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- Are We Witnessing A Time Traveler and/or Dimensional Overlap?
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 26
- Fortean / Oddball News: Trick or Treat, Witchfinder's Journal and Pub Ghost
- Pennsylvania Restaurant Ghost Legend Examined
Are We Witnessing A Time Traveler and/or Dimensional Overlap? Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:15 PM PDT During the vigil at Crestleigh House last evening Irene and Lorna went into the downstairs bathroom to take a few digital photos. Well...when we went through the images today and some unknown 'person' showed up on one of the photos. It is not a double image and know one present knows who it one on the team, the clients, the landlord, nada. Frankly, we are stumped. This 'person' looks fairly young and has some type of helmet or whatever on their head. As well, there seems to either be something in the hand and/or it looks like it may have grabbed a handle to a door that is not there. You can see the top of Lorna's head behind Irene who is using the camera. The photos taken before and after these photos did not have anything that could have transferred. Is it a spirit? A time traveler? Your thoughts would be appreciated...but please, only enlightened and civil responses. You can also join the discussion at the Astral Perceptions Facebook group page and/or post your comments on the Astral Perceptions board (you must register to post). Thanks...Lon ********** UPDATE: my clairvoyant friend, Sunny, took a look at the photos and came to this conclusion: I isolated the image. Young man, sweat shirt perhaps, that is not a helmet on his head but there are 2 other "spirits" overlaid, so I cropped them out to show you. One does wear a helmet (with nose guard) and one is feline. I keep getting the word "Saxon", for the helmeted older one. Odd. He has a goatee type beard. The feline really has me perplexed. It's like a cat... but not. It's like seeing a glimpse of other worlds intersecting with ours. The impression I get is that the young man doesn't "fit". I'll keep trying to 'connect'. I know I am missing something... Everyone swears there was NOT a third person in the bathroom. Are we witnessing a dimensional or time shift of some kind? Is there a dimensional portal or vortex present? This entire house has a very strange 'feel' to a malevolent electrical charge. There seems to be something going on all the time. As I've said before, Irene and her team are a very serious investigative group who have the soul purpose of helping people without compensation. They do not want publicity...but they do want answers. We ask for rational opinions. |
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 26 Posted: 29 Oct 2010 02:32 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: Location/Date: Rome, Ohio - June 28, 1981 - late night As it got late the witnesses saw some forms moving around the wood line. Upset, the family put their youngest boy on the tractor and drove out into the field. As they did this they noticed out back a "black form" waving back and forth some sort of dark blue light. One family member preparing to shoot at this form, but as he did, the light went out, and the figure vanished. They continued on out to the clearing with the tractor, as they did, they began seeing forms and red glowing eyes. They opened up with their guns and used full two boxes of 12 gauge mag shells. One of the creatures was standing near a water pond and was apparently hit. It fell to the left of the pond, going down on its stomach. At this point its red glowing eyes were observed to go down on the ground on the side of the pond, with the black form. The witnesses kept shooting at the creature on the ground. Suddenly two more sets of red glowing eyes were observed coming up to the one on the ground, from back in the woods. The witnesses fired at these also. One set of red glowing eyes took off to the west; the other took off to the east. Frightened the family members ran back to the house for safe cover. In the process they lost sight of the one on the ground. They stayed around the house the rest of the night, every once in a while seeing forms running on the wood line. Later, ground disturbances and three toed footprints were found in this area of the wood line. Source: Witnesses *********** THE SLUG Location/Date: Dalekoye, Crimea, Ukraine - November 18, 1998 - daytime Four boys from the local "elementary" school, Eldar Islamov, Anton Kireichev, Server Devlyatov, and Alyesha Alyabyev had gone out of the school building to use the toilet. On their way there they heard a strange guttural sound coming from behind them, and looking back they saw a strange humanoid entity climbing over the fence. The entity was approximately 1.7m in height. The boys froze in terror as the entity began approaching them. The alien had a large head, not in proportion to its body, two huge red eyes and a square flat body. Its long arms touched the ground and ended in three clawed black fingers. The legs of the entity were black and straight. The rest of its body was semi-transparent, smoke in color. The boys noticed neither hair, nor mouth, ears nor nose. The boys named the entity "the slug". The alien approached one of the boys and put its hand on his shoulder. The boy felt neither heaviness nor pain and tried to push it away. The boys noticed that the entity had some type of device with a button attached to its elbow. The alien then pressed the button with its clawed finger and immediately the alien was "sucked" through the wall of the school building. Only the entity's red eyes could still be seen on the wall. The boy's skin turned red on the place where the entity had touched him, but he felt no pain or burning sensation. Soon it disappeared and the screaming boys rushed to their classroom. The teacher was unable to calm them and one of the boys stuttered uncontrollably. They feared going to the toilet alone after the incident. A number of UFO observations were reported around the area in 1998. Source: Galina Neiman, "Krymskaya Pravda", Anton Anfalov ********** CHUPACABRAS? Location/Date: Capivari, Sao Paolo, Brazil - January 1995 - 2:00 am During a rash of strange animal mutilations in a farm area, a group of farmers decided to arm themselves and mount night watch for the supposed predators. The first night several of the men where on guard duty in a makeshift wooden shack when all of the sudden there was a tremendous uproar among the animals in some nearby pens. Soon after that the men began hearing heavy footfalls and heavy breathing around the shack as if some type of creature was circling the building. At one point whoever it was attempted to push the door open and flung itself against the door. Gathering up enough courage some of the men looked out the window and saw a bizarre creature standing about 30 meters away holding itself up against a tree. It was described as about 1.80 meters in height and covered entirely in black hair. When the creature noticed that it was being watched it suddenly ran towards the shack on four legs, and violently flung itself against the door. The creature then fled into the woods emitting a very loud scream. Later on several men noticed what appeared to be several vultures circling a certain area of the woods. Upon investigating the reason why these birds were circling the area they were stunned to discover the carcass of a totally unknown hairless creature. Around the thorax area it had what appeared to be three holes from what appeared to have been a heavy caliber weapon. The body also appeared to have several blunt traumas. Upon turning the body over they discovered that the vegetation around it was browned as if exposed to very high heat. Apparently the creature was left in the same spot by the men and is unknown what became of it. Source: CEPEX NOTE: This incident was classified as a chupacabras sighting, even though the details are different than other reports...Lon ********** GLIDING ALIEN Location/Date: Uniontown, Pennsylvania - August 3, 2000 - 10:00 pm Five witnesses observed what they described as an alien "glide" across a field. The witnesses described the being as about 5 feet tall with long slender extremities. It carried a brown "staff" about 5 feet long. It was observed for about a minute from a distance of about 250 feet. No apparent disturbances to the area around the being were reported. The creature appeared to glide about 6 inches above the ground, according to the witnesses. Weather conditions were cool and clear with no wind. No sounds were reported and witnesses commented on it seeming abnormally quiet at the time. Crickets and other normal background noises were absent. The witnesses lost sight of the being when they drove a short distance up the road to an area which they thought would offer a better view, only about 75 to 100 ft from where the being was seen. A small knoll obstructed their view as they drove. When they got to the closer location, the being was gone. The witnesses returned home after the encounter. They reported no serious effects from their sighting, although three of them did claim to be very tired the next day. Source: Stan Gordon, PASU, J. Brown ********** STRANGE FIGURE Location/Date: Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18, 2000 - 10:30 pm The witness was walking his dog along Mackenzie Road when he noticed an orange/red glow just at the end of the road. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to rise. The object was described as spherical, only about 1.5 feet to 2 feet across, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The orange glow was a band around the middle extending to the outside edges of the sphere. The sphere appeared to have two black or dark half moons on the top and bottom. There were two connecting sections between the top and the bottom. The craft rose quickly at a sharp angle. When it was almost past the witness he shone the flashlight at it but it disappeared. As the witness arrived home his dog barked continuously and ran back and forth. The witness looked around but did not see anything. Two days later the witness remembered that when he first shone the flashlight at the sphere, he saw a pair of green eyes, set fairly far apart and below the sphere. Then he remembered seeing a dark figure that appeared to be crawling away from the glowing sphere. It seemed to be on its knees and elbows and appeared to have difficulty moving, almost dragging the feet area. The head was above the arms but the witness did not have its light on it and did not see any features. Source: BC UFO |
Fortean / Oddball News: Trick or Treat, Witchfinder's Journal and Pub Ghost Posted: 29 Oct 2010 11:18 AM PDT yorkdispatch - Children trick-or-treating Thursday at a Newberry Township mobile-home park got a terrible fright when they discovered a man who had committed suicide on his front stoop, police said. "I'm sure it was very upsetting to the children who saw him -- and to their families," Newberry Township Police Chief John Snyder said. "To me, it's something they're probably going to remember for the rest of their lives. I wish an adult would have found him before the kids did." Police were called to Lot 113 of the Conewago Valley Mobile Home Park, at 800 York Road, about 6:20 p.m. after the trick-or-treating children found the man and reported it to a neighbor, Snyder said. The man used a handgun to fatally shoot himself, the chief said; it appeared it was a head wound. "We don't know when he committed suicide," Snyder said, or how long the man was lying on his stoop. "I'm confused as to why no one during the day saw it," he said. "I assume people thought he was a (Halloween) decoration. The way he was lying there, you wouldn't have known if he was just taking a nap or if he was a decoration." Quickly covered: Responding officers covered the man with a sheet as soon as they could and blocked off the area of his home from other trick-or-treaters, Snyder said. The man was 68 years old, according to the York County Coroner's Office; no autopsy is planned. "He was very ill ... and he didn't want to go to a hospital or a (nursing) home," Snyder said. "I just wish he'd have done it somewhere else. When people commit suicide, they don't think about the people around them -- they only think about themselves. It's one of the most selfish things you can do." There was only a small amount of blood visible at the scene, the chief said; the man wasn't really visible from the street so it's likely not too many children saw him. "Don't get me wrong -- it's still not a good thing for children to see," he said. Gun: The handgun was still on the stoop, half hidden between the man's legs, according to Snyder. "Unless you looked for it, you wouldn't have seen it," he said. Snyder said the man lived alone and, based on the inside of his home, was a very clean, tidy person. That might have contributed to the man's decision not to kill himself inside his trailer, the chief said. Snyder said because the man was found shortly after trick-or-treat started, it limited the number of children exposed to the scene. "That's some consolation," he said, adding that officers spoke with the children who did witness the suicide scene. "We did our best to talk to them," Snyder said. "It was bad timing all around." ********** Pub Ghost Scares Staff timesandstar - A ghost at a Workington pub is spooking bar staff, its landlord has said. Just in time for Hallowe'en, staff at the recently taken-over Brewery House, on Main Road, in High Harrington, claim to have reported sightings of a ghost which inhabits the cellar and front bar. They say they think it is the ghost of a man who died in the pub several years ago. Regular drinkers – no strangers to spirits – say he sits in the same seat, under the TV in the front bar. But, the pub says, he is spooking barmaid Natalie Taylor, 21, who is so terrified of his presence in the cellar that she refuses to go there alone. She started working at the pub in August, but said she had known about the ghost for a number of years. Natalie said: "Years ago a friend of mine lived in this pub and she warned me. "Stuff would move from one place to another or go missing without any explanation. "The cellar gives me the creeps. It's damp, cold and has a weird atmosphere, a definite presence. There's something not right down there." Landlord Shaun Gardner wants to find a medium to bring into the pub to find out if there is a spirit – of the other world – hanging around in the cellar. ********** 17th-Century Book Details Gruesome Exploits of the Witchfinder General metro - The journal chronicles some of the often dubious witchcraft trials brought by Matthew Hopkins during the Civil War. One includes the case of a young woman who apparently confessed to having sex with the Devil and others with females said to be 'suckling imps'. Hopkins, who was the subject of the 1968 film Witchfinder General, starring Vincent Price, appointed himself to the role and brought terror to eastern England between 1645 and 1647. The journal, put together by Puritan writer Nehemiah Wallington, includes details of some of the 112 women hanged for witchcraft – often after confessing following torture. A passage on suspect Rebecca West states: 'When she was going to bed the Devil appeared unto her again in the shape of a handsome young man, saying that he came to marry her.' The book is now being put into digital form by a team from Manchester University. Staff at Tatton Park in Cheshire, where the original has been kept, hope to put the new version on display to the public. ********** Lesson Learned: Don't Get Hitched When You Don't Understand the Language - GRAPHIC TEXT / SUBTITLES For many couples looking to tie the knot somewhere more exotic than the local register office, the turquoise seas and golden sands of the Maldives hold a particular allure. But an important lesson can be gleaned from the experience of one unfortunate pair who renewed their vows there recently: always make sure you know exactly what you're saying "I do" to. A luxury hotel in the island nation was forced to apologise today after a couple who thought they were being blessed at an idyllic beach ceremony were in fact being roundly abused in the local tongue. The Vilu Reef hotel said police were investigating after a staff member conducting the renewal of marriage vows instead read out a series of extreme sexual and religious slurs in the Dhivehi language spoken in the Maldives. A public relations disaster unfolded after a video surfaced showing the ceremony supervisor mocking and insulting the hapless couple, calling them "swine" and "infidels" amid a string of bizarre insults. "Before buggering a chicken, check if the hole is clean. That is because the people of the countries that you are from are familiar with the taste of the arseholes of chicken," he chants. He later says: "You are swine. The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine. Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe – an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion." According to the Maldives News Service Minivan News, the video of the ceremony was uploaded on YouTube on Sunday by a member of staff. Vilu Reef's manager, Mohamed Rasheed, said that the staff member who uploaded the video did it as "a joke", without "realising the seriousness of the potential consequences". Sun Investments PVT, which operates the resort, issued a statement saying: "The corporate management of the resort is deeply saddened by this humiliating event and expresses its serious concerns over the incident, including the content shown in the video and the unforgivable conduct displayed by the staff involved in the incident." Click for video |
Pennsylvania Restaurant Ghost Legend Examined Posted: 29 Oct 2010 10:16 AM PDT It is not often that anyone can find themself inside of a haunted house. But that was reportedly the case when CBS 21 News helped to document a paranormal investigation Thursday night. The LaFonte Restaurant sits along the historic Lincoln Highway in New Oxford, Adams County. Built in 1858, the building has long served the community as an inn and pub. On multiple occasions, investigators with PEER (Paranormal and Environmental Explanations from Research) have documented evidence of paranormal activity inside of LaFonte. The activity includes orbs, unexpected white "spots" that appear on digital pictures and video, and electronic voice phenomena captured on digital recorders. Paranormal investigators believe these bizarre occurences are evidence of ghosts. Recently, PEER members invited CBS 21 News to witness and broadcast an investigation live on television. Our camera captured a flashlight, untouched by human hands, turning on and off at the request of a psychic medium, who claimed to be asking the ghost of a child to turn the light on as a signal of his presence. Click for video ********** THE GHOSTS OF LaFONTE ITALIAN RESTAURANT & PUB Project Name: La Fonte Restaurant, New Oxford, PA Project: Paranormal Investigation Date: November, 2008 Reported By: Barbara Lee Rowe, clairvoyant, medium Project Manager(s): Steve and Tina McNaughton Project Summary Overview: Arrival and Brief Synopsis of Early Findings Upon arrival, I, Barbara Lee Rowe, was introduced to the owner's of LaFont Restaurant, including daughter, Eleanora. I was taken through the kitchen and into the dining room where I instantly began to feel a "presence." Walking briefly through the bottom floor with the Eleanora and her mom, I was confronted by a startling and excruciating pain in the area of my lower back. The pain was so severe that it took my breath away as I entered back into the kitchen. At once, Eleanora's mom stated that she quite often felt that pain while she was standing in the kitchen. I soon was able to release the pain which I ascertained was given off by the entity present. · Presence felt of a female entity in dining room · Sudden and severe "psychic" pain attached to psychic, Barbara Lee. · Female entity concentrates between kitchen and dining room Overview: Clairvoyant Investigation of Bottom Floor Barbara Lee Rowe, accompanied by Steve M. and Eleanora, on a walk-through of the rooms of the establishment which dates back to 1858. The following results were determined: · Activity already noted in kitchen and Dining Room* · Bar area: a single entity is determined to be that of a male with further analysis unclear · The front dining area (previously a parlor) is found to be active with spirit energy lingering from the original time period.* The front hallway and stairway is determined to hold spirit activity/energy* The front dining area (former parlor) reveals spirit energy from an earlier time period, original to the house, several "cold" spots are felt and psychic interaction between spirit energies which seem to be both male and female linger here.* * denotes camera set up at these points Overview: Synopsis of General Findings · Second Floor: (1) Spirit energy felt on upstairs landing, in first room (originally where fire was) felt occupied by spirit energy of children, boy and girl, of illness and quarantine of some sort. A feeling of death is here within this series of rooms upstairs off the main corridor. (2) Mid-section of rooms holds spirit energy of male vibration and strong sense of illness, and (3) last room at corner has a "darkness" factor and again, strong feelings of illness including death. Information remains to be validated. · Third Floor (attic): Spirit energy felt strong here from a very early period · Cellar: Spirit energy felt here from a very early period Overview: Clairvoyant Investigation of Second Floor Barbara Lee, Steve, and Eleanora proceeded through the second floor rooms and nothing is felt until the middle room where Barbara Lee encounters the spirit form of an elderly lady with grayed hair atop her head and a black shawl draped around her shoulders. She is sitting in a rocking chair beside the window looking out. The energy is very sad here. Downstairs at the report of initial findings, Eleanora advises Barbara Lee that the woman in question, as described by Barbara Lee, is Eleanora's paternal grandmother who is deceased. Overview: Clairvoyant Investigation of Third Floor Barbara Lee, Steve, and Eleanora proceed up to the third floor where Barbara Lee feels spirit activity/energy in the form of "men lying around," and some type of "hidden agenda" which is unclear at this point but seems to target the hiding of people/persons or the possibility of punishment of some sort going on up here, perhaps children? Information is unclear and remains to be investigated and/or validated. Overview: Clairvoyant Investigation of Cellar Barbara Lee feels the strong vibration of people "trying to escape" and feels that there may have been "tunnels" down in this area at some point, which is later that evening confirmed by Eleanora's mother. There is an instance where Barbara Lee is picking up a man and again, children, and is told by Steve that I seem to be reading the contents of a book he is writing but is not yet published. I inform Steve that it is possible a man who once resided in this house is telling "his story" and the story of the house through Steve. Primary Project Objectives Camera and Equipment Set Up in Areas Where Psychic Activity Present Steve places Barbara Lee with Tina, two males, and Eleanora in the Dining Room where cameras and other equipment have been set up for the purpose of drawing out the "lady" which had turned out to be Eleanora's late grandmother, her namesake. · Contact is made with Eleanora's grandmother both psychically and physically · Information received from Eleanora's grandmother is confirmed by Eleanora Barbara Lee concentrates on the Dining Room and front entrance stairway where intense spirit energy is felt. At the stairway, Barbara Lee, Steve, Tina, and three others with camera and EVP devices proceed with investigation. Barbara Lee determines there are children present, playing about the stairway. Barbara Lee perceives that one child may have fallen to his death as a result of a slip or an innocent push, dropping down from the second landing through the hole and breaking neck. (At one point B.L. feels a sudden, severe pain in the neck region) The vision of a young boy dressed in brown knickers, with suspenders and a cap appears to be from the late 1800's, early 1900's era. He has brown hair and Barbara Lee receives from him that he is approx. 8 years old and then hears the name "Zack…" · Psychic Phenomena is later produced on equipment in the areas of the landing and stairway where Barbara Lee had felt the energies strongest · Other information, i.e. names, etc., is received by Barbara Lee but remains to be validated Clairvoyant Analysis Finding 1 · Spirit of female energy in kitchen and Dining Room is confirmed to be the paternal grandmother of Eleanora · Spirit energies in stairwell/hall are believed to be children at play · Spirit energies in remainder of house are from various time periods Finding 2 · The house was used as a hospital of some sort; much illness and death here · The house had been either an underground railroad or original owner had slaves · House has many different associations of spirit energy of the non-family level Finding 3 · LaFont Restaurant is definitely and without question "haunted" · Intelligent spirit energies mainly confined to main floor kitchen, dining room, and front entrance hallway. These are reluctant to leave though are harmless. Found no "evil" to exist here but rather benevolent, intelligent spirit manifestations living ordinary former life existences amid the present energies, with emphasis on establishing contact, both advertently and inadvertently, with present inhabitants. · There is also the presence of residual manifestations (place memory) in some areas such as the front parlor, second and third floors, and cellar. PEER Investigations Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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