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- Update: Crestleigh House Haunting - EVPs / Activity
- Paranormal / Spiritual News: NW English Ruins, Nottingham Ghost and Ouija Board Movie
- Fortean / Oddball News: Another Sylvanic Bigfoot, Devil Attack and Aussie Witches
Update: Crestleigh House Haunting - EVPs / Activity Posted: 24 Oct 2010 09:43 PM PDT The activity in the house (Crestleigh House) has increased....both mother and daughter were forced to sleep in the dining room on Friday night because of footsteps and loud bangs. They couldn't pinpoint where about in the house it was coming from but they were loud enough for her sister who lives upstairs to phone down asking them what in hell were they doing. This happened just after 1 am in the morning (10/23). The sister upstairs said last night there was an awful smell in her place, so disgusting she couldn't describe it. She also heard footsteps coming up the stairs from downstairs...the stairs that are blocked off. The client called Irene Saturday evening at 11:20 PM Wales local time because of the increased activity. The client also setup the tape recorder in the upstairs bedroom (directly above the bedroom Irene recorded) and left it for several hours. She played the recording over the telephone for Irene who described it as one of the worst haunting recordings she has ever heard. The loud groaning, moans, audible words, banging, footsteps as well as a disturbing buzzing she described as a 'large swarm of blue bottle flies.' Also, there was a heavy stench of sulfur in the bedroom. NOTE: Irene and I would like as much feedback as possible on these EVP recordings - Upstairs bedroom 1 and Upstairs bedroom 2 - many discernible voices (terrible screams in #2) - recorded by client (background noise DB has been lowered a bit when I processed). We believe there are a bevy of spirits involved including at least one very malevolent entity The EVP / noise recording links are available at Crestleigh House Haunting - Astral Preceptions forum We will start researching the history of the house and area this week. As well, I will be conducting a remote view (from the USA) on Tuesday which will be monitored by Irene. A full overnight investigation will be assembled on Wednesday by Irene and associates. Use the Astral Perceptions forum for future updates...Lon |
Paranormal / Spiritual News: NW English Ruins, Nottingham Ghost and Ouija Board Movie Posted: 24 Oct 2010 09:21 PM PDT Nigel Wright: Hidden Gem of North-West England In the ten months or so since my family and I moved up to the northwest barely a day has gone by lest we discover a new and totally fascinating place. Most of these have been wonderful and totally family-friendly but last week my wife and I discovered somewhere, barely a couple of miles from our new home, that at first seemed a fantastic location - full of history and with views to die for. However, upon walking around the location with my wife, who is gifted with clairvoyance and is about as down to earth as they come, we may have discovered one of its hidden secrets, hidden in the mists of time. So, where is this place of forgotten lives? It is at Heysham, near Morecambe, on the northwest coastline of the UK. The village itself is beautiful - full of small, 17th Century cottages, placed along a small street that leads down to the shore of Morecambe Bay. At the bottom of one of these streets is the small church, beside which is a small pathway that leads up to a quiet, open point of the hill that overlooks the bay itself. It is on this point that the ruins of St Patrick's chapel lie. A few walls remain but it is what surrounds these walls that is the really interesting thing. The chapel itself dates from the 7th Century AD, and here, lying beside the ruins, are some stone carved Viking graves. On the day we visited the chapel, the graves were filled with rain water, which in a strange way seemed to add to their candour. As I looked at these graves, filled as they were, I mused on the idea that in ancient times our ancestors thought that water was an entrance to another world, hence their sacrifices made in lakes, ponds and wells. - continue reading at Cryptozoology Online ********** Ghostly Photograph Taken at Execution Site telegraph - The Galleries of Justice in Nottingham claims to be one of the most haunted locations in Great Britain. Scores of highwayman, murderers and thieves were subjected to public hangings from within its walls. Many modern visitors to the site in Nottingham, now a museum, claim to have witnessed spooky goings-on from flying orbs to strange smells and rattling keys. Now, a couple has stepped forward claiming to have photographic evidence of a supernatural being haunting the former dungeon. Christine Spice visited the old prison and courtrooms with her partner Denyer earlier this month and took snaps of what she describes as "an eerie mass of white, like an evil male figure." The figure is pictured behind a second apparition, which appears to be a small child in some form of period dress, captured on Christine's mobile phone camera. Ms Spice, from Herfordshire, said: "Denyer and I went on one of the museum's guided tours. "We are both very spiritual people, and could sense quite a lot of spiritual presence around the building. "We went to visit the pits and immediately I became very agitated and sensed something really bad and evil. "I told Denyer I thought we should leave as it was affecting me. I could sense the danger and my breathing and heartbeat became faster - I felt very scared. "We could smell a musty, rotting smell and was very uncomfortable. I then became so freaked out that I ran out. "The feeling of evil was so overwhelming. Once outside we looked at the photo and could see a white glow like a huge threatening aura." There has been a court at the Galleries of Justice since at least 1375 and a prison since 1449. It is the only place in Britain where criminals could be tried, convicted, and sentenced. Some executions were even done at the entrance of the building. The Galleries contains the original cells, dungeons, two courtrooms, and several medieval caves, where the photo was taken. Christine said that after she calmed down, they continued looking around and spent some time looking at all the ID photos taken of prisoners displayed on the walls. She said: "It was in this room that someone pulled my hair. I turned around expecting to see my brother but there was no one there," she said. "We could sense spirits all over the building and I would definitely describe the place as being very haunted." Tim Desmond, chief executive at the museum, said: "The staff at the museum are quite used to experiencing the supernatural on the site, not surprising as it was a place of punishment since the Middle Ages. "What is interesting is now that people have camera phones we are receiving actual images of what they pick up. Even if you are a sceptic it is very difficult to refute the unusual sights." ********** Ouija Board Movie a Real Possibility gearlive - Ouija boards have played roles in movies before. The Exorcist's Linda Blair talked to "Captain Howdy" with one just before she went nuts and started projectile vomiting, one spontaneously burst into flames to frighten views in Paranormal Activity, and more than one slumber party has been creeped out when the Ouija is jokingly pulled forth during the witching hour. As far as board games go, the Ouija is the scariest and the most mysterious (sorry, Clue fans). So … when is Hollywood going to take advantage and make a Ouija-centric film? Well, we hear that it's finally going to happen. Surely, you're already imagining a bevy of scantily-clad girls running around a darkened house after an impromptu Ouija session seems to raise a mysterious being from the Netherworld … but we're hearing the film is going to take a different track altogether. According to rumors, Michael Bay and some of the Lost writers are involved, so moviegoers can expect a much more action-adventure-type feeling for the flick. Think: Jumanji-meets-Poltergeist. Early negotiations are ongoing and there's no script, but things look hopeful for a full-length Ouija movie. ********** Weekly Paranormal Links My Night in a Haunted (Merchant's) House Paranormal investigators look into downtown Scranton Stories of ghosts and murders continue to haunt Asheville, NC Britain 'home to witches, fairies, and guardian angels' 'Ghost lady' explores Orange County's haunted places Paranormal investigators seek clues Paranormal investigators help North Florida Old school building offers lessons in the paranormal |
Fortean / Oddball News: Another Sylvanic Bigfoot, Devil Attack and Aussie Witches Posted: 24 Oct 2010 01:57 PM PDT Another Sylvanic Bigfoot Claim / Photo Todd just returned from an 8 day expedition with incredible Bigfoot documentation. It was a bit of an adventure as he had a confrontation with a Grizzly bear that ended in rescue by RCMP and Search and Rescue after being missing for 3 days. The team and his family are thrilled he made it back safely and he is ecstatic with his new photo and video evidence! Here is one of the photos where he caught Bigfoot watching him through the bushes~as you can see it was taken in full sunlight with fantastic detail. More will follow shortly; Todd has just returned a couple of days ago and is recuperating with his family. We can't wait to see his new video! - Sylvanic Bigfoot Sightings NOTE: Todd Standing has claimed he knows of a population of Bigfoot. The photo is suspect at best. Your call...Lon ********** Theologian Claims Harry Potter May Be Jesus Christ telegraph - The congregation of the Christ Community Church in Alamogordo in southern New Mexico even staged a book burning claiming 'behind that innocent face is the power of satanic darkness.' But now the boy wizard has found an unlikely ally. Theologian Rev Dr Stephen Holmes has claimed Harry Potter should be seen as a "Christ-like" figure because he promotes Biblical values. The Acting head of divinity at St Andrews University, said some religious commentators had been hasty in their condemnation of the phenomenally successful series. He read the books after hearing them denounced as "ungodly" and concluded that they contained a very obvious Christian narrative. He said: "What do you need to succeed at Hogwarts? Courage, self-sacrifice, careful logic and to be unselfish. It's almost a classical list of Christian values. "The behaviour that is recommended in the Potter books is profoundly Christian." Dr Holmes said the Biblical inspiration became most apparent in the final book, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, the film version of which is due to released next month. He pointed to the denouement in which the wizard confronts his arch-enemy Lord Voldemort for the final time. Dr Holmes said: "What happens gives the strong impression that Harry dies, discovers an afterlife in a place called King's Cross - a striking reference from a Christian perspective - and comes back to life. "The effect of his death has been to render impotent the power of evil. That is a Christian narrative which is almost impossible not to recognise. "JK Rowling is not saying to people 'you ought to be a witch'. She is trying to imagine a world in which wizardry and witchcraft are a reality and that is an important distinction." The author, a regular churchgoer whose daughter Jessica was baptised into the Church of Scotland, has previously insisted that her books have no religious agenda. She said in 2007: "I did not set out to convert anyone to Christianity. I wasn't trying to do what CS Lewis (author of the Chronicles of Narnia) did. It is perfectly possible to live a very moral life without a belief in God, and I think it's perfectly possible to live a life peppered with ill-doing and believe in God." She has also stated that the books have been "lauded an taken into the pulpit" just as much as they have been attacked from a theological point of view. ********** Aussie Witches Hope Spells Will End Taxing Time theage - Witches across the nation are being urged to send ''positive energy'' to the Australian Tax Office in support of a Wiccan church's claim for tax breaks. The plea for collective spell-casting was posted on the Witches Workshop online forum by Amethyst Treleven, who believes the magic may already be working. Ms Treleven - whose ''street name'' is Ziggy Smith - says she has been in talks with the Tax Office since September last year in a bid to gain tax breaks for the Adelaide-based Community Church of Inclusive Wicca. Advertisement: Story continues below On the forum, she writes: ''I thought you all might like to know of the hopeful breakthrough in terms of recognition of paganism with the Australia Taxation Office … It's one more strike for religious equality.'' Ms Treleven believes the Tax Office caseworker handling her application has been reading a copy of her book, Seeker's Guide to Learning Wicca, as part of the assessment process. ''They asked for a lot of material about the religion,'' she told The Sunday Age. ''I had to tell them the fundamental principles of the tradition … about the use of wands and the robes we wear.'' Ms Treleven says the decision early this month by Britain's Charity Commission to recognise Druid worship of natural spirits as a religion had helped the Wiccan cause. But while Ms Treleven has applied on behalf of the church for tax concessions on any income the incorporated body might receive, the church's income, as she explained in a later post, ''is squat''. But the ATO actually does business with, and therefore recognises, the existence of individuals and organisations, not religions and their beliefs. A spokeswoman said the ATO was unable to discuss or confirm Ms Trevelen's application. But she noted it was up to the courts and not the ATO to decide if a group was a religion. As for the suggestion that an ATO worker may be under the influence of a magic spell, she said: ''Not anyone I've spoken to has said so … but in an organisation of 22,500 people, it's difficult to know.'' ********** Roadside 'Ghost' wesh - A motorist called police after being spooked by an apparent ghost on Thursday along a Brevard County roadway. A man covered in a sheet is stopped by police while walking along state Road 405 in Titusville. Authorities with the Titusville Police Department said a man covered in a sheet was walking along state Road 405 at about 8:45 a.m. Three officers surrounded the man and asked about his appearance. Investigators said the man explained that he didn't want to get sunburned and was allowed to continue his walk. ********** 11 Jump, Panicked by 'Devil' Sighting upi - Eleven people jumped out of a second-floor window Saturday after apparently thinking they had seen the devil, French authorities said. Police told Sky News the incident took place in the early hours in La Verriere, west of Paris. Some of the injured were children, including a 4-month-old baby, who was in a serious condition in a Paris hospital. "Thirteen people were in an apartment on the second floor when, at around 3 a.m., one of the occupants heard his child crying," Odile Faivre, deputy prosecutor in Versailles, told Sky News. "The man in question, of African origin, who was completely naked, got up to feed his child, at which point the other occupants took him for the devil. "He was seriously wounded in the hand after being stabbed with a knife before he was thrown out of the apartment, via the door." He then tried to force his way back into the room. "That's when the other occupants tried to escape by jumping out of the window, panicked by a fear of the devil," said Faivre. Detectives are trying to find out if the group jumped voluntarily or were forced. 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