Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Legendary Humanoids: Dziwożona, Female Demon
- Inexplicata: High Strangeness...Our Haunted Seas
- MUFON CMS: UFOs Near Jupiter - 4 Reports Nationwide
- Fortean / Oddball News: Psychic Abilities Proven, NSA Recruits Kids and 2012 Doomsday Wrong
- Video: UFO / Light Maneuvers - Moscow, Russia - 10/19/2010
Legendary Humanoids: Dziwożona, Female Demon Posted: 20 Oct 2010 03:35 PM PDT Some mythical creatures have their origin in tradition and tales from the distant past. However, each culture is associated with a multitude of interesting and odd creatures, many of these beings are humanoids. One of these legendary humanoids is the Dziwożona. The Dziwożona is a female swamp demon or evil fairy in Slavic mythology known for being malicious and dangerous. It is also referred to as a Mamuna. These beings supposedly live in thickets near rivers, streams and lakes. Some say she took the form of an ugly, old woman with a hairy body, long straight hair and breasts so huge that she uses them to wash her clothes. Dziwożona is also be a shape shifter and can appear as a beautiful nymph capable of luring young men to their death. On her head she sometimes wore a red hat with a fern twig attached to it. It is said that she can lead anyone down the wrong path, literally and figuratively. Dziwożona kidnapped human babies just after birth and replaced them with her own offspring, known as foundlings or changelings. A changeling could be recognized by its uncommon appearance...disproportionate body, often with some kind of well as an inherent wickedness. It had a huge abdomen, unusually small or large head, a hump, thin arms and legs, a hairy body and long claws. Its behavior was said to be marked by a great spitefulness towards people around it, a fear of its mother, noisiness, reluctance to sleep and exceptional gluttony. They rarely reached adulthood...but if it did, it was disabled and spoke gibberish. Many traditional Slavs thought Dziwożona was a goblin. There were several ways to discourage child abductions but the most prevalent was that mother would tie a red ribbon around the child's hand, put a red hat on it's head and shield the face from the light of the moon. The red ribbon around the child's hand is still practiced in Poland today but the meaning behind it is mostly lost to the populace. If the Dziwożona managed to take the infant away, there was still a method to get it back. The mother had to take the changeling to a waste heap, whip it with a birch twig and pour over it water from an eggshell, chanting "Take yours, give mine back!", at which point Dziwożona would fell sorry for her offspring and took it away, returning the child she stole. Women at risk of becoming one of these demons after death were thought to be midwives, old maids, unmarried mothers, pregnant women who die before childbirth, as well as abandoned children born out of wedlock. The following is a translated passage from a 18th century Polish narrative that warns of the Dziwożona (translated as Surprisewife): is a midget or giant with scary eyes, big head, with twisted arms, green skin and long, reaching bottom breasts. At times theses deamons are not so frightful but they attack only mothers of illegitimate or non-baptized children. They cause harm with their breasts - like a flail with precision and determination, that they can even kill with such weapons. One must be careful during contact because they also could switch the children. When mother doesn't care enough for her child, Dziwożona tries to still her baby and switch with the devil's child. There is however a way to get back a stolen child. The mother has to leave the devil's child so the Dziwożona would be touched by baby's cry and will take him and give back the taken one. - | ||
Inexplicata: High Strangeness...Our Haunted Seas Posted: 20 Oct 2010 12:51 PM PDT Many thanks to Scott Corrales of Inexplicata - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology for posting his article from 2005. It's a fascinating narrative of ocean cryptids and legendary creatures. High Strangeness: Our Haunted Seas By Scott Corrales © 2005 Hardship will drive people to do the unthinkable, and in the early 21st century, some examples of the human drive to flee from hardship are to be found in the endless South to North migration of the oppressed, both in the New and Old Worlds. In August 2004, a newspaper report filed by Joaquín Asención of the El Vocero newspaper highlighted the harrowing, nightmarish experience of nearly forty castaways who had chanced the caprice of the ocean waves for a better chance at a life in neighboring Puerto Rico. A total of eighty-two "boat people" – men, women and children - departed in a rickety boat from the Dominican Republic for what should have been a very short crossing of the unpredictable Mona Passage to a secret landing site somewhere in western Puerto Rico. But the ocean had a cruel fate in store for the refugees: their precariously outfitted craft, improperly stocked with food and water, was swept out into the Atlantic for a twelve-day odyssey that not even the bravest Hollywood director would try to capture on film. Hunger and thirst raged among the passengers, causing many to jump into the sea to drink in as much salt water as possible before dying; some survivors later reported acts of cannibalism had taken place in the drifting vessel, but the most astonishing – and terrifying- event was yet in store. One survivor told the journalist reporting the story that while the refugees fought for survival among the wind, waves and merciless sun, a "monster" with vast wings appeared before them. Overcome by dread, passengers huddled together to read from a New Testament that had been found in the vessel, but as they read from the holy book, its pages inexplicably vanished their hands. Only thirty-seven out of the eighty passengers survived the ordeal, eventually being found by fishermen from the Dominican town of Nagua. What was the strange winged monster? A Mothman-type creature? A supernatural entity emerged from the roiling sea to mock the passengers, or indeed to try their faith? There can be no doubt that spending almost two weeks at sea without food and water can lead to hallucinations, especially when witnessing hellish conditions among one's fellows, but such tricks of the mind would more than likely summon thoughts of food, safety and shelter, not stygian specters. Would a collective hallucination also include the disappearance of pages from a religious text? A question best left to mental health experts. It is known that certain elemental figures tend to adopt physical manifestations, and conditions and situations that have plagued humanity from the start – war, disease, insanity – may have elementals that embody these odious scourges. Could we speculate that the despairing castaways were witnesses to a manifestation of the elemental of hunger? It is also true that certain waters appear to be "haunted": the so-called Horse Latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean were named thus after ghosts of horses supposedly dumped overboard by early mariners when ships were becalmed and water ran short; Vincent Gaddis's classic Invisible Horizons (NY: Ace, 1965) mentions a rather dreadful apparition known as "Ladylips", the jawless phantom of a French sea captain, that haunts the waters of the Pacific Ocean and has reportedly been seen by over 500 sailors aboard American and British vessels. Nor should we ever forget the exorcisms performed by the late Reverend Donald Omand over certain bodies of water in Norway (the ominous-sounding Fjord of the Trolls) and the Arctic Ocean that were prone to manifestations of sea serpents and caused mariners to perform irrational acts. And speaking of sea monsters… An Argentinean Sea Serpent Guillermo R. Giménez, a contributing editor to the INEXPLICATA journal, is one of Argentina's most dynamic researchers – an author, indefatigable traveler and meticulous analyst of matters paranormal – who has the great fortune to live in one of his country's loveliest locations, the seaside resort of Necochea, a paradise for the beachcomber and the marine sportsman alike. Since 1994, he reports, the littoral of Necochea and Quequén has been visited by sort of creature best described as a "sea serpent" – dubbed Joselito -- that was initially reported by Carlos Miño, master of the Paco Ventura, a commercial fishing vessel out of Quequén. The sighting took place between March 18 some six miles out at sea. According to Giménez, the crew radioed their base at Mar del Plata that at 13:00 hours on that day they had seen the monster: "[measuring] some 10 to 12 meters long from head to back, which was all that could be seen…the remainder [of the creature] remained submerged." This marine nightmare was only a scant 10 meters away from the Paco Ventura when the sighting occurred, while the crew was dragging its nets. Further sightings occurred, reported by commercial and recreational fishermen, but just as many preferred to keep their sightings to themselves. Carlos Miño, the Ventura's owner, told Necochea's Ecos Diarios newspaper that at no time did he feel his ship or crew were at danger. "It appears to be a peaceful specimen. At no time did it threaten us, and I could go as far as to say that it ignored us…I was the first one to see it, although I had no idea what it could be. It called my attention because this dark thing appeared on the water and seagulls suddenly surrounded it. I headed for the ship's bow, intrigued. After a while it submerged, and then remained floating, which allowed me to take a better look." "Part of its back," continues Miño's description, had [something like] serrated or staggered fins." He described these appendages as being similar to "the dinosaurs they show us in books or magazines." The creature's head was described as white and rounded, like that of a duck. "I was unable to calculate its full size since I didn't see the whole animal. It gave the impression of being much larger than what was visible, but I couldn't calculate it." Amid all the commotion over the Necochea sea serpent, a man named Luis Menna recalled that a year earlier, another man had reported seeing two such sea serpents while camped out near Médano Blanco. He reportedly heard "strange sounds or noises" coming from the shallow waters near the coast. Further corroboration for Carlos Miño's sighting came from María S. Monterrosa and Osvaldo Gutiérrez, a pair of housekeepers who were looking after summer homes in the vicinity of Bahía de los Vientos. Only a two weeks earlier, they had witnessed a strange marine creature some 15 meters from the coast. "We have seen whales, baby whales, sea lions, penguins and other species, but we had never seen an animal with these characteristics. It had a large head, a serrated back and large eyes. At least three or four meters of the creature's back could be seen on the surface." Could these creatures have emerged from very deep oceanic waters as a result of naval exercises, oil drilling on the Argentinean continental shelf or other man-made activity? Or did they simply come to shallower waters to spawn? One wonders if sightings of such large sea creatures in antiquity were the source of the Babylonian myth of Tiamat, the evil "dragon" that is the source of all sea monsters. Certainly they could embody the Biblical notions of Rahab or Leviathan, as conveyed in the Psalms: "This great and wide sea, in which are innumerable teeming things, living things both small and great. There the ships sail about; there is the Leviathan which you have made to play there." (Ps 104:25-26). Antedating the Scriptures by centuries we find inscriptions and amulets designed to ward off these unwelcome marine presences, such as this one: "Seven are they…In the Ocean Deep, Seven are they…Neither male nor female are they…The Evil Ones of Ea, throne bearers of the gods are they…" (Thompson, Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia). Mysterious Golfo de San Jorge The fact remains that Argentina's coastal waters have witnessed many strange activity, but the country's Golfo de San Jorge can safely claim precedence among them all. Not only was it notorious in the 1960's for a number of USO (unidentified submarine object) reports, but also it's inordinately high UFO activity led many experts to seriously consider that a "UFOport" existed either underwater or somewhere on land. An event that occurred in July 1975 and reported by Guillermo Roncorconi a few years alter is a perfect example of this strange activity. In this instance it involved the Patagonian town of Caleta Olivia, which despite its small size is one of the major population centers of the region and serves as a support community for the Argentinean oil industry On July 15, a group of friends on a fishing trip left Caleta Olivia to enjoy an evening's fishing, being rewarded by a spectacular catch. It was a clear, windless and cloudless evening presided by a waxing moon that cast its light onto the gulf's waters. The sportsmen returned to port after midnight, and around 1:30 in the morning, one of the friends noticed what appeared to be a glowing form underwater at a distance from the pier – all of the witnesses later agreed that the form was luminous, elongated and greenish-yellow in color, apparently only a few meters under the surface. They believed at first that object was motionless, but later saw that it was moving slowly under water. They estimated it to be some 10 meters long and 4 meters at its thickest, tapering toward the ends. The mysterious light kept moving without ever breaking the surface and eventually lost itself in the distance. The sighting could have ended at that, had it not been for the enormous amount of dead fish that washed ashore the next morning and over the course of the following days. Even more enigmatic were the sudden deaths of seabirds – gulls and albatrosses – in the vicinity. Blame was quickly placed on the oil pipeline belonging to Yacimientos Petroleos Fiscales (YPF), Argentina's major petroleum producer, but no oil spill was ever detected and subsequent investigations eliminated the possibility that the bird and fish deaths were somehow oil related. Commercial fishermen complained about having to go many miles out to sea for their daily catches, due to the near total absence of fish in coastal waters. Was the slow-moving light reported by the four sportsmen who had just enjoyed a fine evening of fishing some kind of damaged or leaking unidentified submarine object, making its way back to its base in the depths of the ocean for repairs? The concept that a vehicle from another, more advanced civilization, whether alien, interdimensional or terrestrial, would leak radiation like a damaged nuclear submarine can be hard to swallow, but how else to account for the enigmatic deaths of not only fish, but seabirds? Conclusion Our planet Earth could have just as easily been called Water, and perhaps more fairly, as any satellite image of our world proves the prevalence of water over soil, or of the god Poseidon over Ceres, to wax mythological. From the shallow green of coastal waters where sailboats and motorboats play to the cobalt blue plowed by freighters, ocean liners and warships, humanity's fascination for the hydrosphere is as unending as it is irresistible. Aside from the natural dangers that this liquid medium holds for air breathers, mariners and landlubbers alike have hinted at other perils that cannot be escaped in a lifeboat or by wearing a bright orange preserver. Myth? Rumor? Poorly explained natural phenomena? Enlightened minds would have us believe that there is nothing in the heavens or on earth that can escape the cold light of science, but the sea's mysteries are not so easily put aside… Scott Corrales © 2005 - Inexplicata - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology | ||
MUFON CMS: UFOs Near Jupiter - 4 Reports Nationwide Posted: 20 Oct 2010 01:10 PM PDT
Illinois - 10/17/2010: I was outside lowering a flag. I glanced at Jupiter off to my left. It was visible in the southeast sky at about 70 degrees. I immediately noticed two stationery star like objects in the sky visible near Jupiter. I knew these had not been visible in the sky previously because I work outside in the evenings and had been watching Jupiter all summer. I looked away, thinking I would get out my astronomy app later to identify them. When I looked up again, one had disappeared and the second was fading as I watched. I watched it until it was no longer visible. Both lights were bright white, star-like and not moving. They did not reappear. I started to post this after that time but did not. I'm posting now because of similar reports on 10/18/2010 in Nevada and Oregon. Seeing these marks my fourth UFO sighting in 10 years living in east central Illinois. I am always curious about these and I was curious about this as well. Nevada - 10/18/2010: I was outside with my dogs. I looked up at the moon, which was very bright and saw Jupiter below and to the left of the moon. I looked down at my cell phone and looked back up. Two new objects, or lights, appeared. I thought they may have been stars at first. Then I noticed they were moving. Thought they might be planes. Then one of the lights faded and vanished. The second object faded a few seconds afterwards. It was to bright for the objects to be satellites. They weren't moving fast enough to be meteors. I'm not sure what exactly they were. It may have been the sun reflecting off something in space. But all I know is the objects were only visible for about a minute. I tried to take a picture but the camera on my phone was not good enough to capture these objects. Michigan - 10/19/2010: I just dropped my dogs to run some coon and it was a clear night with a bright moon with Jupiter just below. I looked down to my GPS to see where my dogs were and than looked back up at the moon and noticed two bright objects appeared below Jupiter forming a triangle. I immediately knew this was strange as I have been watching the moon grow over the last week and have not seen these objects before. I stood there sorta puzzled and than the objects started moving down from Jupiter staying the same distance apart and fading away. I felt as though I was watching an X-files type show and as they dissapeared I got goosebumps. Very, very strange but its nice to know others saw this! Washington - 10/19/2010: Last night at about 6:55 PM I was driving South up a hill in West Seattle to visit a friend. It was a beautiful, clear night with a bright moon. As I crested the hill I noticed, through my left (driver's window), just below the moon in the SE sky, three very bright stars - what looked like jupiter at the top and two equally bright stars just below and to the right and left of Jupiter, forming a triangle with Jupiter at the top. I was amazed, but had to glance away to the road ahead and a stop sign. As I turned left, I looked back up through my windshield at the moon, and in the few seconds that had transpired the two bright stars under Jupiter had dimmed to half of their brightness and then were gone. I tried to rationalize - could they have been reflections through the window? Airplanes flyng in my direction that turned away in unison? I have no idea what these two bright lights were, and how long they were there before I saw them, but I checked this morning and was excited that someone else reported seeing the same thing, albeit from another part of the country (MI). Although that gentleman reports that the lights "dropped away" from Jupiter before disappearing, I didn't notice them dropping, just fading, perhaps because I had turned away and was in a moving car. Anyone looking up at the sky around 6:55 PST would have seen this amazing sight, so I'm surprised that there aren't more reports. | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Psychic Abilities Proven, NSA Recruits Kids and 2012 Doomsday Wrong Posted: 20 Oct 2010 11:51 AM PDT Oops! 2012...Nevermind A new book argues that the conversions of Mayan dates may be off by as much as 100 years. ayhoo - It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already. A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.) The Mayan calendar was converted to today's Gregorian calendar using a calculation called the GMT constant, named for the last initials of three early Mayanist researchers. Much of the work emphasized dates recovered from colonial documents that were written in the Mayan language in the Latin alphabet, according to the chapter's author, Gerardo Aldana, University of California, Santa Barbara professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies. Later, the GMT constant was bolstered by American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, who used data in the Dresden Codex Venus Table, a Mayan calendar and almanac that charts dates relative to the movements of Venus. "He took the position that his work removed the last obstacle to fully accepting the GMT constant," Aldana said in a statement. "Others took his work even further, suggesting that he had proven the GMT constant to be correct." But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable. "If the Venus Table cannot be used to prove the FMT as Lounsbury suggests, its acceptance depends on the reliability of the corroborating data," he said. That historical data, he said, is less reliable than the Table itself, causing the argument for the GMT constant to fall "like a stack of cards." Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes. ********** Hey Kids! Wanna Be An NSA Spook? wired - The surveillance and cryptology crew at NSA has the right online companions for you: Cy and Cyndi, a pair of anthropomorphic snow leopards now kickin' it with the CryptoKids, the Puzzle Palace's team of cartoon animal hackers. Known as the CyberTwins and unveiled by NSA yesterday, Cy and Cyndi wear gaming headgear, talk into their hands-free mobile devices, and teach youths about proper online hygiene, all on the NSA website's kids page, which actually exists. Arriving in time for (the second half of) National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the CyberTwins have a backstory to appeal to military kids: Their mom is a government engineer, their dad is an Army computer scientist, and they "love to talk with other kids who love computers and cyber space as much as they do." That fits them right in with the other CryptoKids — a goateed turtle named T-Top whose uncle works for a computer manufacturer, Sergeant Sam the eagle who joined the military out of high school — who guide real-live youth through online crypto-themed puzzles and brainteasers. (Only one thing's missing from the CryptoTwins' rollout: cybersecurity tips for the underage.) All this is a reminder that the most informative element of any spy agency's website is its Kiddie Korner, where spycraft meets the schoolyard for an awkward, barely appropriate encounter. The CIA offers a world-explorer videogame starring Carmen Sandiego–esque junior officer Ava Shoephone, a trenchcoated operative who throws out trivia questions from the agency's World Factbook. The National Counterterrorism Center introduces you to "your NCTC friends," Becker the Eagle and Little Lady Liberty. And the FBI has games — represented by an icon of the old Nintendo cartridges — like Special Agent Undercover, in which grade-school kids disguise themselves with mustaches to fool people. As Noah Shachtman wrote a couple of years ago, only the government knows how earnest or how absurd these sites are intended to be. They do, however, inculcate the message that a career in spycraft is totally extreme. "Cryptology is making and breaking codes. It's so cool," NSA's kids page explains. "You might be part of the next generation of America's codemakers and codebreakers." Then again, is a kid precocious enough to spend time on a surveillance and crypto agency's website really going to be impressed by a snow leopard with a BlueTooth in her ear? ********** UFOs and Aliens Reaching Out With "Signs," Say Paranormal Experts huliq - STONEFIELD BEACH, Oregon – When viewing the greenish tide pool at this remote spot along the central Oregon coast, local unidentifiable flying object (UFO) experts note it's "a whole new color experience." The tide pool in question fires the imagination because "rocks will float on it." All this is not news, however, to a world that's been hearing about UFO sightings almost daily. Thus, even this latest discovery seems to be "no big deal." A wealth of UFO evidence exists along Oregon coast While more and more visitors to the central Oregon coast on a quest to see their own UFO sightings, it's no wonder that some think it's "getting old." In fact, UFO and aliens are considered to be a kin to "rock stars" here in this somewhat "strange" state that boasts numerous UFO organizations, clubs and followings that number in the tens of thousands. This state is so "into" UFO's and aliens that it's no big deal when there's a UFO sighting, "because that happens around here almost every day." "I mean, what's up at Stonefield Beach is just sort of "ho-hum," said one local. "I'd say we've seen it all before. UFO sightings are interesting, but I'd say our attitude around -- when it comes to these alien visitors – is you're most welcome and please don't zap us," joked the resident who lives down Highway 101 from Stonefield Beach. At the same time, more serious UFO experts are wondering about Stonefield's green goodish water that's attracting a lot of attention from experts, to include marine biologists at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in nearby Newport, Oregon. "No, it's not some sort of algae or something from the Pacific. It's strange, and I can't explain it," says Hugh Miller who's a member of The Trails End Paranormal Society of Oregon. "They've taken a lot of it," adds Miller. "But what's left is amazing." Still, even this green tide pool doesn't get much of a rise from coastal residents who don't want so much attention paid to this remote area where they live off the gird for whatever reasons. "I guess it's because there's so much in the way of UFO sightings here in Oregon," adds Miller whose Trails End Paranormal Society recently held something dubbed the "Rose City Paranormal Conference" in Portland, Oct. 14-16. Due to the rash of recent UFO sightings in Oregon, China and other parts of the world, the conference was well attended, says Miller who's been researching Oregon UFO's for the past 45 years. "We had a very interesting Eric Byler of Oregon UFO Research as our guest speaker. He more or less said 'they're with us, and don't worry since all will be revealed soon.' I'm not sure when or where since I've been at this for so long. But, being here today at Stonefield and testing this green water, makes me think he's right. We may know something soon about the alien's intentions," he added during an interview near the green tide pool at Stonefield beach. When describing Stonefield Beach, locals want visitors to stay away The Oregon coast has long been associated with UFO encounters due to such things as the geologic oddity of rock formations along the coast that some say are makers for UFO visits. In fact, Stonefield is perhaps the most secluded and exclusive of the central Oregon coast parks. There are formally declassified documents at a nearby Newport historic museum points to a period during World War II and then in the late 1950's when "the U.S. government installed numerous secret look out facilities in the area around Cape Perpetua." What's interesting to local UFO hunters is that one of these "stone" lookout bunkers still sits near the top of Cape Perpetua that looks right down on Stonefield Beach. "It's sort of prehistoric. There's remains of whales, sea lions and the only place that I know of along the coast where you see dozens of wild rabbits that are huge in size," says Kinney. "And, there's these people who camp out and burn fires amongst the Stonefield rock formations that's creepy." What's also creepy, adds Kinney, "is the locals want you out of here, big time. They know this is a free beach and part of Oregon's national recreation area, but don't hang at Stonefield after hours." At Stonefield, there's no such thing as popular beach spots, or shops or restaurants. "There's just death on the beach and the place reeks to high heaven. It's as if someone or something doesn't want the locals or tourists to visit there," says coastal resident Mackenzie Ryan. Moreover, Ryan notes "these strange lights and an eerie glow that seems to light up everything around. You see the light on the drift wood that litters the Stonefield beach, and you see it in the sky over the mountains that sit right behind this beach spot. There's no place like it." Along a grassy hill there sits -- in the sea of rocks – what can only be described as mounds of formed and hardened sand. "We can't explain it. It's these small mounds and the crazy glow on everything at Stonefield that spooks us at this time of the year." Oregon UFO groups are many with participation increasing The joke around UFO circles in Oregon is there's "more UFO hunters than aliens." Or, "UFO's are an equal opportunity phenomenon." One leading group is known as "MUFON," for "Mutual UFO Network, Inc." MUFON's charter states that it will seek to "investigate the UFO phenomenon in a scientific manner as funds and expertise allow. To this end, MUFON strives to establish a presence in every state of the United States and even in every country of the world since the UFO phenomenon knows no boundaries. MUFON members advise those who are frightened of having "first contact," that "it's perfectly safe." At the same time, MUFON guidance for "civilians" is a UFO sighting is not so much something "you see," but "more of a feeling" along the lines of a "deeper psychic intuition." One Oregon MUFON expert notes that when he takes say "a couple hundred photos an hour" of UFO's over Oregon communities that, perhaps, only about "two or three show a UFO clearly enough to say it's alien." ********** Wheelchair Bandit wcsh6 - Two people are in police custody following an unbelievable attempted jewelry store heist near El Paso, Texas. Security camera footage shows 44-year-old Noemi Duchene and 45-year-old Luis Del Castillo arrive outside of Estate & New Jewelry late Tuesday morning with Del Castillo pushing Duchene in her wheelchair. Duchene then gets out of her chair, covers her head and upper body with a large black trash bag and enters the jewelry store while Del Castillo waits with the chair. Once inside Duchene pulls a kitchen knife and demands "everything". Store owner Linda Bradely decided not to comply and drew a stun gun in response. "We're chasing each other around like keystone cops," Bradely recalls. "I knew I could outrun her because she was obviously not very quick." A store customer eventually tackled Duchene and held her until police arrived. Del Castillo was still waiting outside with the wheelchair and was also arrested. Investigators say the pair live in an apartment across the street from the jewelry store. ********** Scientist Finds "Proof" of Psychic Abilities techeye - A top shrink claims to have found proof that we can predict the future. Daryl Bem, a social psychologist at Cornell University, is about to publish a series of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which we get for the spot the ID competition. Bem's theory is that all those Zener cards with stars and squares on them don't actually prove anything and it was time to use a serious of tests similar to those to test for psychological disorders. Across nine experiments, Bem tested the idea that the brain has the ability to not only reflect on past experiences, but also anticipate future experiences. This enables the brain to "see into the future". One of the tests involved giving students a list of words and after reading the list, were given a surprise recall test to see how many words they remembered. Next, a computer randomly selected some of the words on the list as practice words and the participants were asked to retype them several times. Apparently the students were better at recalling the words on the surprise recall test that they were later given. Bem thinks that practising the words after the test somehow allowed the participants to "reach back in time to facilitate recall." In another experiment Bem showed people a photo and they had to quickly indicate if the photo was good or bad. So if you have a picture of a fluffy bunny you would press positive and if you saw a picture of Craig David you would press "kill, kill, nuke it from space." Shrinks have found that if you flash the word "happy" before the kitten picture, you will click the "positive" button faster. If you flash the word "ugly" before it, you will be slower to hit the button even if Craig David is involved. But Bem's reversed the time sequence on this effect by flashing the primed word after the person categorised the photo. He found that people categorise the nice picture quicker when it is preceded by a good word, you will also categorise it quicker when it is followed by a good word. According to Bem it was as if the brain knew what word was coming next. It seems that the average "non-psychic" people seem to be able to anticipate future events so it is nothing unique to curiously obese neurotics who think their weight is due to the fact that they ate Madame Blavatsky's energy, were once Cleopatra or a High Priest of the Sun in Atlantis. Bem found that extraverted people high in stimulus seeking were nearly twice as good at it than the average person. What lets Bem's study down is that the numbers he quotes are only slightly larger than chance. While the news that we can see the future is chucking out pretty much what most people consider science, Psychology Today thinks that these effects are actually pretty consistent with modern physics' take on time and space. | ||
Video: UFO / Light Maneuvers - Moscow, Russia - 10/19/2010 Posted: 20 Oct 2010 10:38 AM PDT Click for video This video was forwarded to me by a reader last evening. There isn't much documentation since I can't read or translate Cyrillic. If anyone can offer some information on this sighting I would appreciate it...Lon ********** Also...I just wanted to announce a new forum that is linked to the Spirit Rescue International website. It is called Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena. Here is a direct link to the forum. I will be administrating the forum with help from Irene Block and my wife, Vanessa. The subject matter is a bit different from most other paranormal and metaphysical forums...I hope you'll take some time and offer your opinions and join in on the discussions. Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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