Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- UFO / OVNI Worldwide Sighting Reports - 10/27/2010
- The Aokigahara Forest: Death Be Not Proud or Honorable
- Fortean / Oddball News: Nepal Wild Man, Weird Theme Parks and USAF Nuke Snafu
- Quantum Physics, Astrology and Paranormal Experience: Why Not? - Part IV
UFO / OVNI Worldwide Sighting Reports - 10/27/2010 Posted: 27 Oct 2010 08:05 PM PDT MUFON CMS - Illinois - 10/26/2010 - unedited: Witnessed 4 different objects, making short quick movements in all directions the first one was red in color and glimmering, would make movements in all directions, noticed multiple aircraft flying in same are, all towards the object and all followed same flight pattern, weird!! Other objects were bright white and blue in color, all making the same short movements in all directions. I will include pics. We are still observing these objects as of 11:15 pm, central time ********** MUFON CMS - Austell, Georgia - 10/23/2010 - unedited: Around 9:00pm on Sat, 10/23/10, my husband and his friend were driving home from work down I-20W through Austell, Ga, just outside of ATL. They both spotted a low-flying, slow-moving, cigar-shaped object with four lights, no wings, and no sound. Since it was moving so slowly and at such a low altitude, he was able to fumble for his phone and snap a picture. Neither of them had any clue to what it was, but it was apparent what it was NOT - NOT a helicopter, balloon, airplane, power-glider, etc. (To get some perspective, you can see the interstate sign and tail lights from other cars at the bottom of the pic.) He went to take another pic, and then boom! It just disappeared! Any familiar aircraft takes a few minutes to fade off into the distance, and this was very slow-moving, so should have been visible for longer. Nope, it just vanished! This was very confusing and they kept looking for it, but it never reappeared. They were able to compare it to airplanes which were also in the sky at a much greater altitude. The airplanes had blinking red, blue and white lights, which this did not. May not have been extraterrestrial, but sure was unexplainable. ********** MUFON CMS - Ontario, Canada - 6/13/2010 - unedited: Took this at June 13, 2010 around 10:00pm when noticed light outside my window.I though at first was lamp but the shape was to weird to ignore,and i couldn't see it clearly(bad eye sight) so i took out the camera and zoomed in at it,and thought what the heck and pressed record to see if anything odd would happen..really i thought was new lamp neighbours got..but then at around 30 secs into recording it,thing would fade out and in but i could see it still shiny from distense with my eyes and it wasent fading like it was on camera view. also after checking the other video's i took,beside this one.what ever it was has put itself between the neighbours garage brick wall right side and my backyard its between. also later the Neighbours came outside and started pointing to the sky and talking excited about what i prasume was the beams of lights that shot down as you see in the video,I stoped recording when they came out. Also I dont think they where aware of the the other entity.I took pictures of it change shape from small ball of light to tall person, I saw it glow like sparkles while i was snapping the picture and saw it burts into light and shoot off some of its body? in the sky. Also i would prefer it with no music, But the orginal audio has to much backround sound from my family in other rooms.And i dont want there voices to be herd. ********** MUFON CMS - Tombstone, Arizona - 10/26/2010 - unedited: My husband and I were on vacation visiting Tombstone, Arizona. We were staying at a hotel on the north side of town. Late that afternoon, from 8:00 P. M. Central Standard Time (? Arizonia time) we were sitting behind the hotel facing west toward a mountain. He pointed out to me an object in the sky over the mountain. The mountain was probably two to three miles away and the object several hundred feet above the mountain. At first he thought it was possibly a blimp. I made three photographs. We continued to watch it until sunset. It appeared to be black and continued to hover in the exact same location. He is definitely a UFO skeptic; however he did said that he knew of no plane, helicopter, or blimp that could hover like that. He is a former army paratrooper. The next morning he went outside before I did and spotted it again. I went with him to look. It was in the same spot twelve to fifteen hours later. This time to me it appeared white. He thought it was silver. I made several photos. The sun was bright during the second AM sighting and I could not focus. The photos are not great. I copied and enhanced one. Enlarged it appeared to me to be shaped like a fish. We observed it for a few minutes that morning. As we had many things to do we left the hotel. I did look for it later that morning while visiting Boothill Cemetery and it was not visible. I was anxious when I saw it and continued to be that night and the next day. My husband did not express any anxiety. His interest in looking for it again and the fact that he did not tell me it wasn't anything says he did think it was unusual. The photos are attached. I was reluctant to report it. I have checked this site to see if anyone else did. Someone else reported a similar sighting and I decided to report ours. The photos in which the object appear black were made later afternoon. The one with a white object in the far right corner were made mid morning the next day. ********** This was posted on the ATS forum today. Tell me what you think...Lon I have no explanation for this one. It looks just like "Eva" from the movie Wall-E. Have at it people, tell me what you think. There are turkey's in the area but the object is colored different. Also to stop debunkers as to the legitimacy of this picture, I have not altered in any form or fashion this image. It was copied from the sim card to my desktop and then uploaded to here. Also I have the original unaltered SD card with the all of the pictures taken since last sunday. It is very odd. I have never seen anything like it and I have looked at 10's of thousands of pictures off of these game cameras for the last couple of years. I also never post in this forum so take it easy on me. Keep in mind this has not been altered in ANY way, shape or form. | ||
The Aokigahara Forest: Death Be Not Proud or Honorable Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:41 AM PDT "The thought of suicide is a powerful solace: by means of it one gets through many a bad night" - Friedrich Nietzsche mentalfloss - It's perhaps the most obvious setting for a horror movie imaginable — and it's real. And incredibly grim. There is a thick, in places nearly impenetrable forest around Mt. Fuji, and it's the most popular place for suicide in Japan. It's the second most popular spot in the world behind the Golden Gate Bridge. From Vice, who sent a video crew there: The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai [The Black Forest, written by SeichÅ Matsumoto in 1960] was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people started taking their own lives there at a rate of 50 to 100 deaths a year. The site holds so many bodies that the Yakuza pays homeless people to sneak into the forest and rob the corpses. The authorities sweep for bodies only on an annual basis, as the forest sits at the base of Mt. Fuji and is too dense to patrol more frequently. If you're sensitive, you might want to skip this fascinating but hugely morbid video.'s crew follows a geologist through the forest, and they find a number of grisly surprises. From October 2008: The most haunted location in Japan is believed to be a dark, dense forest which lies at the base of Mt. Fuji called Aokigahara. Aokigahara is an infamous place for suicides and many feel that it is a sinister place. "The perfect place to die." That's how Aokigahara was described in Wataru Tsurumui's bestselling book The Complete Manual of Suicide. In 2002, 78 bodies were found within it, replacing the previous record of 73 in 1998. More than a few of them were even carrying copies of Tsurumui's book. No one knows how many bodies go undiscovered." Locals and scavengers occasionally look for the bodies of those who have commited suicide. When they search, they tie some tape to a tree near the path and then let it out as they go into the forest so they won't get lost. This tape is all over the forest around the path. ********** CNN - Aokigahara Forest is known for two things in Japan: breathtaking views of Mount Fuji and suicides. Also called the Sea of Trees, this destination for the desperate is a place where the suicidal disappear, often never to be found in the dense forest. Taro, a 46-year-old man fired from his job at an iron manufacturing company, hoped to fade into the blackness. "My will to live disappeared," said Taro. "I'd lost my identity, so I didn't want to live on this earth. That's why I went there." Taro, who did not want to be identified fully, was swimming in debt and had been evicted from his company apartment. He lost financial control, which he believes to be the foundation of any stable life, he said. "You need money to survive. If you have a girlfriend, you need money. If you want to get married, you need it for your life. Money is always necessary for your life." Taro bought a one-way ticket to the forest, west of Tokyo, Japan. When he got there, he slashed his wrists, though the cut wasn't enough to kill him quickly. He started to wander, he said. He collapsed after days and lay in the bushes, nearly dead from dehydration, starvation and frostbite. He would lose his toes on his right foot from the frostbite. But he didn't lose his life, because a hiker stumbled upon his nearly dead body and raised the alarm. Taro's story is just one of hundreds logged at Aokigahara Forest every year, a place known throughout Japan as the "suicide forest." The area is home to the highest number of suicides in the entire country. Japan's suicide rate, already one of the world's highest, has increased with the recent economic downturn. There were 2,645 suicides recorded in January 2009, a 15 percent increase from the 2,305 for January 2008, according to the Japanese government. The Japanese government said suicide rates are a priority and pledged to cut the number of suicides by more than 20 percent by 2016. It plans to improve suicide awareness in schools and workplaces. But officials fear the toll will rise with unemployment and bankruptcies, matching suicide spikes in earlier tough economic times. "Unemployment is leading to this," said Toyoki Yoshida, a suicide and credit counselor. "Society and the government need to establish immediate countermeasures to prevent suicides. There should be more places where they can come and seek help." Yoshida and his fellow volunteer, Norio Sawaguchi, posted signs in Aokigahara Forest urging suicidal visitors to call their organization, a credit counseling service. Both men say Japanese society too often turns a cold shoulder to the unemployed and bankrupt, and breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option. Local authorities, saying they are the last resort to stop people from killing themselves in the forest, have posted security cameras at the entrances of the forest. The goal, said Imasa Watanabe of the Yamanashi Prefectural Government is to track the people who walk into the forest. Watanabe fears more suicidal visitors will arrive in the coming weeks. "Especially in March, the end of the fiscal year, more suicidal people will come here because of the bad economy," he said. "It's my dream to stop suicides in this forest, but to be honest, it would be difficult to prevent all the cases here." One year after his suicide attempt, Taro is volunteering with the credit counseling agency that helped him get back on his feet. He's still living in a shelter and looking for a job. He's ashamed, he said, that he still thinks about suicide. "I try not to think about it, but I can't say never. For now, the will to live is stronger." ********** "To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill." - Aristotle Suicides Cost Japan Economy $32BN BBC - The government in Japan says suicides and depression cost its economy almost 2.7tn yen ($32bn; £21bn) last year. The figures refer to lost incomes and the cost of treatment. It is the first time Japan has released such figures. Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, with more than 32,000 people killing themselves last year. PM Naoto Kan sees it as proof of an economic and emotional downturn. The government is setting up a task force to try to reduce the rate. "Given that the number of suicides in Japan has been over 30,000 for 12 straight years, this is a problem that needs to be addressed by the entire nation," a health, labour and welfare ministry official said. "We hope this study triggers stronger prevention measures." The study showed that those who took their lives last year - 26,500 people in 2009 - when they were aged 15 to 69 would have earned 1.9tn yen had they worked until retirement. Mr Kan has pointed to the suicide numbers as proof of what he believes is wrong with the country, with too many people suffering economically and emotionally. "There are many causes of suicides. Decreasing them would be one way to build a society with a minimum level of unhappiness," he said. But attitudes to depression in Japan arguably demand equally urgent scrutiny, correspondents say. In a country in which stoicism and consensus are highly valued, many older people in particular view mental illness as a stigma that can be overcome simply by trying harder, they say. The use of psychotherapy to treat depression has lagged behind North America and Europe, with Japanese doctors often viewing medication as the sole answer, they add. | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Nepal Wild Man, Weird Theme Parks and USAF Nuke Snafu Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:46 AM PDT 'Indiana Jones' and the Wild Man of Nepal sify - Kathmandu, Oct 25 (IANS) As mysterious and as much sought-after as UFOs, the Yeti - also known as the Abominable Snowman, Migoi and Bigfoot - is not a myth or a hermit in the wilderness. It exists in virginal forests untrodden by man, living on tree barks, frogs and even 'brains' of animals. Immensely powerful, it can kill several yaks with a rock and when lonely, wistfully eyes the mountain women grazing their herds near the forest, toying with the idea of capturing one for company. It has a strong sense of smell, is afraid of the fire and lives in caves. The hairy ape man that has captured the imagination of people down the ages comes alive vividly once again as another 'Indiana Jones' hits the Yeti trail in Nepal with his new book, 'Yetis, Sasquatch and Hairy Giants'. 'I must be frank and say that I haven't come across a Yeti as yet though I went on several Yeti expeditions,' says a candid David Hatcher Childress, the 54-year-old explorer whose nearly 20 books on his exotic wanderings have made his fans bestow the title 'Indiana Jones' on him. 'However, I firmly believe they exist.' The American archaeologist, who first came to Nepal in 1976 at the age of 19, has been to Mongolia, China, Bhutan, Sikkim and places in Canada where sightings of the mysterious creature were reported. His new book, published by Kathmandu's Adventure Pilgrims Trekking and launched in the capital Saturday, puts together a wealth of anecdotes, reports and photographs about the Yeti. 'One of the earliest reported sightings was in 1921 when a British expedition went on a reconnaissance of Mt Everest,' says Childress, on the eve of a trekking expedition in Nepal. 'They saw a group of shaggy creatures crossing the glacier and asked their Sherpa guides what they were. The guides answered it was the Mehteh Kangmi, meaning the Big Ape. When the expedition telegrammed their discovery, the message became garbled and people thought it was 'Metch' or wretched. And that's how the Abominable Snowman expression came into being.' Childress also says the Yeti could be the inspiration for King Kong, the gigantic primordial beast made famous by the eponymous Hollywood film of 1933 directed by Peter Jackson. 'Kong could have been derived from Kangmi,' he says. Three countries are most passionate about the Yeti, according to him - the US, Canada, where it is called the Bigfoot or Sasquatch, and Nepal. However, the home of the Yeti is most likely to be in the mountains of Bhutan, Sikkim and the base of the Makalu peak in Nepal as well as Mt Kanchenjunga. Two years before his first visit to Nepal, the world, he says, was rocked by reports about a Yeti incident in Nepal. In July 1974, a Sherpa woman who had gone to the forests in Solukhumbu in northern Nepal to graze her herd of yaks reportedly came across the Yeti, an immense beast that struck the yaks on the neck with a rock and killed them. It then reportedly split their skulls open and ate their brains, causing the woman to fall in a faint. 'When she recovered, she couldn't talk for several days due to the shock,' Childress says. 'That's how powerful the yeti is. It can tear a man from limb to limb. However, it prefers to avoid men.' Two famed explorers hit the Yeti trail in Nepal much before Childress: the first man atop the Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, who was part of a Yeti expedition in 1960 but discovered the Yeti skull to be that of a monkey, and Austrian climber Reinhold Messner, whose 1999 book, 'My quest for the Yeti', made him the target of ridicule. Both later became disillusioned and concluded the Yeti did not exist. In 2007, an American television channel specialising in extraordinary creatures came to look for the Yeti in Nepal. Though they didn't find their elusive quarry, the crew returned content with casts made of unusually big footprints they had found. Childress has already begun work on a second Yeti book. This one, he says, will focus on the Yeti in Nepal. 'Even now, scientists are working in Bhutan, trying to find more evidence and new hair samples that will prove the Yeti exists,' he says. 'The Yeti is real, not a myth or a bear or a wild man.' ********** World's Weirdest Theme Parks MSNBC - Mickey has one. Dolly Parton has one. Heck, even the Budweiser Clydesdales have theirs. So it should come as no surprise that Jesus has a theme park, too, right? The Holy Land Experience may be in Orlando, but Disney World it's not; thousands visit the park–cum–living museum annually to witness reenactments of the Passion of Christ, the Last Supper, and the Virgin Birth—all set to music. Weird, you say? Not according to the faithful. Whatever your interest or taste for fun, chances are there's a theme park created with you in mind. And Holy Land aside, many of the odder options are located overseas. From re-created 19th-century Dickensian towns to an imagination of Buddhist heaven, offbeat theme parks offer insights into culture rarely found from hobnobbing with life-size characters or riding a run-of-the-mill Ferris wheel. "Even if you're seeking out the strange and delicious, theme parks always hold the potential for unique and memorable experiences," says Gene Jeffers, the executive director of Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), an international organization that represents park creators. If you've hit up all the SeaWorlds and Wisconsin Dells of the globe, why not take a trip to a make-believe town populated by little people? According to TEA, Asia has the fastest-growing theme-park market—with 77.6 million visitors for Asia's top 15 parks alone. One of the region's biggest recent openings was the 2009 blockbuster debut of Dwarf Empire, a hilltop park in southern China devoted to—and almost entirely staffed by—people under four feet tall. The park also gained worldwide media coverage for employing many of the country's height-challenged, who traditionally have had a hard time finding work. Thanks to the park, many of China's dwarves are now gainfully employed as everything from janitors to crown-wearing empresses. Thrill-seeking families might prefer a rendezvous down under with some of the planet's most majestic (and ferocious) creatures—crocodiles. At Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin, Australia, park-goers can see the reptiles up close in the Cage of Death, or choose to tease and taunt baby crocs the old-fashioned way—with bait. So forget the roller coasters, magic castles, and fuzzy rodents, and tour our list of the world's strangest theme parks—it's a different kind of small world, after all. ********** High School Cheerleader Kicked Off Squad for Refusal to Cheer for Her Rapist womensrights - Rah, rah, sis boom bah: Silsbee High School in Texas wants their cheerleaders smiling, energetic, and willing to cheer for their rapists by name. Go team! H.S., a Silsbee student, reported being raped in 2008 by Rakheem Bolton, a fellow student and athletic star, with the help of two of his friends. In the end, Bolton recently ended up getting off without serving any jail time by pleading guilty to a lesser assault charge, spending two years on probation, doing community service, paying a fine, and attending anger management courses. Hardly seems like an adequate punishment, but it's unfortunately not uncommon for attackers to bargain down their charges. What really gets the blood boiling is how the students' high school treated the victim when the rape charge was levied. Bolton was set to be on the school's varsity basketball team, and they couldn't risk losing by barring him from playing for a silly thing like a rape charge. That could impact their chances at winning. Who cares about the traumatic impact it would have an a cheerleader who needed to vocally support a team including her rapist? But H.S. fulfilled her role as a cheerleader, participating in all the cheers for the team as a group. She simply refused to shout the first name of the man who assaulted her when he stood up alone to make free throws. It seems like she was being more than accommodating, when an student athlete facing trial on rape charges most likely should have been suspended from the team, even if his presence wasn't a source of immediate distress to his victim in her position as cheerleader. In a display of extreme disrespect for a rape survivor and disregard for her well-being, school officials insisted that H.S. had to scream "Rakheem" with the rest of the cheerleaders, or she'd be kicked off the squad. Not only that, Caroline Heldman reports on Ms. Magazine's blog that school officials pushed H.S. "to keep a low profile, such as avoiding the school cafeteria and not taking part in homecoming activities." As though she should somehow be ashamed for having been raped and brought charges against her attacker. Where exactly was she supposed to eat so as to not cause discomfort to the star athlete? H.S. also refused to take this offensive "advice." H.S. sued her school district for removing her from the cheerleading squad. In an absurd court ruling, the 5th U.S. Circuit of Appeals decided to uphold the school's decision, claiming that a cheerleader was but a "mouthpiece" for a school to use to "disseminate speech — namely, support for its athletic teams." Her silence apparently "constituted substantial interference with the work of the school because, as a cheerleader, H.S. was at the basketball game for the purpose of cheering, a position she undertook voluntarily." Well, I'm sure H.S. never expected to be "volunteering" to cheer for someone who had assaulted her. And the idea that just being silent during Bolton's free throws, a barely noticeable act, was "substantial interference with the work of the school" — um, we're talking extracurricular sports, not classroom disruption — makes little sense. ********** USAF Concurs Loss of Some Communication With Nukes CNN - The Air Force lost partial communications with 50 nuclear missiles for almost an hour last weekend, an Air Force spokesman said Tuesday. The problem, characterized as a "single hardware issue," affected more than 10 percent of the country's ICBM arsenal on Saturday morning, according to Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller IV. Because of redundant systems, at no time was the Air Force unable to monitor, communicate with or, if need be, launch the intercontinental ballistic missiles on the president's command, several military officials said. "Any time the president wanted to fire those missiles, he could have," a senior defense official said. At no time was the public in jeopardy, according to another military official. The Minuteman III ICBMs are multiple warhead missiles that are controlled from Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming but are in missile silos spread out over a wide area around the base. After the problem was detected, each silo was inspected by base personnel to make certain all 50 missiles were safe and secure. The exact nature of the problem is still under investigation. "The specific cause for the disruption is currently being analyzed on site by engineers from the ICBM systems program office," according to an Air Force statement. A senior defense official said it was an underground cable that got disrupted. The United States currently has 450 Minutemen III ICBMs. While the squadron of 50 that had problems Saturday represents 11 percent of America's ICBM arsenal, the United States also has bomber-based and sea-based nuclear weapons. The Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz, informed Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, about the problem during the weekend. Mullen made sure Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was informed. President Obama was briefed on the issue on Tuesday morning, according to a report in Atlantic Monthly. Gates takes nuclear weapon security very seriously. In 2008, Gates took the unprecedented step of firing both the Air Force secretary and the Air Force chief of staff because of two highly publicized mistakes involving Air Force nuclear weapons. First there was the embarrassing revelation in August 2007 that a B-52 bomber took off from North Dakota with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles that no one knew were live weapons until after the plane landed in Louisiana. Then came word that the Air Force mistakenly shipped fuses that are used in nuclear weapons to Taiwan in 2006 in crates believed to contain helicopter batteries. ********** Treasure Trove of 50-Million-Year-Old Insects in Amber Found wired - A collection of amber deposits unearthed in northwest India has opened a spectacular window into insect life some 50 million years ago. At that time, what's now the Asian subcontinent had just crashed into mainland Asia — about 100 million years after breaking off the coast of east Africa. During its long isolated float, life on that giant island had time to evolve into strange new forms. That's what's researchers expected, anyway, but not what they found in the amber, described October 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Instead, the insects resemble what's seen in amber deposits from continental landmasses of the time. (Amber is the geological name for fossilized tree resin, which often preserves insects that get stuck in it.) The findings suggest an unexpected transfer of insects, perhaps across chains of volcanic islands. Although the new amber didn't yield bizarre new species, it's still loaded with fossil treasures. More than 700 insect species representing 55 families of insects have been identified inside. Among them are ancient bees, termites and ants — highly social insects that form some of the world's most complex societies. In the years to come, scientists will compare these ancient specimens to modern forms and develop a deeper understanding of how these creatures have evolved. Until they do, the bugs are plenty amazing to look at. ********** Dinosaurs and the American Civil War...LOL Click for video | ||
Quantum Physics, Astrology and Paranormal Experience: Why Not? - Part IV Posted: 27 Oct 2010 09:32 AM PDT I'm pleased to welcome Anne Whitaker, a new contributor to 'Phantoms and Monsters'. The following narrative is the fourth of a six part article that will be continued here. 4. Why do we have paranormal experiences? My impression as a reasonably well-educated, well-read and thoughtful person is that one of the main forces by which human beings have been driven throughout our relatively short tenure on planet Earth is – sheer curiosity. Trying to enlarge our perspective to encompass that which we do not understand, or know how to use – eg fire, so that it can become an aid to our survival and/or an addition to the joys of living – has led us to the complex, sophisticated and comfortable way of life to which those of us living in the West have grown accustomed. We are now going to have to channel our curiosity in the direction of surviving the consequences for our planet of that very lifestyle, which has begun to consume us all…. From this perspective, it may be that the purpose of paranormal experiences – since the eighteenth century dawn of the Age of Reason – is to challenge our curiosity to take us beyond the world of the evidence of the five senses, which conventional science tells us is the only world that exists, into an understanding and appreciation that reality, whatever it may be, is vaster, richer and more complex than our Earth-bound brains are probably ever capable of comprehending. Some paranormal experiences can be deliberately induced by going into meditative or trance-like states. For example, whether one believes or not that mediums relay information from the 'Other Side' via the communicative spirits of those who have died, there is no doubt that the phenomenon of mediumship exists, through which information can be transmitted paranormally. This has been comprehensively researched and thoroughly documented for well over a century. However, even the best mediums have occasions when, try as they might, the 'Other Side' is simply not co-operating. Even although humans can induce states favourable to the paranormal manifesting itself, there is no guarantee that it will. Other paranormal experiences simply descend without warning. This has been the case, for example, with every single one I have ever had. Far from trying to induce such occurrences, had I known how to block them I certainly would have done so! Life in its 'ordinary' register is quite complicated enough, in my view, without seeking to make it more so…. There is undoubtedly a 'tricksterish', tantalising, highly unpredictable element to paranormal manifestations across the board. This is one of the many reasons why the measured, sensible, thorough and logical procedures of reductionist science simply cannot fully come to grips with the paranormal. Furthermore, although such experiences are common enough to be provocative of a range of responses from outright credulity to outright, rage-filled denial, vast swathes of the population across the world have never been troubled by such occurrences. I am sure not to be the only person to think at times that, as Shakespeare so memorably put it in King Lear: "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods…" 21 Provoking our curiosity by tormenting our species, unpredictably but persistently, with experiences clearly outwith our current common consensus of what reality is, strikes me as a pretty good way of enabling the evolution of human consciousness at this stage in our development. Whether one considers that this provocation is driven by blind chance, or by some form of divine teleology, is a matter of opinion or belief. How could one ever prove it, one way or the other? From a personal point of view, the drive to understand why we are here and what our lives are for, allied to a profound curiosity about just about everything, has certainly powered my journey through life. I am basically a rational pragmatist in my approach. But I got to my fifties, a time when anyone with any reflective capacity begins to look back at their life experiences and patterns, in an attempt to make some sense of it all. I had to face the fact that a series of experiences had accumulated over the course of thirty years which I had largely kept to myself. Why? Because they did not fit the parameters of what our culture defines as normal. But memories of these experiences did not go away because I had tried to ignore their existence. They simply lurked, permanently provoked by my refusal to attend to them. Furthermore, a career I had never aspired to in my wildest dreams, ie that of being a professional astrologer, had been correctly predicted for me in my twenties – following a chance encounter with a complete stranger – when I was not at all receptive to, or welcoming of, that type of information.
By deciding properly to investigate a subject which I couldn't believe could have any value, but which in practical terms had demonstrated great accuracy about me and my life, I opened up a great adventure for myself and for many students and clients who joined me on the road. Dismissing the whole thing, with the kind of closed minded fundamentalist prejudice which gives true science a bad name, would have closed the adventure down before it ever began. The conclusion I came to, long before my 2001 health collapse stopped my career in its tracks, was that astrology is another form of physics, revealing as quantum physics does the dance of universal energies of which we are all part. But astrology causes grave offence to conventional minds, by moving from mapping the movement of patterns of energy through space/time within our solar system – via mathematical calculations no astronomer could fault – to ascribing meaning to those patterns…. Another reason for psi/paranormal experiences may be that, especially in some cases, they compellingly demonstrate the relationship between the micro world of individual humans and the macro energy field of which we are all part. The intuitive experience of mystics through the ages and the experimental data of contemporary scientists converges in the understanding that all things are connected, each tiny particle part of and interacting with the One, – or the Quantum Vacuum / Zero Point Field if you prefer the terms of quantum physics. On surveying all my paranormal experiences, there are three which stand out as the most powerful. These are the first, in July 1970 when I was visiting my paternal grandparents' grave for the first time. From this arose an experience of universal grief at the pain of the human condition, channelling through the personal. (Part Four: Grief – personal and collective (i)) Then there was the mystical experience I had in autumn 1971, newly in love and responding to the timeless sound of the pipes in a beautiful natural setting at dusk, making me feel a blissful, fearless part of all Creation. (Part Six: Mystical Experience) And most recently, in September 1999 the seeming attempt by my mother-in-law's spirit to communicate something of great urgency for her to my husband, startled me even more by giving rise to the collective 'babble' of apparent spirit voices attempting to use me as their channel. (From the Beyond: Mediumship (v) ) Their collective nature is what makes those three so striking. 22 At the time one is too caught up in the power, drama and sheer unexpectedness of such events to have any perspective at all. It is only on reflection – and I have reflected on those episodes intermittently for a very long time – that the full impact of their very strange, alien and disturbing nature registers, and the 'why me?' question arises. The only answer I can come up with after thirty years is 'why not me?'. (My horoscope provides me with a very clear answer, symbolically. But you wouldn't want to know about that, now, would you?!) I am left with the somewhat unsettling sensation that my small person, for reasons entirely beyond my ken, functioned briefly in those episodes as some kind of collective instrument. Despite the unnerving nature of two out of the three, and their disturbing effect, they also left me over time, especially through the mystical experience which was a great comfort and inspiration, feeling clearly that I was a tiny but unique part of something vast. This feeling, despite all my struggles with a naturally sceptical bent, has never left me. I have thus been able to draw on it for comfort in some very bleak and painful times in my life. It has also helped me to come to terms with one of the central paradoxes of all our lives : "I am special, and I am not." At every level in nature, the minute can provide us with glimpses of the vast – in which everything, no matter how small, has its unique part to play. Those experiences, which I have come to regard as precious, have shown me that, as journalist Lynne McTaggart, author of 'The Field' (2003), puts it: "We are not isolated beings living desperate lives on a lonely planet in an indifferent universe. What we do and say is critical in creating our world. You are and always were part of a larger whole." 23 21 Act 4 scene.1, line .36 22 These three are the only ones so far which I have submitted for publication: all have been published in the UK and the USA.. 23 Lynne Mc Taggart's 'Living the Field' course – on cutting edge science and spirituality – Lesson One p 4 Anne Whitaker 2010 © - Wisps from the Dazzling Darkness Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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