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- Video: UFO Event Over East El Paso, Texas Mimics 10/13 NYC Sighting
- The Phantom of Wolfe Woods
- Fortean / Oddball News: UFO Emits Light Beam, Witchcraft Atrocities and the Day After NYC Event
- Conspiracy Mishmash: JFK Assassination and 9/11
Video: UFO Event Over East El Paso, Texas Mimics 10/13 NYC Sighting Posted: 16 Oct 2010 08:21 PM PDT
Click for video Jeff Gonzalez of the Sanger Paranormal Society forwarded this video tonight. I don't know what to make of this but I have some doubts on the air show report, though I did find the following statement - It was the Golden Knights doing a night jump. You can see them jumping on the El Paso Times website. Also if you look them up on under Golden Knights night jump, you will see the same exact thing. I was hoping for something more too when I saw it, but to no avail. What Were Those Lights? ktsm - EL PASO - We still don't know what to make of some strange lights over El Paso. They turned up in East and Northeast El Paso, prompting lots of calls to our newsroom. One solitary light appeared to fall and then suddenly break up into three lights, which seemed to hover. A fourth light appears, and then they all disappear. Our best guess is that the lights have some connection to planes with the Amigo Airshow. NOTE: Chris Grohusko, a local amateur astronomer and internationally recognized sky photographer says: appears to be a disintegrating fireball of interplanetary debris or space junk entering the Earth's atmosphere, as the behavior of the objects have a traditional signature common of such phenomena. Below is an article on the air show. Sure could use more information...Lon ktsm - The high-flying action of the Amigo Airsho has become a tradition for countless El Pasoans with their eye to the sky. "I've always loved the Airsho since I was a young boy and I've always tried to come every single year and there's never a dull moment." This year...a jet-powered school bus and a fast-rope demonstration by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection wowed the crowd... along with this stunt where a woman stands on top of a plane flown by her husband. "It's good for the community to get out. Gets you a chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air." For 29 years... the Airsho has brought both community and family together. "It's fun to walk around, yeah. We both have a good time and as you can see he's watching the planes over here and it's a lot of fun just to be together." While others use the event to take their education of the military and aviation to new heights. "This gives a chance for people to come onto post and get to see some of the vehicles and airplanes that our military use...just get a better exposure to what the army does." | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2010 12:41 PM PDT I received the following anecdote from a reader: My family and I lived off State Rd 23, two 1/4 mile from the Edwardsburg, Michigan state line. Our house was just down from what "we" called Dead Man's Curve. There were a lot of accidents there, usually in the Spring and Winter. In the spring of 1963, about 3:30 AM, we all were woke by a woman screaming "Help Me, Help Me". My Mother, Grandparents and myself all met in the living room. The woman's voice was very loud, we all assumed there had been another car accident up on the curve. It was extremely foggy that night, so much so you could not see more than four to five feet in front of you. My Grandfather grabbed a flashlight and headed out to the woods across the road to search for the woman in distress. In the meantime she is still screaming "Help Me". My mother called my uncle who lived just down the road. He too joined in the search and heard the woman's screams. After a good 15 minutes my Grandfather came back to call the County Sheriff's Dept to send a car out. One car came, then two, then three. They combed the woods in search of the woman's voice that slowly became weaker & weaker, finally as the sun came up, her voice had completely faded. They never found her, a car, or any evidence of any kind. I remember standing in our driveway hearing the police officers telling my Grandfather that this was best kept quiet, not to tell anyone because no one would believe this. They decided they were not going to file a report, even though they too had heard the screams. My grandfather searched that woods every day for weeks to see if he could find any signs of any kind, but nothing was ever found. We moved out of that area in 1976 after my grandmother died, and I often wonder if the people that live in the old brick house ever hear the screams of an unknown woman on foggy spring nights. I swear this is a true story...the only thing I am not positive of, is the year, since I was just a kid when it happened...It could have been as early as 1961, but no later than 1964...this was not a dream or figment of my imagination. It was talked about at the dinner table for quite some time a child it was a pretty frightening experience, and was very upsetting to my grandparents as well...everyone was baffled, including the Sheriff and his Deputies. The property was owned my Mrs. Wolfe who lived down State Rd. 23...Wolfe Woods was a small wooded area that divided Adams Rd & State Rd 23. It was kind of a triangular shaped & Birch Rd intersected at the East end of the property in Granger, Indiana. Karen La Rose ********** The Granger, Indiana and greater St. Joseph County, Indiana area seems to have a fair amount of paranormal lore. The following anecdote describes one of the events: I will never forget the experience my best friend and I had 30 years ago when I was 15 yrs old. I was staying the night at her house (She lived on Dead Man's Curves) . It was just before dusk when we decided to hang out in her back yard and have a camp fire and roast some marshmallows. As we were gathering up twigs and wood for a fire, she looked up, pointed to a tree about 20 feet from us, and ask me ''whats that''. As I looked at the tree, I saw a man hiding behind the tree staring at us. No sooner did I see him from behind the tree when instantly there he stood 2 feet in front of us. I thought it was a real man. I was terrified and screamed at the top of my lungs. When I did, he disappeared instantly...right before our eyes. I can still visualize every detail of him. He was a man in his mid 50's. He had curly dark salt/pepper hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt and brown pants with black work boots. I remember his face having razor-stubble as if he hadn't shaved in about 3-5 days. The scariest thing was that one minute he was right there in front of us and after I screamed...bam! Gone. My friend witnessed the exact features. Since that incident (30 yrs ago) there have been many deaths there. I have had many people tell me that they see a young woman in white standing at the bottom of the dip. People have seen sightings of ghosts near the blinking lights. I still keep in touch with my friend every few years or so. - When the earliest pioneers traveled into the wilderness of St. Joseph Valley, they had to contend with three dangers...beasts, savages and disease. The following excerpt describes a bit of the latter: One of the greatest obstacles to the early settlement was the "chills and fever", "fever and ague", or "shakes", as it was variously called. It was a terror to newcomers; in the fall of the year almost everybody was afflicted with it. It was no respecter of persons; everybody looked pale and sallow as though he were frost-bitten. It was not contagious, but derived from impure water and air, which are always developed in the opening up of a new country of rank soil like that of the Northwest. The impurities continue to be absorbed from day to day, and from week to week, until the whole body corporate became saturated with it as with electricity, and then the shock came; and the shock was a regular shake, with a fixed beginning and ending, coming on in some cases each day but generally on alternate days, with a regularity that was surprising. After the shake came the fever, and this "last estate was worse than the first". It was a burning-hot fever, and lasted for hours. When you had the chill you couldn't get warm, and when you had the fever you couldn't get cool. It was exceedingly awkward in this respect; indeed it was. Nor would it stop for any sort of contingency; not even a wedding in the family would stop it. It was imperative and tyrannical. When the appointed time came around, everything else had to be stopped to attend to its demands. It didn't even have any Sundays or holidays; after the fever went down you still didn't feel much better. You felt as though you had gone through some sort of collision, thrashing-machine or jarring-machine, and came out not killed, but next thing to it. You felt weak, as though you had run too far after something, and then didn't catch it. You felt languid, stupid and sore, and was down in the mouth and heel and partially raveled out. Your back was out of fix, your head ached and your appetite crazy. Your eyes had too much white in them, your ears, especially after taking quinine, had too much roar in them, and your whole body and soul were entirely woe-begone, disconsolate, sad, poor and good for nothing. You didn't think much of yourself, and didn't believe that other people did, either; and you didn't care. You didn't quite make up your mind to commit suicide, but sometimes wished some accident would happen to knock either the malady or yourself out of existence. You imagined that even the dogs looked at you with a kind of self-complacency. You thought the sun had a kind of sickly shine about it. - "The History of St. Joseph County, Indiana", published in 1880, by Chas. C. Chapman & Co., Chicago I quite sure that the spirits of those early settlers as well as the native Miami and Potawatomi people still roam the recesses of this area. | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: UFO Emits Light Beam, Witchcraft Atrocities and the Day After NYC Event Posted: 16 Oct 2010 10:30 AM PDT MUFON CMS - Howland, OH, October 12, 2010: At a soccer game yesterday in Howland, our team was sitting on the field stretching. I went to stretch my quads and laid on my back with my leg under me. As I stared up, I noticed how clear the sky was, and I could see the moon perfectly. Then, as my eyes scanned the sky, I noticed an object that I jokingly pointed out to my friends as "a Russian spy-plane!" As I stared at this strange aircraft, I noticed that it was extremely high, and was white in color (against the blue sky), with the shape of a "Z". The closest shape above would be compared to a boomerang, but one side of the the object was facing the opposite direction of another point, giving the object a "Z"-like appearance. It was common knowledge that no regular aircraft took that shape or could fly at such a high altitude, moving so unbearably slow across the sky away from the moon (moving southwest). Also, the object made absolutely no audible noise, nor did it emit any type of visible exhaust. We discussed what it could be, while staring at this incredibly high, white, object. Right before our eyes, it began emitting a white light out of the western-most side of the object. The light did not flash, blink, or flicker; it was a constant white beam, but it was not bright, and was still barely noticeable. After about 3 minutes of staring at this object, it had vanished right before our eyes. My reactional thought process was "there is no way...that could NOT have been a U.F.O.", as I tried to think of logical explanations for the sudden complete disappearance of this object, in the cloudless sky. I truly believe, after thinking about it all night, that this MUST have been a U.F.O.... no aircraft known to man would hover at such a high altitude, moving incredibly slowly, and vanish instantly. ********** Saturn's Moons Engage in Cosmic Paintball Fight - Five of Saturn's inner moons are engaged in a cosmic paintball fight, pelting each other with particles that leave bright, colorful splotches and may be the source of a Pac-man feature on one of the satellites. NASA's Cassini spacecraft recently spotted reddish and blue splashes on the icy surfaces of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea. The colors are helping scientists map out how material travels between these moons of the ringed planet, and they're highlighting how "space weathering" can impact bodies in our solar system, researchers said. [New photo of colorful Saturn moon.] The discovery may also help explain the mysterious Pac-Man heat pattern Cassini spotted on Mimas earlier this year, scientists said. "The beauty of it all is how the satellites behave as a family, recording similar processes and events on their surfaces, each in its own unique way," said study lead author Paul Schenk, of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, in a statement. "I don't think anyone expected that electrons would leave such obvious fingerprints on planetary surfaces, but we see it on several moons, including Mimas, which was once thought to be rather bland." The research is detailed in a recent online edition of the science journal Icarus. Enceladus: The aggressor In the new study, Schenk and his colleagues used raw images taken by Cassini from 2004 to 2009, to produce new, high-resolution global color maps of the five Saturn moons. The new maps incorporate images shot through visible-light, ultraviolet and infrared filters. Scientists processed the photos to reveal details the human eye can't detect. The chief aggressor in the Saturnian particle paint war appears to be icy Enceladus, researchers said. Mysterious ice geysers blast from the south polar region of this small moon. Particles from these icy jets make up most of Saturn's misty E ring, and they also appear to splatter Tethys, Dione and Rhea. These three moons run head-on into Enceladus' spray as they orbit Saturn, and the gunk leaves a coral-colored stain on their icy surfaces, researchers said. Enceladus' spray also tags Mimas, but it hits the moon's trailing side. This probably occurs because Mimas orbits inside the path of Enceladus — or closer to Saturn — while Tethys, Dione and Rhea are on the outside, scientists said. But Enceladus doesn't emerge from the paintball fight unscathed: Some of its own icy material blows back onto the moon, dyeing parts of its surface bright blue. Scientists aren't sure why the frost stains the other moons pinkish and Enceladus blue, but they're working on figuring it out. Mimas' Pac-Man pattern On Tethys, Dione and Rhea, darker, rusty reds paint the entire trailing hemisphere — the side that faces backward in the orbit around Saturn, scientists said. These colors are thought to be caused by tiny particle strikes from circulating plasma — an electrically charged form of matter similar to gas — in Saturn's magnetic environment. In addition, Mimas and Tethys both sport a dark bluish band. The bands match patterns that might be produced if the surface were being irradiated by high-energy electrons drifting in a direction opposite to the flow of plasma in the magnetic bubble around Saturn, researchers said. Scientists are still figuring out exactly what is happening, but the electrons appear to be zapping the Mimas surface in a way that matches the Pac-Man thermal pattern detected by Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer, Schenk said. Schenk and his colleagues also found a unique chain of bluish splotches along the equator of Rhea that re-opens the question of whether Rhea ever had a ring around it. The splotches do not seem related to Enceladus, but rather appear where fresh, bluish ice has been exposed on older crater rims. Though scientists recently reported that they did not see evidence in Cassini images of a ring around Rhea, the authors of the new study suggest the crash of orbiting material — perhaps a ring — to the surface of Rhea in the not-too-distant past could explain the bluish splotches. "Analyzing the image color ratios is a great way to really enhance the otherwise subtle color variations and make apparent some of the processes at play in the Saturn system," said Amanda Hendrix, Cassini deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "The Cassini images highlight the importance and potential effects of so-called 'space weathering' that occurs throughout the solar system – on any surface that isn't protected by a thick atmosphere or magnetic field." ********** Uproar Over Proposal to Dig Up Muslim Cemetery thedailystar - The regular Thursday meeting of the Sidney, NY Town Board ended abruptly when chants for the town supervisor's resignation erupted from many of the more than 100 people in attendance. The 7 p.m. meeting was held Thursday in a larger than usual room for a town board meeting. The session followed nationwide controversy that began following a town board resolution in August to begin legal proceedings against the Muslim Osmanli Naksibendi Hakkani Sufi Order on Wheat Hill Road in Sidney Center. The town claimed that two burials in the private cemetery on its land were done illegally. A letter from the town's attorney, provided to The Daily Star on Wednesday, said that after review he decided not to take any action. Town Supervisor Bob McCarthy previously said that the town board would seek to have the bodies disinterred. He refused to apologize during Thursday's meeting and at one point tried to deny his comments. When the question was pursued, he said, "I don't know if I did that. If I did, whatever." The meeting started with town clerk Lisa French reading a statement from the board that said although McCarthy has done well for the town in economic matters, "We do understand that he may need to improve his people skills, and we, as a board will continue to encourage that." The statement went on to explain that the board decided to look into the cemetery issue after a second burial permit at the Sufi order was requested in August. It asked its attorney, Joseph Ermeti, to research the matter as part of the board's responsibility, to make sure that it wasn't later forced to take over the maintenance of a cemetery, as it had been before. She also read the letter from Ermeti stating his findings. While the board went through routine business, calls from several in the audience asked for a public comment session and others asked why the board would not apologize to the Muslim community for its actions. A couple of audience members argued on the board's behalf, but most of the comments were against its position. McCarthy repeatedly told the speakers they were out of order and several times threatened to have people removed. Ermeti explained a new proposed local law that would address his concerns. This included the regulation of burials on private property with the exception of religious, nonprofit or municipal corporations. Under this law the Sufi cemetery would not be affected, he said. During a public comment period at the end of the meeting, one of the Sufi property owners, Meryem Brawley, said that she was surprised that after the questions were raised, nobody from the town came to the Sufi order. "Nobody called me, nobody sent me a letter," she said. "You made assumptions about us that were not true," she said in asking for an apology, which was not given. Ermeti said that before anyone came to the center, it had to be determined if there was a legal reason to do so. As far as he can determine, the cemetery is not in violation of any regulations, and the town will not proceed against it. But in another exchange, Hans Hass, who has served as a spokesman for the Sufi order, asked McCarthy to at least say that the cemetery was legal. McCarthy declined to say that. The scene quickly deteriorated when longtime Sidney resident Floyd Howard said he has never seen such a "mess" in his community, caused by McCarthy's actions. "You've brought shame (on the town)," he said. Chants for McCarthy's resignation followed and he declared the meeting over about an hour after it began. Afterward, Carl Cable, another longtime resident, praised McCarthy as the first elected official that he can remember who was not afraid to stand up for what was right. ********** Witchcraft Updates Mozambican boy castrated for witchcraft capitalfm - Two men were sentenced to 20 years in prison for cutting off a nine-year-old boy's testicles, penis and eyes to sell to a Malawian witchdoctor, Mozambican state radio reported Thursday. One of the men was the boy's uncle, who lured him with crackers to go rat-hunting in woods near the Malawi border, while the accomplice hid nearby, the court sentence read. One attacker covered the youth's mouth while the other hit him on the chest with a rock. They then cut off his organs and left him for dead, while one took the body parts in a bag to a middleman in Malawi, where they hoped to sell the flesh for about 560 dollars (400 euros). The boy was discovered alive the next day and taken to hospital in Malawi. "The crime they committed was horrible. The court condemns them to 20 years' imprisonment," judge Jorge Langa said, according to the radio report. Many Mozambicans believe in witches who use human parts in remedies to cure diseases. Woman killed for practicing 'witchcraft' hindustantimes - A woman was killed for allegedly practicising witchcraft at Majhaulia village in Sitamarhi district on Saturday. The 35-year-old woman, Ramsumari Devi, was beaten to death by local people at the village under Bathanaha police station, Superintendent of Police Rakesh Rathi said. An FIR was registered against 38 persons, including village head Lalbabu Bhagat following a complaint by the victim's husband Nandlal Bhagat, he said. ********** UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: NYC UFO Event Rick Phillips posts his thoughts on the The NYC `UFO Event' - The Day After - A Gathering Of Information and The 'NYC UFO Event' - My Analysis, Opinion, and Speculations. It's been about 48 hours - the day after the day after. I've been posting to this website since late 2007; a website started because of my interest in UFO's since a up close 1991 sighting by myself (link in sidebar). And, if you check my sidebar, you will note a particularly skeptical attitude to `the whole UFO thing' from the stated government points of view, to the psychics predicting this and that, to `proof' via Videos of observers - to the hopeless and hapless media coverage of the whole saga - especially their hands off approach to interviewing the one man who has seen most of the FAA UFO reports for the past decade or so - Robert Bigelow. Continue reading at The NYC `UFO Event' - The Day After - A Gathering Of Information Ok, so I woke up on the 13th thinking about the prediction of the UFO show; but, I run a UFO blog - how many other people woke up with similar thoughts? I can certainly say that it was a minimal number as this particular prediction seemingly had even less media attention than Blossom Goodchild's prediction of nearly the same date (Oct 14th was her prediction in 2008 - and BTW it would have been 10-14 in parts of the world). But, that said, perhaps many in NYC (it being a major city as the prediction said) did wake up with similar thoughts (this will be important in my speculations). IF even 1/10th of 1% of the metro area did have similar thoughts before hand (let's be conservative and just call the metro area 10 million) - that would be 10,000 folks. Continue reading at The 'NYC UFO Event' - My Analysis, Opinion, and Speculations | ||
Conspiracy Mishmash: JFK Assassination and 9/11 Posted: 16 Oct 2010 09:39 AM PDT Hi folks...I'm far from a fan of Fox News but I will admit that they do offer a lot of conspiracy information (either right or wrong) in their programming. I have posted a few tidbits from several sources that have been reported previously and recently updated. Most of the material references the JFK assassination and 9/11 attacks...Lon Click for video JFK ASSASSINATION: E. Howard Hunt's Confession JFK Murder Plot "Deathbed Confession" Aired On National Radio Former CIA agent, Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt names the men who killed Kennedy. The "deathbed confession" audio tape in which former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt admits he was approached to be part of a CIA assassination team to kill JFK was aired this weekend - an astounding development that has gone completely ignored by the establishment media. Saint John Hunt, son of E. Howard Hunt, appeared on the nationally syndicated coast to coast live radio show on Saturday night to discuss the revelations contained in the tape. Hunt said that his father had mailed cassette the tape to him alone in January 2004 and asked that it be released after his death. The tape was originally 20 minutes long but was edited down to four and a half minutes for the Coast to Coast broadcast. E. Howard Hunt names numerous individuals with both direct and indirect CIA connections as having played a role in the assassination of Kennedy, while describing himself as a "bench warmer" in the plot. Saint John Hunt agreed that the use of this term indicates that Hunt was willing to play a larger role in the murder conspiracy had he been required. Hunt alleges on the tape that then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the planning of the assassination and in the cover-up, stating that LBJ, "Had an almost maniacal urge to become president, he regarded JFK as an obstacle to achieving that." Click for video Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. (October 9, 1918 – January 23, 2007) was an American author and intelligence officer. Hunt, with G. Gordon Liddy and others, was one of the White House's "plumbers" — a secret team of operatives charged with fixing "leaks." Hunt, along with Liddy, engineered the first Watergate burglary and in the ensuing Watergate Scandal, was convicted of burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison. Click for video ********** Click for video WikiLeaks and 9/11: What If? Frustrated investigators might have chosen to leak information that their superiors bottled up, perhaps averting the terrorism attacks If WikiLeaks had been around in 2001, could the events of 9/11 have been prevented? The idea is worth considering. The organization has drawn both high praise and searing criticism for its mission of publishing leaked documents without revealing their source, but we suspect the world hasn't yet fully seen its potential. Let us explain. There were a lot of us in the run-up to Sept. 11 who had seen warning signs that something devastating might be in the planning stages. But we worked for ossified bureaucracies incapable of acting quickly and decisively. Lately, the two of us have been wondering how things might have been different if there had been a quick, confidential way to get information out. Read more at WikiLeaks and 9/11: What If? Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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