good "deposit" of beer and soda drinks. The total effect was wonderful, fairy like, a dream of the East, and I was not sorry to sit there till late afternoon, watching the river shadows slowly creep upon the hills and forest. One of the many incredible sights that kept me in total wonder was witnessing the awe-inspiring night sky that never seemed to disappoint us, no matter where we ventured, including our regular night trips into different locations in the forest and across the river. Above us, appeared a domed-shaped sky that reminded me of the Milky Way, upon which thousands of silent, glistening stars were throwing their mysterious light down upon the forest and village. I lost count of the shooting stars , as there were so many each night, and then the other mysterious 'stars' that moved, stopped and moved again, with other 'stars' following behind. In my mind's eye I tried to rationalize this phenomena and asked Valery if these moving stars were maybe a sputnik or other type of satellite, to which the reply was that it would not be feasible for two or three sputniks or satellites to be traveling in such close proximity to each other. I then thought of all the numberless spots in Russia and elsewhere in the world like this where one could have a bird's eye view of such amazing phenomena! I felt so privileged and fortunate to be there and in that spot. My best days were spent setting off from the log cabin in the late evening and walking to the forest in darkness and the pitch black of night, followed by a faithful dog called Jake who looked like a cross between a Siberian Husky and wolf. His owners had died to he was a free spirit to come and go as he pleased from cabin to cabin in the village.
Eventually, our eyes and balance soon became accustomed to the new surroundings and we were soon introduced to many places where we could sit and contemplate. In the darkness of the night, we would soon start to experience something unique and wonderful; the inner knowing that somehow we were protected and looked after, a great exercise to calm the nerves and connect more deeply with one's own inner resources. Soon the silence was welcomed and I actually began to feel something new; a heightened sense of unity with everything. So many times, sitting in those magical parts of the forest, we would witness strange balls of orb-like balls of lights appearing and disappearing in those forests, and in the clearings it became even more apparent that we were the ones being watched. It seemed almost like a game of hide and seek with us being the seekers and them the watchers. 'Don't be scared and have no fear' were the words I clearly heard in my dream the second night in the village, so it reminded me that I should not be unduly nervous about anything including the odd bear that might spring out, however I had be told that there were none in that area! I actually believed it too! On one of our many trips, we were taken across the river by the Argo(An amphibious off-road All Terrain Vehicle), to visit an area known to some as Shambala or place of happiness. It was plain to see why some considered it to be so spectacular; the incredible view surrounding both sides of the river, mountains and forest were stunning and I felt as if I'd been transported to another time zone. Our host Valery explained that he believed this place to be a gateway or portal into another dimension. We climbed up a tree clad cliff to get a better view across the river of this eerie place, and I could sense that many had been there like us, to get a glimpse of this very special place. One of the most spectacular evenings was spent traveling by car to an unknown destination deep in the forest. On the journey, I was told that attention should be paid to animal sounds in the night and odd animal appearances as apparently these are good omens for extraterrestrials to communicate with us in many ways, including the sending of animal messengers. They too can help us to perceive nature as part of our greater reality and the animal kingdom provides another dynamic communication network to tap into. Keeping an open mind and heart on this, I was completely taken aback when, on the dusty, dirt track we were suddenly confronted by a huge owl and I mean huge! It just sat there and took little notice of us as we gawped in amazement at this beautiful bird, till eventually it flew off into the dense undergrowth. A few moments later, the figure of a fox ran across our path and again, into the undergrowth where it simply vanished. Video stills of the Owl and Hare Last and not least, a hare skipped and hopped its way in front of our car without a care in the world. That for us was the icing on the cake!Eventually we reached our destination wherever that was, in the middle of nowhere, pitch black and deadly silent. That night the sky was crystal clear, the air chilled and crisp with zillions of stars twinkling above us; the perfect conditions for UFO hunting. Well, I honestly did not know what to expect but never in my wildest dreams did I believe that I would see the mysterious, incredible sight that greeted us. There beyond a patch of shadowy field, one could just make out above the tree line of the beginning of the forest, a stream of lights hovering and pulsating in some sort of organized linear display! I had to rub my eyes to take it all in. It really did appear to look like some flying saucer. I was told that this object does not always appear in this location and many times other enthusiasts have attempted to film or photograph it with dismal results. GPS apparently will fail to identify the true location as it simply gives no reading when one tries to approach the object. Strangely, if one attempts to find the place in daylight, all that can be found is an empty field about three to four kilometers from the place we were standing. Dare I say, my video cam did capture some very good footage and to cap it all, some extremely interesting sounds which we heard only on playback and not at the actual time of filming. At the time of filming, we heard absolutely nothing, it was deadly silent the entire time. I was told that 'they' knew we were there and were putting on a bit of show or display for us! Our distance from this object was apparently three to four kilometers and I was assured that there was absolutely no military presence in the area. My only thought at the time of seeing this craft was that I really didn't want a night pass for actual contact with any of these entities/aliens/beings as I simply wasn't expecting that sort of reality, besides I was not dressed for the part(just joking). After a fair amount of video footage, we left the UFO in peace and quiet and headed home to reflect on what we had seen, knowing full well that no one would actually believe me when I recounted this story and even with actual footage, would still not convince a soul!
What I have discovered too is that all of us has the ability whether we like it or not to step outside of our beliefs and consider information which does not fit into our previously accepted view of reality. When you reach that point in your life then expect some extraordinary things to happen. Whatever one is seeking, to see flying saucers, experience renewed energy, good health, to test out your courage and fears, then this is the place to come and stay. Also, it's always very lucky to follow one's fancy, not that one will definitely have great adventures, but because you will be led into strange scenes, into those hidden parts that lie just beyond the obvious and utilitarian. You many not get all the answers to your questions but at least you've tried your best to find out. As for some of the other Russians that I met on my travels, many appeared to be as strong as giants, quite religious and others mystically superstitious by reason of the many unexplained phenomena that surrounded them. I will say though that my impressions of the first real sight of Russia and the village are deep and lasting in my memory and am convinced that every open-hearted, nature-loving person who visits this wonderful place, will also never forget it. The urge to return to this place will last a lifetime. I for one will definitely go back. Click for video The Russian Bermuda Triangle set in the very rural Ural mountain area of Kishertsky District of Perm Krai, Russia, located on the bank of the Sylva River. Click for video NOTE: you can view Gillian Ann Abbas' interesting contributions to the 'Phantoms and Monsters' wiki at - Gabbas - Contributions...Lon Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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