Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- MUFON CMS: UFO / USO - Port Aransas, Texas Gulf Coast
- Fortean / Oddball News: Michigan Earth Crack, CERN Lies and NASA Cover-Up
- Recent Sighting of the Spottsville Monster?
MUFON CMS: UFO / USO - Port Aransas, Texas Gulf Coast Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:51 AM PDT
5 October – Approximately at 1:30AM we finish setting up camp and go to bed. One hour later I wake up for no apparent reason, I decide to step outside of the SUV to have a smoke. My brother has been sick so any noise or movement did not wake him. The gulf breeze was blowing to the northwest so I moved to the north side of the SUV near the front passenger seat. The sky was partly cloudy with the clouds moving also to the northwest from the southeast at a very slow rate. 2:30AM – At an angle up from the horizon about 60 degrees facing northeast, I see what looked like a fast (grey in color) shadow move just above the clouds over my left shoulders into another cloud. Thinking this was either a large bird or my tired eyes playing tricks, I ignore it. 2:45AM – After finishing my smoke, I make my way around to the passenger side of the SUV and I am now facing southwest parallel with the nose of the SUV. I happen to look up at three very large clouds and see once again this huge grey shadow move from the top of one cloud on my right to the next cloud to the left. I open the SUV's driver door and start to reach for the camera under the seat. As I am reaching for the camera (I am totally blown away on seeing this) a massive Super-ship quickly moves from the middle cloud to the third cloud on the far left, see Figure 1. Wishing this would be just a peaceful fishing trip, I start memorizing eye-witness reporting attention-to-detail facts. I quickly raise my right hand and simulate the shape, color, direction, size, speed and duration of the UFO event. Using my outreach right hand (about 6 inch long at 20 inches away from my eyes) and estimating the lower end of moving clouds to be 20,000 to 25,000, I measure this Super-ship to be 7,500 feet long, 3,750 feet wide, and 1,250 in height. The overall shape (note, it move so fast I did not see the front very well) resembles a between an Archery 3 blade Broad Head Arrow Tip crossed with a Star War's Imperial Battleship (see fig 2). At the very back of the ship looked like two very large dome (think tops of football field like the Metro Dome in Minneapolis). This machine looked extremely old. Along the sides of the ship were two rolls of blocks that resemble the tops of old castle walls. Absolutely an unpractical design for aerodynamics and it was the dullest concrete grey in color. In fact, it looked like it was made of concrete with no smooth surface, no windows, and absolutely no sound. It flew from cloud to cloud as if was trying to hide. In the open between the clouds it would almost fade in with the stars above but as soon as the ship jumped near to the top of next cloud, it would fade back into view, it is possible that the chemical composition of the earth's cloud may have an undesirable effect of the Super-ship's ability to stay invisible (think sun hitting falling rain to make a rainbow). The second direction it moved was about a mile west, 85 degrees up of my location and jumped to the last large cloud at about 75 degrees southwest at a speed I estimate to be 5 times a CRJ-700's 860km/h (535 miles per hour) or 2,600 miles per hour or I would estimate it jumped 45 miles in ¾ of a second. 2:50AM – With the interior light of the USV off and with the driver's door open, I finally find my camera. I turn my body back out to look southeast and I see a white/blue round probe/or a decoy (fig 2) with a little red blinking light on top of it. This UFO drop down from a huge cloud father south from where I saw the Super-ship last. This probe is hovering just below the cloud at about 20,000 feet and about 60 miles from me. It is blinking with an unrecognizable rhythm. Note: the following morning at 7AM I noted 5 to 6 Oil Tankers moored between me and the hovering probe, if a crew member was up between 2 and 3 AM working the oil transfer rig that is about 20 miles out from Port Aransas, they should have seen all of this. 2:55AM – Seeing the probe blinking and changing color from white to blue with a smaller un-rhythm red blinking light on the top of it, I turn on my 1 million candle watt power floodlight and flash three quick flashes to it as this pratice has been advised/tried by the local San Antonio, Texas MUFON members when they are trying to make contact in our local UFO hotspots. As soon as I flashed the last of the three flashes, the probe completely vanished from sight. 2:56AM - Within a minutes, and what I can describe as my first USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) encounter, a tall (maybe 100 feet in height) super bright white double cross (fig 2) USO, rises out of the ocean at about 25 miles due southeast of me in line with the far right oil tanker. This new structure is completely lid up. It stays right on top of the water and I start filming it (see attached film). At the beginning of the film, I try to get a reference by using the stationary oil tankers, and then pan the camera to the right to focus on this USO. Within a few minutes, the USO slowly sank out of sight. Unknown if any other event happens that night. Unknown why this is would be my fourth night (in two months) seeing and reporting events. But it has to be reported. Click for video NOTE: fairly detailed account...even by MUFON CMS standards. I wish there was more video documentation as well as other witness statements. If anyone has further information, I'd be interested in seeing it. USO (Unidentified Submerged Objects) are not a new phenomenon but are really just starting to gain public attention...Lon MUFON CMS: UFO / USO - Port Aransas, Texas Gulf Coast | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Michigan Earth Crack, CERN Lies and NASA Cover-Up Posted: 08 Oct 2010 08:52 AM PDT - Alien conspiracy theorists are confident they've caught NASA in the act of covering up the fact we are not alone in the universe. A video posted on YouTube yesterday showed how an image of Saturn's moons Dione and Titan, taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter, had been Photoshopped before being added to a Picture of the Day website. In the video, "DominatorPS3" turned up the brightness levels on the photo to show that a "huge" object can be seen behind the smaller moon, Dione. Clearly visible are brush strokes that show how the rainbow aura of the object has been blacked out. "More solid proof of NASA/ government coverups," DominatorPS3 said. "... and this is recent. You can do this yourself!!" Of course, being the internet, it didn't take long for the truth to get out there, so to speak. The person responsible for the manipulation, Emily Lakdawalla, told a forum of excitable theorists that she made the changes because of the way Cassini takes photos. "Cassini takes colour pictures by snapping three sequential photos through red, green, and blue filters," she said. "In the time that separated the three frames, Dione moved, so if I did a simple color composite I would be able to make Titan look right, but not Dione; or Dione look right, but not Titan. "So I aligned Dione, cut it out, and then aligned Titan, and then had to account for the missing bits of shadow where the bits of Dione had been in two of the three channels." She explained the process further at but it still wasn't enough for the alien hunters, particularly DominatorPS3. "Thanks for the feedback and explanation," he said in a comment on the YouTube post. "However I still remain sceptical because someone still could have ordered her to 'cut it or something out'. "But thanks for putting that info up so others can read it; I am not trying to convince people what I believe." ********** Earth Crack Still a Mystery in Michigan ehextra - One day the land was flat and filled with trees shooting straight into the air. Twenty-four hours later there's a 600-foot-long crack, 4-feet deep twisting its way through the woods - and those vertical trees are now pointed 30 degrees left and right where the earth has mounded 15 feet high. No, it's not a disaster movie; it's what happened Monday at the home of Eileen Heider on Bay de Noc Road in Birch Creek. Heider was sitting in her recliner watching TV at about 8:30 that morning. "The chair shook for a few seconds and I thought the spring in the chair went," she said. Heider heard a noise at the same time. She checked her chair and around the house inside and out but couldn't find anything unusual. Heider wasn't alone. A neighbor across the road told her she heard a boom while taking a shower and that her husband was leaning against the washing machine and said he felt it move, even though it wasn't running. Another neighbor said he heard a boom and closed his window thinking it was thunder but then noticed the sky was clear. The next day Heider's friend, Doug Salewski, found a hole in the ground and a 200-yard crevasse a short ways away which wasn't there before. Heider went to investigate and said the crack was three-feet wide and about five-feet deep in spots. "The trees on one side are kind of tilted and on the other side are tilted the opposite way," she said. The hole found by her friend was dry so she didn't think it was caused by rain, even though some members of her family did. "My kids and different ones that came over said maybe it was because of so much rain and there was a buildup of pressure underneath." Heider call authorities and Michigan State Trooper Paul Anderson from the Stephenson Post came out to take a look. "There's no gas line or anything, I have no answers to it," he said. "It heaved the ground 10 to 15 feet. I mean the ground used to be flat and now it's just heaved, it heaved the entire ground." Anderson said he'd follow up with phone calls to geologists at Michigan Tech. EagleHerald photographer Rick Gebhard shared the photo you see in today's paper with several government agencies hoping to get a handle on what caused the earth to open up. Steven Fleegel from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration took a crack solving the mystery. "Unfortunately, that is out of our area of expertise," he said. He recommended contacting the Department of Natural Resources or the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Menominee County Emergency Management Director Debra Wormwood was in Lansing, Mich., for a conference but was able to see the photo and share it with the State Police District Emergency Management Coordinator and a representative from the National Weather Service. "It appears that what they had in the yard on Rangeline is a sinkhole and that is made by the amount of rain that we got recently," said Wormwood. Officials also checked the USGS website and did not find any seismic activity in or near Michigan and said that if it was an earthquake more people would have felt it. Click for video ********** Leaked CERN Documents...Concern Over the LHC We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets 'likely' to be produced at the LHC. According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won't produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense 'strangelets', the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas. In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle's book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star). Thus CERN has been lying and it is playing with all mankind a Quantum Russian Roulette game with 4 shots out of 6, 66% chances of extinction. This will be even if we survive the biggest genocide of history, calculated multiplying probability and victims: 66% x 6.6 billions=4.4 billions, 1000 times the Holocaust. The experiment will start in 45 days now. We might be living the last month of our existence as individuals and as a species. This Fall can be indeed the Fall of Man. And yet, the experiment is not stopped. This machine is too big to fail. (Continue reading at 1st extinction event: Leaked CERN documents state LHC has 70% chances to produce strangelets on 11/9) Thanks to Mel for the heads up! ********** Malaysian Baby Snatched / Killed by Macaque Monkey BBC - A Malaysian baby girl has died after being snatched by a monkey which bit her then dropped her from a roof. The four-day-old was sleeping in the living room of her home in the central Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan when a macaque monkey entered. The baby had been briefly left alone. Wildlife officials said the monkey had probably been searching for food. The officials said it was the first case of an attack by wild monkeys on a human in the state. The child's mother, 26-year-old V Revathy, said she had left her baby to go to the bathroom and the baby's grandfather had gone to get a glass of water. "We frantically searched all over the house and saw her body covered in blood lying outside the house," the child's grandfather A Valayutham said. The baby had serious bite and scratch marks on her ears, neck and head. The newborn, who had not been named yet, died on her way to hospital. "She was our bundle of joy and we were looking forward to spending many happy years with her ... I just cannot believe she's gone," said V Neru, the baby's father. State wildlife officials said they had shot the monkey they believed was responsible for the attack. Assistant wildlife official Mohd Zafifi Ramli said that macaque monkeys were breeding too fast in Malaysia. With the country rapidly developing, he said, there was less forest for wild animals to live in. Mr Zafifi said the monkeys were also attracted to urban areas because many people fed them. ********** Zimbabwean Female 'Rape Gangs' Reported - A Zimbabwean man has accused a gang of three women of kidnapping, drugging and raping him in the fifth sexual attack targeting male victims in under a year. A police spokesman said the 26-year-old was offered a lift in the southern city of Bulawayo but passed out in the vehicle after he was grabbed from behind and his face covered with a cloth. He said he fell unconscious again after being given a substance that tasted like alcohol. "After he woke up he was naked and the ladies took turns to rape him and abused him," police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said. The man told police he passed out after the assault but was later dumped by the women. "The ladies also took his money, $US300 and cell phone," said Mr Bvudzijena. "The intentions by the three women are not clear but we suspect it could for ritual purposes." The incident on Friday was the fifth such attack reported in several parts of the country, carried out by groups of women of varying size. "It could be one or more gangs involved which is doing this. In all cases the victims are caught unaware and they are given drugs which make them dizzy," said Mr Bvudzijena. The first attack happened last November when three women kidnapped an 18-year-old man. In February, a group of four women forced a 25-year-old to have sex with them at gunpoint. Last month, a 44-year-old man, who was ordered to wear a condom, was targeted by two women while a man stood guard. A 30-year-old man was also drugged by three women, two of whom had guns, and sexually assaulted. Under Zimbabwean law, the charge of rape applies only to women victims. ********** What the hell was this guy thinking...? BTW...he died Click for video | ||
Recent Sighting of the Spottsville Monster? Posted: 08 Oct 2010 08:54 AM PDT ![]() This drawing and other evidence at I received word this morning that there was a recent sighting of an unknown creature near the area of the so-called 'Spottsville Monster' sightings in Henderson County, Kentucky. There wasn't a lot of detail other than the entity stood about 6 1/2 ft., with dark brown fur and a canine-like head. The witness stated that the creature was approximately 50 yards away in a woodland clearing during the mid-morning. From what I can gather, there were a few witnesses that were part of a group, but I'm not positive of that. I have made further inquiries and will post an update if other reports are made. For those readers not familiar with the 'Spottsville Monster', I've posted Bart Nunnelly's 1975 report on this creature as well as a link for more recent activity: THE SPOTTSVILLE MONSTER Spottsville, Ky., Henderson Co., 1975 The Nunnelly family moved into a small, isolated farmhouse very close to the banks of the Green River. They didn't realize that for the next 11 months they would be terrorized by a giant, hairy, red-eyed creature that would come to be known as 'The Spottsville Monster'. Even though they were warned by the previous renter, who reluctantly told Mr. and Mrs. Nunnelly that one day he had fired several rifle shots through the back screen door at a large 'hairy feller' who was standing just outside looking in at him, Red, the father, was a tough, intelligent, no nonsense type fellow who was not easily scared by anything. He felt a .12 gauge shotgun would take care of any such 'problems' that might arise. Besides, they had already had a run-in or two with what the kids called 'The Brown Man' a few years previously across the river in Reed. It ran when seen of fired at and eventually left them alone. The Nunnelly's new house on Mound Ridge Rd. seemed perfect at first. The property contained many types of fruit and berry trees and Red planned to raise several acres of tobacco come spring. Rose, his wife, looked forward to raising a big vegetable garden. The six kids could play in the big yard or artifact hunt in the fields along the front and sides of the house. That spring started out well despite the steady disappearance of their chickens, which was attributed to weasels and such. The older boys, aged 9 and 10, began to find the carcasses of dead dogs in the fields when they were out looking for indian arrow-heads. The bodies were strangely mutilated, being sliced from groin to gullet with all the internal organs removed including the eyes and tongues. No blood or footprints could be seen around these grisly discoveries, even though most were found in open, well cultivated fields. Also strange was the fact that no scavenger would eat of the remains. Not even a fly would land on them to lay its eggs. Before the episode was finally over in Jan.,1976 the family would lose a total of over 200 chickens,1 goat,1 horse and would find the remains of 8 dogs, a pig, and a goat-all mutilated. One day Red and Rose heard what sounded like something big drinking water from the small creek within the forest behind the house. By the sound of the loud 'gulping' noises it was making it was at least as big as a horse or cow. At night they began to hear strange noises coming from outside in the surrounding fields, some of which contained swampy ponds and thick growths of trees, and from the woods behind the house. Sometimes it would be close by, sometimes far away. The two vicious and highly treasured guard dogs the family owned could be heard bumping their heads on the floorboards as they scurried beneath the house in fear of whatever was making the sounds. This caused Red much concern. As a precaution, when his older son Harold began the remodeling, Red invited him and his family to move their trailer out and set it beside the house. As he was suffering from Glaucoma and steadily losing his eyesight, he felt that his family would be safer with another grown man who could shoot a gun on hand if need arose. He could also help with raising the tobacco. They moved the trailer in soon after and placed it very close to the house under his father's direction. One day a stranger came walking from the far tree line across one of the side fields. He was holding a shotgun, broken down, and walking towards the house, his other hand up in the air in a friendly jesture. It took both the adults to finally calm down the dogs when the stranger approached and introduced himself as a neighbor who lived less than a half mile back up the road. He stated that he had just been squirrel hunting in the nearby woods and had scared up something big and hairy that ran away on its hind legs. As it was heading in this direction and he had not the slightest idea what the animal could be or how dangerous it might be, he felt it was his Christian duty to come warn the family about the event. Red liked this man immediately and invited him back for coffee when he had the chance. The two became great friends and this new acquaintance would play a pivotal role in the drama that was about to unfold. The first sighting by the Nunnelly's happened around 8 o'clock one evening when Rose stepped onto the front porch to call Harold and his wife and 3 children over for a late supper. They had been working in the fields all day. She looked to her left and saw a giant, hairy shadow at least 8 feet tall standing in the darkness by a nearby shed looking at her. She screamed like a panther, then ran back inside and locked the door. Harold rushed over holding his rifle, Red grabbed the shotgun. Shaking, Rose called the police. After briefly looking around close to the house and finding nothing the State Police left,most probably laughing at the crazy story of the giant monster. But they would be back several more times as events escalated into an almost nightly visitation by the creature. Eventually, even though it was later learned that similar sightings were taking place all along the river in towns such as Bluff City and Hebbardsville, the police refused to respond to any more 'monster' calls and the family was left to defend themselves. Rose saw it again at dusk as it ran from a field by the garden area and jumped an old fence-row. It chased Red and one of the dogs out of a tobacco field that he was tending alone one day.Dean,age 10 had a close encounter as well. He was standing in the front yard one day trying to take some garden hoes away from a couple of the younger girls when he heard a tremendous crashing through the trees out back, followed by a complete and unsettling quiet that came over the entire area. He looked and saw the thing standing in a small gully by an old truck. He described it as being huge and tall, with a square jaw and small, close set eyes. It was covered in reddish gray hair, thin and patchy in spots as if it was very old. All of the children saw it one morning standing in a corn field out front.It towered above the full grown corn and seemed to sway slightly from side to side as it stood. By this time the local T. V. news had heard of the events from the police band radio and sent a camera crew and police sketch artist out to the place. The artist drew a hairy, man-like animal with no face(?) and a segment about the family was featured on the evening news. The next day a crew of reporters from the local newspaper descended on the Nunnelly farm to get the scoop. The morning edition of The Gleaner dubbed the beast 'The Spottsville Monster' and the accompanying article treated the sighting fairly, despite some misquotes such as calling the monster 'green' and misnaming the name of the road on which the family lived. Ironically, this sent the crowds of gun-toting 'monster hunters' which descended on Spottsville to everywhere but the correct location. Meanwhile, the neighbor from down the road agreed to try and track the monster down for the sake of the safety of the Nunnelly children. He encountered it one day at an old, abandoned house far back in the woods. It was stooping down looking out the window out at him. The man fired on it and in the same instant, he said later, it vanished before his eyes. Shaken by the sighting he went home. He did not give up however and eventually claimed to have found trace evidence in the form of hair,a claw and a plaster cast of a partial footprint left in near frozen ground. The print, though incomplete was impressive and showed the clear impression left by a large, four-toed foot. When the news coverage began Red referred the reporters up to talk to the neighbor, which they did. His name appeared in print and he, like the Nunnelly family, suffered through intense public ridicule. The children were endlessly taunted at school, the neighbor at work in a nearby fire department. The events finally came to a conclusion, for them at least, when the neighbor told Mr. Nunnelly about a bizarre encounter with the creature he had experienced a couple of weeks prior, followed by a short stay in the hospital. He had been looking for the thing one day, he said, when it started to rain. He was walking a tree line at the time and there was a nearby, long abandoned old barn into which he went seeking shelter from the rain. Little did he know the creature was also inside.He stood only for a moment at one end of the open ended barn, when suddenly the feeling that he wasn't alone washed over him. He slowly turned around and found himself staring into a huge, hairy mid section. He stood well over six feet tall but he had to look almost straight up to see the creatures' face.It was horrible and deeply terrifying with a short muzzle, long pointed fangs set into both its upper and lower jaws, black skin and strange red eyes that chilled and frightened him to his very soul. He reached for the rifle strapped on his shoulder but suddenly found himself unable to move as those terrible eyes froze him in their gaze. The man thought that he was surely done for but,despite the beasts' appearance, it spoke to him without using its mouth at all,but some sort of mental telepathy and said, "Don't be afraid... I will not harm you." Then it turned around and ran out the end of the barn that was facing the open,well plowed field, now muddy from the rain. It was a few moments before he could move again, he said. But at last he was able to shake his head trying to clear the vision of those red burning eyes from his mind. When he had composed himself he walked to the doorway through which the being had ran, hoping to see for the first time the creatures track in the muddy field. There were none. Red, realizing this was no 'ordinary' monster, asked the man if he thought it might come up one night and try to steal one of the children. The man replied that it was not likely, as they had been here for nearly a year already and the thing seemed content with killing their animals and merely scaring the people. But, he told him, if the creature ever did decide to do that, their would be nothing anyone in this world could do for them. They would be gone. Period. For weeks Red had kept a five gallon bucket of kerosene and a mop near the kitchen door in case the creature tried to get in and attack the members of the household. In the event that he could not drive it away with bullets or fire it was his intention of kicking the bucket of fuel over and setting it ablaze, burning the house to the ground with his whole family inside it rather than losing one or more of them to the creature and trying to live with the loss. Better, he reasoned, that they should all die and go to heaven together than trying to live without a single member of the family. All the children had agreed. Soon after the talk with the neighbor Red and Rose gathered their children and belongings and moved back to the 'safety' of the city. THE INTERVIEW I interviewed the neighbor and my father's good friend in Feb., 2005. It had been 30 years since I had seen him. He was older but still pleasant, friendly, intelligent and cordial. He still lived in the same house that he lived in back then and is a God fearing Christian with no reason to lie and no want of any publicity whatsoever. After promising never to reveal his name in a public forum and,because I was Red's son, he agreed to grant me the interview and tell me 'everything' that had happened to him during and after our ordeal in 1975. What he told me about his further encounters with TSM astounded me. He claimed that he had seen the beast several more times after my family left. Moreover he said that what he had seen with his own eyes went far beyond anything that he had ever dreamed possible. One day he was walking along a field and noticed a strange area that looked like 'heat waves rising from a hot, summer road'. The area was only a few yards wide and to either side everything looked normal. As he was watching one of the creatures stepped out of this strange wavy area like stepping out a doorway. One second nothing, and the next... there it was looking right at him. It growled at him and, at the same time, screamed inside his head to 'leave me alone!' Then it turned around and took a step back into the strange looking 'doorway-and disappeared. After that he began watching the area from a distance using binoculars. In all he claimed to have witnessed several different monsters using this doorway a total of three different times, always appearing or disappearing,seemingly, into thin air. These strange creatures would then be seen crossing his own property and tripping the sensitive motion detecting security lights in his yard. His last sighting was in August of 2004. When asked if I could see the trace evidence I received another revelation. Soon after the media coverage back in '75, he said, he was visited by the state police and a couple of other men whom he took to be Federal game officials. They demanded that he turn over all evidence concerning TSM over to them immediately, which he did. Moreover they stated that if he ever talked to anyone else about the subject, especially the media, he would be arrested without hesitation and thrown into prison on a 'made up charge' and would never see his wife and two young daughters again unless it was looking at them through prison bars. In addition, a statement had been prepared for the local paper in his name stating for a fact that what he had seen was nothing more than a large, black bear. Not easily intimidated he, at first, balked at the whole thing, reasoning that this was America and his rights were being grossly violated. But the officials were very persuasive and, in the end, he had little choice but to go along with the charade for the sake of his family. Over the years he had tried to get the items back with no luck. One time he and his family came home and found a large freezer bag on the front porch. It held the remains of his plaster cast-smashed into powder. The statement was released to the local paper which proudly proclaimed the mystery of TSM solved.The hoards of monster hunters melted away leaving only the body of a dog, someone's family pet shot accidentally by local teens, behind. Everything quieted down and TSM faded into memory. The man never talked of TSM again, fearing the threats to this day as he now owns a successful business he does not wish to jeopardize. He blames the inability to speak of his encounters on a heart attack he suffered in 1985, which left him, for a brief time before he was resuscitated, clinically dead. It is also interesting to note that the entire area has a history of active UFO sightings and many houses nearby are said to be haunted on the inside as well. I know these to be true as I have lived in a couple of them myself and have seen unexplained aerial phenomena on many occasions and in the company of witnesses numerous times there. NOTE: there is further information on this cryptid at Kentucky Bigfoot...Lon Recent Sighting of the Spottsville Monster? Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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