Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Reader Mail: Haunted Library, Alien Probe and the Phantom Girl
- CERN Physicists Hopeful of Parallel Universe Proof
- Fortean / Oddball News: L.A. Mothman, Psychic Discovery and Alien Colony Found?
- Answers May Be Forthcoming In North Georgia Cattle Mutilations
Reader Mail: Haunted Library, Alien Probe and the Phantom Girl Posted: 21 Oct 2010 11:57 AM PDT I figured I'd catch up on some reader emails....the first is from my clairvoyant friend, Sunny: Hi Lon, I thought you might be interested in what I experienced last week, concerning a ghost. On Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010, I was in a meeting held at the public library in Ranger, Texas. It was after the meeting and I was in the foyer talking with some of the other ladies, when the Librarian came out of her office and asked if any of us smelled cigarette smoke. "Oh, that's the spirit. You do know you have a ghost, don't you?" I remarked, to which the Librarian replied, "So I have been told but I've never seen or heard it." One of the other ladies remarked that it was an old building and had been someone's home. It was about that time that I felt a sharp chill as the spirit passed right though me on it's way into the next room, where our military veteran husbands were in a meeting. I turned to the Librarian and said, "The ghost is a man in uniform (Khakis), smoking a cigarette." She then told me how strange that was, that the building had been part of some old military barracks. I had no idea that the building had anything to do with the military, other than we were part of a group meeting of veterans and wives that had just started meeting there two weeks prior. I'll be investigating this incident more, as we will be having our meetings there twice a month. Maybe I can find out what this man's name was, how/when he passed over to the other side and why he remains, or if he is just "visiting". On a side note: the Librarian told me that her house is haunted, so perhaps she will be willing to allow me a walk-thru of her home. She doesn't seem upset that ghosts may reside in her home, which is evidently a good thing. Take care and Happy All Hallow's Eve. Sunny Williams Lights In The Texas Sky ********** The next email is from a 'Phantoms and Monsters' reader: Hello, my name is Jordan Lok and this is my story of a close encounter when I was about 17. It was a Friday night in Phoenix, Arizona...believe it or not it was raining heavily and the clouds were very low. Me and 4 other people were at a friends house watching a movie trying to kill time. My friend Daniel and I were getting hungry so we had both decided to walk to the gas station and get some snacks. I walked outside and the clouds were extremely low. I have never seen them like this before...they were just above the street lights to give you an idea. As Daniel walked outside he exclaimed, "What the hell is that!?". He pointed to the house right across the street and it looked like there was something on the roof. As I got a better look at the object it looked like a balloon floating in the wind right above the house. But as I stood there looking at it, it stopped in mid air just floating there almost as if it were staring at us. That's when I knew this was no balloon, because balloons cant just stop and hover. We approached it and I got a better look at it. It looked like a robotic jelly fish, if that makes any sense at all. It had a blinking red light on it. There were various things hanging down, what looked like tentacles. It was probably a little bigger than a basketball. Daniel grabbed a few rocks and threw them at the "balloon"...that's when the object zipped behind a tree faster than anything I have ever seen. I was extremely frightened as was Daniel when we realized that what we were dealing with was intelligent. We both took off running down the street, I was looking behind me with every chance I got and I could see the blinking red light behind the tree. The thing was watching us...I knew there was something operating it. My friend, whose house we were at, had also seen the same thing but was in denial that it was a UFO. This experience changed my life forever. You hear of big UFO sightings but I have never even heard of a sighting like mine. I was so close to it, it was amazing. After much thought (many years) I believe that it was a probe used for surveillance. I have never seen anything like that again, until i looked up flying humanoids in Phoenix, AZ. I believe that they are kind of similar but not completely. I would love to have a reasonable explanation for this event in my life! ********** The following is an email I recently received from a reader: Hi Lon, I really enjoy your blog but honestly, it scares the hell out of me sometimes. I wanted to relay a weird experience told to me a while back that I have only told to one other wife. When I was with the police department in a jurisdiction near Ames, Iowa in 1988 a deputy told me about an experience he had one evening while driving down an isolated country road. The area was new to him as he was covering for another off duty officer. He told me it had just finished raining at about 6:30 pm when he drove past a cemetery on his right. About a quarter mile down the road he noticed a girl walking on the side of the road. He stopped his cruiser to offer the girl a ride to wherever she was going. She accepted his offer and sat in the back seat during the ride. The deputy remembered how pretty she looked dressed in beautiful pink prom gown. She explained she was on her way to her school prom and after about two miles down the road, asked to be let out on the dimly lit corner at an old filling station. He dropped her off then proceeded down the road to continue his tour. It was a dark evening and he got concerned about the girl's safety so he turned around and went back to where he had dropped her off but she was no where to be found. He passed the old abandoned filling station and continued back down the road to the cemetery and a small house located next to it. He parked his cruiser in the dirt driveway and knocked on the door. An old man answered the door and the police officer described what had happened and he had wondered if the girl possibly came to his house. The old man just smiled and said to come inside and he would explain. It seems that the girl the deputy picked up that night, was killed on her way to her school prom back in the 1940's by a drunk driver. The old man stated that several times a year she walks down that same road trying to get to her prom. He took the deputy into the cemetery and showed him the girl's gravestone. After shaking off the shivers the deputy returned to his cruiser and began his tour again. He was driving on the same road but at the corner where the old filling station was located there was just an open field with trees. The deputy asked me to never tell anyone about this experience. I no longer live in the area but I have been told that the pretty girl still frequents the old country road searching for a ride to the prom. Jim Carr Springfield. MO |
CERN Physicists Hopeful of Parallel Universe Proof Posted: 21 Oct 2010 10:11 AM PDT reuters - Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts long dear to science-fiction writers such as hidden worlds and extra dimensions. And as their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva moves into high gear, they are talking increasingly of the "New Physics" on the horizon that could totally change current views of the universe and how it works. "Parallel universes, unknown forms of matter, extra dimensions... These are not the stuff of cheap science fiction but very concrete physics theories that scientists are trying to confirm with the LHC and other experiments." This was how the "ideas" men and women in the international research center's Theory Group, which mulls over what could be out there beyond the reach of any telescope, put it in CERN's staff-targeted Bulletin this month. As particles are collided in the vast underground LHC complex at increasingly high energies, what the Bulletin article referred to informally as the "universe's extra bits" -- if they do exist as predicted -- should be brought into computerized, if ephemeral, view, the theorists say. Optimism among the hundreds of scientists working at CERN -- in the foothills of the Jura mountains along the border of France and Switzerland -- has grown as the initially troubled $10 billion experiment hit its targets this year. PROTON COLLISIONS By mid-October, Director-General Rolf Heuer told staff last weekend, protons were being collided along the 27-km (16.8 mile) subterranean ring at the rate of 5 million a second -- two weeks earlier than the target date for that total. By next year, collisions will be occurring -- if all continues to go well -- at a rate producing what physicists call one "inverse femtobarn," best described as a colossal amount, of information for analysts to ponder. The head-on collisions, at all but the speed of light, recreate what happened a tiny fraction of a second after the primeval "Big Bang" 13.7 billion years ago which brought the known universe and everything in it into being. Despite centuries of increasingly sophisticated observation from planet Earth, only 4 per cent of that universe is known -- because the rest is made up of what have been called, because they are invisible, dark matter and dark energy Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at four CERN detectors -- and then in collaborating laboratories around the globe -- to establish when and how they come together and what shapes they take. The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably into them -- and then back into the classical four. Parallel universes could also be hidden within these dimensions, the thinking goes, but only in a so-called gravitational variety in which light cannot be propagated -- a fact which would make it nearly impossible to explore them. |
Fortean / Oddball News: L.A. Mothman, Psychic Discovery and Alien Colony Found? Posted: 21 Oct 2010 09:54 AM PDT "Giant Butterfly" Sighting Over Los Angeles Blogger Grant Lawrence describes a reader's strange sighting at "The Giant Butterfly" Returns to Los Angeles: Witness Describes Amazing UFO Experience ...I just stood back there quietly scanning the tree with my eyes for 'little Sam' the squirrel when I noticed above the tree line coming from my right way out in the sky, a sizable object that was moving at a steady moderate pace. Not soaring fast. Just passing from right to left in the sky. It was a clear sky. Partly cloudy-partly sunny. It didn't take long to realize that this object was something quite unique. It is hard to deduce the distance that this object had been out in the sky but it was too large to have been a regular bird and did not look like an airplane or anything mechanical. The reason why it was so odd is that although seeing this from my angle looking up at it, I could not make out any real definition but I did see what looked like wings above this mass that flapped like the wings of a butterfly. It looked like what a gigantic butterfly would appear to be at a great distance in the sky. It was not streamlined or had wings open like a bird soaring. This is what really knocked me over. As it kept passing over I looked at this object that I then considered to be some kind of very large 'bird' because of the 'wings' that I saw flapping but in the motion that a butterfly would flap its wings. So in my mind my first thought was a huge 'bird' because of the many sightings of enormous 'birds' and the thought of a gigantic butterfly was to me, outlandish. Continue reading at "The Giant Butterfly" Returns to Los Angeles: Witness Describes Amazing UFO Experience ********** Wedding Off After 'Demonic Voice' Called smh - A man broke up with his fiancee after phone calls from a "demonic voice" told him she was sleeping around, the jury in a black magic sex trial has been told. The man said he believed a black magic curse had been placed on the woman he loved and he was "petrified" when he "continuously got calls from these demonic voices". The man, who cannot be named, was giving evidence in the NSW District Court on Thursday at the Sydney trial of Tony Golossian, 62, Arthur Psichogios, 40, and his wife, Frances Psichogios, 39. The men have pleaded not guilty to a string of mainly sex charges relating to two women, while the woman has denied eight charges relating to one complainant. Crown prosecutor Sarah Huggett alleges the complainants were told, and believed, black magic curses were placed on them that would bring illness or death to them or their loved ones. To rid themselves of the curses, they attended "prayer sessions" where they were blindfolded and sex took place, Ms Huggett says. She says the women received phone calls from "disguised, demonic-sounding voices" instructing them to do things. Similar phone calls to the first complainant's fiance, urging him not to marry her, were designed to isolate her, Ms Huggett alleges. The man told the jury he became petrified at receiving phone calls from a "demonic voice" after learning of the curse on his fiancee. In one call, before her third "prayer session", he said he was told to go to a certain hotel room, but he had to promise "not to harm Arthur". "If you harm him, we will not protect you from the evil," the caller said, before he discovered his fiancee and Arthur Psichogios in the room. In another call, the voice told him: "Arthur loves you like a brother, it is (the woman) that is blackmailing Arthur to have sex with him." He said his fiancee asked him if angels could make you do bad things, and that she said she was willing to do whatever it took to protect her family. In another call, the voice said he needed to "save himself" from his fiancee, that she was "using the angels as an excuse to sleep around", and used the Greek word for "slut" to describe her. In a further call, the voice instructed him to go to another hotel room, saying if he did not listen there would be an accident "and my father would die and I would have up to 90 per cent burns on my body". The man said "our relationship was destroyed" after he went to the hotel room and his naked fiancee answered his knock at the door. But he said although the wedding was off, he kept in contact with her as he was concerned "for her safety" as he still believed the black magic was around her. The trial is continuing before Judge Penelope Hock. ********** India: Fight Witchcraft With Science - TelegraphIndiaDispur has decided to fight the menace of social prejudices and superstitions like witchcraft by popularising science education in the state. The decision in this regard was taken recently after the Assam Science, Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC) appointed over 120 specialist tutors to popularise science among school students. Another 160 teachers will be appointed shortly for the same purpose. An Assam government official told The Telegraph that most teachers would go to underdeveloped and char areas in the state to take science beyond classrooms, to create a scientific temperament among the younger generation so that they do not develop unfounded beliefs and superstitions. He said the focus would be on Karbi Anglong, NC Hills, Barpeta, Baksa, Dhubri and Goalpara districts under the project. The appointed teachers have already undergone a 21-day training organised by ASTEC. The training focused on acclimatising the students with practical utilities of science. "These teachers will try and make science a way of life that would help them lead a life free from unfounded beliefs, superstitions and prejudices," the official said. The official said the current teaching methodology of science and mathematics was only theory-centric, which made the subjects boring and tough to understand. He said such teaching did not enthuse students to adopt or use science to solve problems in their daily lives. Under the new methodology, the specialist teachers would take students out and ask them to deliver speeches regarding various practical uses of science. The official said students would be given additional marks in their class examinations if they could convince people about the utility of science. "Performance of these teachers will be assessed at regular intervals by a panel of experts. The assessment would particularly examine whether the teachers were successful in implementing a practical formula to popularise science," the official said. The principal of B. Borooah College, Dinesh Baishya, welcomed the initiative and said long-term results would depend on the dedication of the teachers and involvement of the students. He said many unfounded beliefs like witchcraft exposed the ugly face of society. ********** Son discovers mother's prized necklace at scene of road crash that killed her 25 years ago... after tips from TWO psychics dailymail - A son whose mother died in a motorbike crash 25 years ago has found her golden necklace at the scene of the tragedy - after being tipped off by two psychics. Mother-of-three Angela Bishop, 42, was killed when the motorbike she was on with husband Michael, now 70, collided with a car in Cornwall in 1985. The nurse's beloved necklace, which she wore every day, was never found until son Richard Bishop, 48, was inspired to search for it after meetings with the mediums. Now Richard and his wife Paula claim they found the gold cross necklace at the site of the crash. It was after scraping through undergrowth with a metal detector and using head torches that Richard made the discovery last week. Builder Mr Bishop, who lives in Barwick, near Yeovil, said: 'I was a sceptic at the start, but now I am a believer. I would not have chosen to go through all of this emotion over the past few months. It has been tough and I never thought we would find it. 'When I shone my torch over the ground after digging away with a trowel and saw this bit of metal shine, I could not believe it. 'I know some people will not believe us and sometimes I cannot grasp everything that has happened. But mediums can help people and there is no way we would have even known this necklace was there without them' 'We gave each other a big hug and I ended up bursting into tears.' His wife Paula, 44, was first told there was a 'lost' necklace that needed to be found during a private reading with Yeovil psychic Flo Essex, 80. Paula visited Flo by chance, after a accompanying a friend who wanted to visit the medium after her mother died in 1997. She was stunned when Flo began recounting the crash that had killed her mother-in-law and revealed Angela desperately wanted her cross necklace to be found. Mother-of-three Paula returned home and told Richard about the reading - but they decided against going further then as it was too upsetting. But in July this year, another psychic, Wendy Drayton, spoke to Paula at a group session and told her the name of the road - the A30 - and said an important necklace was lying there in a ditch. Michael and Paula then had a private reading with Wendy, who gave further information about the crash and told them Angela was unhappy being buried in Cornwall as her family was from Somerset. Paula said: ''We knew then that we had to find it. Wendy told us Angela wanted her necklace to be found and that it was lying at the scene of the crash. 'My father was ill at the time and she told me he was dying. She added that he had almost died the week before - there's no way she could have known. 'Wendy then told me that Michael and I should go and visit in three weeks, so we arranged a visit for then, which was the 9th of October.'' The couple decided to take Wendy with them on their three-hour trip to Cornwall to the crash scene on the A30, near Solways Garage, Marazanvose, near Redruth. They had identified the spot through a newspaper cutting from the Cornish Gazette in Redruth library. Before they arrived, Wendy told them there was a telegraph pole at the site - which tragic Angela had looked at as she lay dying on the road. To the shock of Michael and Paula, there was indeed a pole at the site and Wendy was able to show them exactly where Angela was flung across the road. Michael and Paula then began examining the verge - which is covered in ivy and trees - with head torches and trowels and Michael found the necklace buried in the undergrowth. After finding the necklace, the couple took it to their original psychic Flo Essex, who told them Angela would soon appear to Richard in human form. She also told them further details about the crash and described seeing Angela being forced into the air with the impact. Richard, who has been with wife Paula for 17 years, said he still couldn't believe mediums had helped him find his mother's necklace after so long. Mrs Essex, renowned in Yeovil for her charity work with husband Jim, said: 'My spiritual work is important to me and I am glad I could help. I am not quite sure what I have done, but the lady gave me a big hug after the session and left very happy.' Paula Bishop added: 'I know some people will not believe us and sometimes I cannot grasp everything that has happened. But mediums can help people and there is no way we would have even known this necklace was there without them.' The couple have placed the necklace over a picture of Angela, which they have at their home. 'We have put the necklace around her neck on a photograph of her so they are now finally reunited.' Paula added: 'I never thought it was going to work, at every step things seemed to go wrong. It came as a complete surprise when I saw my husband with it in his hands. 'The process has been incredibly difficult for my husband and his father but they both feel like they have a bit of Angela back now. 'When we gave the chain to my father-in-law he was in complete shock, he couldn't believe it had been found after all these years. 'It was such a tragic accident, for her to die so young and as a mother, it is just awful. ********** Mysterious "Hot Spot" on Alien Planet Leaves Scientists Baffled io9 - Have we discovered an alien colony? That's one sensationalistic but nevertheless awesome possible explanation for the strange "hot spot" discovered on exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae b, 44 light-years from Earth. The planet is a "hot Jupiter," a gas giant with an extremely high temperature. According to The planet is about 70 percent as massive as Jupiter, and it whips around its star every 4.6 days or so, scientists said. Crossfield and his team used NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope to measure the total infrared light coming from the planet and its parent star over five days in February 2009. The Spitzer telescope cannot see the planet directly, but it can detect light variations that arise as the hot side of the planet comes into Earth's field of view. The hottest part of the planet will give off the most infrared light. Conventional wisdom suggests that the star-planet system should appear brightest when the planet is directly behind the star, thus showing Spitzer its full sun-facing side. But the system was brightest when the planet was to the side of the star, with its side facing Earth. Scientists aren't sure what would account for this bizarre brightness, though they have some theories. Supersonic winds might cause it, or some other aspect of hot Jupiter meteorology that we don't understand yet. I'm not sure why nobody has yet suggested that it's heat pollution from a massive alien colony. Seems like the most logical explanation. |
Answers May Be Forthcoming In North Georgia Cattle Mutilations Posted: 21 Oct 2010 07:52 AM PDT gainesvilletimes - John and Kathy Cooper feel they are getting closer to solving the mystery behind the cattle mutilations at their South Hall Farm. In September, they discovered one of their cows dead in the pasture with its udders completely removed. It was the 20th cow they had found dead or mutilated in a year's time. A recent article in The Times about the Coopers' situation lead to more stories on Atlanta TV stations and even CNN and Coast to Coast radio. The exposure over the last month has brought a number of experts to visit their 200-plus acres in Chestnut Mountain. "It went nationwide and because of that we've gotten ideas of what to do," Kathy Cooper said. "With the research scientists and investigators and everything, we would just sit around for hours and talk about the details." In the last month, the Coopers have gotten a dog to help alert them of people on the property, have offered an award for any information leading to the culprit behind the mutilations and are better prepared to gather clues in case of any future incidents. A research scientist said if another cow is mutilated, a veterinarian should be called to do an on-site necropsy. "He said the critical thing is to get a vet to agree to come on site so you don't lose any time," Cooper said. "Your evidence a lot of times disappears over time." Cooper also hopes to get more clues from tests being performed on the cow killed last month. The University of Georgia Veterinary School determined that one of the Cooper's other cows had been poisoned. "This one I think they are going to spend some more time with the tissue samples and the blood samples," Cooper said. Cooper said an investigator at the Hall County Sheriff's Office is taking calls for any leads to who could be behind the cattle mutilations. "He has had a lot of phone calls, but most of it has to do with extraterrestrial theories," Cooper said. "Hall County has put a lot of effort into this and really spent a lot of time on it. I think he thinks we're getting closer to making some sense of it." Cooper said supernatural causes are often blamed for cattle mutilation cases. "They believe it's got to be something other than humans," Cooper said. Cattle mutilations have been reported across the country with little explanation despite extensive studies. The cows are discovered with their udders or genitals cleanly removed with a nearly surgical precision. The mutilations are often attributed to a variety of causes, including everything from extraterrestrials and cults to natural predators and decomposition. Cooper said it is hard for her to image that something other than a person is doing this to her cows. "You really can't rule that out because you don't have proof one way or another," Cooper said. "It's hard for me to understand it, I can't believe it." NOTE: here are the links to the previous posts - Cattle Mutilations Reported in North Georgia and More Questions Than Answers In Georgia Cattle Mutilations...Lon Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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