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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 25
- Fortean / Oddball News: Yeren Search, Beetle Attacks and UFO Disclosure
- Paranormal / Spiritual News: Clairvoyant Napoleon, Lady Gaga Ghost Fear and Spiritual Animals
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 25 Posted: 10 Oct 2010 03:52 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: MONSTERS ON THE ROAD Location / Date: Near Naugatuck, Connecticut - January 3, 2004 - 10:30 pm The witness was driving on State Road 68-west and up a lonely hill when his headlights caught sight of a strange creature running into the woods. He stopped his car and looked at the creature, which resembled a walking tree and two shades of brown. It's head had a beak like a bird with many protruding teeth and a strange crest-like protrusion on top of its head. Terrified the witness quickly drove home. The following week, while driving on the same hill, the witness saw another strange creature, thin in color and glowing green. The head was like a lizard and on its back it carried something resembling a backpack, which had a transparent canister filled with the glowing green liquid. The creature briefly walked towards the witness up an embankment but stopped and disappeared into the it did, the strange creature appeared to turn transparent. Soon after that the witness was driving up the same hill when his windshield went dark. Something was on the hood obstructing his sight. It was a creature with many white square teeth. He also saw the creature's feet, which appeared sinewy and gray in color. The creature then jumped from the hood and started walking alongside the road. It had extremely long arms that seemed to drag them on the ground. The creature stopped and began to gesture with its long arms. At this point the witness noticed a similar creature sitting on the ground staring at the witness. The eyes of the creatures were black the size of a grapefruit and both had large pointy ears. The witness thought that another creature was coming up behind him and looked back when suddenly the area was illuminated by a strong white light. He drove on for about 50 ft and then looked back and again saw the bizarre bird-like creature standing on the road looking at him. It was six ft. tall with square patches of red and yellow on it. The witness eventually drove away without looking back. Source: NUFORC NOTE: oddly enough, I received an email in 2008 that referenced strange small 'leprechan-like' creatures in the Waterbury, CT area...which I think is not far from the area of this report. There was little information other than these beings were about 3 ft., had long pointy noses, long arms and wore short dark colored tunics. The witness stated that she had seen these beings on several occasions while working at an area dairy farm. I wrote back but have never received a reply...Lon ********** MEXICAN MOTHMAN? Location / Date: Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico - January 2003 - various reports and times Delfino Garcia Zarate was at his post as security guard at the Technical Secondary School #98 Mariano Escobedo and was making the rounds in the patio area when he heard a strong sound resembling a bird moving its wings at a very high rate of speed. Curious he looked up in the direction from which the sound originated and was able to see a hairy man-like figure with two huge dark wings. Terrified he ran into the school and hid in one of the schoolrooms until the morning. Around the same time a woman living in the Unidad Puerta Grande suburb was out in her back patio washing some dishes when she also heard a loud thrashing sound overhead. At first she thought it could had been an eagle and looked up but was surprised to see a hairy man-like figure floating overhead on a pair of huge wings. Terrified she also ran into the house. Also around the same time in Cocolapam suburb a man and his son were repairing the TV antenna on their roof when they noticed a winged creature, gray and hairy in appearance that was approaching their location from a northerly direction. The winged humanoid glided on a pair of huge wings and quickly disappeared from sight. Another woman reported being awake around 3 am and taking a shower when she looked out the bathroom window in the direction of nearby Cerro De Escamela and was surprised to see a huge winged dark creature resembling some type of prehistoric being gliding slowly over the area. Others in nearby Cerro del Borrego have seen a similar winged creature. Source: El Durmiente de Orizaba, El Hombre Alado NOTE: There was a similar sighting in the same general area on January 14, 2006 - On a foggy cold night several witnesses reported seeing a very tall humanoid figure at least 3m in height, bright white in color, floating very quickly above a field. It moved quickly behind a light pole and disappeared. The witnesses attempted to videotape the entity but nothing came out on the video. The same or similar figure was seen on a football field by other witness and the Ortiz brothers. UFOs were also reported in the same area...Lon ********** MOTHMAN AND THE CITY Location / Date: Bronx, New York - 1982 - evening Two young boys, 1 seven years of age the other eight had been playing outside when they decided to go back into their apartment complex. Both boys entered the building and walked to the apartment on the bottom floor near the stairway. As one of the boys knocked on the door, the other one glanced casually up the stairs and was shocked to see a tall, leathery, winged creature with glowing, blood red eyes, standing directly under the light of the sunroof. He described the entity as somewhat reptilian, but with visible human characteristics, albeit gruesome ones. It stood upright on two legs, if not a bit stooped over like an old man; it had abnormally long arms with what appeared to be talons at the ends of its spindly fingers. The arms were thin, yet muscular. Its torso was unnaturally long as well. Its legs appeared long, but gangly, with knobby knees and large bony feet. It had long sharp looking talons on its toes. Its wings were rather large, with taut, thin, greenish-gray skin. The skin itself looked to be dry, yet with a bit of gleam to it. As the witness stared he noticed that the creature's fiery eyes were indeed fixed firmly on both boys. The being had a large gaunt skull set on impossibly bony shoulders. By now both boys had noticed the creature and stood terrified staring at it. Both boys ran out and screamed for their mothers to open the door of the apartment. Source: reader email to ********** BIGFOOT, UFOs and EXTRATERRESTRIALS Location / Date: Near Snohomish, Wisconsin - April 1977 - 4:00 pm Steven Unzelman was clearing some land behind his property in an area surrounded by tall evergreen trees and brush when he noticed a man like figure standing close by. The man seemed startled and suddenly the witness began hearing a loud buzzing sound and everything around him began to vibrate. The figure appeared to be yelling at him. A second man wearing a blue coverall now descended from the sky inside what appeared to be a half-egg shaped contraption with rotating blades on top. It was creating a strong turbulence all around the area. Both men descended to the ground using this peculiar machine. The two half egg shaped objects then suddenly shot up into the sky and disappeared. Both men were described as bald headed with flat faces. Both had dark brown skin and wore metallic blue uniforms and what appeared to be oxygen tanks on their backs. Both were about 5-feet tall and their heads were slightly larger than normal. Suddenly the witness heard a loud motor sound and saw a disc shaped object descend overhead making the trees whip back and forth. After emitting more sounds the object shot straight up making a siren-like sound. The object was silvery and appeared to have been spinning. The two humanoids then began walking away looking over their shoulders at the witness. He then heard a noise and noticed a huge hairy Bigfoot type creature hiding behind a nearby stump. The two humanoids then seemed to motion at the Bigfoot to come with them. It seemed to obey and left with them. The witness experienced a memory loss after the incident. Source: Peter Guttilla, 'The Bigfoot File' NOTE: this report was published in 'The Bigfoot Files' (2003) a somewhat obscure book that was really quite interesting. Peter Guttilla compiled several unusual Bigfoot accounts into a very weird and esoteric publication. I highly recommend it...Lon Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 25 |
Fortean / Oddball News: Yeren Search, Beetle Attacks and UFO Disclosure Posted: 10 Oct 2010 02:00 PM PDT New Yeren Search in China xinhuanet - Scientists in China's Hubei Province have announced they are looking for additional members for its special team tasked with tracking down the creature. The Hubei Wild Man Research Association (HWMRA) is recruiting researchers internationally to join the group's search in the Shennongjia forest region. Luo Baosheng, vice president of the HWMRA, told Xinhua that the organization is comprised of more than 100 scientists and explorers who have been chasing the ape-like animal for years. The last time a organized search took place was in the early 1980s. "Most importantly, we want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot of hard work in the process," Luo told reporters. Team members are also expected to be in good physical health and preferably 25 to 40 years of age, he added. The search for the phantom, known as the "Yeren" or "Wild Man" in China, will cost at least $1.5 million U.S. dollars, according to Wang Shancai, a member of the the group and an archaeologist with the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The group is seeking funding from various companies and institutions, Wang said. Chinese researchers have been searching since the 1970s. There have been more than 400 reported sightings of the half-man, half-ape in the Shennongjia area. In the past, explorers have found inconclusive evidence that researchers claimed to be proof of Bigfoot's existence, including hair, footprints, excrement and a sleeping nest. Witnesses say the creature walks upright like a human but is much taller, and is covered in hair head-to-toe. ************ My Brief Thoughts on Disclosure The following is a response I posted at The "C" Influence in reference to UFO / alien disclosure. Please bookmark The "C" Influence blog..a fantastic receptacle of esoteric and metaphysical writing: For decades, campaigning politicians worldwide have promised that full disclosure was imminent until, of course, they won the election, assumed office and realized that there was no way the general public was going to be told the truth for one simple reason - fear is power. I'm amused when I think back to a quote made 25 years ago: "...when you stop to think that we're all God's children, wherever we may live in the world, I couldn't help but say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together..." - U.S. President Ronald Reagan on December 4, 1985 referencing a conversation during nuclear weapons negotiations with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. This statement of solidarity may happen one day though, reality may be a bit different than the actual intent of the quote. Wernher von Braun once revealed to Dr. Carol Rosin, his former spokesperson, that there was substantial proof that conspiratorial plans where in place by world governments and elites that justified using weapons in space and would also involve an intentional hoax of a 'false flag' extraterrestrial invasion. He referred to this as 'the last card' and it would be used to create order out of chaos. In a nutshell, the use of knowledge and technology to create fear and ultimate total control. For all intents and purposes, actual UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure has been underway since the first human aircraft pilots reported strange lights in the sky. The extraterrestrials already reside in defined areas of this planet and have directly influenced human life since the end of World War II. Those citizens and researchers who read and examine the evidence know this to be true. The people who desire full disclosure from our governments need to be careful what they wish for...they may receive it. NOTE: Here's a link to a very well done documentary - The Day Before Disclosure...Lon *********** Not a Regular Box of Bones.... myfoxtampabay - A Hillsborough County man thought he was buying a Halloween decoration when he spent $8 for a box of bones at a yard sale in Brandon. But when he and his wife got the box home, they realized it was an actual human skeleton. "I got looking at it and thought, gosh, this is the real thing," recalled Judith Fletcher, wife of Mitchell Fletcher, the retiree who bought the box of bones. The couple called the Hillsborough County Sheriff's office. Detectives took the mystery bones to the medical examiner's office. Experts there determined it's a professionally prepared human anatomical skeleton, the kind used in college and university medical courses, like the example pictured here. They estimate it's worth more than $3,000. "We did find a serial number on the femur," says sheriff's spokesperson Cristal Bermudez Nunez. She says detectives are contacting colleges and universities who may be missing a skeleton. The Fletchers can't remember the exact address where they attended the yard sale. They told deputies it was somewhere on Parsons Avenue in Brandon. State law says individuals can't own human skeletons, so the Fletchers won't get their blockbuster find returned. "If I see any more, I'll report them to the sheriff's office," said Mitchell. "But I don't want them." The Fletchers say they will continue to search for deals at yard sales. "But, I don't know about anything that would be that spectacular," added Judith. "It's hard to top a human skeleton." ********** Forest Near Mount Rushmore Suffers Beetle Attack NPR - The Black Hills of South Dakota are turning brown. Thousands of acres of pine trees in the central part of the hills have been killed by mountain pine beetles, and Mount Rushmore National Memorial is near the center of the epidemic. National Park officials are taking drastic measures to help the forest around Rushmore survive the onslaught. The monument is now in the middle of the biggest thinning operation in its history. The normally tranquil forest around the monument is being shattered by the sound of chainsaws. Crews of loggers are cutting a lot of pine trees. "It's a matter of controlling the exponential growth of this pine beetle," says Bruce Weisman, the National Park ranger leading the fight against the insects. "We've seen this explosion and it's coming over the ridgeline directly at us right now." Crews are cutting down trees below the four faces and feeding them into huge wood chippers. Weisman says to save this forest from destruction, the smaller overgrown pine trees on 500 acres of the park must come down. He says this is about more than beetles. Bug-killed trees are prone to burn, and one lightning strike could start a major wildfire. "Our fuel loads would be so tremendous that [a] catastrophic firestorm would sweep right over the top of the memorial and it would be a catastrophic loss of all facilities," he says. The idea is that thinning out the trees will make the forest healthier. But critics like Brian Brademeyer with the group Friends of the Norbeck say the beetle problem is being overblown to give big timber companies access to adjacent public lands. "This whole beetle hysteria that dead trees are more fire-prone than green trees, it's all self-serving, logging institution-building. They should just stay in their offices," Brademeyer says. While some environmentalists are critical of the National Park Service for going too far, other locals say government officials aren't doing enough. "It's almost like waiting until the horse goes out and then you shut the barn door," says Jack Bradt, who has helped run a wilderness outfitter in the Black Hills since 1977. Fresh from an afternoon of work on his dude ranch, a bead of sweat lines the brim of Bradt's straw cowboy hat, and his pearl-snap Western shirt is dusty and frayed. "Essentially everything that I have worked all of my life for is in potential danger because of the situation that ... we've got going here," he says. Bradt says the thinning now under way at Rushmore should have happened on a wider scale years ago. But the pine beetles and the wildfires that threaten Bradt's livelihood may be linked to climate change: Beetle populations are normally kept in check by very cold winters, and it's believed warmer winters have allowed them to expand. Millions of acres across the western United States and up into the Canadian Rockies are now infested. Dan Licht, a biologist with the National Park Service, says even with mitigation efforts at places like Rushmore, there is a good deal of uncertainty over what will happen next. "If climate change does indeed warm up the area, we have warmer winters, the pine beetle infestations could become even worse, and even with our best efforts and our best treatments, we could still have a pine beetle infestation," Licht says. Logging is not pretty. Big machines are ripping up the forest floor. But park officials in South Dakota stress the urgency. They say to do nothing would increase the risk of a much bigger disaster. For now, the future of the forest around Rushmore hinges on what the beetles do next. |
Paranormal / Spiritual News: Clairvoyant Napoleon, Lady Gaga Ghost Fear and Spiritual Animals Posted: 10 Oct 2010 09:54 AM PDT Animals Said to Have Spiritual Experiences discovery - Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades. Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain — areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own. The trick, of course, lies in proving animals' experiences. "Since only humans are capable of language that can communicate the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences," Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, told Discovery News. "Despite this limitation, it is still reasonable to conclude that since the most primitive areas of our brain happen to be the spiritual, then we can expect that animals are also capable of spiritual experiences," added Nelson, author of the book "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," which will be published in January 2011. The finding is an extension of his research on humans, which has been published in many peer-reviewed journals. A Neurology journal study, for example, determined that out-of-body experiences in humans are likely caused by the brain's arousal system, which regulates different states of consciousness. "In humans, we know that if we disrupt the (brain) region where vision, sense of motion, orientation in the Earth's gravitational field, and knowing the position of our body all come together, then out-of-body experiences can be caused literally by the flip of a switch," he said. "There is absolutely no reason to believe it is any different for a dog, cat, or primate's brain." Other mammals also probably have near-death experiences comparable to those reported by certain humans, he believes. Such people often say they saw a light and felt as though they were moving down a tunnel. The tunnel phenomenon "is caused by the eye's susceptibility to the low blood flow that occurs with fainting or cardiac arrest," he said. "As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first. There is no reason to believe that other animals are any different from us." Nelson added, "What they make of the tunnel is another matter." The light aspect of near-death experiences can be explained by how the visual system defines REM (rapid eye movement) consciousness, he believes. "In fact," he said, "the link between REM and the physiological crises causing near-death experience are most strongly linked in animals, like cats and rats, which we can study in the laboratory." Mystical experiences — moments that inspire a sense of mystery and wonderment — arise within the limbic system, he said. When specific parts of this system are removed from animal brains, mind-altering drugs like LSD have no effect. Since other animals, such as non-human primates, horses, cats and dogs, also possess similar brain structures, it is possible that they too experience mystical moments, and may even have a sense of spiritual oneness, according to Nelson. Marc Bekoff, a professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, also believes animals have spiritual experiences, which he defines as experiences that are nonmaterial, intangible, introspective and comparable to what humans have. Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains. Some of the chimps even appear to dance themselves into a trance-like state, as some humans do during religious and cultural rituals. Goodall wondered, "Is it not possible that these (chimpanzee) performances are stimulated by feelings akin to wonder and awe? After a waterfall display the performer may sit on a rock, his eyes following the falling water. What is it, this water?" "Perhaps numerous animals engage in these rituals, but we haven't been lucky enough to see them," Bekoff wrote in a Psychology Today report. "For now, let's keep the door open to the idea that animals can be spiritual beings and let's consider the evidence for such a claim," he added. "Meager as it is, available evidence says, 'Yes, animals can have spiritual experiences,' and we need to conduct further research and engage in interdisciplinary discussions before we say that animals cannot and do not experience spirituality." ********** Jason Offutt's New Book to be released October 28th Jason Offutt, the Northwest Missouri State University journalism teacher who has made something of a second career writing about ghouls, ghosts, apparitions and the downright unexplainable, has a new book out. Just in time for Halloween. "Paranormal Missouri: Show Me Your Monsters," scheduled for release by Schiffer Books on Oct. 28, is a 160-page collection of spooky tales and eerie anecdotes first produced for "From the Shadows," Offutt's popular newspaper column. It is his fifth book since 2005, and his fourth dedicated exclusively to allegedly supernatural goings-on around Offutt's home state. His first book about otherworldly events, "Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to the Show-Me State's Most Spirited Spots" has sold more than 5,000 copies. A prize-winning humor columnist and former editor at The Examiner, a large daily newspaper serving several suburbs on the eastern edge of Kansas City, Offutt discovered his niche as a reporter of the paranormal almost by accident. Back in 2004, Missouri Life published an Offutt article titled "Ghost Stories." Later, someone at the magazine told him there was a publisher interested in bringing out a book describing supposedly haunted locations. ********** 1812 War: Was Napoleon Clairvoyant? - In our series timed for the bicentenary of the Russian victory in the 1812 war with Napoleon we continue to acquaint you with the people and the events of those days. Our story today is again about Napoleon Bonaparte, outstanding military commander, said to have the ability of clairvoyance. The topic is highly controversial, with many questioning Napoleon's paranormal abilities. Others, in contrast, point to a sheaf of relevant documents, not least Napoleon's private letters and diaries, which they say are indications of Bonaparte possessing the power of clairvoyance. Some experts quote Napoleon as saying that since his childhood, he had always been in the know about his future, which Bonaparte attributed to what he called "something of an inner feeling." Napoleon argued that he was allegedly able to always avoid potential political and private troubles thanks to his ability to foresee future events. The caveat, though, flies in the face of Napoleon's move to start a war with Russia in 1812, which many maintain became the beginning of the end of Napoleon's political career. Small doubt, given Russia's brilliant victory over what was internationally known as the invincible Grand Army of France. Napoleon's clairvoyance, scholars say, seemed to let him down again during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, when French troops were defeated by British, Dutch and Prussian forces. The defeat at Waterloo put an end to Napoleon's rule as the Emperor of France and marked the end of his Hundred Days' return from exile. Napoleon abdicated, surrendered to the British, and was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821. As far as Napoleon' paranormal abilities are concerned, they were more than once cited by his aides, who were not surprised to see him scanning people's thoughts. Then again, their allegations run counter to the fact that the Napoleon team included quite a few top military officials who subsequently did not think twice before betraying their overlord. Suffice it to mention Marshal Michel Ney, who was quick to pressure Napoleon to accept his first abdication and exile in 1814, when the Bourbons reclaimed the throne. When hearing of Napoleon's return to France, Ney, determined to keep France at peace and to show his loyalty to King Louis XVIII, organized a force to stop Napoleon's march on Paris. Ney pointedly promised to bring Napoleon back alive in an iron cage, a surprise twist of mind given that it was Napoleon who previously promoted Ney to the rank of Marshal. That Napoleon had the ability of clairvoyance is an open secret, some pundits persist, pointing to Bonaparte's personal diary, where the island of Saint Helena was mysteriously mentioned years before Napoleon being exiled there. Legend has it that Nostradamus, the 16-th century psychic seer, predicted Napoleon's birth and all that it implies. The prediction surprisingly proved true right down to minutiae, which contemporaries said impressed Napoleon, who obtained Nostradamus manuscript at the beginning of the 19th century. Napoleon scrupulously studied the document before putting it to the back burner. Since then, speculation has been rife that Nostradamus prediction added significantly to Napoleon's alleged see-through abilities… ********** Lady Gaga's Ghost Obsession heraldsun - The eccentric singer is terrified of evil spirits and reportedly has every hotel and tour venue scanned by a team of paranormal investigators before she will agree to stay there, according to Britain's Grazia magazine. The 24-year-old pop star – who has previously said she believes she is the reincarnated spirit of her dead aunt – has also allegedly splashed out £30,000 on state of the art Electro Magnetic Field meters to detect spectres. A source said: "She believes in paranormal activity and won't take any risks when she is on the road. It's important to her to be safe from spirits." Ghost-hunting equipment is not Gaga's only extravagant purchase. The 'Alejandro' singer – who has reportedly lost $4 million on her sold out 'Monster Ball Tour' – spent £40,000 to hire a NASA trained chemist. The flamboyant beauty – who is well known for her love of tea – splashed out the huge sum in order to discover a non–hot substance that would let steam out from a teacup-shaped dress. Gaga has also spent £500,000 on private jets to transport her set equipment and wardrobe on the 'Monster Ball Tour', £15,000 on hand crafted lace from Eastern Europe and £52,000 on a bath tub for her performance on UK TV talent show 'The X Factor' last year. She is reportedly eyeing up a British castle for her next purchase. ********** Paranormal / Spiritual Links Busy Time of Year for Bellingham Ghost Chaser Paranormal Investigators Reveal Fort Lincoln Findings Custer House Ghost? Haunted History Chicago: Harpo Studios Pursuing the Paranormal Paranormal Duo Take Their Haunted Tale to 'Animal Planet' Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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