Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- We Have A Mystery.....
- Update: Carmarthenshire, Wales Haunting - Spirit Rescue International
- Thylacine: Making a Comeback?
- Fortean / Oddball News: Supernatural Abduction, Woman Picks Up Her Head and Corpse Poaching Bears
- Psychic Investigators Continue to Explore Pennsylvania Museum
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 06:41 PM PDT During the vigil at Crestleigh House last evening Irene and Lorna went into the downstairs bathroom to take a few digital photos. Well...when we went through the images today and some unknown 'person' showed up on one of the photos. It is not a double image and know one present knows who it one on the team, the clients, the landlord, nada. Frankly, we are stumped. This 'person' looks fairly young and has some type of helmet or whatever on their head. As well, there seems to either be something in the hand and/or it looks like it may have grabbed a handle to a door that is not there. You can see the top of Lorna's head behind Irene who is using the camera. The photos taken before and after these photos did not have anything that could have transferred. Is it a spirit? A time traveler? Your thoughts would be appreciated...but please, only enlightened and civil responses. You can also post your comments on the Astral Perceptions board (you must register to post). Thanks...Lon | ||||||
Update: Carmarthenshire, Wales Haunting - Spirit Rescue International Posted: 28 Oct 2010 06:24 PM PDT
VIGIL - October 27-28, 2010 - 8:49 PM US EST - 1:49 AM UK Wales: Irene and I maintained a video conference during the vigil at the Crestleigh House. Things were quiet for a while but started to pick up about an hour ago. Bangs and noises in the upstairs and downstairs bedrooms. Also, one of her team noticed a mist along one of the walls in the downstairs utility. They collected EVP recordings and photos...already a few promising bits of evidence. The client mentioned a dark shadow in the shape of human shoulders was seen last evening, not long after the remote view was done. As well, there was a lot of continued activity last evening. VIGIL UPDATE: 10:22 PM US EST - 3:22 AM UK Wales: The EVP recordings so far aren't quite as dramatic as those collected earlier this week. The upstairs bedroom is continuing temperature fluctuations...very wide swings. One of the group started to get back pains. Also, there was a 'dragging' sound upstairs heard by the group while downstairs. Then later, doors were opening and closing....Irene did mention one slammed door. Note from Irene: Well, we're all back and tired today. This entity seemed to know we were there and gave us a bit of a run around...if we were downstairs it seemed to be upstairs and if we were upstairs it moved downstairs and so on all through the night. The best evidence we heard with our own ears, always at times when we were moving cameras about or changing the recorders into other rooms, etc. I would like to say thanks to my British team...they did a good job. Although there was stuff that could not be explained, they were able to debunk what could. Evidence: I have posted two of the photos where Irene was able to capture some unusual phenomena. Also I've added two EVP links below. As soon as the recordings and video are gone over I'll post to the Crestleigh House Haunting - Astral Preceptions board. Please be advise that you will need to register as a user in order to access the evidence on the forum...Lon I suggest using earphones for best listening. Upstairs bedroom - actually sounded like a street car or trolley clanging on the tracks? I saw a steel mill in my remote view...maybe sounds from there. - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI Downstairs bathroom - voices answering Irene and Lorna (who was speaking Welsh). There is some significance with this bathroom which I may get into later. - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI Upstairs bedroom - recorder was left unattended - lot's of banging, heavy humming and a few voices and gasping - early on it reacts to the dogs who are down the hall. The 'tinging' sound is the radiator. - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI
Previous post on October 25th The activity in the house (Crestleigh House) has increased....both mother and daughter were forced to sleep in the dining room on Friday night because of footsteps and loud bangs. They couldn't pinpoint where about in the house it was coming from but they were loud enough for her sister who lives upstairs to phone down asking them what in hell were they doing. This happened just after 1 am in the morning (10/23). The sister upstairs said last night there was an awful smell in her place, so disgusting she couldn't describe it. She also heard footsteps coming up the stairs from downstairs...the stairs that are blocked off. The client called Irene Saturday evening at 11:20 PM Wales local time because of the increased activity. The client also setup the tape recorder in the upstairs bedroom (directly above the bedroom Irene recorded) and left it for several hours. She played the recording over the telephone for Irene who described it as one of the worst haunting recordings she has ever heard. The loud groaning, moans, audible words, banging, footsteps as well as a disturbing buzzing she described as a 'large swarm of blue bottle flies.' Also, there was a heavy stench of sulfur in the bedroom. NOTE: Irene and I would like as much feedback as possible on these EVP recordings - Upstairs bedroom 1 ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI and Upstairs bedroom 2 ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI - many discernible voices (terrible screams in #2) - recorded by client (background noise DB has been lowered a bit when I processed). We believe there are a bevy of spirits involved including at least one very malevolent entity UPDATE: Upstairs bedroom 3 ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI - we've known that one of the entities reacts to the dogs barking...yelling after the 2nd set of barks. The 'tweeting' sound is Irene's pet bird in the background while she was transferring the audio to her recorder (speaker to port on client's recorder). The EVP / noise recording links are available at Crestleigh House Haunting - Astral Preceptions board We will start researching the history of the house and area this week. As well, I will be conducting a remote view (from the USA) on Tuesday which will be monitored by Irene. A full overnight investigation will be assembled on Wednesday by Irene and associates. Use the Astral Perceptions forum for future updates...Lon UPDATE: October 26, 2010 - I conducted a remote viewing session today, which was also monitored by Irene. The target was successfully appraised...providing valuable information that should assist Irene and associates during the vigil on Wednesday night. A follow-up remote view may be needed. At this time, the particulars will be kept confidential until the clients are notified of the findings and approve disclosure. We thank you for your patience...Lon Upstairs bedroom - Reader Michael cleaned up a short clip..."send her home" ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI | ||||||
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 10:12 AM PDT donnybrookmail - A local man believes the fabled "Nannup tiger" lurks in the South West forests of the night— and true big cats too. THYLACINES and big cats still lurk in the South West forests, according to Alan Troode of Nannup. He collects and collates stories of both big cat and "Nannup tiger" (thylacine) sightings, concentrating on reports from around Nannup . Alan first became interested in the thylacine when reading newspaper articles published in the early 1980s. He was intrigued by the thought that the South West forests might harbour such fabulous animals and his interest was reignited when he moved to Nannup in the late 1990s. Work and family commitments allowed him limited time to pursue the stories but conversations with locals fortified his interest. He quickly came to the conclusion that he was not only looking at stories and descriptions of the Thylacine but also large predatory cats, not wild feral domestic cats but an animal the size of the mountain lion, cougar or puma , Felis Concolor . He reckons he has an unbiased point of view when taking down thylacine stories and he soon realised that anything that moved in the bush that was not easily identified was claimed to be the Nannup tiger. Some incidents contributing to the Nannup tiger legend showed traits and characteristics that Alan can only describe as speculative. Still he came to the conclusion that both the thylacine and Felis Concolor — two distinct predatory animals — roam the South West. Two distinct animals give rise to two distinct animal hunters, he said. Information about both animals has been diverse, controversial and stories have been at odds with each other at times. There is very little information about the thylacine and some reported characteristics cloud the issue further. Reports have the tiger ranging in colour from light yellow to fawn, light brown to dark biscuit and all black — and with or without stripes. Vocalisations have been described as hissing, coughing, snarling, growling and snapping. During mating the mysterious beast is said to have a blood-curdling scream. Often caught in car headlights at night, the blue eyes are believed to be the black tiger and the amber eyes belonging to the yellow chocolate tiger, he said. Habits such as scratching sticks and dirt over carcases, multiple kills and the size of some animals killed brings into question the weight to kill ratio. On some occasions the animal is described as being rather inquisitive and in no hurry to move and other reports have the animal taking flight and gone in a flash. All this conflicting information has led Alan to believe that both the thylacine and Felis Concolor are still at large in the South West. "I am only starting to scratch the tip of the iceberg so to speak and have a lot of further work to do on correlating both types of sightings," he said. "There are sightings of both animals in many areas claiming both tiger and cat occurrences. "It is my hope to be able to engage believers of both animals in a more comprehensive look at the predatory animals that roam the forests with an open unbiased approach — to give validity and authenticity, to clear up some of the speculation and misinformation." Alan believes this can only help to strengthen belief in the presence of both the big cat and the Nannup tiger. Over the years Alan has logged many reports on sightings of both animals. He not only records an audio report but he then makes a hard copy which he gets authenticated by having the person reporting the sighting, sign and date. Alan is a true believer in the existence of both animals in our South West forests. The following video is a bit hokie because of the dramatics....but it's not a bad production overall: Click for video ********** Chasing the Thylacine independent - On a bright summer morning in the back end of Tasmania's north-west, I wandered into an office of Forestry Tasmania for advice about a forest dirt road. The sketch map the official offered was expected; not so his story. On that same track a decade or so ago, he had seen a creature that was not supposed to exist. And not just him; loggers and surveyors, an old-timer shacked up in the bush, all had glimpsed the animal before it slipped away into one of the most ancient rainforests on Earth. Foresters are generally a practical bunch who measure life by certainties such as sawlogs and stray limbs lost to heavy machinery. When they swear to a sighting, you begin to wonder if there's truth after all to the Tasmanian tiger. There are really only two things you need to know about the world's largest carnivorous marsupial. The first is that it looks nothing like its namesake except for the sandy orange coat and stripes that extend down to a stiff tail. The tiger – or thylacine as it is usually known because of its scientific name, Thylacinus cynocephalus, which means "pouched dog with a wolf's head" – is an evolutionary concept-creature that bolts the back half of a kangaroo on to a rangy dog the size of an Alsatian. The second is that it has been extinct for seven decades. Or it has unless you ask around. Then it turns out they're everywhere. The first one I saw was in Hobart, the state capital. In the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, a small crowd gathered around footage of a restless creature in the city zoo with a slender snout that opened to a snake's gape and a stiff gait that another believer later compared to a dairy cow. When "Benjamin" became history one chilly September night in 1936, he is thought to have taken the species with him. Start to look, however, and a tiger will be there staring back at you. It gazed coolly from the label on my bottle of Cascade beer. It slinked into grass on the number plate of every car in front. And tigers rampant flanked the heraldic crest on state buildings – who needs unicorns when you have a home-grown fabulous beast? No wonder tiger-hunters become obsessed. To the newcomer, Tasmania is the surprise of Australia. It is an island of hidden secrets in a nation of infinite space; a place where real-life devils utter banshee wails and moss-bearded giants stand silently in forests that predate mankind. In this Middle Earth of lost myths, a legendary tiger is just part of the scenery, and there's a lot of that to cover in a state that's one-quarter wilderness. Many otherwise eminent people have suffered ridicule and nights cooped up in a chicken shed with a camera in their pursuit. The government's Parks and Wildlife Service mounted its own two-year hunt in 1984 before it pronounced the species extinct and devoted its energies to finding feral foxes instead. That only upped the ante. "Parks don't want to say anything publicly to attract attention," Ned Terry confided. We were drinking coffee in Deloraine in the state's north, where farming villages were scattered over my map like seed and the landscapes are so vivid that the first pioneers christened their settlements Eden, Paradise and Promised Land. Hard to believe that the Alpine wilderness of Cradle Mountain lay an hour's drive south. "The bush was full of tourists after a national park fellow reported a thylacine on the central east coast a few years ago. But those blokes got a lot of cameras out there to look for foxes. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some skulduggery going on." In this zoological X-Files, the 80-year-old bushman plays Mulder. Every couple of months he listens patiently to an excited witness, asks a few questions to weed out the fakers, then follows up whoever is left. His latest credible lead in half a lifetime's tiger-chasing came from Lake Peddar in the south-west wilderness. "Fellow camped out there says he heard one for three weekends in a row; that yapping noise they make when hunting. Says it ran so close he could smell it." Many witnesses mention the smell – a sharp, hot, animal stink that electrifies the air. "Smelled it myself once," Terry said. "Makes the hairs on your neck stand on end, I can tell you." The truth is out there, somewhere. Probably (I dragged out of Terry) in the remote northern corners of the state. So, in the late afternoon I rolled east over swells of grass bound for Scottsdale. Every so often a timber farmhouse heaved aloft on a crest then vanished into the rear-view mirror. Beyond lay the high country of the north-east. Around seven thylacine sightings a year, more than anywhere else in Tasmania, were made up there in the half-century after Hobart Zoo lost its star attraction. A few tiger-hunters still came to shoot blurry images, stalking the edge of old-growth rainforest that had barely changed since Tasmania ripped away from the global supercontinent of Gondwanaland. In the pub I met a farmer who yarned about a wolfish head that had poked through the bracken fern. "When he comes out he sits up like a kangaroo, then starts sniffing the air like one. I thought: 'What the hell's that?'" A stray dog, perhaps, I suggested. "No dogs up there," he bristled. It turned out the area was swarming with rumours. Craig Williams, Tasmania's premier wildlife guide and a fourth-generation bushman, kept up a rumble of anecdote and oath as we skirted the forest, stopping occasionally to practise an arcane element of bushcraft or stare after a furry backside that disappeared into the scrub. He indicated a farmstead as we swerved around one corner. "You know the last thylacine died in 1936? An old bloke shot one there in 1946. Said it was killing his chooks [chickens]." Later, after a meal that belonged to a Sydney restaurant rather than a remote mountain shack, Craig told tiger tales around the campfire. There was the thylacine witnessed by four people on a logging road just over that ridge, and the waxy scat found late last year by the manager of a wilderness lodge. Or there was his mate whose car had broken down up here one night: "He said he heard these high-pitched yaps following him as he walked." Apparently Craig's grandfather and great-grandfather used to trap thylacine on the mountain behind us. I tried and failed to reconcile the mysterious thylacine with the plantation forest that now striated its flanks. Could it really survive here? As the sky deepened to a velvety black, Craig strobed the treeline with a torch. There were secrets as well as possum eyes in the dark spaces between eucalyptus trunks. Suddenly, at the edge of our clearing, something twitched. A stoat-like animal froze in the torch's beam then skittered into the bush – a spotted-tailed quoll. "Amazing killing machines; the ultimate predators," Craig said with admiration. "They're only a few kilos, but they can pull down a wallaby." With jaws that opened to 90 degrees and overlapping teeth, it was a distant relation of the thylacine colloquially known as a tiger quoll. "Been quite a few tiger sightings by quite a few people made around here." I'd lost my bearings way back on the unmarked dirt roads. "Good," said Craig. "I don't want loads of people running around with traps and cameras. If the tiger's up here, let him be. That's what I reckon." Another Tasmanian secret was safe. ____________________ Originally posted 7/4/07 Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct! ![]() Australian wildlife scientists have re-opened the cryptic case of the Tasmanian tiger, a marsupial carnivore that resembled a striped coyote and which was last seen alive more than 70 years ago. Scientists think chances are slim that Thylacinus cynocephalus still roams remote areas of Tasmania, the large island just south of Australia, but they can't help but turn over every possible leaf for evidence. The last wild Tasmanian tiger was killed by a farmer around 1930, and the last captive died in 1936 at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania's capital. Fifty years later, the species was declared extinct. ![]() The extinction marked the end of the family Thylacinidae, and of the world's largest marsupial carnivore. The Tasmanian tiger weighed about 65 pounds, had a nose-to-tail length of six feet and had several vertical stripes running across its lower back and tail. Despite the official extinction, rumored sightings of the creature have continued to emerge from Tasmania's temperate forests. Zoologist Jeremy Austin of the Australian Center for Ancient DNA and his colleagues are examining DNA from animal droppings, or scats, found in Tasmania in the late 1950s and 1960s, which have been preserved in the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Eric Guiler, a thylacine expert who found the scats, told Austin the droppings probably came from a Tasmanian tiger rather than a dog or two common related marsupial carnivores — the well-known wolverine-like Tasmanian devil and the cat-like spotted quoll. "If we find thylacine DNA from the 1950s scats it will be significant," Austin said. "This would prove that either the thylacine produced the scat or a [Tasmanian] devil ate a thylacine and dropped the scat. Either way, that is proof that the thylacine was there at the time." ![]() If they were to find evidence the Tasmanian tiger was still extant in the 1950s, that would mean the beast was able to stay hidden from humans for at least 20 or 30 years. "If they could survive this long with no real physical proof, then it does add a little more hope to the possibility that they could survive another 50 years without ever being caught, killed [or] hit by a car," Austin told LiveScience. "This chance is of course not great, but the glimmer of hope is ever so slightly brighter." NOTE: Here are a few links to other postings...Lon On the Hunt for the Elusive Tasmanian Tiger Are There Thylacines In Victoria? Nick Mooney: We Still Receive at Least Two Credible Thylacine Sightings a Year Thylacine DNA Restored To Life New High-Tech Search For Thylacine, Large Cats After Recent Sheep Maulings Resurrecting the Thylacine: Does it Exist or Will Science Help? New Tasmanian Tiger Sighting Reported | ||||||
Fortean / Oddball News: Supernatural Abduction, Woman Picks Up Her Head and Corpse Poaching Bears Posted: 28 Oct 2010 09:51 AM PDT Malaysian Family Claims Girl Abducted by Supernatural Beings thestar - The strange tale of 22-year-old Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, who was said to sleepwalk and go missing for hours only to reappear on treetops and cemeteries, has taken an intriguing turn. She is missing again and family members are claiming she is being held captive by a group of orang bunian (supernatural beings) at Gunung Jerai, 300km from her home here. Her family said she went missing from the family home at Kampung Gong Nangka in Apal, near here, on Sunday. They lodged a missing persons report at the Jerteh police station yesterday after attempts to find her failed. An uncle, Derawai Said, 43, said he received an SMS from his niece on Tuesday informing him that she was now atop the mountain in Kedah, guarded by two orang bunian princesses named Maisrah and Mastura. The mountain, now a holiday destination, was considered sacred by ancient Malays and was used as a navigational point by South Indian seafarers 1,500 years ago. The mountain, also called Kedah Peak, is visible from Penang island. Siti Balqis had "disappeared" previously and re-emerged at the house within a day or two but this was the first time she had gone missing for several days. "Previously, when she disappeared, we found her in tree tops or at cemeteries. "This is really making us jittery. Even experienced bomohs cannot solve this mystery," he said. Derawai said that on Sunday, when the family gathered in the kitchen, a sudden sound of a falling object made them rush to the living room. They allegedly saw a crystal marble, the size of a 20 sen coin, rolling past Siti Balqis, who suddenly bolted from the house. A neighbour claimed the girl was driven away in her mother's Perodua Kancil, with Siti Balqis in the passenger seat. Derawai claimed the car had been locked and the keys were still held by the girl's mother, Norisan Said, 47, who later received an SMS from her daughter that the car had been left at the Jerteh bus station. Siti Balqis also sent other SMSes, where she talked about her encounter with the orang bunian, how she struggled to free herself from them and how she was being treated for her wounds by the two princesses. Last week, the Malay media reported that seven precious stones, including a ruby, had fallen from the ceiling of her house. *********** Woman Literally Picks Up Own Head After Horse-Riding Accident! watoday - A British woman had to pick her own head up off the ground after badly breaking her neck in a horrific fall from a horse, according to reports. The Daily Express newspaper reports that 26-year-old Thea Maxfield suffered a horrific "hangman's fracture" - a clean break of her upper cervical vertebra - after she was bucked six metres into the air in the accident. After she fell off the horse Ms Maxfield tried to get out of the animal's way, but found that when she moved her head stayed where it was. Advertisement: Story continues below She was forced to cup her hands around her head and lift it back into place to avoid damaging her spinal cord after her vertebrae shattered. "I had to literally pick my head up and carry it in my hands. I didn't have much hope of a recovery," she told the newspaper. Doctors initially warned she would be paralysed and have to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But seven months after the fall she is back in the saddle, thanks to revolutionary technology developed for Formula 1 racing. Ms Maxfield was fitted with a special head brace connected to a computer, which used sensors to assess the strength and weakness of her neck. The same technology is used to monitor elite racing cars to assess steering, suspension and air-flow factors affecting performance. ********** Hungry Russian Bears Poaching Human Graves guardian - From a distance it resembled a rather large man in a fur coat, leaning tenderly over the grave of a loved one. But when the two women in the Russian village of Vezhnya Tchova came closer they realised there was a bear in the cemetery eating a body. Russian bears have grown so desperate after a scorching summer they have started digging up and eating corpses in municipal cemetries, alarmed officials said today. Bears' traditional food – mushrooms, berries and the odd frog – has disappeared, they added. The Vezhnya Tchova incident took place on Saturday in the northern republic of Komi, near the Arctic Circle. The shocked women cried in panic, frightening the bear back into the woods, before they discovered a ghoulish scene with the clothes of the bear's already-dead victim chucked over adjacent tombstones, the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomelets reported. Local people said that bears had resorted to scavenging in towns and villages - rummaging through bins, stealing garden carrots and raiding tips. A young man had been mauled in the centre of Syktyvkar, Komi's capital. "They are really hungry this year. It's a big problem. Many of them are not going to survive," said Simion Razmislov, the vice-president of Komi's hunting and fishing society. World Wildlife Fund Russia said there had been a similar case two years ago in the town of Kandalaksha, in the northern Karelia republic. "You have to remember that bears are natural scavengers. In the US and Canada you can't leave any food in tents in national parks," said Masha Vorontsova, Director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in Russia. "In Karelia one bear learned how to do it [open a coffin]. He then taught the others," she added, suggesting: "They are pretty quick learners." The only way to get rid of the bears would be to frighten them with something noisy like a firework or shoot them, she said. According to Vorontsova, the omnivorous bears had "plenty to eat" this autumn, with foods such as fish and ants at normal levels. The bears raided graveyards because they offered a supply of easy food, she said, a bit like a giant refrigerator. "The story is horrible. Nobody wants to think about having a much loved member of their family eaten by a bear." The bear population in Russia is relatively stable with numbers between 120,000 and 140,000. The biggest threat isn't starvation but hunting - with VIP sportsmen and wealthy gun enthusiasts wiping out most of the large male bears in Kamchatka, in Russia's Far East. Chinese poachers have killed many black bears near the border, selling their claws and other parts in markets. The Russian government is drafting legislation to ban the killing of bears during the winter breeding season. ********** New Species of Monkey Sneezes When it Rains A new species of snub-nosed monkey that sneezes when it rains has been discovered in the remote Himalayan forests of Burma. The monkey, measuring almost two feet high with a tail even longer than its body size, has an extraordinary upturned nose and full lips. It is the largest snub-nosed monkey species in the world. Little is known about the habits of the black monkey with a white beard, but locals say it is easy to find the animals because it sneezes when it rains. To avoid getting rainwater in their noses they spend rainy days sitting with their heads tucked between their knees, according to locals. Rhinopithecus Strykeri, that is known in the local dialect as monkey with an upturned face, was found by scientists from Flora and Fauna International investigating gibbons populations in forests up to 10,000ft above sea level. Villagers talked about a monkey that was well known for making a lot of noise when it rained and showed the researchers bodies hunted for meat. Further investigation revealed an estimated population of 260-330 individuals, meaning that it is classified as critically endangered by the United Nations. The area where the monkeys were found has been closed to the world for decades, which is why the monkey has not been discovered. It is under threat from illegal logging, as well as hunting for food and Chinese medicines. ********** Mom Kills Baby For Interrupting Her Game of 'Farmville' jacksonville - A Jacksonville mother charged with shaking her baby to death has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Alexandra V. Tobias, 22, was arrested after the January death of 3-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson. She told investigators she became angry because the baby was crying while she was playing a computer game called FarmVille on the Facebook social-networking website. Tobias entered her plea Wednesday before Circuit Judge Adrian G. Soud. A second-degree murder charge is punishable by up to life in prison. Prosecutor Richard Mantei said Tobias' sentence could be less because of state guidelines that call for 25 to 50 years. Soud offered no promises on what he'll order during a sentencing hearing scheduled for December. Outside the courtroom, Mantei said Tobias' plea will help avoid the family reliving the tragedy during a jury trial. Tobias told investigators that she shook the baby, smoked a cigarette to compose herself and then shook him again. She said the baby may have hit his head during the shaking. | ||||||
Psychic Investigators Continue to Explore Pennsylvania Museum Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:42 AM PDT standard-journal - As two members of the Central Pennsylvania Paranormal Research Association (CPPRA) stood Tuesday in the entryway of the Packwood House Museum, Lewisburg, discussing paranormal activity in the museum with Packwood Director Rick Sauers, a loud crash sent chills up and down the spines of those standing in entryway. Kevin Tersavige, founder of the CPPRA and Kristeen Reynolds, a psychic with the organization, visited the home to discuss, along with Sauers, its rich history of paranormal activity. The loud crashing noise, which could not be explained, sparked the curiosity of those gathered. Tersavige said his group, which conducts an average of 50 studies a year on potentially haunted locations, has held multiple studies at the Packwood House. He said the museum is the top spot in the Susquehanna Valley for documented cases of paranormal activity. As the three walked through the home recently, Sauers snapped multiple photos of empty rooms. In some of those photos, small round balls of light, which the three described as orbs, appeared that were not visible to the naked eye. "I've been here almost five years," Sauers said. "I always suspected the house was haunted. You felt like someone was looking at you." He said the museum, located on the corner of Market and Water streets in Lewisburg, has a rich history, dating back to the 1790s when a 35-by-35-foot log cabin was built on the property. In the late 1830s, the building was expanded and became the American House Hotel. A third story was added to the building in 1868. George Kelly later purchased the building and converted it into apartments. George's daughter, Edith, and her husband, John Fetherston, were the last to own the home. John died in 1962, while Edith died in 1972. In accordance with their wills, a trust was established and the museum opened to the public in 1976. According to Sauers, several people may have died in the home. He said documents left behind by Edith indicated she believed there was a murder on the third floor of the home at some point in its history. "(Edith) said there are dark stains on the floor that she takes as blood stains," Sauers said. Edith also passed away in the home, in a room which is currently used as a library. As Sauers, Tersavige and Reynolds walked through the museum, Reynolds expressed the unique sense she got as she walked into the room where Edith had died. "I'm relaxed in this room. I don't feel there are any spirits," Reynolds said, noting that wasn't the case in the other rooms of the home. "I'm afraid in every other part of this building," she said "I feel (paranormal activity) all over this building." When members of the CPPRA first visited the Packwood House, they expected to encounter one entity in particular. However, they quickly found the entity in the home wasn't what they expected. "The initial thought was Edith Fetherston was the one in the house, and she may be," Tersavige said. "Through our investigations, we found it's John Fetherston here… There are multiple entities here." He said the most powerful evidence of John's presence came in a photo that was taken inside the museum during a preliminary visit. The photo was taken as Sauers and Tersavige were standing next to a mirror in the room that had been John's bedroom. "In the photo, you see Rick, you see me and you see a third man," Tersavige said. That third man was an image in the mirror which strongly resembled John. In addition, Tersavige said psychic investigators have detected John's presence. They've also detected a French soldier, an African-American woman and a young girl named Maria, who had worked at the American House Hotel. Throughout their visit to the museum, Tersavige and Reynolds kept reflecting on the mysterious crashing noise which was heard from the entryway. As the CPPRA conducts investigations at various locations, Tersavige said the investigators look for any plausible explanation for strange activity. "We try to repeat some of the (mysterious) activity to see if it could be natural," Tersavige said. "We have a few people (in the group) that are general contractors." He said the contractors are excellent at picking up things with a building that are natural structural occurrences. "We rule out the normal. What's left is the paranormal," Tersavige said. Pick up Standard Journal later this week as Tersavige highlights other haunted locations throughout the area and discusses more about what takes place as his team visits a location that is suspected to be haunted. ********** from 7/29/2009 Psychics Coax Out Spirits in Central Pennsylvania Museum ![]() "We've been told for years that the place is probably haunted," Sauers said. "We've had psychics identify themselves after tours and tell us they notice things here and there." With years of rumors and psychics reporting findings in the museum, Sauers decided to take action. Who did he call? The Central Pennsylvania Paranormal Research Association. "Every once in a great while I'll feel something brush me, just to let me know they are there," Sauers said. "I decided to find out for myself and called the Central Pennsylvania Paranormal Research Association." Maria the barmaid The Packwood Museum originated as a log cabin in 1799. Throughout the 19th century, the cabin continued to grow as owners John and Edith Fetherston continued to add editions. The continued growth transformed the once-small cabin into a tavern and hotel that acted as a resting place for people traveling and transporting goods along the Susquehanna River. Upon entering the tavern portion of the museum during a visit, psychics immediately felt someone in the room. Dr. Sauers said one of the psychics, who has the ability to determine the layout of old rooms, identified the presence as an old barmaid who identified herself as Maria. Maria was described as just giving a casual greeting before leaving. Mirrors aid the spirits In two separate visits in the spring, the CPPRA stayed from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. and found a number of specters throughout the museum. "Mirrors, according to what the psychics told me, tend to attract psychic energy," Dr. Sauers said of the investigation. "Especially if the mirrors are facing one another. The psychics said it acts as a conduit to bring in spirits. There are a couple rooms with a lot of concentrated psychic energy. There are over 90 mirrors on display in the building." Sauers said Edith Fetherston was an avid mirror collector. He said John Fetherston showed himself during the first visit of the CPPRA, with the aid of mirrors. Sauers and a researcher were standing in the room where John's portait hangs, he said. Mirrors on either side of the room face each other and were reflecting the image of Sauers and the researcher. Sauers said his reflection disappeared, and the spirit of John Fetherston appeared standing next to them. Along with the healthy supply of mirrors, there are many instances of mirrors reflecting off of one another. The CPPRA informed Dr. Sauers this is an especially tempting for the spirits because it acts as a gateway for them to enter our world. "We have one room where there are three sets of opposing mirrors," Dr. Sauers said. "They found stuff up there and in a storage room where there are two opposing mirrors." For anyone worried about a possible encounter, the psychics have reassured Dr. Sauers that the spirits are friendly. "According to the psychics they are all friendly ghosts," Dr. Sauers said. "I've worked in haunted places before." Dr. Sauers experience with the paranormal happened when he worked in Wisconsin at another historical site. "I've literally walked into a ghost one day in a hallway basement in Wisconsin," Dr. Sauers said. "I was going down to check on some supplies we had stored. I walked into an ice-cold pocket of air that was probably five to six inches thick." Along with being startled and having the hair on his neck stand up, Dr. Sauers spoke out to the spirit and said, " 'The next time you see me coming, could you stay out of the way?' When I came back five minutes later, it was gone." Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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