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- Among the Spirits - Part 3
- Fortean / Oddball News: Undiscovered Ocean Species, Alien Life Mission and Body Fishing
- UFOs and the Bible
Posted: 04 Oct 2010 01:24 PM PDT The following narrative is another excerpt from Irene Block's autobiography 'Among the Spirits'. There have been many questions asked by readers on what 'Remote Viewing' really is and how it is used. Irene explains the process of finding and identifying the target and it's use in distance clearing. "With the realisation of what I had done I decided to try and combine remote clearing with Remote Viewing and see if it could possibly work. For the next few days I recapped on what I knew about Remote Viewing putting in a lot of practice. Realising the part of Remote Viewing I would have the most problem with would be the coordinate numbers but I liked a challenge, these numbers are normally selected at random and although they have nothing to do with the target, they are the trigger needed to do a successful Viewing, they are the first connection with the target. When working, these numbers would be given to you by another person called the Tasker, I had no Tasker, I was on my own so finding a way to get these numbers was the difficulty. I had no computer and so no random number select program, which I don't think existed in those days anyway. Sitting there pondering on my problem the idea of taking the first 8 letters from a client's name and using a numerology book, I was able to get the numbers that the letters represented and it was with this system that I first started off. Today thankfully I no longer need to do this, either the 8 random numbers are given directly to me by the client or from one of my team and although now having a computer, I feel that random number programs do not work as well for me. I had only to wait a short time before a case that was suitable came in, a woman in her late 40s contacted me distraught because of the things that were happening in her home. Things moving, noises and no matter what she done about trying to keep the house warm it was always cold, even when she had her central heating turned up as far as it would go. The crunch had come for her the evening before, it was becoming dusk and she had been sitting reading a book thinking to herself she must close the curtains. She looked up from her book only to see what she described as a whitish mist drift across the room. I asked this lady for her name and did not want to know anything else; I think she must have thought I had lost the plot or was not interested, thanking her I told her I would contact her soon, we left it at that. The following afternoon I settled at my table with sheets of white plain A4 paper and pen on the table in front of me, if this didn't work there was always the old system to fall back on, going to the house physically. I had previously made time to do some meditation and breathing exercises that help to relax and get me into the right mind frame to remote view. Was this going to work I had no idea, but I could only try. Taking the pen in my hand I wrote the 8 coordinate numbers that I had converted her name to onto a sheet of the paper and as I wrote the last number down; like speed of light I had drawn the first ideogram. Ideograms are a spontaneous movement of the pen that draws a small primitive picture of the target or something close by, i.e.:- water could be represented by a wavy line, land a straight line; they are the first step to identifying the target. This ideogram was that of a structure and as I tapped it with my pen out came the next one. My pen worked busily on the paper and with each stroke I found myself going deeper in to an altered state. I was already at the target, the house of the lady that I had spoken to the day before. I could see myself moving from room to room everything was neat and in it's place, as I viewed, I felt and recorded on the paper any emotions and smells that I had become aware of; cakes baking seemed to be very dominant. Then there she was standing in front of me, a young woman of around 20 years in age and I knew that what I was looking at was not of our world, she was spirit. As soon as that thought had entered my head I felt as if I was lifting higher, I knew it was my energy but this time it felt different. I felt from her sadness, despair, a feeling of being lost, frantic as if her whole being was shouting out. I knew I had to help, the next thought that came into my head was directed straight to her; in my mind I told her things were alright and this was not the place for her. Right then the door opened and the woman from yesterday came into the room, by now the picture I was seeing was becoming blurred and I knew I had to work quickly. It was beginning to seem as if I was looking through a dirty window, the girl looked at the woman and it was at that moment I felt an overwhelming love. The girl was the daughter of the woman, it all fell into place now, she was concerned for her mother. Again I asked her to go, to follow the way shown by spirit, her mother was alright and she would see her again one day. I watched as the vision of this young woman seemed to dissolve in front of my eyes. Now it was over and more confusion set in, I could not explain it to myself then and it is no clearer today. Did I remote view and astral project at the same time? How come, if I had astral projected was I still able to write on the paper after all astral projecting is something most of us do in our sleep or while meditating but to also be able to use the functions of my material body at the same time; there was the mystery. With remote viewing it is the result of shifting your awareness from one place to another spanning time and space, the past, present and future. The past cannot be changed it is fixed in time as so with the present, only the future can be changed by our interactions and with what goes round these interactions in the future in turn could effect our past and present. How had I managed to send a spirit under these conditions to the light, the only thing I can think of is that I was using a form of remote influencing. She was from the past and was interacting in our present, by rights, these are fixed but she was not from the physical world, she was energy. I too was at that moment energy, the answer must be there somewhere. Another thing that hit me at this time of deep thought was that I was no different from anyone else and it would have been wrong to believe otherwise, my gifts were not mine, they were the gifts that the spirit world possessed, I was only the vessel that they worked through. They used their gifts through me and I was the link between their world and mine, that's all, and at anytime they wished it could all cease. I now use Coordinate Remote Viewing in the investigation side of a case with paper and pen to gather information before a clearing. Now during a distance clearing, I can stand in my kitchen, enter that place with my awareness and project my energy when needed to where ever without any longer having to be under the strict conditions as for a coordinate remote view. I have heard of only one other person that works similar to me and that is a lady in Australia who does distant healing. There are many groups out there claiming to do distant clearing, maybe it works for them but I have yet to discover anyone that does it my way. Although I don't doubt that if this book is ever out there in the shops many will start to pop out of the woodwork. The outcome of this case was that the client had in fact lost her daughter of 22 years in age; she had passed suddenly from an aneurysm. Her mother had come home from shopping and found her lying in the hallway of the house. Oh, and she confirmed she had been baking cakes on that particular day. I had now found a way where all the work and travel would not wear me out as much as before and from here on if ever it was possible to work this way, I did. I gradually became a recluse in my own home which I did not mind except for the fact that I was beginning to become a mystery to people. It was like working undercover, I liked the fact that no one knew who I was. People still knew of me but I could now walk down the street without be recognized and that felt good. I found that all I needed to make that connection with the client now was a phone call, this creates an energy link because that person has thought about and contacted me and energy follows thought. I could tap into the energetic connection allowing me to tune into that person's energy field or their house. Now I was becoming known as a voice at the end of a telephone someone you're hardly likely to meet." ********** Irene Block is a devoted British housewife, a mother of two and a grandmother who now resides in the lush countryside of southwest Wales. At an early age, she perceived the ability to contact and interact with the spirit world. From that point on, Irene realized that she was being prepared to undertake a mission that was different than she had ever envisioned. Irene was born in Amberley, Sussex and raised in south London. During her early adult years, she was extended an opportunity to master coordinate remote viewing at the time of the Cold War. In later years, Irene took advantage of her attained prowess and amalgamated it with her psychic gifts, enabling her to be stronger in the spiritual service she currently performs. As a result of this resolve, she is just beginning to show herself to the world. Irene Block is the founder of Spirit Rescue International Among the Spirits - Part 3 |
Fortean / Oddball News: Undiscovered Ocean Species, Alien Life Mission and Body Fishing Posted: 04 Oct 2010 09:36 AM PDT Oceans Could Contain 750,000 Undiscovered Species telegraph - Giant sea spiders the size of dinner plates. Wriggly creatures nicknamed "Squidworms" because of their strange-looking tentacles. A blind lobster whose Latin name means "terrible claw". These are among the new types of animal discovered in the most ambitious-ever survey of the world's oceans, which concludes tomorrow with the publication of the first Census of Marine Life. The report marks the first attempt to provide a definitive record of all the species of plants and animals living in the sea. It will reveal that almost 250,000 have now been identified, while predicting there may be at least another 750,000 still waiting to be discovered beneath the waves. The Census has been 10 years in the making, and during the project scientists from around the world have identified more than 6,000 new species. Yet despite this great diversity of life, the report will warn that humans are having a devastating impact on the numbers of many species through fishing and pollution. "Marine scientists are at present unable to provide good estimates of the total number of species that flourish in the ocean," it will say. "It will probably take at least another decade of the Census before we can defensibly estimate the total number of marine species. "The deep-sea floor is no longer considered a desert, characterised by a paltry diversity of species. "Over exploitation, habitat loss and pollution have depleted many fisheries that previously provided food and employment." More than 2,700 scientists have helped to compile the Census, with more than 540 expeditions to visit all of the world's oceans. Among the new species discovered are Dinochelus ausubeli, the blind lobster with a long, spiny, pincer, which was found 330 yards (300 metres) below the surface in the Philippine Sea. British scientists have made huge numbers of finds in the cold and inhospitable ocean around Antarctica. In these conditions, marine life grows larger than anywhere else in the world. Sea spiders, a family of eight-legged creatures which rarely grow bigger than a fingernail in UK waters, have been discovered up to nine inches (23cm) across in Antarctic seas. The deep sea floor, previously thought to be an almost lifeless desert due to the huge pressure, pitch black conditions and cold water found at depths greater than 6,000 feet (1.8km), has provided some of the biggest surprises. Researchers have discovered huge communities of different species scattered across the ocean floor, living at the mouth of thermal vents and rifts that seep nutrients into the ocean. Other species on the sea bed, away from vents, feed off the life that falls into the depths from the water above. The "Squidworm", a new species of worm, was found living in the deep water of the Celebes Sea in south east Asia. A furry crab, named the Yeti Crab or Kiwa hirsuta, was also among the discoveries when it was found beside a vent in the deep sea off Easter Island in the south Pacific. Not only was it a new species but part of a new family previously unknown to science. Recently scientists have discovered a different member of the same family on the ocean floor off Costa Rica where cold fluid enriched with methane has been found seeping through the sea bed, sustaining colonies of animal life. Dr Maria Baker, a researcher at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and a project manager on the Census, said: "Life is much more widespread on the ocean floor than was thought. "We still don't know how it spreads from vent to vent, but there could be stepping stones all over the place provided by food that falls from the water above. "The Census provides us with a baseline to measure the effects that humans are having, but it is also opening people's eyes to what are in our oceans. It is showing us that we still have no idea of exactly what we are sharing our planet with." Genetic testing now allows scientists to work out whether newly-discovered creatures are new species or just differently-coloured or shaped varients of those already known. One new species of crustacean, which looks like a pale shrimp, was identified in this way. The all-white creature was initially thought to be a variety of Epimeria georgiana, which has orange specks, but turned out to be new when scientists looked at its DNA. The number of plant and animal species is also dwarfed by the possible number of different types of microbes found in the seas - up to a billion, according to the Census. Dr Huw Griffiths, a marine scientist at the British Antarctic Survey who has gone on some of the Census expeditions, said: "About 80 per cent of the species in the Antarctic live on the sea floor. It is incredibly rich and varied there. "They are the sort of creatures that a palaeontologist might be more likely to recognise than a marine biologist because they seem to be communities we normally see in the fossil record than in modern oceans elsewhere." ********** Body Fishing in China mcclatchydc - From his perch on an overhang above the Yellow River, Wei Jinpeng pointed to a fisherman's cove below and began counting his latest catch. He stopped after six, and guessed that perhaps a dozen human corpses were bobbing in the murky waters. The bodies were floating facedown and tethered by ropes to the shore, their mud-covered limbs and rumps protruding from the water. Wei is a fisher of dead people. He scans the river for cadavers, drags them to shore with a small boat and then charges grieving families to recover their relatives' corpses. Wei said he kept the faces submerged to preserve their features. Any dispute about identity makes it harder to collect his bounty. Wei doesn't worry about how they got here, but he's heard tales over the years from relatives who've come to claim the bodies, haunting portraits of average people crushed in the extraordinary stress of China's economic boom. While some of the 80 to 100 bodies Wei gathers each year are victims of accidents and floods, he thinks that the majority end up in the river after suicide or murder. There's no overt sign of a crime spree, though there's evidence of many people taking their own lives. Indeed, suicide is the leading cause of death for women in rural China, and 26 percent of all suicides in the world take place in the nation, according to the World Health Organization Most of the bodies apparently are swept downriver from Lanzhou, the provincial capital of Gansu in the country's northwest. The city boasts rows of new skyscrapers, built by a rush of poor laborers with few rights, and businessmen notorious for operating above the law. The work of "body fishers" has received increased attention in Chinese media lately, including the release of a documentary about a clan of them who work near Wei. One English-language state newspaper described the profession as "living on the dead"; it noted that the filmmaker saw the family retrieving bodies almost daily. Wei's fishing spot is about 18 miles from Lanzhou. A bend in the river and a hydroelectric dam slow the currents and give the bodies a place to float to the surface. The family members who come to claim them whisper about a father who, unable to make ends meet with low pay, killed himself by jumping off a bridge. Wei also has retrieved bodies with gagged mouths and bound hands, the hallmark of criminal gangs and corrupt police. Finally, there are the remains of young women whom no one recognizes, which Wei eventually cuts loose back into the river, he said. "Most of the bodies that are not claimed by relatives are female migrant workers who had moved to Lanzhou," said Wei, who drives a red motorcycle and wears large circle-rimmed sunglasses. "Most of them have been murdered. ... Their families don't know; they think they're still working in Lanzhou." The families who are left to search for the deceased often do so without much help from the police and, instead, have to haggle with men such as Wei over the price of the dead. A Lanzhou business journal wrote in 2006 about a local firm that got a call from a body fisher who'd found a corpse floating in the river with employee identification. When a company representative, identified only by the surname Wang, went to collect the body, he was told that it would cost 200 yuan (about $30) to view the face and 6,000 yuan ($895) to take the dead man away. Wang and the body fisher argued, finally settling on 4,000 yuan ($597). The news article expressed outrage at the situation and quoted police as saying there'd be a crackdown, something that almost four years later has yet to happen. Body fishing is by all accounts a thriving business in Gansu province; practitioners advertise their names and phone numbers by painting them on the sides of buildings near the river. Chinese newspapers and news websites have run stories recently about body fishers working from the southwest mega-city of Chonqing to the eastern coastal province of Shandong. Wei and others said they called the police when they'd found murder victims, though it isn't clear that's always the case. "They're not only making a business from this, but they're cheating people," said Zhu Wenhuan, a Lanzhou man who's visited Wei twice looking for his mother after she vanished June 3. Police in the area refused interview requests for this story. However, Lanzhou residents and news accounts confirmed much of what Wei and his colleagues said. For example, the wife of Lanzhou resident Zhang Daqiang went missing on May 22. On the suspicion that his wife had flung herself into the river because of problems at work, Zhang has posted fliers and made the rounds of local body fishers. In a telephone interview, he told McClatchy that his wife was facing increased pressure at work after management withheld pay and canceled holidays. She's one of three workers who've disappeared since employees at the company staged a strike in March to protest the conditions, Zhang said. Lanzhou is a dusty outpost compared with the glitter of a Shanghai, but it anchors a province whose economic output more than doubled from 2004 to 2009. There are BMW and Audi dealerships near towering office buildings in what once was a part of the old Silk Road. Dong Xiangrong, a Lanzhou university student, said that everyone knew the other side of that new wealth: Workers in the city of some 2 million people, especially migrants, are at times treated like cattle. "Sometimes their bosses don't pay them, and when they go to argue, the bosses beat them and dump them in the river," Dong, 21, said with a matter-of-fact tone. Sitting at a nearby park, the Ma brothers paused to consider the issue. "Some employers don't pay the staff, so their employees commit suicide," said Ma Yinglong, a 55-year-old retired factory worker. Ma Yingbao, a 44-year-old who's out of work, added: "There could be many reasons for a body to be in the river. ... Some people are under too much pressure." Before Wei got into the business in 2003, he ran a pear orchard and made some 4,000 yuan a year. He now charges 500 yuan when a farmer comes to gather a body, 2,000 yuan if the customer has a job and 3,000 yuan when a company is covering the bill. Wei acknowledged that some in the community criticize the work as profiting from tragedy. He pointed out that it's a job that few others are willing to do. Several people in Lanzhou agreed that without Wei and others scooping up bodies, there'd be no way to collect the dead. Just down the road, Wei Yingquan and his two sons, who were profiled in the documentary, have diversified from sheep farming to body fishing. They charge people 300 yuan (about $45) just to turn over corpses to see whether they recognize them. "Some people say that I am a swindler, that I am kidnapping bodies," said Wei Yingquan, a 64-year-old with tobacco-stained teeth and a grimy white sweater. Nevertheless, he said, "people come every day to look at the bodies." ********** The 'Hate' Boat nypost - A wealthy Manhattan couple was forced to walk the plank during a cruise on the Queen Mary 2 -- after getting into a bizarre fight with a fellow passenger, sources said. Broadway producer Gloria Sher, 82, and her husband, Frederick Evans, 91, said they were ordered off the luxury liner after their obscenity-filled argument with someone they claim had made an anti-Semitic remark during a stately black-tie dinner. The couple almost wound up stranded in a remote port in Quebec as punishment for their outburst. At the time, they were only days into the $20,000, five-week cruise. They were eventually allowed to remain aboard for six more days after some passengers came to their defense, but they had to stay inside their cabin -- under house arrest. Even their booze was confiscated. "I was treated with no respect and unbelievably rude and shockingly terrible," Sher said. "I've been sick ever since. It has ruined our lives. It's changed us forever." Minutes into their meal that day, the couple said, one of their dining companions told Sher to shut up, then added, "There are too many Jews on board." Sher, who is Jewish, admits she got angry, shooting back, "F- - k you!" and "How dare you insult me!" before storming off to her stateroom. The next morning, the ship's captain, Commodore Bernard Warner, knocked on the couple's cabin door. "You insulted a fellow passenger. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the ship," he said, quoting from a manual. The couple, who met aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 in 1991 and knew Warner from several trips on the QM2, were stunned, especially when he insinuated that the 95-pound Sher had pushed someone. "He told two seniors we had to get off in Quebec and make our way home," said Sher, who produced the Tony-nominated musical "Shenandoah." "We begged him not to do this." Evans, a former British navy man, said the commodore acted like a modern-day Captain Bligh, refusing to even listen to their side of the story. But one passenger told The Post that the couple was at least partly to blame. Sher tends to get belligerent when drinking, the passenger said, recalling that she went on a rant one night because a lounge's piano was closed. Another passenger, however, felt that the couple was definitely mistreated. Fred Bangasser, a retired Army colonel from Austin, Texas, who had befriended them during the cruise, tried to intervene when the commodore was giving them the heave-ho. "This is deplorable," Bangasser said. "I felt that they were absolutely treated without appropriate dignity." Warner allowed them to stay on board until the ship returned to New York, but only if they agreed not to leave their room. The elderly couple spent six days as shut-ins, although they did manage to slip out of their suite once in a while. It was hardly the royal treatment for two people known to make bold claims. Sher, for example, likes to tell people that her hubby is the illegitimate son of the Duke of Windsor, the abdicated King Edward VIII, as well as a British knight. Neither claim could be confirmed. And she has her own colorful past. Her former husband, Louis K. Sher, owned a chain of art-house movie theaters and produced "The Stewardesses," a 1969 3-D soft-core porn flick. The Cunard cruise line -- which would refund the couple only $839 -- said in a statement that "Sir Evans and Lady Sher engaged in multiple incidences of disrespectful and disruptive behavior towards crew members and other guests." The statement added that Cunard "fully supported" the captain's decision. ********** UK Mission to Find Alien Life in Earth's Atmosphere metro - In a joint £60,000 venture with the European Space Agency, British boffins will send a balloon 21 miles up above the Arctic this week to look for alien micro-organisms. The device will Hoover up the air in the stratosphere through a series of filters, which will then be sealed for analysis back on terra firma. Clara Juanes-Vallejo, who is directing the Cranfield University research team, said: 'There are theories that life on Earth came from space, so we need to know that life can survive the conditions of space for this to be true. 'The environment in the stratosphere is very extreme. It can get down to -90 degrees C and is a near vacuum. If we know that life can survive in such an extreme environment, then it could also survive in places like Mars or on asteroids. in places like Mars or on asteroids.' |
Posted: 04 Oct 2010 11:10 AM PDT The following is another excellent article by Lee Speigel in reference to possible descriptions of UFO's in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible...provided by Rev. Barry Downing, a retired Presbyterian minister: aolnews - by Lee Speigel - A group of people has a mass sighting of a huge, airborne glowing object that follows them for many miles and even protects them from attack. Someone is seen being lifted into the sky on a beam of light. A man witnesses unexplained circular vehicles with living creatures on board. Pretty much sounds like your typical, modern-day UFO sightings, right? Wrong. These are vivid accounts of stories from the Old and New Testaments. "If UFOs are some type of intelligent power from another world, they may have been around for millions of years and may have been involved in the development of the biblical religion, and I do believe that is the case," said the Rev. Barry Downing, a retired Presbyterian minister. In his 1968 book, "The Bible and Flying Saucers" (Marlowe), Downing suggests that extraterrestrials in technologically advanced spaceships played a major part in events depicted in the Bible. "You can go through the Bible and look for signs of things that hover in the sky and seem to be intelligently controlled and interact with the biblical people," Downing told AOL News. Downing, who served 34 years as pastor of the Northminster Presbyterian Church in Endwell, N.Y., has tirelessly researched this material for decades. As a student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, he specialized in the relationship between natural science and theology and is listed in "Who's Who In Theology and Science." The theory that many of the miraculous events of the Bible could be explained by the intervention of aliens first struck Downing in the early 1960s. "When I was in seminary, the conflict between science and religion had become fairly clear, and some of the more liberal professors basically said, 'We can't believe in things in the Bible, like the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, we can't believe in the angel world -- this is all mythology.' "But when you dismiss these things as mythology, you end up with a god with no power, and nobody's going to bother with a god with no power." It was during his years at the University of Edinburgh that Downing started thinking about the possibility of visits from outer space. And he wondered how that might to apply to the concept of the angels in the Bible. Let's consider a few biblical stories that Downing has closely examined and see how they measure up to what we know as UFO encounters. Probably the best-known and most dramatic of these has to be the parting of the Red Sea -- a miracle that saved the Israelites, who were fleeing their lives of slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. Downing cites the "pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night" that led the Jews during their Exodus from Egypt. Click for video "This object hovers in the air and then leads the Jewish people up to the Red Sea, and hovers over the Red Sea during the parting of it, and I believe, uses its propulsion system to split the waters of the sea so the Jews can cross. "When the Jews got on the other side, the Egyptians came in with their chariots and got in a good long way before something strange happened. According to the Bible, Moses raised his hands in the air and the walls of water collapsed, which I take to be the power was turned off." But if this story really happened, can it be explained in modern scientific terms? At the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., software engineer Carl Drews recently suggested that the Red Sea event was more a miracle of nature than divine intervention. "The parting of the waters can be understood through fluid dynamics," Drews said. "The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in." Drews and his team of researchers speculate that a very strong 60-mph wind -- blowing for 12 hours -- could have resulted in the water parting, if you will, upstream and downstream, which might have opened a dry walkway for the Israelites. Maybe not, says Downing. "I believe that some type of force field was used by the pillar of cloud and fire to push the water back," he said. "The wind theory is OK if you leave the pillar of cloud and the fire out and if you leave out huge amounts of details. But if you actually want to pay attention to what the Bible says, then the wind theory doesn't work." "The Jewish people didn't know about Einstein's theory of relativity or about force fields and so, the language they use is like a stunning glance: The Lord in the pillar of cloud and the fire looked down." Downing says another possible UFO encounter happened to the prophet Ezekiel. In the Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible, Ezekiel says: "Now, as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them -- their construction being as it were, a wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went in four directions without turning as they went. "The wheels also had a size and height and a dreadful appearance, and the whole body was full of eyes round about all the four. And wherever the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them, and when the living creatures were lifted from the earth, the wheels also were lifted with them." Ezekiel's description rings true to Downing, who says it sounds like accounts of modern UFO sightings that include reports of alien beings. "What we have is a picture of four flying saucer-type vehicles with four astronauts that were floating in the air beside each of these vehicles," Downing said. "I think that a lot of the miracles were done by what we would call advanced technology, but the biblical people had no clue about technology -- a chariot wheel was advanced technology for them." And, of course, there's the famous story of the Ascension that tells of Jesus taken up to heaven as his apostles watched from the ground. "The disciples are gathered together and they see him carried up into the sky in a cloud -- the word 'cloud' really comes to understand some type of heavenly transportation system," said Downing. Downing maintains that Jesus' kingdom of heaven sounds like "a possible interplanetary or intergalactic civilization, and that there's some kind of heavenly organization of which he was a part and which is there, and toward which we will go when we die. But, in the meantime, he's trying to teach us behavior patterns that are expected when we get to that place." Downing doesn't think the current secular culture can accept the premise, not only of UFOs and aliens in the Bible, but in today's world, as well. "I don't think our culture wants to deal with the idea that we've got a power here that's greater than we are." Downing's views about possible alien visitation include a radical theory of the origin of humans. "I think if the aliens are there and are doing the abductions and biological experiments on people that we read about -- if they're this far advanced in terms of air travel, and if they've been around for millions of years, why can't we suppose that, maybe they've shaped life on Earth? "And if this is true, guess what? We are a designed species, and this would mean intelligent design really is the story. Darwin is out, to some extent, and it means a lot of vested interests get hurt on the scientific side by this. "What would it do to world religions in general? You'd have a lot of bloody noses on both the scientific and religious side with where this would go." But the retired minister says his belief in extraterrestrial visitors doesn't conflict with his belief in the Trinity of Christian faith. "God, the father, is what I would call the God who is other than we are and is largely inaccessible. If this God is so unlike us and, by and large, beyond us, then how does this beyond-us God reach out to us in love, and the biblical answer is through mediators," he said. "I trust that there's an invisible and unreachable God the father, who I know only through a combination of things, including the revelation of the Old Testament of angels, or mediators, or through what I would call the extraterrestrial reality we now have flying around us, and doing what I think it's done for many centuries." Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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