Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- UFOs Live Cam - Golden Gate Bridge - October 13, 2010
- Breaking: UFO Event Over New York City
- Recent UFO Encounter Reports: Spheres, Chase in Georgia and Wisconsin Abduction
- Fortean / Oddball News: No UFO Fleets, Louis XVI’s DNA and the Real Lara Croft
- The Invisible Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
UFOs Live Cam - Golden Gate Bridge - October 13, 2010 Posted: 13 Oct 2010 05:50 PM PDT Click for video Very interesting video of orbs over the Golden Gate Bridge some time after midnight Weds. October 13th. I would appreciate any further information...Lon |
Breaking: UFO Event Over New York City Posted: 13 Oct 2010 03:38 PM PDT Click for video Here's another video link OK...well, I just received a few phone calls from associates in New York City. There seems to be some kind of event. I'm not sure what is happening but I'll try to update...Lon NOTE: I also heard that there was a ruckus at the Indian Point nuclear facility sometime early today. UPDATE - 6:08 pm: xomba - New Yorkers are claiming to have seen a UFO today hovering above the city. It has been speculated that the sightings were just an observation of balloons, however there are many people claiming that these are definitely alien spacecraft. The dots in the sky were very high up and looked yellow and circular in shape. There were approximately three of them hovering in the air. A lot of this chatter has started up because of a retired NORAD officer who made claims that aliens would make contacts with humans on October 13th, 2010 in a book. There are many people on social media websites that are claiming to have seen strange lights in the sky today. No doubt, many people are keeping their eyes towards the sky due to this retired officers claims. There are multiple other sources claiming to have seen over a dozen silver objects floating over New York City as well. UPDATE - 6:14pm: The Huffington Post is now claiming that these are balloons. I'll keep looking for updates... UPDATE - 6:33pm: nydailynews - Mystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy A mysterious shiny object floating high over Manhattan's West Side set off a flurry of reports and wild speculation Wednesday that a UFO was flying over the city. Police and the FAA said they began getting flooded with calls starting at 1:30 p.m. from people reporting a silvery object hovering high over Chelsea. Law enforcement sources said they believed the object was likely some sort of balloon, but as of late Wednesday they had not confirmed exactly what it is. A Daily News reporter could see a tiny, silver dot floating approximately 5,000 feet above 28th St. and Eighth Ave., where dozens of people gathered late in the afternoon to catch a glimpse. "It's been hovering there for a while. I'm just kind of baffled," said Joseph Torres, 49, of Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, who spotted the object after leaving a movie. "How can it be ordinary? There is something going on." Despite clear skies, it was not easy to make out the tiny object shimmering overhead. "You really have to look up to see it," said one witness, who gave only his first name, Rico. "It's a little crazy. I guess that's why they call it an unidentified flying object because they don't know what it is." Not long after the first sightings, messages began appearing on Twitter linking to a month-old press release announcing the publication of a book by a retired NORAD officer predicting that UFOs would buzz the earth's major cities on Oct. 13. The Federal Aviation Administration said it received dozens of calls to its operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency could not find anything out of the ordinary. "We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can't account for but there is nothing in the area," said spokesman Jim Peters. "There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time." "Nothing that we can account for would prompt this kind of response," he said. Peters said if it was a weather balloon or any kind of organized balloon release, the NYPD should have been notified in advance. Police officials said they had received no notification. Click for video |
Recent UFO Encounter Reports: Spheres, Chase in Georgia and Wisconsin Abduction Posted: 13 Oct 2010 01:19 PM PDT Click for video UFO video of bright daytime object or sphere hovering in the sky over Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This footage was recorded on Monday, 11th October 2010. ********** MUFON CMS - Boise, Idaho - 9/26/2010 - (unedited): I was at Ann Morrison Park with my 8 year old son and a family friend of ours playing frisbee golf. As we finished one of the holes and began to walk our family friend asked me what that was in the sky. I saw something in the sky just kind of hovering there. I am a new resident to Boise and my wife who lived here in the past always asks me if I have seen any hot air balloons since we moved here. When I first saw the object I assumed that is what it was, a hot air balloon. But then, as I looked more closely I saw that what I was looking at was not a balloon. It was angled on all sides. I noticed shadows on the side of it being cast by the setting sun. I immediately began to walk towards the object. I noticed as soon as I started walking that whatever this was, wasn't far away at all. With every step I could see that I was getting closer to it. When I was, what I approximate to be 40 yards from the object, which also in my approximation was 200' off the ground, I stopped and watched. It was shifting what appeared to be just a few feet from side to side. Not a rocking motion, but a deliberate shift with a pause and sometimes up to a minute in between shifts. It would also on some occasions move quickly from one side to the other. There was absolutely no vertical movement whatsoever. Also, the object made precise rotating movements. The only way that I can compare it to something that most people are familiar with is the way that gears 'click' in a clock. Only the sudden movements would go a 'click' or two in one direction and then one 'click' back. Followed by, for example, 3 right-1 left, etc. I stood (40 yards approx. away) for 20 or so minutes watching and trying to rationally to figure out what this thing was. I worked in the aviation field for 11 years before moving to Boise and I am very familiar with airframes and propulsion systems. The only thing that man has in the air that could even remotely resemble this object would be a satellite and even that bears VERY little resemblance to this object. It was pewter in color with a bit of a shine on it. There were black markings on the object. There were also two circular patterns (?) on either side of it. There was no sound. After the 20 minutes or so had passed, I started walking towards the object with my son and friend. We continued slowly until we were standing directly underneath it. We stood there for roughly 5 minutes. While standing there, the object made a split second 360 degree rotation. This happened from a still position and immediately following the rotation, was dead still again. We continued on the path we were on walking straight from the spot we were originally watching from until we were 20 yards or so behind it. The craft wasn't symmetric on all sides. The sides of the craft seemed to be the same, but what I refer to as the 'front and back' of the craft are only relative to what it seemed to be. The 'front and back' of the craft were not the same. It had different angles on these sides. We then slowly proceeded around the object, on the west facing side, keeping our 20 yard distance, until we were at our original vantage point approximately 20 yards in front (where we stood for 20 minutes upon first approaching the object). That is when things started to get creepy. Before my eyes, I saw an orangish/white light come on the bottom of the object. As I am wondering what I am seeing, the craft seamlessly turned from this angled three dimensional shape into an oval, egg shape. It still hadn't moved and made no sounds. My son and friend started to get scared so we began to walk away. I kept my eyes on the object as we walked away and as we walked it changed again. This time to a very slim boomerang shape with the rounded end facing skyward. The time the object spent with the egg shape and boomerang shape was probably 60 seconds to 2 minutes. When it changed to the boomerang shape we again stopped and watched as it began to 'flex and wobble'. It still hadn't moved since we first saw it. At that point, approximately 30 seconds into wobbling it looked as if it disappeared into a cloud. I thought that was odd since the sky was clear for the most part. How did the object travel from 200' off the ground and seem to enter a cloud and disappear without any obvious movement? If you'll notice the date of the sighting and the date I am posting this, you'll see some time has gone by since the sighting. I have been researching what this could've been and it appears that what I saw was a 'probe'. I am posting the crummy pictures that I was able to make with my cell phone. Zoom in and you can see that the entire time I was watching the object it appears, in the pictures at least, to nearly constantly change shape. The light that appeared orange/white looks red in the photos. Many other people witnessed the sighting with me at the park. At no point during the sighting did I feel afraid. The word that I would use to describe the way that I felt was 'awe'. Whatever this object was had technology that so far surpasses our own that it is indescribable. It wasn't until I got home and was able to sit and think about what I had seen that an eerie feeling set in. The object was first observed at approximately 7:20 in the afternoon on 9/26. It disappeared into a cloud at approximately 8:00. I even mapped the spot on google earth: 43'36"38N, 116'13'15W ********** MUFON CMS - Bernalillo, New Mexico - 5/2010 - (unedited): I am reporter for radio station *(Possible identifying info deleted--CMS/sg) in Albuquerque. This incident took place about 72 hours after having a discussion in the news room about a sighting one of my co-workers mentioned happened near his house out in the Bernalillo area. We joked about it. I remember going to the MUFON website to see if there were any reports on it as we talked. There weren't. My boss and I teased him gently, and he joined in the fun. He wasn't upset by us. He was curious about it that's all. We all talked about the story of the century and such, asked if anyone landed and got out, had he been drinking, you know, the normal guys do, and then we all got back to work. About two or three nights later, I was asleep in bed when I was awakened by an extremely loud, sustained whooshing sound over my house. It was not moving like perhaps a low flying jet from Kirtland Air Force Base with the after-burners engaged. It was not whomping and buzzing, like the blades of a circling helicopter, nor was it the sound of a helicopter hovering in stealth mode where the sound is suppressed. This was a sound loud enough to wake the dead! It was like the Space Shuttle was taking off right outside my window. In fact, I was surprised my wife and daughter weren't disturbed by it, even though they're very sound sleepers. As I look back on it now, I am surprised the dog wasn't awake and barking. It was so loud and steady, I was afraid to look out the windows or go outside to see what it was. I lay in bed too terrified to move. The sound continued for what must have been 10-30 minutes or more, and then suddenly decreased in volume and was gone. My first thought after it was over was that a factory nearby was releasing some kind of gas pressure, because it slowly settled to a slight hissing sound and was gone. Looking back I remember there was no light outside, like the searchlight from a police copter. Being a radio news reporter, I am familiar with those sights and sounds. This was something I've never heard before, or since. I talked with **(Name deleted--CMS/sg) by telephone today,(10-12-2010), because it keeps nagging at me,"What the hell was THAT!?" He urged me to make a report, so here it is. If it WAS a factory, why haven't I heard it before, and why have I not heard it again? I wish I had been more courageous and gone outside to look. ********** MUFON CMS - Bay Village, Ohio - 10/9/2010: I was driving a limo for a wedding party and took them to Huntington Beach Park in Bay Village for some pictures.It was a sunny day. Pulling into the parking lot off of Lake Rd. across from Porter Creek Dr. I positioned the car in the lane closest to the beach access. The car was facing west. I got out to tend to the wedding party as they got out of the vehicle. At this point I saw something in the sky, it was south-west from my perspective. After making sure that everyone was ok and on their way for some photos, I went back and watched the object further. At first I thought the object might be a balloon or some sort of helicopter because it didn't move from where it was in the sky. As I watched it, I noticed that it didn't look like any aircraft I had seen, nor a balloon or kite. The thing that stood out to me about most was that it didn't move from its location in the sky at all. I watched it for about 10 minutes, photographing it two to three minutes after I first noticed it. The object was fairly small in the sky, it didn't look like a huge craft. It was black, saucer shaped. It was at a good distance, so I couldn't make out any details, but the profile I saw reminded me of a woman's brimmed hat. As I watched it, I noticed, as I said earlier, it didn't move, at all. I felt amazement and disbelief as I was looking at this thing. I think I was the only person looking at it in the immediate area, no one else seemed to notice it. As I looked at it, the sun was to my right. Getting in the shade of the trees made it easier to watch. I would walk away from time to time to see where the wedding party was. After about ten minutes I got back into the car for a bit to rest my eyes. When I got out of the car after about five minutes, the object was gone. ********** Click for video nwemail - A dog walker has tantalised the imaginations of alien enthusiasts the world over, after filming a UFO on a Furness beach. It was an ordinary day for Barrow resident Bob Atkins, who was out filming his pet dog Mia in rock pools at Roanhead. When he examined the footage, the 47-year-old found to his surprise he had accidentally recorded an unusual object. The object only appears in the film for a brief moment but the footage, filmed in July 2009, has now travelled all over the world. It has received 90,000 hits on website Youtube, has taken pride of place in a book about UFOs which was published in June this year and has even appeared on American television. The Evening Mail obtained the first exclusive interview with Mr Atkins since his footage hit the world stage. Mr Atkins, an unemployed forklift truck driver, said: "It has really surprised me the impact this has had. I have really been taken aback by it. "It was a nice day, I was on Roanhead with my dog, a Staffy-cross. "I was filming her playing in the rock pools when I decided to pan round to film Black Combe. I noticed the blobs on the screen of the mobile phone but when I took it home and put it on a big screen I could clearly see this strange object. A lot of people have said it is a fly, or a rock, but it is none of the above. "I can't explain it." Mr Atkins sent the footage to author and UFO enthusiast Pat Regan who published an excerpt in his book UFO: Search for the truth. Since the book was published, Mr Regan has appeared on American television channel MSNBC talking about the encounter. Mr Regan said: "The object can clearly be seen whizzing across the screen at immense speed. "I spent a good while checking Bob's footage and the UFO seems to be a very solid entity to me with a shiny, light upper surface and darker underlying form below. "The speed is impressive, too, and I would estimate the altitude of the object to be something around less than 100ft." ********** Witness tells of UFO Sighting and of being followed by multiple objects in Stone Mountain, Georgia Case Number: 25807 Log Number: US-10112010-0002 Submitted Date: 2010-10-11 01:00 GMT Event Date: 2010-10-11 00:00 GMT Status: Submitted City: Stone Mountain Region: Georgia Country: US Longitude: -84.170196 Latitude: 33.8081608 Shape: Circle, Disc, Triangle Me and my fiance erika were night fishing at this place called Stone Mountain park now, from where we were standing (at the bell) right across from the paddle boats area you can see this restricted area that's across the lake. Its called the golf lake and over there you cannot fish, and from behind the trees in that area, these little illuminated air crafts were rising up from behind the trees and like, they'd reach a certain height in the sky, the take off on a course to the left now... this happened about 16 times repeated and we saw this last night too we were just paying more attention to them tonight these airships had a little blue light on the left, a red light on the right, a white light in the middle, and two search lights on the bottom so, more started taking off from that same area beyond those trees...but they started taking different courses so, i called my mom and started talking extra super loud so, my fiance is thinking "if they aren't of this world, they can hear us" so, she was trying to get me to be quiet then... on of the air crafts comes in our direction and turns on these search lights so, my fiance turned off our flash lights and duck close to the ground but i panicked and took off running so, the airship starts following me so, the ship is following me, then i stopped and turned around to come back and get my fiance so i end up going where im covered by the trees and... i think the ship lost sight of me and.... it disappeared...just vanished in thin even freaking out just typing this story up here we are going to my house and we look to the right of us and there was one of the air crafts...up close!!!!! and i looked up int the air just after looking down just for a few seconds to drive properly and it was gone!!!!! that fast!!! and i didn't hear anything and neither did my fiance !! it was triangular and seemed to be flying sideways!!so i hurried home and now im seeing these same things in my front yard up in the sky and they were flying do high so you couldn't see them well and now im scared every night and now to go to sleep....i never want t go back to stone mountain again but if i do i want to expose these things....that is all ********** Rib Lake, Wisconsin Abduction Incident. Witness reports scars on her body Case Number: 25806 Log Number: US-10112010-0001 Submitted Date: 2010-10-11 00:20 GMT Event Date: 2010-09-27 00:00 GMT Status: Submitted City: Rib Lake Region: Wisconsin Country: US Longitude: -90.2084785 Latitude: 45.3174662 to make a really long story short i have reason to believe that i was abducted between the hours of 3:00-5:30pm near the location of rib lake wisconsin while i was driving. After i got back to my hotel i noticed a burn on my right hand that hadn't been there previously, i was also very dehyrated. then i went in the jacuzzi and after i got back to my room i was going to get dressed and grabbed the sweatshirt i was wearing that day and noticed it had blood on it (5 marks) on the left side so i decided to inspect my body for any wounds since i have been abducted before. i found 5 marks like pinpricks on my left hip. they were in a row. it was a about an inch or so long, maybe longer. i drove home from wausau wisconsin on tuesday. then on wednesday september 29th, 2010, after i took a shower i noticed 4 pinprick type shapes on my right hip, these were also in a row and redder, this was also about an inch to an inch and a half long. |
Fortean / Oddball News: No UFO Fleets, Louis XVI’s DNA and the Real Lara Croft Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:06 AM PDT I many books did he sell? The bookstore bargain tables are being replenished. If it's a TENTATIVE date, why even make a prediction? Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010 A newly-published book by a retired NORAD officer predicts October 13, 2010 as the tentative date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth's principal cities. Author says the event to be the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a "critical mass." A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic. The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind's acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth's atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner. The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORAD's experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public. In the military's view, as conveyed to and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality. Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at a higher dimension of reality. For more than a decade, through the services of a world renowned channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of entities known as the Transcendors — 43,000 very old souls who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search of basic realities of mankind's existence. The book Challenges of Change reports on the author's years of communication with the Transcendors in a question and answer format intended to inform and challenge. The Transcendors reveal through the author crucial information about urgent global challenges facing mankind such as earth changes, international terrorism, worldwide financial collapse and the environmental crisis. One revelation is al Qaeda has a dirty nuclear bomb and WMD, but faces a moral quandary over "containment of collateral damages." Utilizing the theme of the Four Horsemen as symbolic metaphor, Fulham warns mankind will survive all of these future challenges, except the CO2 pollution of our atmosphere. According to information provided to the author by the Transcendors, the build-up of CO2 pollution is rising 1% annually to a "critical mass" of 22% in which mankind could not survive "without outside intervention." According to Fulham, the Transcendors state they have borne witness to countless thousands of alien civilizations who polluted their planets to total extinction where not a single being, animal or plant survived. They urgently warn planet earth is presently on the same self-destructive path. Fulham reports the aliens are well aware of our environmental crisis, and have benevolently decided to rescue mankind in this vast universal drama. Fulham has been in contact with a distinguished foreign ambassador who read the book with great interest and dispatched it to his home government, where it was translated and studied by hundreds of their top government officials. A website containing videos of the author discussing his research conclusions and other vital information has been created at: Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention — but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010. Quoting the author, the event will "occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever." ********** Bloody Gourd May Contain Beheaded King's DNA wired - Sick of taxes, a lack of rights and living in poverty, French revolutionists condemned Louis XVI to the guillotine on the morning of January 21, 1793. After a short but defiant speech and a menacing drum roll, one of the last kings of France lost his head as a crowd rushed the scaffold to dip handkerchiefs into his blood as mementos. Or so the story goes. Lending new life to the demise of Louis XVI, scientists performed a battery of DNA tests on dried blood inside a decorative gunpowder gourd that purportedly contained one such handkerchief. The results, described Oct. 12 in the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics, show the blood belongs to a blue-eyed male from that time period: a possible dead-ringer for the executed king. "The next step is find a descendant either of the king or his mother," said Davide Pettener, a population geneticist at the University of Bologna in Italy who helped with the analysis. "Otherwise we'll have to try to get a sample of the dried heart of Louis XVI's son." The son was Louis-Charles, known as the Dauphin (heir to the French throne) or Louis XVII, and he died from illness or poisoning at age 10 more than two years after his father was executed. His heart is kept in a crystal vase in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Denis on the outskirts of Paris. "It's going to be very difficult to obtain permission from the French authorities, but we may try," Pettener said. An anonymous Italian family who've owned the gourd since at least 1900, possibly the late 1800s, approached one of Pettener's colleagues to do the genetic analysis. Before the family obtained the gourd, it allegedly was a gift to Napoleon Bonaparte, who became First Consul of France in 1799 and Emperor in 1804. "It's a very strange story," Pettener said. "We thought it was a joke at first because we work on population genetics. But we realized it's very important from a historic point of view." Louis XVI execution gourdThe gourd, presently valued at about 500,000 euro ($700,000), is emblazoned with key figures of the French Revolution and bears an inscription that reads, as translated from French into English by the researchers, "Maximilien Bourdaloue on January 21st, dipped his handkerchief in the blood of the king after his beheading." There was no handkerchief in the gourd when the scientific team received it, but there was plenty of dried blood inside to scrape out five small samples. Two laboratories performed three kinds of DNA analysis: One probed the Y chromosome (inherited from the father), another scrutinized the HERC2 gene (associated with blue eyes) and the last examined the DNA in mitochondria (the powerhouses of cells, which are inherited from the mother). The tests showed the blood belonged to a blue-eyed man with a rare genetic makeup and not to an animal, nor to anyone in the laboratories, nor the gourd-owning family nor or any one of tens of thousands of people in genetic databases. Pettener added that the blood is also "quite old," making a forgery more unlikely. "A match on the Y chromosome of the Dauphin will immediately authenticate the blood as belonging to the king Louis XVI," Carles Lalueza-Fox, a biologist at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and lead scientist of the analysis team, wrote in an e-mail to "In any case, even with this information, we have historical evidence that this gourd could in fact contain the blood of the king." ********** Woman on Trial in Bizarre Collar-Bomb Case thestar - PITTSBURGH,PA - All but anonymous in life, Brian Wells now has his own Wikipedia entry, and a bootleg TV news video of his grisly demise by a time bomb strapped to his neck is available online. Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong is accused of masterminding a 2003 bank robbery plot that ended with the death of the 46-year-old pizza deliveryman. Prosecutors say Diehl-Armstrong needed money from the robbery to pay a hitman to kill her estranged father. She's accused of arranging for someone else to order pizzas, rig Wells with the bomb, force him to rob a bank and, afterwards, stop the time bomb. Wells took $8702 but state police caught up with him. He died, waiting for a bomb squad and shouting to troopers: "I'm not lying! I'm not doing this! This isn't me!" Defence attorney Douglas Sughrue has a tough job awaiting him in the upcoming trial. Diehl-Armstrong has admitted killing two lovers. Kenneth Barnes, 56, is serving 45 years in prison after pleading guilty to his role as the would-be hitman. Diehl-Armstrong's trial was delayed for months when it was determined she was mentally incompetent in July 2008. She has since been deemed competent, but pre-trial court documents suggest Dr Robert Sadoff, a past president of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, will testify she was too preoccupied with her then-boyfriend's murder and the plans to kill her father to devise the bank robbery plot. In 2005, Diehl-Armstrong pleaded guilty but mentally ill to killing William Roden, 45. His body was found at the home of William Rothstein, who is alleged to have crafted the collar bomb, ordered pizzas from a pay phone to draw Wells to a dead-end road and forced Wells at gunpoint to wear the bomb. Sadoff filed a report last month saying Diehl-Armstrong "participated to the extent she did in order to achieve her goals and not because she was part of a willing conspiracy to rob the bank and to kill Mr Wells. She had no reason for doing that, as she had money to pay for what she wished to have done (having Barnes kill her father)." ********** Before Lara Croft....Before Indiana Jones Once known around the world as "Jungle Jane" and "the most glamorous travel writer in the world," Jane Dolinger authored seven nonfiction books of exotic adventure, a novel about bullfighting, and more than 1000 magazine, newspaper, and tabloid articles spanning the 1950s through 1990s. Jane and her equally adventurous husband Ken Krippene looked for exciting story ideas all over the world. Not merely a travel writer in the conventional sense, Jane frequently lived under the most primitive conditions in the remotest locales, sometimes depending for months on the hospitality of wary and unpredictable native peoples. Jane was also a model and celebrity, a glamorous liaison between the Western world and the wild jungle she loved so much. Jane Dolinger Greetings! Click for the PDF file - Before Lara Croft, Before Indiana Jones |
The Invisible Extraterrestrial Hypothesis Posted: 13 Oct 2010 07:59 AM PDT I recently started to examine the invisible extraterrestrial hypothesis after a friend and colleague experienced two very unusual and similar events. Many of you have seen the 'Predator' series films and are familiar with the cloak technology used by the extraterrestrial in the film. Basically, the alien being is hidden or invisible even though a matrix outline of the alien being can still be detected. Over the years I have read a few witness statements of similar sightings though I mostly discounted the reports. Now, I have anecdotal evidence from a very reliable witness that there is an actual phenomena that may be associated with non-terrestrial beings including the possible use of a time portal or interdimensional travel. I am currently examining earlier cases and other available information for a report I plan to publish. I would like to read your opinion on this topic. Please forward your response to - Reader Challenge. I would appreciate well written detail of your theory and experiences so it can be published on 'Phantoms and Monsters'. I plan to periodically ask some of the more intriguing alternative questions to my readers so they can respond, share and learn with others. Thanks...Lon Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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