Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Recent UFO Events: A Viral Campaign For 'Skyline'?
- Recent UFO Activity - Reports / Video Worldwide
- Multi-Dimensional Realities: Enter the Paranormal! - Part 2
- Fortean / Oddball News: Common Cold Cure, Virginia Monster Catfish and...Zombie?
- New Bigfoot Video - 10/16/2010
Recent UFO Events: A Viral Campaign For 'Skyline'? Posted: 18 Oct 2010 09:23 PM PDT Click for video Skyline Movie Official Site For your consideration....NYC UFOs, Chinese village disappearance and sightings that look strangely similar to events in the trailer for the upcoming sci-fi movie 'Skyline'. Are these events a viral campaign for this film? At Comic Con, the first footage from a small sci-fi thriller called Skyline, written and directed by the Strause Brothers, was presented. The alien invasion film was made on a small budget, but has fairly large-scale ambitions. Many small independent thrillers conduct viral marketing in order to receive notoriety. Is this what we are seeing? Read the plot lines: A series of blindingly bright lights appear all over Los Angeles, mesmerizing the citizens of the city while luring them to an uncertain fate in this sci-fi thriller from sibling filmmakers Greg and Colin Strause. As speculation regarding the origin of the mysterious lights runs rampant, a Los Angeles entrepreneur (Donald Faison), his best friend, Jarrod (Eric Balfour), and Jarrod's frightened girlfriend (Scottie Thompson) struggle to resist temptation as they seek out the source of the luminous threat. - In the sci-fi thriller Skyline, strange lights descend on the city of Los Angeles, drawing people outside like moths to a flame where an extraterrestrial force threatens to swallow the entire human population off the face of the Earth. Skyline is directed and produced by the Brothers Strause (Alien vs. Predator: Requiem), whose company Hydraulx has provided visual effects for Avatar, Iron Man 2, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and 300. - After a wild night of partying with friends, Terry (Donald Faison) awakens to discover that he's one of the few remaining people on Earth. Banding together with a small group of survivors (Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, David Zayas, Brittany Daniel and Crystal Reed), Terry sets out to solve the mystery of what happened to the human race. - Click for video Spoiler below - just wanted to give you a heads up CinemaBlend - Directors Greg and Colin Strause are breaking every rule Hollywood has made about alien invasion movies. The typical line is that you need a studio to back you, it needs to be expansive and, above all, it will cost a bundle of money. With their newest film, Skyline, the brothers have subverted every one of those rules. Introduced to most at this year's San Diego Comic Con, the two directors decided to go around the studio system and independently finance their own flick. Using their own equipment, Greg's apartment complex, tiny crews and resources available to them via their effects workshop, Hydraulx, the Brothers Strause were able to make the film on fraction of what it costs most studios (though the final number is being kept as their little secret). A few weeks back, myself and a group of other journalists were invited to Hydraulx to not only take a tour of the various workstations, but watch four never-before-seen scenes from the film. Starring Eric Balfour, Donald Faison, Brittany Daniel, David Zayas and Scottie Thompson, the film takes place in Los Angeles, where bright blue lights have begun to shine down from the sky. A strange and mesmerizing experience, people begin to walk out of their homes to investigate. What they don't realize until it's too late, however, is that an alien force has arrived on Earth and has begun abducting people en masse. Awoken by the lights after a night of partying, a group of friends must find a way to survive. When you consider that nearly everyone behind the film comes from a visual effects background, it shouldn't surprise that the film looks aesthetically fantastic. While the Brothers Strause may not have spent $250 million, every penny they did spend is on the screen. The scenes they showed us for the film were not entirely finished, some of the effects still needing to be completed and the musical score not yet done, but they were certainly eye opening. The first scene opens on the roof of the apartment building where Jarrod (Balfour) and Terry (Faison) look out over the city. Looking around, they see other people standing on their rooftops and a dense, dark fog descends and lightning fires from the sky. Suddenly, bright blue beams of light begin to shine down onto the city. Jarrod, holding a camera, begins to zoom in and take photos of the occurrence. Suddenly, a huge cloud of smoke erupts in the middle of the city. Within the beams of light, you can see small figures being sucked upwards – they're people. Alien ships begin to emerge from the sky and we see the people on the other rooftop flown off towards the ship. Jarrod and Terry realize the trouble they are in and bolt for the door, which has locked behind them. Terry takes out a gun and fires at the handle to no avail. Suddenly, Elaine (Thompson) opens the doors, her eyes veiny and glowing blue from the alien lights, and ushers the two men in. Next, we follow the gang down to the parking garage, now joined by Candice (Daniel) and another girl. They see an older couple packing their car, but when they are offered help they refuse. Candice is angry at Terry, presumably for cheating on her in a previous scene, and the group splits up into two cars to exit the building, Terry's car in front. As they begin to drive out, a giant elephant-like foot comes out of nowhere and crushes the front car, shaking it off like it's a piece of gum. Somehow surviving, Terry crawls out and begins to shoot at the creature. The alien then shoots out a tentacle and sucks Terry in. The alien then attempts to attach its tentacles to the other car, containing the rest of the group. In the third scene, we get not only our first look at Zayas's character, Oliver, but one of the smaller aliens as well. The alien has grabbed a hold of a human (not one of the members of the group) and has attached its tentacles to his head before ripping it off. The alien then removes the man's brain and put it in his own head as the others can only look on in horror The fourth and final scene takes place in the penthouse where the group watches out the window through telescopes to see what's happening. A group of human flown bombers and jets take to the sky as a group of drones fly out from the alien mothership. The planes execute incredible alien maneuvers as they dogfight the humans sometimes besting the aliens, the aliens sometimes besting the humans. It becomes clear that one of the bombers is more important than the others, but it's not explained why. The bomber approaches the mothership and, just as it fires off a missile, it explodes as an alien drone catches up to it. The missile, however, connects with the huge alien ship and explodes in a giant, nuclear blast. While it's both unreasonable and unwise to judge a film's quality before it's either completed or shown in its full form, I will say that I've never seen anything quite like Skyline before. The design of both the aliens and the spaceships look wholly original, not an easy task when the sci-fi genre has been around for almost a hundred years. While a few secrets were divulged over the course of the day – including that a sequel for the film already exists in the form of a 40 page treatment – the Brother Strause's film still holds many secrets, not limited to why the aliens are attacking and what happens to our heroes is. Even the nuclear blast in the fourth clip doesn't provide any closure, as the filmmakers told us that the biggest plot points occur later in the film. All we can do is wait until the film is released on November 12th. 'Skyline' Preview - CinemaBlend These viral campaigns have been effectively used before...why not now? Your thoughts... | ||
Recent UFO Activity - Reports / Video Worldwide Posted: 18 Oct 2010 12:11 PM PDT
Have a look at the attached graphic, it's as close as I can recreate (bar the centre). I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if anyone else has reported anything similar. This is my first time reporting anything - so forgive me if i've left any details out - just ask. PS. Im not sure if this is of any relevance. But my father rang me the next day and say there was a large power outtage in my area about 30 minutes before this happened. Probably nothing to that really, but that's all the info I can think of. ********** So Sorry...UFO Abduction of Whole Village Just a Rumor NOTE: well, the Chinese government news service came out with the following four days after the incident was reported. So what is the truth? There were also earlier Yeren (Bigfoot) sighting reports from reputable sources in this same area. Is there another story which resulted in the creation of a bizarre 'false flag'? Lon people - "UFOs flew over. Then a village disappeared. All news is blocked. All roads had barriers set up. Troops arrived in Qin Ling Region, including tanks and missile launch vehicles, and Xianyang Highway is blocked." Here are the horrible key words of a post that was spread widely across the Internet recently. But, it turned out to be just a rumor! Wuhan Evening reported. The departments of police and military of Shaanxi Province, and relative departments of cities around Qin Ling Mountain, including Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an and Shangluo City, all denied the so-called "UFO event" on the Internet on Oct. 14. The UFOs were just rays of square spot lights "It is said that a whole village near Qin Ling disappeared after several shining UFOs flew over it, and the thing is under investigation by military troops. All news has been blocked." Above sentences are the content of a post on Internet on Oct. 13. It was rapidly and widely spread by other websites and micro-blogs, making the post the most popular on the Internet for the day. However, when reporters went to Xianyang to learn more about the horrible event, they found the claims could not be further from the truth. Those so-called UFOs were just rays of some spotlights that are located at Yintai Square of Xianyang City. How does the rumor come out? Although the identity of the UFOs had been established, the rumors continued to spread on the Internet. After investigation, reporters found the post and the rumor just originated from an Internet signature of an average netizen. At 2:37 p.m. on Oct. 11, a netizen named Zhang Lixing changed his Internet signature to "Strange thing happened at the foot of Qin Ling Mountain." No one would ever think about such a simple sentence without other contents can finally trigger a huge rumor. At 5:18 p.m. on Oct. 12, a Netizen, nicknamed "NDSWJ" updated his micro-blog with "A post about 'strange thing happened in Qin Ling' was still spreading in Xi'an City." At 1:03 a.m. on Oct. 13, a message released in Baidu's "Post Bar" claimed "It is said a whole village disappeared after several UFOs flew over it, and the army has already investigated the event." As of the morning of Oct. 13, similar messages started being spread widely through forums, micro-blogs and other social networking websites. There were many versions, such as savages, UFOs, nuclear bomb, snakes, aliens and even giant salamanders. As the story spread people kept adding parts from their own imaginations to it and finally the result was a simple sentence became a horrible tale. ********** South Korean Media Wonders if UFOs are CIA Conspiracy koreatimes - Ufology is a faith that includes many beliefs, from the oddly popular one about Nazi aliens who live under the ground to David Icke's contention that the Duke of Edinburgh is in fact a shape-changing, blood-sucking alien lizard. But here's the core of the faith - that some UFO sightings and encounters are real, the U.S. government knows all about these extraterrestrial visitations, and they've mounted a huge conspiracy to keep the aliens secret and us in the dark. This book threatens to demolish that faith. Because here Mark Pilkington sets out to prove that the U.S. government really has been conducting a top-secret UFO conspiracy - only one designed not to hide UFOs but publicize them, fuelling and even creating the major UFO myths. Flying saucers, alien abductions, crash-landed spacecraft, secret underground bases in New Mexico - they were all created by the U.S. government. As Mark Pilkington immediately acknowledges, that might sound only marginally less ridiculous and emptily melodramatic than claiming that the Royal Family are actually alien reptiles. But he begins to build a pretty convincing case that U.S. agencies really have been conducting just such a long-running disinformation campaign to promote UFOs. And it does make sense. UFOs make the perfect cover story to hide experimental aircraft from prying Russian eyes as well as those of their own citizens. Ufologists are a particular pest to U.S. Air Force security, for ever trying to root around their secret projects and hack into their systems - they need to be led up various extraterrestrial garden paths and far away from finding out about actual highly-classified experiments in weaponry or aircraft. The Roswell Incident: were alien bodies really found? Pilkington's theory would certainly explain why so many of the key UFO sightings and events happen near U.S. Air Force bases - such as Roswell, home of the famous 'incident' when an alien craft was supposed to have crash-landed, with a couple of aliens aboard. And why so many extraterrestrial spaceships seem to behave like the pilotless drones and stealth aircraft developed by the U.S. Air Force. And why flying saucers should first turn up at the start of the Cold War, just when the U.S. Air Force was beginning to experiment with exotic new types of flight. According to Pilkington, the campaign to promote the idea of UFOs was masterminded in the Fifties by the head of the CIA, Allen Welsh Dulles. More recently, many of the leaked fake documents and bogus stories seem to have come from the U.S. Air Force's Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). ********** Four UFOs Emerge From Portal? MUFON CMS - Ohio - 10/17/2010: Around 8:30pm., outside in my backyard in the hottub,out of nowhere appeared a shape which looked triangular but only the lights were visable. The lights formed a triange, first 2 lights behind 3 more lights in perfect form like how bowling pins are set up. I couldn't see the body of the vehicle because it looked invisible but I absolutely seen what looked triangular even though nothing was at the front, I could see a pointed image. It's white lights were diffused almost as if a cloud was in front of it but there were no clouds. It flew quite low like when a plane flies towing a banner. It was very eerie, there was no sound and it looked as if it tipped to its side as if to see me on the ground. It flew in such a way that I can only describe it similar to a hummingbird, it was very fast and extremely large compared to the moon. I could compare it's size because the moon was in my visual with this vehicle. I could see it slow down and speed up. I couldn't believe what I had seen so I called my husband out to watch with me. I was freaked out because I just saw a UFO and it was like nothing I've ever seen before!. He stayed out a few minutes and went back inside. About ten minutes later I seen what looked like a shooting star and following that I saw my second sighting which looked like a fireball. It semed like a shooting star because it's path was similar to one but it looked strange. It was two circles hooked together and wobbling back and forth and moving like a shooting star. It had color to it not just white but red and white. I called my son out to watch with me and within a half hour we saw another sighting together. It's shape was different also but it followed the flight path of the first one. It appeared out of nowhere as if it came through a black hole. It was round in shape and had 3 distinct lighted parts inside which I thought looked round but each had jagged edges and my son described it as having holes in it. We were both freaking out and we called my husband back out to watch. Within 20 minutes all 3 of us saw another object which looked like a boomerang shape. It was invisible looking because we all agreed we could see through it. It was lit up but very different then the others. It's shape could also be what you include in in above descriptions as a chevron. We all believe we saw UFO'S! ********** Odd Lights Over North London - 10/17/2010 Click for video Witness statement: This is the full version of the UFO's over NW10 London 17/10/10. Watching a movie and I see a light in the sky. I didn't pay much attention but as it came close it was pretty intense to be a plane. To my surprise a second one was coming, that's when I lost it and I'm speaking to myself "this is not a plane". Second segment there is a formation, and just in the end while the camera is moving (went to call my flatmate) there are 3 more coming up fast which are the ones you see in the 3rd segment. Anyone have seen anything similar? I processed the video and made them a bit more bright so that you can see the background, it might help an expert to estimate altitude or speed. I would be very interested to hear any info about these UFO. Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Two Separate Sightings Click for video Case Number: 25927 Log Number: US-10162010-0004 Submitted Date: 2010-10-16 10:48 GMT Event Date: 2010-10-14 02:20 GMT Status: Submitted City: Milwaukee Region: Wisconsin Country: US Longitude: -87.9064736 Latitude: 43.0389025 Shape: Flash,Star-like,Unknown Duration: 01:00:00 Distance: One mile or less Location: City Terrain: Lake Visibility: Clear Weather: None Vallee Index: MA1 I was coming from the store it was around 2:40 CST and I had the urge to look up at the stars. The first thing I noticed is that there were ALOT of visible stars that night...were in the city we shouldnt see so many of them. Then suddenly I look to the horizon and see a "star" flashin green, blue white red...I suddenly think its a plane or it could be the helipad at the hospital which is in that direction. we eliminate the plane as the object is hovering and slowly gaining altitude. We also eliminate the helipad as the helipad does not flash green. I then ask my cousin to view the object and it starts saying its a plane its a plane its a plane and as soon as he said it it started showing MORE colors. The colors were purple, pink, white, red, blue, green, magenta, yellow, It was a awesome display of colors. By my knowledge and location I believe the object was towards lake michigan hopefully some other people viewed this object and caught it on tape. The object staying hovering for awhile I went inside and the object was still there. Riverside, California Click for video City: Riverside Region: California Country: US Longitude: -117.3961564 Latitude: 33.9533487 Shape: Circle Distance: One mile or less Description: I noticed a bright light when I was showing my son where Jupiter was, I watched it because it was brighter than any lights I have seen in the sky before. I watched it for a minute as it was moving east to north and it stopped by the hills. I pointed it our to everyone around and it stayed in one spot for at least 10 minutes. We were leaving a friends house so when we left I drove in the direction I was seeing the lights and when we go there I got out my video camera and taped what we saw. It is OK video but we could see it our selves better than the video shows. I don't have a clue what it is and it is very bright. El Paso, Texas - here is a full view video of the UFO event on 10/15/2010 from a different angle Click for video Phoenix, Arizona - October 17, 2010 Click for video | ||
Multi-Dimensional Realities: Enter the Paranormal! - Part 2 Posted: 18 Oct 2010 10:45 AM PDT I'm pleased to welcome Anne Whitaker, a new contributor to 'Phantoms and Monsters'. The following narrative is the second of a six part article that will be continued here. 2. Paranormal Experiences: Where Do They Come From? My view is that we exist as 'droplets on the wave' of a vast sea of universal energy which is present everywhere always. Humans could be envisaged as minute packets of energy flashing in and out of existence, contained within the universal matrix. Space, time, matter and energy which allow us to conceptualise our world according to the five physical senses, are features of the dimension in which we think we have our total existence. But this material level is one thin slice of a much more complex multi-dimensional reality. How complex, has just been theoretically revised yet again! The latest thinking from physics, via M-theory, had been that there may be up to eleven dimensions in all. However, since March 2007, things have taken a newer twist, as mathematicians have revealed, for the first time, the internal secrets of one of the most complicated symmetrical structures ever studied. This 57-dimensional shape, known as E8, has long intrigued academics since it was first devised in the 19th Century. It is suspected that its symmetrical properties might be intimately linked to underlying patterns in creation in some way.
"If Lisi's calculations are correct, the intimidating beauty of E8 could be the key to uniting all of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. Science would have an overarching explanation for why the cosmos is the way it is for the first time." (Much is made in the article of 39 year old Lisi's informal career as a surfer and snowboarder. He lives in Lake Tahoe, where California and Nevada meet in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is clear that the beauty and grandeur of Nature inspires his tireless scientific efforts.) So there you have it! We may have between eleven and fifty-seven dimensions to play with – which, to quote William James again, "...must contain experiences which have a meaning for our life also; …. although in the main their experiences and those of this world keep discrete, yet the two become continuous at certain points……the total expression of human experience, as I view it objectively, invincibly urges me beyond the narrow 'scientific' bounds." (15) (my emphases) My long time view has been that since paranormal phenomena undoubtedly exist, but cannot be encompassed by the terms of reference of 'ordinary' reality, they must take place somewhere, in some space created by the intersecting – for reasons and by mechanisms at present unknown to us – of other levels or dimensions of reality with the material plane on which we live, move and have our being for most ordinary purposes most of the time. I found it hugely helpful to hear Professor Carr express this as his view in his 2007 lecture. Ordinary reality, as he put it, is "a mere slice of a higher dimensional Reality". 15 "The Varieties of Religious Experience" (1902) Modern Library Edition New York 1994, pp 563-4 Anne Whitaker 2010 © - Wisps from the Dazzling Darkness | ||
Fortean / Oddball News: Common Cold Cure, Virginia Monster Catfish and...Zombie? Posted: 18 Oct 2010 10:27 AM PDT A 'silver bullet' against the common cold and other illnesses is being developed by scientists. Tests show that arming bacteria with minute studs of silver endows them with the ability to combat viruses. Norovirus, the winter vomiting bug, is unable to cause infections after coming into contact with the silver-impregnated bacteria. Researchers believe the same technique could be used to ward off other viruses, including those which cause flu and the common cold. Belgian professor Willy Verstraete discovered a way of 'studding' harmless bacteria often found in probiotic yoghurts with nanoparticles of silver, each thinner than a human hair. Sprayed up the nose or rubbed into the hands, the silver-studded bacteria stop any viruses that cross their path from infecting cells. As viruses need to hijack a cell's internal machinery to live and breed, barring them entry leads to their death. The common cold wreaks havoc among all age groups but the huge number of different viruses behind the symptoms means that a cure has, so far, eluded scientists. ********** Virginia Tidal Rivers: Blue Catfish a Boon or Threat? Taswwar Ali grinned broadly at the camera, with the monster in his arms. The monster was something only a fisherman could love: a 68-pound blue catfish that Ali had hooked late one August night in the Rappahannock River. Ali, a 24-year-old international student who lives in Fredericksburg, was still bursting with pride the next morning when he e-mailed the picture to The Free Lance-Star. He wrote: "Didn't know that the previous record for this particular river was 66 pounds. I just caught it and then dropped it into the river again after taking pictures. "It takes almost 30 to 40 years [for] a fish to get that much big." Two weeks later, Stanley Oliff, a 73-year-old commercial fisherman in Richmond County, set out at dawn with five other men in three boats to fish two pound nets in the Rappahannock near Carter's Wharf, 35 miles downriver from Fredericksburg. Two hours later, hundreds of blue catfish totaling more than a ton were in the boats. In one boat, James H. Sanders, 73, of Warsaw stood in the slimy pile of fish next to the culling board. He sang: "How high the catfish, mama? Up to your knees and rising!" Forty years ago, blue catfish like Ali's midnight monster and the haul in Oliff's boat did not exist in Virginia's tidal rivers. The state fishery biologists who transplanted the species in the 1970s from the Mississippi to the Rappahannock and James rivers could hardly have imagined the eventual results of their work. By 2009, a 102-pound blue cat had been caught in the James, a multimillion-dollar trophy fishery had been created, commercial fishermen were netting more than 1.5 million pounds a year in the Rappahannock, Potomac and other tidal rivers, and concerns were mounting that the explosive growth of blue-catfish populations threatened native fish. "I don't think the biologists realized that the blue catfish were going to thrive like they did," Wayne Fisher said recently beside the Rappahannock at Leedstown in Westmoreland County. Read more at Virginia Tidal Rivers: Blue Catfish a Boon or Threat? ********** Zombie? hometownannapolis - An employee of the State Anatomy Board got a shock when he went to transport the body of an elderly Severna Park woman whom county police found "dead" inside her bathroom. The woman, who lay on the floor for three hours on Oct. 1 while officers notified her family, physician and medical examiner of her death, was in fact alive. Officer Christopher Brown and Sgt. Randy Bell went to the home of Ruth Shillinglaw Johnson, 89, in the Colchester on the Severn neighborhood at 4:07 p.m. to check on her well-being. "We hadn't seen her for four or five days," said Stacie Zarriello, who lives across the street. "She wasn't answering the door or the phone. We checked her mailbox and it was full. The newspapers were piling up." The officers found an unlocked side door to Johnson's home and went inside. They searched the first floor, but found nothing. Brown began checking the upstairs bedrooms when he noticed an odor "similar to a decomposition smell," according to the police report. The officers walked through the master bedroom and opened a bathroom door. There, they found Johnson motionless on the bathroom floor. Her skin was blue and she was not breathing, the report says. The officers' experience led them to believe Johnson had been dead for a couple of days. Thinking Johnson was clearly deceased, the officers did not check for a pulse. They labeled the call an "unattended death" and contacted Johnson's adult son, who lives in Utah. He told police his mother suffered from medical problems. Brown and Bell then called Johnson's primary care physician, who verified Johnson suffered from illnesses, the nature of which police did not disclose. The physician told police she would sign off on Johnson's death certificate. The officers then spoke with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore. Given the information, the medical examiner decided not to respond to Johnson's home. Police learned from Johnson's son that his mother had made arrangements with the State Anatomy Board to donate her body for science, the report says. The board was contacted and said they'd have a transport team come to the home. A shock Charles Morgan, an employee of the anatomy board, arrived at Johnson's home around 7:10 p.m. - three hours after Johnson was found, seemingly lifeless, on her bathroom floor. He went upstairs and entered the bathroom. He was preparing to take Johnson's body away when he heard her take a deep breath and saw her move her arm. Morgan ran out of the bedroom and yelled for the officers. Brown rushed to the bathroom and saw Johnson take another deep breath and move her arm a second time. "I shouted, 'Ruth!' and she responded with 'Arrgghh,' " Brown wrote in the report. Brown asked Johnson how long she'd been lying on the floor. Johnson told him she wasn't on the floor. He asked her where she was and she responded, "... on the sofa." Paramedics were immediately called to the home. Johnson was taken in critical condition to Baltimore Washington Medical Center in Glen Burnie, said Division Chief Michael Cox, a county Fire Department spokesman. She was conscious and breathing on the way, police said. It is unknown what caused Johnson to collapse or how long she had been on the bathroom floor. Hospital officials said Johnson was discharged on Wednesday. Neighbors said she has been moved to a hospice. Medical privacy laws kept local hospices from confirming or denying that Johnson is a patient, preventing The Capital from locating Johnson for comment. Zarriello said the incident was the talk of the Colchester on the Severn community. She and other neighbors had stood outside Johnson's home on Oct. 1 when police first arrived to check on her. "He went in and came out and said she was deceased," she said. Though sad about the news, Zarriello took her daughter to play in a field hockey game. After the game, the Zarriello family sat down for dinner. They were eating when they saw the State Anatomy Board van pull in front of Johnson's home. She said an anatomy board employee came outside and told neighbors Johnson was alive. Neighbors were shocked. "He (the board employee) said he'd never seen anything like this before," Zarriello said. The police report indicates that the two officers who responded to Johnson's home did not check for a pulse when they found her. By all accounts, Johnson appeared deceased, the report says. The Capital is not disclosing all of the details that led police to make this determination. The officers, Bell and Brown, have been with the department since 1989 and 2004, respectively. Lt. Frank Tewey, a police spokesman, said the department is aware of the incident. "It is currently under administrative review to ensure that proper procedures were followed," he said. ********** Iranian Chocolate Thief Faces Hand Amputation BBC - An Iranian judge has sentenced a man convicted of robbing a confectionery shop to have one of his hands cut off, Iranian media report. The judge also sentenced the man to one year in prison. Police arrested the man in May after finding $900 (£560), three pairs of gloves and a large amount of chocolate in his car, Fars news agency said. Under Iran's Islamic law, amputations are usually reserved for habitual thieves. Last week, authorities cut off the hand of a man convicted of two robberies in the north-eastern city of Mashhad. ********** Robert De Niro 'to play psychic in Red Lights' Academy Award winner Robert De Niro is said to have signed on to play a psychic in a new movie. De Niro, 67, will join Sigourney Weaver for psychological thriller Red Lights, directed by Buried filmmaker Rodrigo Cortes, reports the Daily Express. Weaver will portray the character of a physiologist whose study of the paranormal leads them to investigate De Niro's character. Daily Variety reports that the film is set to begin shooting in February with locations planned for the US, Canada and Cortes' native Spain. 'The Gates' stars confirm series axe The Gates star Frank Grillo has confirmed that the paranormal drama will not return for a second season. The actor previously suggested via his Twitter account that a renewal was unlikely. Grillo later confirmed the cancellation in another post, writing: "Don't shoot the messenger. The Gates is officially cancelled. I knew my source was right." He added: "Thanks to all of you for supporting us. It made the whole thing worth it." His co-star Colton Haynes also commented on ABC's decision: "The Gates is officially cancelled. Was a great/fun experience and thk u all for coming along for the ride! (sic)" The final episode of The Gates aired on September 19 on ABC. NOTE: Damn! I enjoyed the show...I guess vampires, werewolves, witches and succubus are not ready for mainstream network television...Lon | ||
New Bigfoot Video - 10/16/2010 Posted: 18 Oct 2010 07:55 AM PDT Click for video Well, here is the latest Bigfoot "du jour" video. Seems some kid took this from a balcony. The audio sounds like it's looped at two points but the video looks legit. The hominid is visible at the beginning of the video...though it's hard to make out the movements look very good. Hopefully someone can enhance the video for a clearer look. No location was given - taken on 10/16/2010. ********** Destination Truth - "Haunted Island Ruins" A sneak peek clip of the next all-new episode of Destination Truth. As the team scuffles through the desert they come across footprints as a full moon sets in. They enter a cave to try and cure their curious appetite but may get more than they bargained for in the end. You'll have to watch the show to find out this Thursday at 9/8c on Syfy. ********** Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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